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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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pounce – the quotation marks show the views to be the authors’ not the BBC’s.
Andy Tedd (exBBC) | 26.02.07 – 2:42 pm
Who is the author of the expression ‘Armageddon’ in the headline in my previous comment?
I can’t find a source anywhere in the actual ‘report’.
All those scientists may still be wrong
Martin Livermore is author of ‘Climate Change: a Guide to the Scientific Uncertainties’, published by the Centre for Policy Studies
Storm Track Infiltration: European Multiculturalism in Disarray Over Islam
Watch out for Islamist hackers, as this article indicates:
“Cyberspace as a combat zone: the phenomenon of Electronic Jihad” (1 Mar.) (Scroll down).
Beeboid cannot compute:
Twice this morning (7.25am and 8.35am) Montaquinn has tried to get an American climate scientist to blame Bush. Twice he would not play. What the Today team fail to understand is that some scientists actually study the science, and do not see every issue as a lever to demonstrate that Bush is a dumbass right wing crusader.
Biodegradable | Homepage | 01.03.07 – 1:13 am,
Yes, they were pushing the Israeli Eurovision song endlessly on the World Service throughout the day yesterday – obviously delighted to be able to portray Israelis as warmongers.
And they were repeating this same phrase:
Push the Button is widely thought to be a response to Iran’s nuclear ambitions and the Islamic republic’s fiery president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
“Widely thought” by whom exactly? By BBC fantasists? Israel Broadcasting Authority had a radio interview with one of the band members – who was asked the precise question of whether the song was a response to Iran. (Media idiocy knows no bounds). He said that it was not aimed at any specific country but at nuclear war in general.
The BBC, of course, could have ascertained that simple fact with a phone call. But it never lets the facts get in the way of a good story.
South Africa’s 702 Talk Radio station was hugely popular throughout the nineties as the country shed Apartheid. Now 702 has branched out to the Middle East, establishing itself in Ramallah and calling itself 93.6 Ram FM.
The station’s owner and manager held a press conference in which they claimed to have helped hasten the demise of Apartheid by bringing the races together through the medium of talk radio and claimed to be able to help settle the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – though the owner hastened to add that he was not comparing Israeli policies to Apartheid.
So I tuned in yesterday. Much boring, cloned light pop and soul music interspersed with newscasts and silly chat about the weather. Then the newsreader informed us that a Palestinian spokesman had said that the IDF had arrested 50 children between the ages of 10 and 14 in Nablus.
I had to laugh. 93.6 has only been broadcasting for a few days and already they are swallowing Palestinian lies whole.
Well, maybe they’ll learn how easy it is to become a propaganda arm of the PA. They say it will take about a year before they start their talk radio show. Why so long, I have no idea. But listening to callers will be a good way to educate themselves about this conflict.
Last night veiwing typified why the BBC fails the British public in CA reporting.
Wed 28th 7:00 -8:00 pm The Generals War.
“Documentary following NATO’s commander in chief General Richards in Afghanistan as he assumes command over 12,000 American troops and 20,000 NATO soldiers on the frontline of the War on Terror”.
(BTW-The US is a member of NATO-
Nothing wrong with the documentry per se- I even applaude the attempt to inject honesty into the debate.
For those who did not see it,this follows General Richards through the last months of his tour,as he tries to negotiate his way through the beaucratic jungle that is ISAF,with the occational flying visit from the PM.
We also get to spend time with a Canadian unit as it tries to conduct civilian/military operations near Kandahar.
Dispite the dull narration (provided by Jason Issac) somes sceans were utterly revealing,providing that rare insight to the realities of “peacekeeping”.
Everything that Clausewitz, discibes as “friction” was shown in stark detail.
Endless diplomacy to keep Allies on board, highlighted in his dealings with the German Italian and Spanish commands.
The lack of resources (including a reserve?) for the support of the Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT),the fraustration of the lack of clarity in the mission.
Bad weather,poor geography (very mountainous with small scattered comminities) and poor communications (the few roads that are in use are mined).
A foe who are so embedded, and who’s mastery of psycological warfare (beheading,suicide bombings,assasination) and knowledge of the area makes them dangerous foes.
A task which is emormously complex at a time when the West is at a crossroads on wether the stratigic policy should be “defensive” or “offensive”,and at a time when Western political leadership is paralyised with partisanship and clear direction.
You would think that an issue of such national importance would be the topic of disscusion,seeing as the British Government are sending 1600 reinforcements to the area.
Look again.
BBC2 betwwen 7:00 and 8:00?
Prime time viewing?
In the “old days” this sort of documentry would be at the heart of our viewing with a debate to follow.
It would of also been a key documentry on the BBC World broadcasts.
CNN, FOX NEWS,CBS even NOS in the Netherlands has regular documentries of this type showing both Iraq and Afghanistan.
Al Beeb?
To my mind at least one “fair documentry” does not counter the cascade of ill informed reasoning that is much of BBC output these days.
BBC-Keeping YOU in the dark first.
So, if the girl converted to Islam (something a-Beeb doesn’t tell us) why does the BBC refer to her today as a “Jewish Israeli”?
Probably because Judaism is seen as a nationality as well as a religion.
In addition conversion is one of the areas left in the hands of the religious courts. Jewish rabbinical courts look after Jews. Islamic courts look after Muslims. The rare case involving mixed family or Muslim to Jewish / Jewish to Muslim conversion is a grey area.
Neither Islam nor Judaism (in the Orthodox form recognised in Israel) accepts conversion away from the religion (apostasy). Islam imposes a death sentence while Judaism treats religion as genetic. If you are born to a Jewish mother you are Jewish forever, no matter what you do.
If the BBC had used a more precise description such as ‘formerly Jewish’ or ‘ex-Jewish’ we wouldn’t be having this discussion but neither would the BBC have a story.
The West Bank they talk about here was controlled by Jordan until Israel took it back in 1967 – which by the way is closer to 30 years than 40
I’m sorry to sound like J.R. here but the period is almost 40 yrs. 2007 minus 1967 equals 40.
IngSoc is Doublethink | 01.03.07 – 10:16 am
BBC2 betwwen 7:00 and 8:00?
Prime time viewing?
Have you seen the song the Israeli’s have chosen to be their Eurovision entry this year ..
I can’t wait to see how the Beeb will handle it – Perhaps Terry Wogan will have a Hamas co-presenter 🙂
The BBC have already handled it, portraying Israelis as warmongers and entirely missing the point the musicians are making.
See further up this thread.
Ahh….from out the woodwork comes JR.
Now seeing as BBC 1 is your “flagship” and that most people settle down to a bit of telly between 8:00-10:00 wouldn’t that have been the time to put this on?
Instead we get offered such informative delights as:
7:00 pm Holiday
7:30 pm Real Story
8:00 pm Seaside Rescue
9:00 pm New Street Law
10:00 pm BBC Ten O’Clock “News”
10:35 pm The National Lottery Draws
10:40 pm Does Africa Need Ade…Edmondson?
Indeed does Britian need Ade Edmondson?
But I’m sure JR can explain the reasoning…
And while you are at it JR…..what possesed the 10 O’Clock Folly to show us starlings in flight…..
I know the UK is sleep walking into socalism,but you needn’t be so obvious?
BTW Anon was me.
Listen to the Absolutism & Certainty in the introduction to this piece on Climate Chenge.
Although the science is inconclusive, at the BBC they KNOW whos caused climate change.
This is religious fervour
Stephen Glover: Show me a global warming zealot and I’ll show you a hypocrite
“The town branded too white and too British” (1 Mar.)
Isn’t this racism against whites?
(Perhaps Al Beeb will tell us the ‘liberal/left’ truth.)
deegee: If you are born to a Jewish mother you are Jewish forever, no matter what you do.
Except when you convert.
My sister in law is one of these “media types” that has swallowed this horse-shit.
She praises the virtue of “ecologically aware” and of doing “something about the enviroment”.
But she simply couldn’t explain why Al Gore flew to London to have a chat with his ol’buddy Branson about “running an ecologically sustainable buisness”…
Especially when I reminded her of “new technology” like the telephone,inter-net fax etc etc…
“Oh yeah” she replied angryly-“At least HE will plant a tree when he flys…..”
I’m sorry to sound like J.R. here but the period is almost 40 yrs. 2007 minus 1967 equals 40.
deegee | 01.03.07 – 10:40 am
Arithmatic isn’t my strong point late at night 😉
I understand that a Jew can never cease to be a Jew, even if he wishes to, but I believe the BBC deliberately prefers Jewish over Israeli to make its point – see my previous posts about the 400,00 (sic) “Jewish settlers”.
In this case its part of the tactic to place as much blame as possible on Israel for the mixed couple’s decision to leave for Europe, whereas the truth is that even though she has converted to Islam not only is she not accepted, she’s threatened, by the “Palestinians”.
If the BBC had bothered to tell us that she’d converted the Arabs would not come out of the report so rose-scented.
Bias by omission, its what we do.
Socialism how could we live without it:
“Full scale of NHS cutbacks revealed”
The full scale of impending hospital closures was laid bare last night as it emerged that three out of four trusts are already restricting patients’ access to treatment as they battle soaring deficits.;jsessionid=MT0EKQPZARBWRQFIQMFCFGGAVCBQYIV0?xml=/news/2007/03/01/nhosi01.xml
Probably because Judaism is seen as a nationality as well as a religion.
No, sorry. Judaism is the religion, Israeli is the nationality.
In Spain, where I live, “Judio” (Jew) sounds very much like “Jodido” (f*cked, as in f*cked up).
To call somebody a Jew is an insult. News reports, among the most biased in the world outside of Arab countries, often talk about the “Jewish army”, “Jewish tanks” and so on.
Why? Because anything Jewish is bad.
The BBC uses Jewish rather than Israeli for pretty much the same subliminal reasons.
Remember the girl is described as “Jewish Israeli” – that’s two nationalities?
Ingsoc etc writes:
“And while you are at it JR…..what possesed the 10 O’Clock Folly to show us starlings in flight…..”
I can’t agree with you, I’m afraid. A little more of that sort of thing and a little less navel-gazing about ZaNuLabour’s tedious internal politics would’t come amiss.
I happen find birds rather boring – but it is worth noting that the RSPB is probably Britian’s most successful charity.
For once, Auntie got it right.
The BBC and its hatred of the US and half a story;
Eviction village: A farmer’s tale
A village near Pyeongtaek in South Korea has become subject to an eviction order to allow for an expansion of the neighbouring US army base, Camp Humphreys. The government has offered compensation to the villagers of Daechuri – mostly farmers in their 60s and 70s – many of whom have accepted the offer and left the village. However, there are those who have refused to leave their homes, saying that the compensation is not enough and their livelihoods are at stake. An elderly farmer tells the story of the village’s struggle for survival in an area that has been home to foreign troops since Japanese colonial rule.
Oh those bad Americans. According to the above it is they who are kicking out these poor Koreans who become very sick at the mere thought of Americans. Add a touch about how Korea has been occupied by foreign troops and how an American soldier raped her brother’s wife. Oh please BBC I didn’t see you reporting as such when Mugabe evicted the locals or when Angola did the same but as soon as the US is involved then the knives are out.
Funny enough in the above diatribe the BBC doesn’t mention why the US are in Korea or for that matter why there is a camp being built in Pyeongtaek. But just in case the BBC clones don’t know. The US is currently scaling down in Korea from 41 installations to 10. This means that 2/3 of all land currently in use by the US will be handed back to the Koreans. And something else the BBC kind of omitted is that when the US mentioned this move back in 2004 NK declared that the relocation of the bulk of American forces out of the range of their guns was a declaration of an act of war. (Now I wonder who are really behind the protests)
The BBC and half a story.
Today’s news about the Jews:
Israeli troops in the occupied West Bank have pushed on with their search for militants, trading gunfire with armed Palestinians.
The West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is home to about 2.5 million Palestinians, land occupied by Israel during the 1967 war.
There are also more than 100 Israel settlements housing about 400,000 Jews.
Why not “The West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is home to about 2.5 million Muslims, land previously controlled by Jordan and occupied by Israel during the 1967 war.” ❓
“Islam is taking over, says Dutch politician”
“An anti-immigrant politician is making a meteoric rise with his call on the Dutch – once one of the most tolerant nations in the world – to stop Islam taking over Europe.
Geert Wilders, the 43-year-old leader of the Freedom Party, is convinced that governments are being forced to accommodate a ‘tsunami of Islamisation’ that is fundamentally incompatible with European social values”.
I have no objections to showing birds in flight,but my point is that the 10 O’clock news is ment to be a news-not an outake from one of Bill Oddie’s efforts.
News being this:
U.N. envoy talks to Hezbollah officials about captured Israeli soldiers
Democrats Split Over Iraq Approach
Or any number of stories…..
The BBC and ask a hijab.
Life in Chavez’s command economy
Toyota’s Venezuela unit will halt production for 15 days beginning March 1 because the government has not sold it enough dollars to import the components it needs
Toyota Venezuela Planning and Marketing Manager Felix Orta said in a telephone interview on Tuesday. “This is because we still have not received hard currency to produce the vehicles.”
The local bolivar currency is officially pegged at 2,150 per dollar despite a parallel market that currently trades around 4,000, aggravated by Chavez’s January announcement of a broad nationalization push.
When Googling the top BBC article on the Venezuelan currency was the usual Lefty knicker wetting topic of the decline in the $ should oil producers switch to pricing in Euros. The Left must think it would be “a good thing” for the Euro to appreciate & price European goods out of the US market (but then again perhaps there is no thought other than their perceived humbling of the US).
Compare and contrast these TWO
analyses relating to the murder of Hrank Dink of Turkey:
1.”Turkey’s nationalist hot- bed”
by Sarah Rainsford (1 Mar.)
(go to ‘news’ and ‘world news’ and feature: ‘Proud to be Turks’.)
Rainsford, after a reasonable start, fails on 3 major counts:
a.)there’s no context of modern Turkish history; b.)there’s not one single use of the word ‘Islam’ or ‘Muslim’; c.) she appears to put some credence on ‘poverty’ as a justification for murder.
2.)”Fitzgerald: The Murder of Hrank Dink” (21 Jan.)
This analysis:
a.) gives context of Turkish history;
b.) explains, extensively, the key role of Islam and Muslims; and
c.) does not give any credence to ‘poverty’ as a justification for
Just for a bit of light relief…
The Beeb gets bashed by the 9/11 ‘truth seekers’
The BBC and its anti American bias.
Without reading this story I knew that the Americans would be blamed.
Grenade found in sack of potatoes
A 74-year-old Italian woman was shocked to find a live grenade in a sack of potatoes she had bought at a market.
Officers detonated the grenade on Wednesday in a park in the town of San Giorgio Cremano. It is thought to have come from a farm in France.
The grenade had no safety pin and was still active. It is believed to be a type used by the US Army in Europe during World War II.
Yup the BBC blames the yanks again.
So I looked at the origin of this story (ANSA) and found a different report.
NAPLES (ANSA) – An Italian grandmother got a nasty surprise when she started washing a bag of potatoes Wednesday – clinking her knife against a lemon-sized WWII grenade. The 74-year-old, who bought the potatoes in a market near Naples, called the police who disposed of it in a controlled explosion.Bomb experts said the American-made grenade did not have its pin in but could have gone off if the granny had put it in the pot with the rest of the spuds.
American made in the original report as against used by American forces by the BBC.
My point. The US supplied nearly everybody (Allied forces) in the world with Arms during WW2. Yet the BBC feels fit to embellish it was the Americans at fault.
Granted not much of a story yet the BBCs death by a thousand cuts ensures that everybody who reads its news reports is sublimely brainwashed that America is Evil.
The BBC and how it defends the ‘N’ word simply because the Americans find it offensive.
Should racist word be rehabilitated?
As New York bans the use of the word nigger, BBC’s Kari Browne finds that when it comes to the small word with a long legacy, there are even divides within her own family. Nigger, or “nigga” as most young people pronounce and spell it these days, has been banned by the largest city in America. In a historic move, the New York City Council has publicly called on all residents, young and old, rich or poor, black, white, Asian and Latino to voluntarily stop using the word.
Does the BBC hate the US so much that it has to come to the defence of the ‘N’ word.
I cannot even believe that it quickly got a black person to put pen to paper in which to discuss this subject. I mean what next from the BBC an article on how we should rehabilitate the word ‘Paki’ I mean its not as if it is offensive but merely shorthand for Pakistani. Yet something tells me they won’t, neither will they defend the use of Wog, Pufter, Chink, Sand monkey, Coon, Arse bandit.. But hey because the Americans in the interests of good taste wish to ban the use of Nigger the BBC have to discuss the merits of their actions.
BBC all of the above terms are offensive, if people use them it is either to act big in front of their peers or to shock somebody. Political correctness has ensured that quite rightly such terms are no longer viable in our day to day interactions. To debate the question “are the people of New York justified in such a ban” tells me that the BBC is nothing more than a bigoted organisation which lost its way years ago.
To debate the question “are the people of New York justified in such a ban” tells me that the BBC is nothing more than a bigoted organisation which lost its way years ago.
pounce | 01.03.07 – 4:59 pm
Exactly. Even when America does something right the BBC looks for some way to say its wrong.
No debate invited here:
A proposed Nigerian law banning same-sex marriages is a threat to democracy, says Human Rights Watch.
BBC Radio 4, PM, and yet another example of the BBC’s pro Lib-Dem bias.
The lead story is over the EU allowing doctors to practise in the UK, regardless of their ablity to speak English.
And to whom does Eddie “silly” Mair turn for a party political comment? Not for the first time, a LibDem. And a LibDem alone.
In most cases (not just Beeb)
MORI Report: ‘Bring back the cane’ say parents.
“I wish we still had the slipper.” says Mr Biased BBC.
‘lorem ipsum’ tends to indicate the journo is summarising. So-called ‘Scare’ quotes if you like.
“lorem ipsum” indicates a direct attributable quotation.
Having said that the more Al Beeb blatantly push the LibDems (and boy do they) the more they drop in the polls…
BiodD wrote: Why not “The West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is home to about 2.5 million Muslims, land previously controlled by Jordan and occupied by Israel during the 1967 war.”
Or how about “…land annexed by Jordan in 1950 with British Approval and occupied by Israel during the 1967 war.”
etc etc
We could go back further than that, and it probably does merit one article on the BBC website.
Andy Tedd (exBBC):
In most cases (not just Beeb)
Andy Tedd (exBBC):
BiodD wrote: Why not “The West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is home to about 2.5 million Muslims, land previously controlled by Jordan and occupied by Israel during the 1967 war.”
Or how about “…land annexed by Jordan in 1950 with British Approval and occupied by Israel during the 1967 war.”
My complaint, as I’ve said before, is the use of “Jewish” where it should be Israeli, even according to the BBC’s own guidelines. If you’re going to call all the 400,000 settlers “Jewish” then please call all the 2.5 million “Palestinians” Muslims… and please don’t bother telling me there are also Christians there too… their numbers are falling and are insignificant anyway.
If Israeli=Jew then Palestinian=Muslim.
No need to go back as far as the British Occupation, all I’m asking is that the BBC ceases to push the lie that before 1967 the West Bank was “Palestine”, ie; an independant Arab state that has since been occupied by the evil Zionist Entity. It never was – something the BBC doesn’t deem neccesary to tell us.
The West Bank is currently considered under international law to be de jure a territory not part of any state.
See also:
(Your comment contains too many links and will not be added)
1948 Arab-Israeli War
On history relating to ‘Palestinian’ and ‘Arab’, see:
Hugh Fitzgerald:
“Metamorphosis” (25 Feb.)
Alan | 01.03.07 – 7:39 pm
And here:
And here:
BioD I’ve given you the link you need. If you see an article using ‘Jewish’ where you think ‘Israeli’ would be more appropriate then write to the BBC referencing that bit of the website and ask them to change it, giving your reasons why.
I’ve said, and JR elaborated, there are occasions when eg settlers may be settling for religious reasons, and actually be in conflict with the Israeli state, so it is important to have terms and so be able to distinguish.
But if you dont like it, challenge, you will either be given the reasoning behind it, or it will be changed if they agree with you.
That may actually do something about what people here perceive as ‘bias’.
I’m guessing the point of this blog is actually to try and do something?
Looks like I’ll be giving Question Time a miss again tonight. What used to be a genuine political debate, has turned into a dumbed down third rate “pebble mill at one”. Do we have no great political orators anymore – all of them seem to live in their own world very much dispatched from the real world.
There is now no honesty or passion in politics, it is now a damp squid.
Or maybe there is but the BBC don’t like honest debates anymore. Every single politician is now extremely hard to listen to without falling asleep.
Jon you cant blame the BBC for politicians being dull. Its the last thing they want.
On a different tack, some of you may find this amusing:
Try telling this guy the BBC is biased to the ‘left’ 🙂
I’m guessing the point of this blog is actually to try and do something?
Andy Tedd (exBBC) | 01.03.07 – 10:03 pm
You should be aware that several people, myself included have written complaints to the BBC on any number of issues. What makes you assume that we are not proactive? As an example, you might have noticed that pressure from Biodegradable got the usually impenetrable BBC to wake up to the fact that they should be indicating on their website that a complaint had been upheld by the governors against an article by Barbara Plett, the weepy Arafat fan.
I’ve had much less positive experiences on complaining to the BBC.
I’m sometimes fobbed off but generally just ignored. From my point of view, and that of many others, there’s a dry humour in the casual suggestion that one can simply complain to the BBC and get results.
Andy Tedd writes:
“But if you dont like it, challenge, you will either be given the reasoning behind it, or it will be changed if they agree with you.
That may actually do something about what people here perceive as ‘bias’.
I’m guessing the point of this blog is actually to try and do something?”
Have you ever actually listened to R4’s Feedback?
The BBC may quite possibly be the least responsive body to criticism, this side of Tony Bliar’s cabinet.