I haven’t seen or heard any reply from Peter Barron, editor of Newsnight, to the questions I asked him the other day, even though many others have posed similar questions on his blog.
I’ve just posted a reminder for Peter on his blog:
Hello again Peter, I know you’re a busy chap, but from the questions and comments here it is plain that a lot of people are interested in answers to the questions that I posed above. They’re perfectly reasonable and straightforward questions – can you spare me, the ~1,600 daily readers of Biased BBC and the rest of the tellytaxpaying public a minute to give us some replies please? Thank you, Andrew (Biased BBC).
To save scrolling down, here’s my original comment:
Hello Peter. You say: “I don’t rule out the possibility that it was simply a misjudgement”, which rather implies that it wasn’t you who made that judgement. Was someone else editing Newsnight on Friday? If we accept that the running order was ‘simply a misjudgement’, it still doesn’t explain why Michael Crick et al made so much out of the ‘cripple’ email non-story (a story based on a private email sent four months ago from a private individual (not even a councillor) referring to someone else as a cripple – a non-story even without the Ruth Turner headlines). Also, can you explain how this email came to be leaked? It was a private email between two people, so unless either of them leaked it themselves (unlikely), how did it come to be leaked to the BBC? Left-wing council employees perhaps? If it was leaked in this way, do you really think that ‘public interest’ would justify such criminality? Looking forward to hearing from you further, Andrew (Biased BBC).
Perhaps one or other of the Beeboids that follow Biased BBC will be kind enough to give Peter a nudge for us. Thank you!
Weekend 8th March 2025
“I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing…