, writing about the Molly/Misbah case on the Grauniad’s commentisfree, links to my piece below about the BBC’s blinkered coverage of this story, saying:
For some, the whole affair has been just the latest excuse to damn Islam wholesale and with it all Pakistanis and even to vilify the child. (Whatever you think of the point made by the original post here, the lowlife on the comment thread will sicken you. And I thought Big Brother contestants weren’t allowed internet access).
Whilst it is our clear policy to permit freedom of speech as far as reasonably possible, this does serve as a reminder to some of our more wayward commenters that what you say here is on public view over the long term and could be used to discredit the work of the Biased BBC team and of other more considered commenters.
Meanwhile, having read through the comments responding to Mr. Hill’s article, it seems to me that we’re not the only ones with the thorny issue of free speech to contend with.
Start the Week 10th March 2025