. The story is that last September a Conservative activist sent an email to the Conservative leader of Bradford City Council referring to the leader of Bradford Labour Party as a ‘cripple’ and a ‘reptile’. A mischief-maker then posted a copy of the email to the leader of Bradford Labour Party who is, needless to say, less than pleased with it.
So, Person A sends an email to person B insulting person C who gets to hear about it and isn’t very pleased. Wow. Happens all the time, even at the BBC I’m sure.
But here’s the thing, this relative non-story is currently, according to BBC Views Online, the fourth most important story in the whole world on the UK version of BBC Views Online’s top page!
Who the hell are they kidding? It’s a pretty ridiculous story, and if the political parties were reversed, it probably wouldn’t even make it on to BBC Views Online, let alone be a top story on the front page.
Start the Week 10th March 2025
Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…