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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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cant say any more.
archduke | 24.03.07 – 1:15 am
I won’t ask. I just hope he passed away peacefully in his bed 😐
yeah – he wasnt a “mister big”. just some old fella down in the south. defunct IRA brigade. and then all of sudden the CIA turned up with arms shipments. 1960s. interesting shit went on over there , that you folks in the UK wont hear about for another 50 years.
bascially , the deal was, was that your government was serious threat to the security of the free world. and something had to be done. thus, you got the IRA splitting into the Provos and the Marxist “Officials”. that was all part of the anti-Brit American plan. well, not anti-Brit per se, but more in conjunction with MI5 to keep the socialist scum in the Brit government distracted from the wider bigger anti-Soviet stuff going on.
the Yanks really didnt like Wilson – he didnt send troops to Vietnam, unlike the Aussies, so they took that at face value. they gave him something back to worry about.
i’m talking too much about this so i think i’d better shut up.
and leading on from that – ever wonder why the Tony Benn lunatic left are so over-the-top anti-American now? dig around the Ireland thing and you’ll find the answers. a lot of shit went on. an awful lot. Wilson wasnt wrong. He wasnt paranoid. It happened.
30 years on, we end up with Al Jazeera BBC. Thats the lunatic lefts response to those events.
Ok I’ll accept the fact that the BBC is in bed with Bill Gates. But must they go out of their way in which to castigate ‘Sony’ for bringing out the Sony Play station 3
“I just hope he passed away peacefully in his bed 😐
Biodegradable | 24.03.07 – 1:17 am |”
he did. and got buried with full military honours. bit shocked myself (i was just wee youngster at the time) at the amount of Dublin politicians that turned out for it. as i said, i dont think the full story will come out for another 50 years.
” pounce | 24.03.07 – 1:36 am |”
thats cos Gordon “pick my nose” Brown loves Microsoft. and we all know how the Microsoft powered NHS IT systems are going swimmingly well.
No doubt , they’ll run the national ID card systems on Windows Vista, thereby giving the Al Qaeda hackers a field day.
ever wonder HOW a terrorist ended up with 9 UK passports? those Al Q guys hire out – to Russian hackers mostly, for large sums of money.
the minute you hear “government database” – just think “enormous security hole that terrorists can take advantage of”
oh in case you missed it . here’s Polyphemus, err. ahem.. Gordon Brown, picking his nose and eating it…
The BBC and how it defends its masters;
Pakistani fans struggle with bad news
Asad Mahmud Khan, a traffic patrol officer on M-1 motorway to Peshawar still can’t believe team’s Saturday defeat. “What can you say? They lost to Ireland, of all the people. Bob died of shame.”
Really BBC and i suppose he just wrapped his hands around his neck until he passed out.
yeah, the wrapping your own hands around your neck is a bad move alright.
especially when you have several irate Pakistani’s who have lost enormous bets on the game in your room.
might as well self-murder yerself.
Em Thomas: showthre…3984#post313984
We see the moderate Muslim friends of the BBC are reacting in a typically moderate way to the Iranian soldier kidnap story…
Em Thomas | 23.03.07 – 11:50 pm | #
I think the BBC should report these attitudes to the British public.
So that everyone can see just how hateful the ROP is.
Can anyone imagine that this would have been tolerated during the second world war.
All those at the BBC who read this blog take note of the people you are defending. For example
Posted by “Re-born Jihadi of London & Cambridge”
“I guess you are right…..maybe they ought to keep them until a day arises where they might be needed…as bargaining chips…
Personally, I would air-drop them….without any weapons….into Ramadi….then see how they like it”
Read some others they talk of “the Brits” or “British” – these are the very people that NuLabour want us to embrace into our society, to encourage them to join our armed forces, police and local government. The enemy within. Personally anyone who takes this attitude towards their “adopted” country should be put on the first plane home.
Jon | 24.03.07 – 2:39 am
No question of ‘divided loyalties’ there BBC?
watch that “blood diamond” film folks. and then wonder why its all new to you.
and then you’ll start wondering why Pallywood is more “important” than Africa. Africans , as far as i can see, dont want to destroy us. Pallywood says “death to america” all the time. watch that film. it’ll open your eyes.
oh – i’d like to add. thanks to the wonders of bittorrent, i’m now watching that film. if you want instructions on how to do this, well, go elsewhere. its an awesome thing , this bittorrent stuff.
Under ‘news’ (isn’t it time the Beeb got themselves a proper Op-Ed space?), Darshan Bijur, apparently a new BBC correspondent who’s also the Director of Islamic Finance Advisory at KPMG, explains about the wonders of Sharia finance.
‘Sharia’ is mentioned 12 times in this one article.
The chancellor has not only created the framework for London to emerge as the leader in the global Islamic finance industry but his changes are likely to be replicated in many other countries.
Islamic finance will move from being niche to the mainstream as a viable and valid financing option for all.
Get it while it’s optional. Looks like a free ad for GB, Islamic finance and Islam to me.
But Archduke, that’s theftery, getting bittorent films is theftery. You’re solicitating theft. ?
Re: Private Norris at the Palace
Well said, Dave T, you’re spot on. The BBC is lightening fast in reporting bad news about the armed forces e.g. drug abuse and so-called mistreatment of prisoners yet ignores good news like Private Norris. I, for one, am very proud of her and the other men and women who put their lives on the line for us in Iraq, Afghanistan etc. The whining, mealey-mouthed, hand-wringing apologists for terrorists and odious regimes at the BBC should hang their heads in shame. Did the modern BBC ever meet an enemy of Britain that it didn’t like?
“Publicly Funded Dhimmitude”
(by Hugh Fitzgerald, 23 March, on BBC spending £2000,000 to block a freedom of information request re- its reporting of the Middle East), (scroll down).
from the above,sounds like jeff randall.
What do I conclude from the experience? That the BBC is not deliberately biased. When you point out to them that they are behaving one-sidedly, they immediately try to make amends. Their bias, rather, is uncalculated, instinctive, natural. They don’t realise they’re doing it. But this is almost worse than studied partiality. The prejudice comes out when presenters are caught off-guard, just as you catch the rats scurrying when you flick the lights on without warning.
And congratulations to the american officer piloting the Lynx. They don’t give out MCs and DFCs for nothing. I bet there was plenty of sneering and many curled lips at Al Beeb over this story.
“You’re solicitating theft. ?
Ultraviolence | 24.03.07 – 5:55 am |”
a 800 meg AVI file is somewhat lower in quality to the multi-gigabye high definition version. (and for that matter somewhat different to the cinema version)
if i like the film, i usually go out and buy the DVD for my collection.
from the telegraph link above:
“So, what should we do about the BBC? Short of privatisation, there is one useful remedy. We should complain, loudly and aggressively, every time we catch the Corporation being lopsided. Believe me, they really will listen.”
why *not* privatise them? and also remove Ofcom rules on “impartiality”.
“The chancellor has not only created the framework for London to emerge as the leader in the global Islamic finance industry but his changes are likely to be replicated in many other countries. ”
Clearly, the beeb’s irony filter does not detect “weapons”
Argentina’s invasion, on 2 April 1982, followed friction between the two countries dating back to 1833, when Britain claimed the islands in the south Atlantic.
But the British government decided it would fight to reclaim them and Mrs Thatcher dismissed advice from defence officials who feared the islands could not be re-taken.
She ordered a task force to be assembled to fight a war 8,000 miles away from the British Isles.
The war claimed the lives of 255 Britons and 655 Argentines.
do we sense any moral equivalising again from the naked aggression by the Argies? The story also fails to mention the result of the war, which was that the governance of the islands was restored to that wished by the peoples of the islands…. kind of important, but the BBC omits any mention of that.
“decided it would fight to reclaim them”
err.. whats wrong with just
“decided to liberate them”?
and no mention of course that Argentina was ruled by a bunch of fascist thugs.
A new post on BBC bias at open europe
spot the missing word.
it begins with a “C” and was rather crucial to understanding where the abolitionists were coming from.
” Open Europe blog team | Homepage | 24.03.07 – 2:05 pm”
thanks for the interesting link.
puff pieces galore from the BBC, worthy of Pravda. on the plus side, the puffing is so blatant that the vast majority of people are now beginning to see through it.
More revisionism under the guise of examining ‘divided loyalties’. This time among what the BBC calls ‘so-called Israeli Arabs’.
This is really out of order.
… in this self-declared Jewish state theirs is often an uncomfortable existence.
archduke writes:
“from the telegraph link above:
“So, what should we do about the BBC? Short of privatisation, there is one useful remedy. We should complain, loudly and aggressively, every time we catch the Corporation being lopsided. Believe me, they really will listen.”
I think the Telegraph is entirely wrong. As we have seen here (posts from Reith et al ) the stock BBC response to criticism is to accuse the critic of being misguided, at best, or, more typically, deranged.
The problem is systemic. The people who work for the BBC in news and entertainment programme-making are (contrary to their claims) remarkably homogeneous: predominantly young, arts graduates with Left-liberal ideas.
As Jeff Randall’s quote suggests, the trouble is that they truly believe they represent the high point of civilised attitudes and that anyone who disagrees with is some kind of extremist, best patronised or ignored.
You can’t change systemic attitudes. They are not amenable to rational argument (as we have discussed here about the manifest inherent contradictions among Leftists).
The best you can hope to do is change the education system so that it no longer churns-out people whose capacity to think logically has been warped beyond use and, simultaneously, prevent the current generation from having cultural and political influence far out of proportion to their numbers.
Sadly, given the way things are, that means dismantling the BBC. Were you to sack the entire ‘creative’ staff and start again, their replacements would still come from the same Guardian-reading classes – their more enterprising contemporaries having gone off to get proper jobs in science, engineering, medicine, the law, commerce and the like.
It’s not only urban, gun-carrying, crack-smoking ‘yoof’ that constitute a lost generation…
Afternoon Chaps:
“My uncle was contacted by the CIA at the time. IRA quartermaster. Can’t say any more.”
Hmmm….the only quartermaster that I can think of was Thomas “Slab” Murphy or Seamus Towmey; if you are related to those then you have very high contacts indeed!
I can also confirm some elements of the story regarding CIA contact (It also partly explains why the Irish Government supplied arms to the “Stickies” (Official IRA) as well in 1970) but that all changed with the attack by Adams on the policy of Eire Nua in 1979/80 (and done discreetly under the name “Brownie” from 1976 from Long Kesh, Eire Nua is the traditional Republican policy of a federal Ireland formulated in the days of Wolfe Tone) by a more “socialist” policy based around the Marxist ideology. This led to the famous split in ’86 Sinn Fein Ard Fheis (which was also was the planned year of the IRA’s so called ‘Tet’ offensive and the recognition of Linster House.) between the Adams camp and members like Ivor Bell who went on to form CIRA and RIRA.
The purge afterwards of the IRA of those in favour of ‘Eire Nua’ so damaged the PIRA’s already crippled military effort, that it was a shell of an organisation by 1988 (it had in reality lost the military initative by 1975).Given that by 1992 external military from the Eastern Block support has ceased then it’s little wonder that PIRA has nowhere to go but talks and the political process.
It was the coming of people like MacStiofan, Adams, Morrison, Bell, Cahill, Towmey, McGuiness with their “leftist” world view that jogged the CIA into rethinking PIRA policy in the late ’70’s.This “re-think” in the US that prompted some in the republican movement to get into bed with the likes of RAF, ETA, PLO and with the East Germans and Libyans.
It was these events (and the secret contacts between Father Alex Reid, MI6 and Adams just after the Hunger Strikes regarding the embryonic peace process) that has really shaped Northern Ireland, but there are too many people alive today for that to be common knowledge as Archduke has eluded to.
BTW Archduke: I’m sure that you are well aware of a very high up “agent of influence” operating within the republican movement, but tell me, was he born in Belfast or Derry?
My thoughts are he may well have once been an intelligence officer for 2 Coy Belfast Brigade…..
in response to the BBCs puff pieces about the EU
fifty one reasons why the EU is crap
“if you are related to those then you have very high contacts indeed!”
oh god no. way way lower than that. regiment level in the deep south.
and it was before the provo/official split. he pretty much gave it all up when he became appalled at the sectarian violence and civilian casualties. very much in the wolf tone non-sectarian republican camp.
The HYS on the Iranian capture of our troops asks “Is Iran trying to taunt the West? Or is it being unfairly treated?”
How on earth can the BBC consider that Iran is being in any way unfairly treated in this matter?
will | 24.03.07 – 3:36 pm
Britain is lost if this represents the opinion of its citizens:
Added: Saturday, 24 March, 2007, 12:43 GMT 12:43 UK
If you violate Iranian waters what on earth do you expect to happen? If it had been the other way around, the Iranians would have been captured, they would have been branded terrorsits,false links made with al-qaeda and shipped off to guantanamo bay. I think the Iranians should make an example of the captives to deter the british from their future mis-adventures.
John Jones, Cardiff
Recommended by 29 people
unfairly treated?
The UN : stop your nuclear program
Iran: no we wont
The EU : stop your nuclear program
Iran : no we wont
The IAEA: stop your nuclear program
Iran: no we wont
the BBC likes to bang about Bush’s “illegal war” in Iraq, and puts out the myth constantly that the it went against the UN’s wishes.
and yet, when Iran actually DOES go against the resolutions of the UN it ends up being “unfairly treated”.
Have you ever seen the BBC doing a HYS on how America was “unfairly treated” by the UN? of course not.
The BBC – Lord Haw Haw for the 21st century.
” IngSoc is doublethink | 24.03.07 – 3:18 pm | ”
i think you’ve got Thatcher to thank for the “rethink” in America. Reagan had a typically American folksy view of the IRA , until Thatcher told him about the Libyan/Eastern Bloc connections, and the “Noraid” lunatics.
“Britain is lost if this represents the opinion of its citizens:”
i dont blame him. he’s just one of the Beeboid brainwashed sheeple. if you have a tax funded Lord Haw Haw monopoly, then attitudes like that are to be expected.
god only knows what the security services think about this. it must drive them up the wall.
Funny qoutes (or lack of) time again. front page of BBC news site
Sailors admitted incursion – Iran
The 15 Royal Navy personnel seized in the Gulf by Iran have admitted being in the country’s waters, Iran claims.
No scare quotes round headline, but its Iran speaking, of course the BBC will trust what they say!
“God only knows what the security services think about this. it must drive them up the wall.”
I’ve just had an interesting couple of days with a chap who was a “military observer” in Iran-Iraq war and is very close to “spookdom” in general.
He obviously can only provide me with a ‘broad picture but I think there is deepening concern within the ‘agencies’ about the effect of the media output. It is not so much the “PC effect” of news output but the very real effects of cross-referencing “secret intelligence” with “open source” reports that often include news reports.
To reinforce these points here are an illustration of what I mean.
Par Kettis, former Ambassador to the Atlantic Council and a key-planner of Swedish Intelligence Service’s long term strategy in the Cold War observed that the “new” media such as the BBC have engaged in commenting on information rather than gathering it. The rise of twenty-four hour news stations, Internet news and information sites have placed demands on the press to have “something” to fill the time or “journalism by assertion”. There has been an attempt even an attempt to quantify this with a study of the Clinton-Lewinsky story:41 % of the first six days coverage was not factual reporting at all-but instead journalists offered there own analysis, opinion, speculation or judgements. I can only assume that figure is much higher now.
His voice is echoed by intelligence experts such as Sir Rodric Braithwaite (the real man to thank regarding the IRA),James Woolsey, Richard Lovelace,et al.
This is having profound effects on our society and the way we fight wars. Because of the “chatter”, countries defence and intelligence gathering machinery (what ever the political leanings of the country involved) are finding it more and more difficult to find out “fact” from “fiction”. That might be so harmful in a “totalitarian” state (again “left” or “right”) where a certain amount of “political correctness” is already embedded in the system (re: Germany or the Soviet Union) but in “democracies” which need accurate information in order to provide policy makers the tools to formulate policy it is lethal. It was only a short while ago that a Times Report was considered “intelligence” and “authoritive.”, now analyists in SIS,MI5,GCHQ or DIS have to wade through tonnes or garbage a la Simpson before they can get any sort of cohesive picture on a country like Iran for example.
It is also having an effect in the very real world of war fighting as examined in several articles from Fort Leavenworth, the centre of Political and Psychological Warfare in the US Army:
Click to access Lamb_OP_092005_Psyops.pdf
Sadly seeing as “intelligence” and “political/psychological warfare” is a very young academic subject and is really only studied in the US (with very few exceptions in the UK, Europe and Australia) getting any objective thinking on the subject is very difficult.
“I think the Iranians should make an example of the captives to deter the british from their future mis-adventures.”
The BBC are doing their job – how long do you think the native English will be asking the Americans for assylum?
At present it is the Jews in France it is only a matter of time until the English will become the victims.
“I think the Iranians should make an example of the captives to deter the british from their future mis-adventures.”
This sickens me.
[big_orange_gerbil], London, United Kingdom
Recommended by 28 people
I think we can all agree with the big orange gerbill
Amanda Platell writes..”London Mayor, Ken Livingstone wants Britain to apologise for the slave trade, which Britain abolished two centuries ago..”The failure to issue an apology for a crime as monstrous as the slave trade diminishes Britain in the eyes of the world,” he says. Not half as much, though,as having a sanctimonious,snivellingly politically correct, hand-wringing apologist as London Mayor”.
I’m actually beginning to wonder whether John Jones, Cardiff and the like are really Jihadi infiltrators.
Perhaps we should begin masquerading as ‘moderate muslims’ with names like ‘Ali Mohamed’ posting pro-war, pro-US, pro-Israel messages on (D)HYS?
I’ve been looking into the background of Brigadier-General Ali Reza Afshar-he became an Iranian Armed Forces ‘spokesperson’ around about the same time the “hardliners” like Ahmadinejad took over in 2004/5.
This spokesperson has IRGC all over it:
Rev. Guards take sides in political power struggle
“Senior Revolutionary Guards Commanders, contrary to their neutral role defined in the Islamic Republic’s Constitution, have become increasingly active in the current internal showdown between Rafsanjani and the Khamene’i-Nateq Nouri factions.
Rev. Guards General Mohammad Zolqadr recently joined Mohsen Rezai, the Commander of the Rev. Guards Corps and General Alireza Afshar, the Commander of Basij, in criticizing “liberals”, a label for Rafsanjani supporters.
“The Pasdaran (Rev. Guards) should be more active in eliminating the liberals from the political scene,” Zolqadr said. Instead, “revolutionary forces should run the country.” [Resalat 5/26]
On May 16, Mohsen Rezai repeated the same demand in a gathering of University Basij commanders in Tehran. “Be aware, and don’t let some people send you back to barracks on grounds that your duty is to guard [buildings and public places],” he said. [Resalat 5/18].
“Until the day we completely control universities and students, there can be no reconstruction or revival of Islamic culture in this country,” Rezai said.
It was not the first time in recent weeks that Rezai and other Rev. Guards commanders, took side with ultra- conservative forces close to the Supreme Leader and Nateq Nouri.”
For the benefit of those who are not aware the Basij are a popular militia force under the umbrella of the IRGC. They patrol urban area and were used in the Iran-Iraq War in the “human wave” offensives. They supplement the police in enforcing “Islamic Law” and are the basis of Ahmadinejad power.For want of a better word an Islamic SA.
I think we are in very dangerous waters now, the UK is undergoing “regime change” and is a state of political paralysis, the US political elite is fighting itself and both populations are “war weary”.
If I was to “red-team” this, if I was an IRGC commander I would fancy my chances….
But poor old BBC can’t even get his rank right!
One of the better comments from the ludicrous BBC HYS on the kidnapping of British Service personnel.
Added: Saturday, 24 March, 2007, 12:47 GMT 12:47 UK
48 hours to release our troops, or Natanz and other sites reach 10,000 degrees in 3 seconds.
First Name Last Name
Recommended by 177 people
This guy FirstName LastName seems to be a good egg. Here’s some of his other comments on the stupid BBC HYS.
It is worth recalling that following the violation of US territory by the Mad Mullahs when they took the American Embassy staff hostages in November 1979, the Soviet Union got wind that a similar stunt was being planned against their embassy in Tehran. The USSR’s response was to let the Iranians know that 45 minutes after taking their embassy Tehran would cease to exist. Guess what didn’t happen. Similarly when a Russian diplomat was taken hostage in Beirut a combined KGB Spetsnaz operation seized family members of those responsible for the kidnap. They were chopped up and the body parts delivered back. The diplomat was released unharmed.
Odd how the US embassy was taken on Jimmy Carter’s watch. Still his mother Lillian put it all in perspective when she once uttered “Sometimes when I look at my boys I wish I’d stayed a virgin”
Personally I’m all for seizing Iranians wherever they are and holding them for ransom. Of course with a fearless and highly respected Foreign Secretary like Margaret Beckett it won’t come to that will it.
BBC poll, ‘Has the EU been a Success’ is running at the moment – seems odd that the results are in direct contrast to the recommended ‘(Don’t) Have Your Say’ comments on the same subject…!
Re-the delightful John Jones of Cardiff: as a matter of fact, the last time Iranians were discovered spying in Iraq (in the middle of baghdad, not patrolling waterways, mind), they were NOT “shipped off to Guantanemo” (unfortunately), but handed straight back to their paymasters in Tehran!
Royal Navy “incident”: The larger plan of Teheran’s regime:
The capture of British Navy servicemen by Iranian forces is not simply an incident over sea sovereignty in the Persian Gulf. It is a calculated move on behalf of Teheran’s Jihadi chess players to provoke a “projected” counter move by London and its American allies. It is all happening in a regional context, carefully engineered by the Mullahs strategic planners.
Here is how:
The BBC and post-slavery Uk.
As a 14-year-old black British male, Reece Gittens is
Reece believes his generation still face pressures School exclusions, gang culture, knife and gun crime, and mental illness all disproportionately affect black boys in their early to late teens.
I see the BBC is linking the penchant of young black men towards violence in the Uk as a symptom of Slavery. Well actually they say post-slavery. Which is somewhat strange seeing as how Slavery in the UK was banned over 200 years ago. (which may explain the current crop of slavery articles from the BBC)
But what really takes the biscuit is how the BBC is more than happy to get the stool pigeon of Red Ken in which to play the slavery card as a get out of jail card for those young thugs who happen to be black.
Err Lee me old cock sparra it’s ok you saying this;
“”The legacy of racism is strong and I think the legacy of slavery impacts negatively upon black communities”, he says.”
But how does that explain the Black foreign inmates of the UK who happen to come from the Caribbean and Africa who have a penchant for guns. I mean correct me if I am wrong here but these poor black people are usually locked up for killing black people. Not whites , but Blacks. So how the hell can these people be suffering from slavery when the people they attack are black.
“One person involved in this movement is Dynamite MC. A DJ with the radio station Kiss FM and a rapper, he recently released a track Young Gifted And Black, which implores the young black person to recognise their talents and reach for their goals.”
Err BBC the record has been released by many artists, but the most famous one was by Bob Andy and Marcia I know I own it.
“”The reality is we’ve only been here for a short period of time in comparison with African Americans who’ve had hundreds of years to secure their position,” says Lee Jasper.”
Bollocks BBC utter bollocks. Blacks have a longer history in the UK than they do in the US. You can thank the Romans for that and not the nasty British Empire.