The Rottweiler Puppy on the BBC, corporations and the environment, citing this BBC report.
“Really, this isn’t journalism. It’s caricature, demonisation.”
The Rottweiler Puppy on the BBC, corporations and the environment, citing this BBC report.
“Really, this isn’t journalism. It’s caricature, demonisation.”
The BBC? The environment? Global warming?
I’ve just been watching the 1pm news on BBC1. The Corporation’s ecologically aware response to the blanket of snow covering much of the Midlands and some of the South?
Why, send up a helicopter with a hackette on board who can babble about the ickle pwetty fields under all the wovely fwuffy white snow!
Colour me cynical – but this IPCC report smells to high Heaven of politics and not science.
In fact it reminds me of that other non-political report by the Lancet.
Also on the one o’clock news the newsreaders questioning of a headmaster seemed somewhat aggressive. Apparently he had closed his school this morning rather than announcing it last evening. Was it her kid’s school and she was put out at having to arrange child care? Or was she using the old BBC trick of making a snowman out of a snowflake?
Melanie Phillips has a good piece on the IPCC report with a link to the actual draft:
I keep seeing people whinging about the poor old polar bears but also saw somewhere that 1970 there were 5000, in 2005 there are 25,000!. Given the vast amounts of dosh being given to these independent researchers it is in their interests to scream loudly about this global warming thing. Can anyone explain why it is global cooling south of the equator and warming north?
Noel, colour me cynical but your response to the IPCC report smells to high Heaven of politics and not science??
Between the environmentalist religion and the free markets under any circumstances religion what chance have the rest of us got?
I did mention this article on this blog several days ago.
Sorry Jon if I missed it ! Please keep the comments coming in as they’re the lifeblood of the blog.
Cheers Laban – It was tucked away with 296 other posts though so its a bit hard to find. – its nice to see that other blogs as well as this one are also picking up the rubbish talked about “climate change” by the BBC
As far as polar bears are concerned I understand that those people who study them divide them into 13 groups of which 11 are either increasing in numbers or are stable. Guess which groups get all the media attention?
I used to be mildly sceptical on environmental matters. I now take as a default position that any “green” claim is likely to be either an hysterical exaggeration or a shameless lie.
And another thing…does that photo of the pavement scrawled with CLIMATE CHANGE KILLS strike anyone else as a photographer with chalky fingers?
The alternative to markets (i.e. voluntary exhcange for mutual advantage) is forced transfers from one to another.
The death toll in the previous century from state worship is more than 100 million.
Socialism kills.
Activist held under Terrorism Act:
‘Activist’ is the term the BBC uses to describe Islamofascists who behead girls in Thailand or Hamas suicide bombers. Perhaps they have realised that when you dilute your language to describe the vilest evil, you are unable to describe accurately those who haven’t yet reached such depths?
AntiCitizenOne – you are right, Socialism may kill tens of millions but it does so in a terribly egalitarian way.
Climate change? Sure it’s a good move to clean up pollution. But has the bbc never heard of the extinction of the dinosaurs; the coming and going of ice ages; millions of tons of volcanic gases; changes in the core and on the surface of the sun; the wobble and ellipses in the earth’s movements? There’s just too much science ignored by these reports. But when it comes to real, hard, precise measurement, you wouldn’t expect the licence-fee swallowers to understand!