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“Dr Ali Pahlavan, the executive editor of Iran News – the only independent paper in Tehran”
yeah – its “independent” as long as it doesnt criticise the mullahs.
still no mention of the French Charles De Gaulle carrier group – who are actively collaborating with the American navy right now.
IngSoc is doublethink writes:
“I suspect the narrations are more to do with the continued self loathing of all things “Empire” (and a little dig at America as well, although you need IR goggles to see it) as well as a chance to lighten our wallets as well…..”
Indeed. As I went to bed last night, the BBC’s World Service was still blathering about the slave trade. And when I turned on R4 this morning… well, need I go on?
There is something both sickly gleeful and disturbingly masturbatory about the amount of coverage this issue has received from the BBC and it’s hard not to conclude, along with IngSoc, that there are more things at work here than mere history.
” GCooper | 26.03.07 – 12:38 pm |”
all this self flagellation is beginning to remind me of the Shia Muslim holiday of Ashura.
(warning: nsfw)
‘This is a lovely country’,7340,L-3380230,00.html
– any chance that the BBC report will report British football fans view of their trip to Tel Aviv?
Oscar, the likes of Katya Adler are biting their tongues trying very hard not to call Israel a ‘shitty little country’.
“We want to be the party of the Public Sector” Tory Shadow chancellor George Osborne.
Quite apart from the fact this is barmy, I would have thought it was right up al beebzera’s alley.
However when I looked I could not find it.
Either al beebzera is not as pro statist and New Dave as I thought, or even they realise that such a vote loser is best kept quiet.
Which is it?
Indeed I was wondering when we leading up to the argument about cash.
I’m all for holding a day of remembrance of all those who suffered in colonizing the New World. But again this is about money and not the real historical lessons.
That’s not the thing that is stomach churning in my book.
It really gets on my nerves this narration of self depreciation that the BBC of what our history and culture really is. My wife is Dutch and even she sees the abnormal “self hate” of all things “English”, “British” or any other combinations that pass as “social commentary’.
Pallywoods stock “English villian” as fleshed out nightly by Al Beeb.
“Do people think that low of themselves” when we sat down and caught the tail end of some 10 year old kid on crack getting an ABSO” article. We have social problems in Holland, but to see people so crushed and morally bankrupt is alien even in the underclass in the Netherlands.
Every night we get cheap UKTV and BBC programmes that are so low brow they have to compete with the Euro-trash TV .This only adds to the stigma of being “English” after a nightly run of Hotel Babylon, The Apprentice, and Little Britain or “hard hitting” infotainment shows showing UK parents out of control, and a soulless culture based upon sex, casual violence and alcohol …..yawn yawn yawn.
Perhaps you don’t see how much the BBC plugs itself during its programmes until you watch it in another language and culture. It is so insular and “Londoncentric”.
I have to watch Belgium TV for any decent documentaries
Time and again people from outside the UK are quite astonished at the levels of obnoxious behaviour that seems to be “English Culture”
If Americans are “fat, stupid greedy lazy imperialists” how do you think the rest of the world views the UK population by the prism of the BBC……?
Archduke: ‘i’m just throwing the Irish slave thing into the mix to show that slavery wasnt “racist” per se.’
At the time many Englishmen saw the Irish as a different race to them.
‘in fact the entire concept of “racism” – as in “my race is better than yours” is a consequence of the theories of social darwinism, that happened AFTER abolition.’
The concept of race is older than that for example Linnaeus classified human beings into four races in 1735 , as is the concept of one being better than the other which can be found in the works of people like Kant in the 1790s, sixty years before Darwin published his theories.
Good to see Baggie John asking the Tory front bench some questions!
I can see the Scots are going to be really impressed by Mr Cameron.
The problem is I’m swing voter who might, just might vote Conservative.
But not with a leader who talks like a Tony Blair clone without the brains?
You see I think Labour has outflanked Conservative High Command because Labour “psyops” (A la Guardian, and BBC) will “focus” the debate on his “experience and intellect”.
‘A serious leader for serious times’-god you can almost see it now.
Yesterday you could have had some heavy hitters talking about the state of our defence spending, or the importance of our relationship with the US through the UN.
Nope, nice wee chat about dear old William Wilberforce.
And a sound-bite about “bread and butter” issues. Even allowing for the pi*s poor prism of the BBC this is weak.
The “10 point” lead is pie in the sky because when ‘King Brown comes you can you better get used to a forth term unless the Tories start to f*cking grow up and get a grip.
Yes, but sadly slavery was thousands not two or three hundred years old.
The Romans made no racial bias as to who was and who was not a slave.
The Vikings happily took English people to be slaves as did the Barbary Corsairs.
Even the Egyptians holding the whole nation of Israel in slavery I’m not certain it can be said because it was racist.
The slave trade still exists today, but not I think on racial grounds.
Ther is no denying that Britain had a significant and poor role to play in the Transatlantic slave trade, though it was not alone, the Spanish, Portuguese and other Europeans were also in on it. Many many of the slaves were actually taken by other Africans or by Arabs – that goes unreported.
The slave trade was not down to me or any living relatives or as far as I can see from my extensive family history research any of my ancestors. What am I supposed to be apologising for?
Are we really saying Italy and Norway should apologise to us for enslaving our people?
Or Egypt apologise to Israel?
Beyond expressing considerable regret and sorrow that it took place in the first place (which I genuinely feel) and a heartfelt wish that all slavery is stopped immediately and not repeated in the future I fail to see what is expected to be achieved.
Or is this just more Al Beeb ‘how we loathe Britain stuff’?
On the cut price ‘Songs of Praise’ (two for the price of one) scam, the mild mannered Bishop of Lichfield (who blew the BBCs cover) got in a couple of sharp digs in his interview with Humphrys on this morning’s Today:
Bishop: I used it as a jokey illustration not always to believe what you hear or you see.
Humphrys: Well there is that. Were you having a go at the BBC then • were you critical of it?
Bishop: Ummm • I was saying that there’s a problem you know the apology from the Director General about Blue Peter. I was saying that the problem is if you’re all the time working in the media world, there’s the pressure on you to get the good story and there’s the danger that you end up with something that you’re happy with but you tell someone outside the organisation who isn’t a journalist – and they‘re really quite shocked.
Humphrys: Right. But you’re not shocked. You went along with it and you thought it made sense to do it that way and it’s a very good programme. Is that right?
Bishop: Yes, absolutely. But there are some things that do shock me. When journalists actually change stories and they’ve got a written statement in front of them and they change something •
Humphrys: Ah well ….
Bishop: But that’s a different area. But my remarks about the Songs of Praise were just lighthearted.
Humphrys: (sarcastic) And the other sort of thing NEVER happens at the BBC of course.
Bishop: Of course.
How many other professions would get away with joking about such a fundamental issue of probity – tantamount to an admission of guilt. Doesn’t it just show up the institutional arrogance of the BBC – “oh yes we tamper with a story if it suits us – all in the greater good don’t you know”
Quite right IiD.
I too am a floating voter seriously considering voting Conservative for the first time.
However with the new Dave and George show moving ever more to to the albeeb agenda I find myself floating back away from them…
Oh but Oscar….Humphries would never condone “journalism by assertion” either.
Sadly for Humphries my dislike of Humphries extends to the personal after that obnoxious art-reality-programme sometime ago (I can’t remember the name show) with Keith Allen and other very important people.
It was like a five year old stomping around being “cynical” (re-childish) and acting like a complete cnut.
Where as Paxo can be funny and thoughtful, Humphries has all the charm of lot of libellous things that I would not rather mention.
Oh and he isn’t that good either.
BTW-Humphries or Nightie in the obnoxious stakes. Humphries each time.
BTW-TPO, Baggie, Archduke, et al.
This situation in the Gulf.
Do you think this is gearing up towards an end game this spring or has the situation now have its own momentum and an even shorter period?
Because the usually shrill “voices” of the peace movement are strangely quite on the PR front.
I was just listening to the world at one on radio four. My jaw dropped when I heard them announce that the Lancet poll that ‘proved’ that 650,000 Iraqis have died since the invasion of Iraq was, in fact, absolutely correct, and not (as previously reported — though not by the BBC) flawed in any way, shape or form.
Their proof? Contradictory leaked e-mails from inside the government.
Buried at the bottom of the report on the BBC website — and obviously not mentioned on the radio — is the following:
What they singularly fail to mention is the degree of error involved.
“… has produced estimates far lower than those published in the Lancet”.
Iraq body Count, an NGO, States that the MAXIMUM figure of Iraqi deaths, due to violence, is 65,000. A factor of 10.
Don’t the BBC usually give far greater credence to anything that an NGO says, rather than the government — or is that just when they are to do with global warming?
I’m not saying either is right, or wrong — I’m not qualified to comment — but they disagree with each other by a factor of 10!
Come on.
The Guardians Comment Macht Frei has actually allowed in some positive comment on Israel’s big welcome to English footie fans – somewhat contradicting Katya (“shitty”) Adler’s obnoxious reporting:
Of course it’s attracted some apoplectic Israel = apartheid, Nazi, racist state, reaction, but on the whole the article is well received.
Blair – Iran has “days” to free soldiers
Today’s meetings followed Tony Blair’s warning last night that Iran has only a few days to find a diplomatic solution to the escalating crisis
to me , that sounds ominous. we could well be days away from air strikes on iran.
meanwhile on Al BBC turns itself into the broadcasting arm of Tehran
Seized sailors are ‘fit and well’ it cheerily states.
err.. no BBC. the IRANIANS have said that. since we have no access to the soldiers, why should believe anything that they say?
“ingSoc is Doublethink | 26.03.07 – 3:45 pm |”
i would think so. the timing right now, in terms of the climatic/weather conditions for aircraft are perfect.
the aircraft carrier groups are also in place.
secondly , the clock is ticking for blair and bush (both on the way out) – and i would think both would want to deal with iranian problem.
history wont look kindly on either, if their legacy is a nuke armed Iran.
i’m no conspiracy nut, but i also cant help wondering if a war with Iran would be a nice distraction for Blair and the cash-for-honours scandal.
toppling the mullahs of Iran would be a legacy as great as Thatcher/Reagan’s ending of the cold war. there are seriously high stakes going on here. a final roll of the dice so to speak.
The Telegraph leader:
I fully share the sentiments regarding Iran; here is a piece that shows why some many ‘floating voters’ get turned off by the Tories.
In case you have forgotten TB is also trying to bang Unionist and Republican heads, but let’s concentrate on the charges.
If TB is so “spineless”, “gutless” and “sneering”, why isn’t the Dave and George show showing the leadership qualities?
“Seized sailors are fit and well” – yeah – right. Reminds me of how inmates at Auschwitz were forced to send postcards home saying they were having a lovely time. Old Goebbels would be proud of the BBC Reich.
“At the time many Englishmen saw the Irish as a different race to them.”
the nation state as a concept didnt even exist back then. the divisions were purely along religious lines.
Protestant Irishmen were fighting alongside Cromwell. Opposing Cromwell were English Royalists, alongside Irish Catholic chieftains. sorry , but thats what the history was.
Oscar | 26.03.07 – 4:04 pm
Thanks for pointing that out, I tend to steer well clear of the Guardian’s CiF. It reads more and more like Stormfront.
I forgot to mention that something else from Katya Adler’s piece rang false to me.
She says:
This Euro 2008 qualifier will, according to the Israeli press, test the loyalties of English Jews who live here. Which side will they cheer for, the papers ask?
Now, I’ve only been able to search the Israeli online press, but I’ve found nothing at all along those lines. Did the Israeli press really discuss ‘divided loyalties’ or is it another case of the BBC inventing the news to suit its agenda?
Meanwhile at the politically correct, ruthless BBC:
“Newsreader Moira Stuart has been forced from presenting early morning bulletins, because she is too old, it was reported.
“The veteran broadcaster has blamed ageism at the BBC for her being removed from reading bulletins on Andrew Marr’s Sunday AM programme.”
” BBC axed me for being too old, says Moira ” (26 Mar.) (go to ‘TV and showbiz’)
I’m not so sure.
I think the impasse in Washington and the paralysis in London has prompted the hardliners to go for broke in Tehran.
I neither think Blair nor Bush need this, like you said they are in a weak position.
This, if I was to “red team” this, is the perfect time to start causing real problems.
In the last six weeks we have seen a change in the pattern of warfare in Iraq, reports of the IRGC convoys being hit, and all manner of chaos along the head of the Gulf.
But I wonder if the Iranians are making a push to finally crush the pro-Najaf Shia and the UK is getting in the way or the final roll of the dice.
I’m concerned because the people who seem to hold all the cards are the Iranian’s and this has a much darker hue than before……
or maybe IngSoc, the Iranians think they have all the cards.
there are rather a lot of aircraft carrier groups in the Gulf right now.
I suppose the sword is mightier then the pen.
And another example of money well spent:
Castaway Moved as audience falls.
Time to pull the plug on the Licence Fee…
“IngSoc Is Doublethink. | 26.03.07 – 4:47 pm ”
dont forget that Israel received a shipment of bunker buster bombs from the US last year as well. two amphibous landing battle groups – Bataan and Boxer – with contigents of about 2000 Marines on each, are also in the area.
not to mention the curious arrival of the French Charles De Gaulle battle group.
I certainly didn’t see anything in the Israeli press about divided loyalties – it’s the kind of thing that beeboids love but frankly is of no interest to Israelis. But Stephen Pollard wrote a good piece in the Telegraph about his colleagues making assumptions about his loyalties – so maybe Katya read that and decided to spin her own version.;jsessionid=FR0EXFWIGF30DQFIQMFCFFWAVCBQYIV0?xml=/opinion/2007/03/23/do2302.xml
Archduke: ‘the nation state as a concept didnt even exist back then. the divisions were purely along religious lines.’
Are you really suggesting that England wasn’t seen as a nation state by the 1700s? Also you’ll find that the Irish were viewed as a seperate race even before the split with Rome.
The problem with the BBC’s version of the transatlantic slave trade is that far too simplistic and based on a political version of history rather than reality.
From a Spectator article last year suggesting Bush will act against Iran before the end of his term:
“To Netanyahu, the rise of Iran’s extremist regime is the defining geopolitical event of our times; the whole world, not just Israel, is in its sights. Dealing with Tehran is therefore the West’s greatest challenge; he is scathing about many Europeans’ refusal to recognise the Iranian regime’s imperialistic and murderous ambitions. But to my great surprise he is absolutely convinced that America will soon step in, one way or the other, to prevent Tehran from going nuclear, and that this will happen at some point during the remaining two years and three months of the Bush presidency.”
AFter a quick search I couldn’t find anything from Israel on divided loyalties, but a certain obsession with it in the BBC – (in my view a sign of the creeping, subtle anti semitic message emanating from the Corporation) – a) British Jews aren’t ‘loyal’ b) loads of them defect to Israel
There’s a strong critique of BBC’s series: ‘The Trap’ at:
“What is really happening to freedom” (26 Mar.).
O/T but the Independent is so ridiculous that I must share this with you.
Front page of the print edition has
Darfur: Europe’s leaders respond to demands for action to stop the genocide
Now we’ll get some action! How did this come about?
Europe’s leaders .. 50th birthday celebration summit was thrown off balance by the unprecedented appeal from Europe’s leading writers for action. Darfur forced its way on to the meeting’s agenda after a coalition of European writers and intellectuals spoilt the self-congratulatory party with a devastating critique of the bloc’s failure to act to end the violence in the Sudanese province.
In a letter to the 27 leaders of EU states, published by The Independent, 10 of the continent’s leading writers and thinkers recalled the atrocities of Auschwitz and Srebrenica in their call for immediate action against the Sudanese regime and President Omar al-Bashir.
The signatories included Tom Stoppard, Seamus Heaney, Harold Pinter, Dario Fo, Günter Grass, Umberto Eco, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Franca Rame and Václav Havel.
The intervention had an immediate effect on Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, which holds the EU presidency, who called on fellow leaders to consider stricter sanctions against the government in Khartoum.
Carry on reading this tripe, will you find just what severe action was decided over the jelly & custard? No. So that’s business as usual for the EU (or Europe in Indyspeak).
No speculation on this from al beebzera, you would think they could not resist.
Hold on to your hats because if Iran don’t back off on the held soldiers and make concessions on the nuclear issue I expect military action within a short time, maybe a very short time.
I am almost expecting to hear of another British and or American task force arriving in the gulf at any time.
Would you want to be remembered as the government that stood by whilst Iran got the bomb?
I think the North Korean experience has taught western powers that would be unacceptable as a nuclear Iran would be just about the worst possible country in the world to have it, worse even than if Saddam’s Iraq had obtained it.
As president Bush still has powers for war that mean he would not be a ‘lame duck’ for the remainder of his term if this happened.
I hardly think Blair wants a war to hide the so called cash for honours affair, that goes too far, though it might be a welcome side effect.
He does seem obsessed by his legacy – Northern Ireland looks like being one result for him and the thwarting of a nuclear Iran I think he would also look upon as an important legacy.
It would also have the bonus of being left to Brown to clear up the Iraq-Iran-Afghan problem which as Blair regards Brown as once Atlee did his heir apparent I think might also appeal to him.
AFter a quick search I couldn’t find anything from Israel on divided loyalties, but a certain obsession with it in the BBC – (in my view a sign of the creeping, subtle anti semitic message emanating from the Corporation) – a) British Jews aren’t ‘loyal’ b) loads of them defect to Israel…ews/ 6486611.stm
Oscar | 26.03.07 – 5:26 pm
So it is as I thought – the BBC making it all up to provide a vehicle to legitimise Jew hatred.
Ashley Pomeroy pointed that ‘survey’ of Israelis out further up this thread and I was reminded of the ‘heavy water’ story on Newsnight:
It does seem that not content with anti-Israel biased reporting the BBC really has descended to the depths of out-and-out vilification, demonising and dehumanising, which as history has taught us is often the prelude for pogroms and attempts at the total genocide of Jews.
10 of the continent’s leading writers and thinkers recalled the atrocities of Auschwitz and Srebrenica in their call for immediate action against the Sudanese regime and President Omar al-Bashir.
The signatories included Tom Stoppard, Seamus Heaney, Harold Pinter, Dario Fo, Günter Grass, Umberto Eco, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Franca Rame and Václav Havel.
Hypocrisy of the most evil kind!
Most of those signatories are the same ones who condemn Israel and compare its treatment of the “Palestinians” to Nazi Germany, accusing Jews of exploiting the Holocaust for sympathy, yet they are more than happy to compare Darfur to Auschwitz!
Don’t get me wrong – of course I believe there should be immediate action taken to prevent the mass murder that is taking place in Sudan – I’m just sick of the same people who one day practically deny the Holocaust and accuse Jews of having a ‘Holocaust Industry’ now appealing to our rightful sense of horror at what happened then to condemn what’s happening somewhere else now.
Note also this BBCesque hypocrisy from ‘The Independent’:
Despite the scale of murder since the conflict began in 2003 – the US has described it as genocide – there has been no attempt to launch the kind of humanitarian intervention that saved civilian lives in Kosovo.
So, in this case the US calling it genocide is good and accepted without question. Contrast and compare with ‘The Independent’ or the BBC mentioning that the US sees Hamas as a terrorist organisation.
thanks for pointing me to the comments further up – I was away over the w/e. You’re right about the hypocrisy of the Independent and the ‘rent a signature’ mob – all grist to their careers, never mind the contradictions.
Oscar | 26.03.07 – 6:53 pm
Of course Harold Pinter is known as an idiot and self-hating Jew, but for Günter Grass to sign a letter that mentions Auschwitz has to be chutzpah of the highest order.ünter_Grass#Disclosure_of_Waffen-SS_Membership
On 12 August 2006, in an interview [1] about his forthcoming book Peeling the Onion, Grass stated that he had been a member of the Waffen-SS. Before this interview, Grass was seen as someone who had been a typical member of the “Flakhelfer generation”, one of those too young to see much fighting or to be involved with the Nazi regime in any way beyond its youth organizations.
On August 15, 2006, the online edition of “Der Spiegel”, “Spiegel Online”, published three documents from US forces dating from 1946, verifying Grass’s Waffen-SS membership. [2].
After an unsuccessful attempt to volunteer for the U-Boat fleet at age 15, Grass was conscripted into the Reichsarbeitsdienst, and then called up for the Waffen-SS in 1944. He was trained as a tank gunner and fought with the 10th SS Panzer Division Frundsberg until its surrender to US forces at Marienbad. At that point of the war, youths could be conscripted into the Waffen-SS instead of the army; this was unrelated to membership of the SS proper. Grass said [3]:
“It happened as it did to many of my age. We were in the labour service and all at once, a year later, the call-up notice lay on the table. And only when I got to Dresden did I learn it was the Waffen-SS.”
Joachim Fest, conservative German journalist, historian and biographer of Adolf Hitler, told the German weekly “Der Spiegel” about “progressive and left-wing” Grass’ disclosure:
“After 60 years, this confession comes a bit too late. I can’t understand how someone who for decades set himself up as a moral authority, a rather smug one, could pull this off.”
Laughing so hard I almost fell out of my chair! 😆
The current front page (International version) has the Northern Ireland story headlined in Arabic:
the link goes here:
Why should “English Jews” have divided loyalty – Isreal is a Jewish State but not every Jew is Isreali – its a pathetic anti-semitic remark by the BBC.
What if the BBc said Catholics had divided loyalty if their team play for example Rome. I don’t know if there is a team called Rome – its an illustration of how stupid the concept is.
Re. Archduke and Ralph.
My understanding is that the English are perculiar within European peoples for having a very early sense of nationality, one that possibly predates the Norman conquest and this sense of belonging to one nation went down to lowest levels of society.
The word “Welsh” comes from early English for “other” so there may be evidence for a sense of race linked to nationality in that. There is evidence that slavery was previlent in the west of England, where captives were easier to obtain, than in the east.
Perhaps we should apologise to the Welsh for this but then a significant proportion of them come from Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Yorkshire so maybe not.
The BBC and half a story.
Army fails ‘traumatised’ soldiers
Thousands of soldiers a year are going absent without leave (AWOL) because the army cannot cope with those suffering combat stress, the BBC has learned. A Panorama investigation has discovered that frontline trauma is one of the main reasons soldiers turn deserter
Here we go the BBC trying to sell the line that soldiers are on the run because they object to Iraq and Afghanistan tours.
BBC I’ve just spent 3 weeks at a unit that experienced 2 AWOLS.
1 was a week late from coming home from leave (He said he was involved in a car crash and couldn’t travel) The other decided to take a day off because he deemed losing his rest day entitled him to a day off. Neither soldier has been to Iraq or Afghanistan or is in line to in the foreseeable future.Yet according to the social scientists at the BBC the reason why soldiers go AWOL is they are fretting about going overseas. Strange as both the above soldiers are now back at camp.
What a load of horse manure, from somebody who was once classed as AWOL because British rail made him miss the Ferry to the Hook of Holland. What next from the mouthpiece of the Mullahs in Tehran. That 15 Kidnapped sailors are having the time of their life over there and don’t want to come back. Well that’s the impression I get from watching the BBC.
pounce – this is not the first time the BBc has tried to link desrtions to Iraq.
The BBC and defending the indefensible.
BBC defends early Easter filming
The BBC has defended its decision to film its Songs of Praise Easter special in November. The programme was recorded at the same time as the Christmas edition, at Lichfield Cathedral, Staffs, with changes in lighting and flowers. The Bishop of Lichfield said the early recording was not a “deliberate deceit” but would give “an air of unreality” to the Easter programme. A BBC spokeswoman said it was “common practice” to film two shows at once.
Common practice. Nah BBC it’s called laziness. You couldn’t be asked and you got caught.
UK Extremists ‘are encouraging violence against Muslim women’
Islamic extremists are fuelling the spread of “honour” based violence against women in Britain, the country’s most senior Muslim prosecutor has warned.
Nazir Afzal, the Crown Prosecution Service’s director for west London, said that foreign Islamic terror groups had been identified as the driving force behind one murder and another threat to kill.
He said that there were estimated to be about a dozen honour killings in Britain each year –
Ref the BBC’s current obsession with reparations to Blacks for ill done to them during slavery. How about the BBC is made to give up 2 Billion a year towards foreign countries. I mean it would ensure that everybody in the UK paid. (Hell I’m of Indian stock but I would agree to that) It would be painless to the British population and the BBC could achieve this by simply re-running a few programs. (And nobody would even notice)