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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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40 odd years of womens rights and feminism – which i totally support by the way – and i’m now seeing a BBC reporter (female) covered in a hijab reporting from Iran.
i wonder if any people at the BBC actualy realise that we’ve gone backwards by a factor of about 500 years by giving into these Isalmonutters?
here’s a thought BBC -why tell the Iranians to get lost and refuse to impose that islamic uniform on women reporters…???
” deegee | 04.04.07 – 12:03 am | ”
the population wanted to remain british. simple as that.
“True. It’s yet another piece in the jigsaw puzzle of BBC bias. And quite an important one.
Bryan | 03.04.07 – 9:54 pm”
indeed – thats why i’ve always said that i couldnt give a damn about st patricks day. doesnt bother me – i get that info from RTE. but its more of compare and contrast with the Meccah/hajj coverage – a Rorsarch test in other words.
“passover watch” is equally worthy. still cant find it.
hello passover? any mention of it anywhere on the bbc? anywhere?
No Bias here?
“Tory Party Logo suggestions”
Passover hunt
I found these links – first in News in 2 Minutes
This one showing a picture of burning chametz (leavened goods)
And a Radio 2 Pause for thought
Finally, Jonathan Sacks did Thought for the day on Pesach (Passover) last Friday.
” deegee | 03.04.07 – 11:51 pm”
it would be nice to make amends, and truely be sorry about it. such as the pogroms during the middle ages…
funny how the mass graves of Norwich are kind of forgotten about ,,, but being sorry about black slavery is somehow “cool” with the media types.
fran -> bloody ‘ell – thats some serious digging around….
Moses talking to Jesus – but who is that talking out of shot?
Go to the third page.
The have a look at no 10 !!!!
It gets worse!!!
“I have an idea for the Iranian newspaper cartoon competition about the Holocaust. Not being able to draw I will describe instead. A picture of Jews being herded into cattle trucks and one turns to another and says “We’ll probably laugh about this one day.”
From: Gabrielle Peplow”
jon – your link is wrong. i didnt see that photo.. although this photo set is weird and disturbing as is….
very fucking weird…
archduke – scroll down to read the suggestions
This was the first time I have visited the Today web site – never again – its worse than the programme – even the design is reminiscent of the Soviet Union.
How about this!?
‘For youth social worker Carolyn Stevens, the commemoration has offered the first chance to seriously read up on the subject of slavery.
“My parents are West Indian,” she said. “I knew about slavery and that it was bad but that was it.
“During this time, I have read a lot and watched a lot of the programmes and it’s been very emotional for me.
“I have spoken to family and friends who have told me they’ve cried after reading or watching material.”
She had never before seen the need for an apology, she said.
“But the knowledge that our British Church used racism to justify treating my ancestors as sub-humans, and the fact that the monarchy was instrumental in the slave trade, makes me angry.
“They can see the effects today that have been passed down through slavery but they choose to do nothing about it.”‘
‘Michael Eboda, editor of black newspaper New Nation, said he was angry about the way the commemoration period had been handled.
“The reason why a lot of black people agreed with Toyin Agbetu is because what should have come out of this commemoration period hasn’t,” he said.
There had been too much emphasis on the role of William Wilberforce, the parliamentary spokesman for the abolition movement.
People needed to know about “great black freedom fighters” such as Nanny Maroon, Yaa Asantewa, Bukman Dutty, Sam Sharpe and Toussaint Louverture, he said.
“We need to know that black people resisted at every stage,” he added.
“The only reason that rebellions on the slave ships were not more successful was because the British navy, as soon as Africans rose up… massacred hundreds at a time and took the ring leaders and quite often burned them alive.
“These things are what should have come out.”‘
Yes. Quite.
Food is neutral and non controversial. If the BBC really covered the festival of Passover (the exodus of Jews from Egypt) they would be forced to admit that Jews have claimed the land of Israel for thousands of years and never stopped talking about with specific references to Jerusalem. Now, that would be controversial!
deegee | 03.04.07 – 11:51 pm
Good point. However, the BBC would probably solve the problem by simply not mentioning the destination of the departing Jews.
Kevin Marsh, editor of the BBC College of Journalism, must have had one too many when he wrote this:
Reading it is like trying to walk over broken glass barefoot.
Maybe someone can explain it to me because I have no idea what he’s talking about.
‘Dumbing down’?
Anyone know what happened to the Monthly Archives on the sidebar? No link there.
Good morning
Nice piece the Bryan exposing the “unreality” within IBC mindset.
If you think they are giving “value for money” then think again.
And clearly “insiders” are not happy either:
“Another un-named insider is quoted as saying: “There is a feeling we may be serving the professional classes well, but not reaching the C2s and D1s.” While the same, or perhaps another, insider opines: “The corporation has lost all perspective. It is defeatist to constantly chase the populist market. Sometimes you have to give people what they need and not just what they want.”
Serving the “professional classes well”……..ROTFLMAO!
Take a look at Cream TV’s wonderful site that shows the ‘glory’ days of broadcasting in the UK instead.
I would like to recommend that in them in the side bar, there are some long lost gems in there archives……
Syria demands the return of the Golan Heights occupied by Israel in 1967.
Pathetic! BBC bias at it’s best. It always tells half the story.
Why did Israel do that? There’s no comment on that on BBC
In addition to sponsoring attacks against Israel (often through Jordanian territory, much to King Hussein’s chagrin), Syria also began shelling Israeli civilian communities in north-eastern Galilee from positions on the Golan Heights, as part of the dispute over control of the Demilitarized Zones (DMZs), small parcels of land claimed by both Israel and Syria.
However, the BBC would probably solve the problem by simply not mentioning the destination of the departing Jews.
Bryan | 04.04.07 – 8:32 am
I disagree Bryan. I think the report would go something like this:
The defeated Jewish settlers were led out of Egypt by the militant leader, Moses, despite Pharaoh’s (pbuh) repeated attempts to bring them to the peace table. During the withdrawl, unprovoked surprise attacks by Jewish terrorists caused heavy casualties amongst Egyptian first-aid chariots. An Egyptian spokesman, Helmet al-Green, said “There have been hundreds of casualties. These chariots were carrying humanitarian aid and anyway our arrows and spears are nothing but pin-pricks to this Jewish beast”. It looks certain now that the Jewish forces are planning to invade Palestine – already one of the most overcrowded countries in the region – enslave its population, and drink the blood of its children.
the Falange was a fascist organization in Spain led by Primo De the term “Spanish Falangists” is a pretty well known term if you know Spanish history. So for a group called the “Christian Falange” to pop up in Lebanon – well, one can make the mistake of linking them to fascism.
archduke | 03.04.07 – 9:08 pm | #Archduke,
But Archduke that’s the whole point – the left implanted the connection in people’s minds through (their own translation) of ‘falange’ to give the impression they were allied to the Spanish fascists. Stourton no doubt just picked this up (without doing much digging). I have to back up Bryan’s analysis of the Summer War in Lebanon – I only heard the last ten minutes but it was pretty grim. Every sentence needed fisking.
From the ever excellent Jillian Becker (writing in 1984) – I quote in full because I think it’s worth it:
“The Kataeb Social Democratic Party is Lebanon’s biggest political party. Its membership is almost entirely Maronite. There are even a small number of non-Christian members. Kataeb means ‘legions’; and in French (the second language of Lebanon) it means phalange. To call the party ‘Phalangist’, as Western journalists do, is misleadig, however, since the word has associations with the Spanish Falange Party of General Franco, whose own party is often – not quite accurately – called a fascist party. (It may well be for that very reason that it has been given the name by reporters whose sympathies lie with its opponents.) It is further alleged that its founder, Pierre Gemayel, modelled the original Kataeb, which was a youth mvoement started in 1936 on the Hitler Youth, after a visit to Germany. He did visit Germany, and other coutnries with youth and scout groups, in that decade blossoming with youth movements, and then came back and started his own. At no time did he, or any of his followers, adopt the Nazi ideology. (That was adopted by another group, the SSNP, an ally of the PLO.) The Kataeb became a political party in 1943. Its policy was, and is, a pluralistic democracy with universal suffrage, providing equal opportunities for every citizen regardless of religion. It favours a market economy, but has been the chief initiator of such small welfare provision as became statutory in Lebanon.”
TheCuckoo | 04.04.07 – 9:32 am |
Spot on. Sounds horribly close to Ed Stourton’s version of the Hizbollah war.
First the IBC brought us “fuck off I’m short”, then last night it was “fuck off i’m ginger”.
Not late night, but at 9 o’clock on IBC3.
BBC – quality? Its what we don’t do…
The BBC’s excruciating Editor’s Blog has a piece entitled ‘Dumbing Down’ by Kevin Marsh which he kicks off by saying “I’m intrigued by…..”.
Well “Call me Ishmael.” it certainly ain’t. More like the start of an episode of Mrs’ Dale’s Diary (for those of you that can remember that far back) which invariably started with the words, “I’ve been worried about Jim lately…”
Bryan | 04.04.07 – 8:34 am | has already picked up on it and I find myself in total agreement with him. I suppose to Mr. Marsh the likes of me must be thick because I don’t know what he’s on about either, therefore he’ll have to indulge me by dumbing down for my benefit. However what is a revealing little gem is the comment posted at No.4 by someone who, if you link to his website, appears to be a very educated and clever individual. Why then did he choose to comment in such a dumbed down way. I’m guessing that Mr. Self may have been on the BBC payroll somewhere along the line.
4. At 01:53 PM on 03 Apr 2007, John Self wrote:
‘Frankly, if you can’t find *anything* you like on any of the BBC’s national or local TV or radio stations, online services or films, then you’re an idiot and your licence fee needs to be taken from you to stop you wasting it on something stupid.’
Ah!!! The ‘intelligensia’ at work. It’s what they do. Looking after their own interests, just like the great the nationalised industries of yore, run purely for the benefit of the employees and sod the customer.
TPO | 04.04.07 – 10:16 am
Re: the comment on the BBC Blog from John Self –
When Italian Americans do these sorts of things its called ‘extortion’ and ‘racketeering’ — however in the hands of the IBC and its supporters it becomes ‘enlightenment’ and ‘educashun’.
On another topic close to the IBC heart – ‘Kyoto and Gorebal Warmerening’. Nature may be about to put a spoke in their wheel.
I’ve been observing all the wee beasties and plants in my garden and they really like the warmer environment. They’re all going at it hammer and tongs planning on a huge growth ‘surge’.
Now given that +/- 49% of all CO2 originates from the non-human biosphere (humans account for +/- 2%)this surge in plant/animal activity is likely to severely undermine the carbon-jihad.
Once the penny drops though we can look forward to ‘carbonista ‘exhortations to begin culling and curtailing plant and animal activity.
Look forward, sometime in the future, to a duel at dawn on Hampstead Heath between Bill Oddie and Nicholas Stern, probably using clubs made from re-cycled tofu.
Some good comments on Ha’aretz’s Talkback on alan johnston (rather different from the IBCs own dear HYS site). Nerys in Wales asked what if his name had been ‘Alon Johnstein’ – hmmm I wonder. and this is a good one:
Who benefits and who loses?
Name: Chick Corea
City: Chicago State: IL
The biggest beneficary is he who pockets the large ransom. The loser is the British taxpayers who will have paid the ransom as the BBC is a publicly ( not that you would know it) financed company. A third party winner will be the PA who will make the final `arrangements` for the release, enjoy a small kickback of the ransom for their efforts and be able to later see the BBC`ers articles appear about how wonderful the palestinian people have been to him and how ultimately Israel is to blame for his captivity.
archduke | 04.04.07 – 12:25 am
hello passover? any mention of it anywhere on the bbc? anywhere?
Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem burn bread and other leavened goods in preparation for the Passover holiday. Day in Pictures, Click 4
Passover 3-10 April 2007-04-02
Religion & Ethics: Jewish Calendar 2007 (scroll down)
Religion & Ethics: the story of Passover
letter in today’s Daily Telegraph:
Disappointing TV
Sir – Why is it that, when we are old enough to be granted a free TV licence, we have achieved the wisdom to regret much of what television has to offer?
Stanley Ward, Braintree, Essex
TheCuckoo | 04.04.07 – 9:32 am,
Thanks for that input – and the chuckle. I committed the error of underestimating the journalistic skill of BBC writers.
Oscar – I tried to access Stourton a while back but they hadn’t updated their Listen Again.
Morning Reith….
Come to be constructive this morning?
I think the point archduke was making was that the BBC rush, like the Gadarene swine, to give prominent coverage to anything that smacks of Islam.
The examples you’ve chosen to provide are hardly that. Even the ‘day in pictures’ example relegates Passover to 4th place behind, I note, camel handlers in Dubai. Now that’s sensitivity for you.
Archduke may not be able to respond personally to you as he’s heading for the demonstration outside of the Iranian Embassy today.
I wait with baited breath to view the fulsome coverage it will receive from the BBC.
How’s about Fuck Off-I’m not watching?
How was Newsnight lastnight?
I’m looking forward to archduke’s report tommorow on the demo-anybody else going ?
TPO 04.04.07 – 10:16 am,
Yes, I just got tired of trying to pick apart Marsh’s clumsy sentences to try and make sense of the article. I’m going to have to limit my exposure to the BBC. It’s having a negative effect on my head.
It all falls into place.
An extract from the BBC’s biography of Kevin Marsh (whenever I hear the name Kevin I invariably visualise Harry Enfield);
‘He was material in introducing Today presenter James Naughtie to the BBC – as the presenter of The World At One – and relaunching the programme. ‘
Hmmmm…..I wonder if “John Self” is Martin Amis incognito-
He is quite chummy with Al Beeb-
Or have I been a victim of my own doublethink and am starting to signs of BBCitist?
Msut off now but in the meantime, is it just my 8086 machine or does everyone’s slow down once the comments thread goes above 700 posts.
If so could we have a new thread please.
TPO and Bryan
Although a flawed piece-it clearly states that this man is a man “ön a mission” :
He became editor of the Today programme in November 2002.
“In May 2003, Today became embroiled in a row with the Government over an early morning claim made by reporter Andrew Gilligan that the Government “probably knew” that one of the key claims made in its September 2002 dossier detailing Iraq’s WMD “was wrong”. Lord Hutton, in the findings of his subsequent inquiry, criticised the editing procedures on Today … although he had taken no evidence from Marsh.
In April 2006, Marsh left Today to become Editor at the BBC College of Journalism, a new venture set-up in the wake of the Hutton report and the recommendations of the Neil committee which examined the BBC’s response to the inquiry’s findings.”
Even though the article needs a clean up,I bet he is still smarting from that…
John Reith – my you really have been scraping the barrel for your Passover references. Even worse than the frantic efforts to prove the BBC publicised HMD. Do you really think that a longstanding, annual reference to Passover on the religion site (which I noticed starts with 2006 festival dates – and no updates in the somewhat inadequate text) and one picture of BBC favourite – a photo of ‘ultra Orthodox’ Jews in Jerusalem – in a medley of pics on other subjects, amounts to a hill of beans in this crazy world? I don’t think so.
There was a routine Passover Thought from the Day by Jonathan Sacks – but then there’s a Thought for the Day by Jonathan Sacks on nearly everything – but nothing on the Heaven and Earth Show – even tho’ it came from Manchester, nothing on R4s Sunday show, and nothing on the main news website. I know Jews are a very small minority in this country – but there is a distinct change in the attention the BBC pays to the community. Go read your colleague Martin Belam on the subject Mr Reith and come out of denial.
Bryan | 04.04.07 – 8:34 am
Maybe someone can explain it to me because I have no idea what he’s talking about.
A very rough explanation of Kevin Marsh’s blog post might go like this:
Some newspaper articles last weekend said that the BBC’s internal study of its output had found that it made too much provision for well-educated (and largely middle-class) people and not enough for not so well-educated (often poorer) people. Accordingly, these reports say, the BBC is set to change its strategy to one that makes fewer programmes aimed at an intelligent audience and more with ‘mass appeal’ • a process commonly called ‘dumbing down’. The reason for this switch is a recognition that less well-educated people pay the same licence fee as clever, professional types.
These newspaper reports are a load of rubbish. First, the study hasn’t concluded anything • it’s still in its early days. Second, new technology has changed the way in which viewers and listeners can be served. In the future • thanks to such things as downloads, podcasts, video-on-demand, the internet/TV convergence etc. people will not be bound by any fixed schedule; rather, they will be able to compile their own schedules from a wide and varied menu, watching what they want, when they want and on any device they want. (e.g. If they really want to see Panorama on their mobile phone at 2 in the morning, that’s fine • no-one’s going to insist they stay home on Monday evening to see it.)
This means that the BBC won’t be so concerned with the proportion of ‘worthy’ to ‘popular’ programmes on its schedules. It can offer both • in plentiful supply • on its electronic menu. Individuals can then choose. The important thing for the BBC will be that it offers all individuals enough of what they like to justify charging them the equivalent of the price of the Daily Mail each day. Everyone, rich or poor, university graduate or school dropout, opera buff or reality-show addict, should feel they are getting at least their money’s worth • preferably more than their money’s worth • from the BBC.
Hope this helps.
To me it used to be so “simple”-4 channels offering a range of diverse programmes.
It was possible to have “Potty Time” followed by “Out of Town”. Or you had a ” choice” between Jim Davidson and Kenny Everett or any other combinations. Yes there was plenty of rubbish but at least it was fairly broad in its range of covering the UK.
News at 5:45 or 6:00 News at 9:00 10:00 with the minimal amount of “chatter”…..simple.
But be honest John-how many nights have you “channel-hopped” across 42 “different channels” only to be faced with the same formulaic “reality shows” “cooking/lifestyle shows” American Cult TV” or “current affairs shows” that seem to swamp the airwaves?
An endless stream of left wing comics, not right wing.
And now every single piece of “dead space” has to be filled by “adverts”
Life on Mars or Top Gear are popular because they have that warm comfy “BBC feel” to them, only to be spoilt by the over promotion by the BBC Marketing Department.
And now you are describing the horror of “MeTV” as the future of the BBC.
Do what you want but not with taxpayers money….
Oscar | 04.04.07 – 11:52 am
my you really have been scraping the barrel for your Passover references.
No I haven’t. I just put ‘BBC’ and ‘Passover’ into a search engine and copied the first few that came up.
There is, of course, loads more.
Here’s a small selection:
Physical nourishment:
The Passover meal
Chocolate Macaroon cake for Passover
Spanish Onion and Almond soup for Passover
Passover Cooking: Sole filled with Salmon Mousseline served with a Tomato Compote for Passover
– loads more recipes for pancakes, Brownies etc. •
Spiritual nourishment:
The symbolism of the Passover meal:
The Seder and the Haggadah
Sorry if this is rather long, but I believe this sort of bs needs to put right.
Yes I admit I am still fuming about TAM the troll’s bs posting.
I answered lots of it above, but I did not give answer to his ridiculous 1984 style history rewrite.
I only studied the stuff to degree level.
It is obviously hard to compete with the ladybird boom of 1930’s history english translation of the arabic version with half the pages torn out.
He wrote:
“The Zionists wilfully let pass any opportunity to oppose the fascists in the slightest or co-operate with other groups such as the socialists and communists who were the core of anti-fascism and its most effective opposition.”
There were plenty of Jews in general and Zionists specifically that directly opposed the fascists with much effect.
It was this opposition in alliance with others (yes including many left wingers) that helped defeat fascism in France and Britain.
Were the socialists and communists its most effective opposition?
Basically no.
The uniting of the left into large groups were sought by comintern re Stalin’s USSR the only communist state in the world at that time.
It succeeded several times in France with the cartel des gauches and the front populaire.
However those French socialist regimes totally failed to intervene against fascism in its neighbour Spain for the civil war.
They also failed to stand up to Italian aggressions in Africa and Albania. They also failed to stop the Nazis from the Rhineland, Austria and Bohemia.
So it must be to the Soviet Union refered to.
Unfortunately anti fascism was only when it suited them.
After the USSR joined into alliance with Nazi Germany in 1939 communists were ordered to stop attacking the Nazi regime forcing the Communist Parties of France and Great Britain to adopt an anti-war position.
In September 1939 a new line on the war was adopted which stated that the war was unjust and imperialist.
Thus, the Communist parties now had to oppose the war, and to vote against war credits.
Many French communists deserted from the French Army, owing to a revolutionary defeatist attitude taken by communist leaders.
Only after the German invasion of June 1941 did this line change.
The USSR invaded Poland to help the Nazis finish it off and also warred on Finland driving them into the Axis eventually, ditto Romania, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Stalin refused to put his troops on defensive formation on the border with Germany despite his generals begging to be allowed to do so, such was his alliance with Hitler.
As late as 1947 after the war, Stalin said that he would have continued to work with Germany had Hitler been willing.
Churchill was not left wing but he was one of the great opponents of fascism.
I suggest burning that ladybird book, but don’t replace it with an IBC revisionist history one or you might start making the same errors again.
John Reith – this really is pitiful. We know there are some recipes on the food pages (just scroll up and read the comments). But how come there was nothing on R4s Sunday – nothing on BBC1s Heaven and Earth – nothing that people will notice who aren’t Jews looking for recipes for Passover? Compare, for instance, with the NEWS coverage of this year’s Chinese New Year:
You could also add Katyn. (ignore the odd name of this link, it leads to Katyn)
tried to access Stourton a while back but they hadn’t updated their Listen Again.
Bryan | 04.04.07 – 11:14 am
Try these links. The first should bring up the radio player with the programme. The second is a direct link to the RealPlayer file.
Within the first minute or two he says a soldier (Gilad Shalit) was captured in Gaza so that gives a good indication of what’s to follow.
Bryan, there’s a link here too in the right hand column:
The Summer War in Lebanon
Ed Stourton uncovers what really went on during the Israeli-Lebanon conflict last year
I typed “Hajj” into the bbc news search.
There are 15 pages of results.
Doing the same with “Passover”, there are 3 pages of results.
Happy Passover to the people John Paul the Great called “our elder brethren in the faith” – which is good enough reason in itself for Al-Beeb to ignore the feast.
Just to back you up further.
What is often overlooked by our “red’ friends is that Uncle Joe was quite happy to co-operate with Germany even in the 20’s despite being a “bourgeoisie” Republic.
The Soviets armed and trained “Black Reichsheer” including Frikorp and SA following the signing of the Rappalo Treaty:
And both the NKVD and SD (until 1940) co-operated on intelligence regarding the round up of internal dissidents. Abwehr and GRU also exchanged intelligence on British navel developments, French military build-up (including the details of the Maginot Line from Soviet to Germany) and other “common” interests.
Not forgetting the Mufti of Jerusalem’s collaboration with the Nazi’s in 1941.
And guess who inspired the Baath party and “Arab Socialism”