Call for faith-based NHS services
The NHS should provide more faith-based care for Muslims, an expert says.
Muslims are about twice as likely to report poor health and disability than the general population, says Edinburgh University’s Professor Aziz Sheikh.
Ostensibly based on an article in the British Medical Journal, Should Muslims have faith based health services?, BBC Views Online quote Professor Aziz Sheikh at length. Near the end of BBC Views Online’s report they throw in a few quotes to the contrary from Professor Aneez Esmail.
What the Beeboids don’t make clear is that the BMJ article is actually a two part head-to-head article, with Professor Aziz Sheikh in the first part arguing for the proposition and Professor Aneez Esmail in the second part arguing against, both at some length.
Worse than that, what BBC Views Online fail to point out is that Professor Aziz Sheikh is a former chair of the Muslim Council of Britain’s Research & Documentation Committee and led the launch of the MCBDirect project – so is clearly interested in the promulgation and promotion of political Islam.
Not surprisingly, the BMJ, a professional publication, quite properly notes:
Competing interests: Aziz Sheikh chaired the research and documentation committee of the Muslim Council of Britain from 2002-6. He is currently principal investigator on a Scottish Executive supported grant investigating the end-of-life care needs of South Asian Sikhs and Muslims in Scotland.
Funny that the BBC should omit that.
Hat tip to commenters Chuffer & Pounce
Just another attempt to create a muslim colony in the U.K.
Funny that there’s other minorities – pagans, for instance – who would also have a perfectly legitimate claim similar to the one being made here, yet no word from them… fishy.
AntiCitizenOne – agreed. This is the first step to forming Muslim only hospitals. Inch by inch by inch …
You see, this is the trouble with all those PC regualtions and laws, and namby-pamby cosseting of Muslims by the oh-so-afraid British Government. If these damn ignorant and really backwards (socially, educationally, and otherwise) Muslims want sacred NHS treatment, and single-only swimming pools, and special prayer areas then they should try remembering that Britain is a predominantly Christian country, and get their arses back to Saudi Arabia and so on where they can practise their backwards attitude and life and ignorance in freedom. If they are Christain in the dictatorship of Saudi Arabia, then they will be arrested for trying to practise their religion.