
I’m a little pressed for time at the moment, but I prefer blogging to working can just spare a moment to post some links. Some are things I have seen around the internet, some are emails from readers.

  • “Like Dresden, But With Cows.” – the escalating bovine security crisis in Somalia is covered by House of Dumb
  • My old barber is as biased as the BBC – Daniel Finkelstein in the Times. (I’ve just spotted that my colleague Andrew covered this at more length below.)
  • The following email comes from a Thai reader. I don’t claim to know very much about the situation in Xinjiang discussed in the BBC story, and am no admirer of the Chinese government, but was interested to hear this reader’s view, particularly as it relates to Thailand.

    hello from thailand. i like your blog very much; know i have a refernce to support my gut feeling about bbc for so long now time.

    This story is worth pointing out to you if you have not seen it

    China ‘anti-terror’ raid kills 18

    waging a campaign

    Is it not the Muslim separatists who are waging a campaign?

    but human rights groups say the Chinese authorities are using the fight against terrorism as a way of cracking down on the independence movement and suppressing religious freedom.

    What are the names of the “Human Rights” groups they mention? Who are they and what is their relevance? Why is it wrong for a country to suppress an independence movement seeking to overthrow the government? Why does the BBC consider people armed with weapons and sowing terror to “religious” people? Or are we just supposed to believe China is picking on Muslims because it has nothing better to do?

    Chinese crusaders?

    Uighurs worried about Chinese immigration and erosion of traditional culture

    This is the same excuse that BBC puts at the bottom of every article dealing with Islamic terrorists fighting to carve away a separate Sharia state in other countries. Every BBC article about Islamic terrorism here in Thailand ends with the same note. It is intended to imply that there is some justification for the terrorism and thereby excuse Islam as the motivating cause of the violence. BBC clearly has a pro-Islamic, anti-Christian-Jewish-Buddhist-anything other than Muslim bias that no one seems to want to talk about.

  • Alan writes:

    Suggestion: that BBBC reviews new books on BBC –

    1.) Robin Aitken ‘Can We Trust the BBC?’ (out 10 Feb); see Amazon for details.

    2.) Richard D. North ‘Scrap the BBC! : Ten Years to Set Broadcasters Free’ for details see Amazon, or the interesting site: Social Affairs Unit



  • David Hadley of This Brief Life of Sparks and A Tangled Rope writes:


    Why isn’t there a RRS feed at Biased BBC? With so may sites, blogs etc about I – for one – can only keep up with those with RSS feeds and I would like to keep up with Biased BBC.

    Guiltyguiltyguilty. Fiddling with computer stuff is a task that I hate so much that I actually prefer work in comparison. Nevertheless I will do something about this Real Soon …er… Soon.

    UPDATE: In the comments Hettie and Yaffle say that all Blogger blogs are RSS-enabled via Bloglines and Simon says that there is an RSS feed here, although for the latter link I am getting “Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet,” whatever that means.

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    8 Responses to Roundup.

    1. Hettie says:

      no rss feed? There is. BBBC gets updated using bloglines. And as far as I know all blogger blogs have feeds even if there’s no rss sign on the page.




    2. Simon says:

      The RSS feed is here:


    3. Yaffle says:

      AFAIK all Blogger sites are RSS-enabled. I get B-BBC via Bloglines no bother.


    4. Cleanthes says:

      Quite so – any respectable RSS reader ought to know where to find the feed when you give it main URL.

      I’ve been reading B-BBC via bloglines for 18 months.


    5. William says:

      Works perfectly:


    6. Chuffer says:

      What in the name of blazes are you lot on about?


    7. TPO says:

      Search me Chuffer!!!!


    8. Bitte Ente Werfen says:

      So when Muslims and alleged terrorists clash with the Chinese government, which denies independence to Tibet and Taiwan, suppresses internet search engines even, routinely abuses religious minorities (raping Falun Gong activists with electric batons etc) and carries out more extra-judicial executions than the entire world does legitimate ones, B-BBC decides that the Chinese government must be in the right so long as it’s fucking up Muslims. Nice to know what I’m dealing with here.