said Rizzo the rat, as he was used to clean a window.
Heard on Radio 4 this evening at 7.20pm (quoted from memory):
“Hamas can now claim to speak for the majority of Palestinians. This means an end to the conflict is inconceivable without their involvement.”
The BBC’s unquenchable belief that conflicts invariably end by mutual agreement is kind of sweet really. Don’t take this as an endorsement of any particular course of action, but just as a matter of historical interest, I can think of quite a few conflicts that have ended without the involvement of one party. Or at least, where the involvement of one party was involuntary, and abrubtly terminated.
“Hamas can now claim to speak for the majority of Palestinians. This means an end to the conflict is inconceivable without their involvement.”
Looks like BBC hacks have made a choice as to which horse to back in the Palestinian race.
No doubt they see Hamas as the authentic voice of the Palestinians and Abbas as an Uncle Tom since he’s apparently open to overtures from the evil Americans.
They can’t see either Fatah or Hamas as terrorists since they’ve virtually excised the word (and therefore also the concept) from the BBC dictionary of the English language.
Funny thing is, they’ve been cheerleading for the Shia Hezbollah with great enthusiasm ever since the latest war with Israel – and Hamas are Sunni.
Hmmmm. Perhaps the fact that Hamas are implacable enemies of Israel trumps the fact that they are Sunni in the BBC’s warped worldview. I suppose it also helps that Hamas is in bed with Shia Iran. Perhaps the BBC sees the potential here for the burying of the Shia-Sunni hatchet and the consequent strengthening of the anti-Israel/anti-America/anti-Christian groupings of the Muslim world.
Maybe someone should ask BBC hacks exactly where they stand on this issue as they emerge from the mosque afer Friday prayers.
Al-beeb may actually be right just this once. Hamas is indeed the choice of the people, but that does not mean that the government is democratic. Hamas may someday have a truce with Israel, but never a peace. Notice how al-beeb, and to be fair, all the other so-called experts manage to lambast Israel for witholding Palestinian tax revenues, but never bother to question the whereabouts of the millions secreted away by Arafat and his cronies. Some of that loot would go a long way to solving a few problems.
Too True. The BBC wont question its masters.
All conflicts end with musual agreement. One side says “I give up” and the other side nods in agreement. Then shoots them.
Oh, crap, that should be mutual. Can I impose my license fee on everyone now?
Actually I thought the programme you heard a snatch of was pretty fair and balanced.
At one point a Palestinian was being economical with the truth – saying Hamas only started using suicide bombers after Baruch Goldstein went postal in the Hebron mosque.
The beeboid jumped in to point out that Hamas had been using suicide bombers for a year before that. Well spotted, that beeboid.
You can listen again at