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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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Cuckoo, try Christian and Muslim in the search:
‘Christian’ gets 210 Pages.
‘Muslim’ gets 311 Pages.
What’s the majority religion in the UK?
Not forgetting the Mufti of Jerusalem’s collaboration with the Nazi’s in 1941.
IiD | 04.04.07 – 1:16 pm | #
Careful …. you’re getting cranky now. 😉
If you’re still lurking, there are some replies for you down on that other thread.
Rueful Red | 04.04.07 – 1:10 pm
Thank you brother 🙂
Having this many comments on a thread is ineffective and silly. Does this site carry any impact? If anyone says yes then why is al-beeb still beneath criticism and why are we still paying for it?
Kudos to Angela Merkel, no wonder the BBC haven’t said a word about her visit to Israel:
PA upset over Merkel’s pro-Israel stance
BTW, I’m listening to Ahmanadinnerjacket’s speech live via the link on International version.
Never have I heard a more paranoid, meglamaniac load of waffle – sounds a lot like some of the trolls here.
Re – your interpretation of Kevin Marsh’s thoughts on the future of your mutual gravy train.
I think you’re both missing the main point.
The fact is that when we’re all able to “pick & mix” our media experience from a variety of sources on our PC’s, mobiles & ipods, we’ll inevitably come to the conclusion that – take a deep breath & excuse me for shouting – WE WON’T NEED BROADCASTERS AT ALL !
Already many of us get our primary news from a wide range of web sources completely independent of broadcast or dead tree media and it’s much more up to date and unbiased.
Think of it like organic food – it’s raw, unprocessed and free of the “editorialised” additives we get from you lot.
Similarly we can buy music by the track and drama and entertainment by the hour – from the people who actually make it.
All the Beeb does is subcontract most of it to small production companies anyway.
There will be absolutely no need for “broadcasters” – state owned or otherwise – to decide what we should be able to watch or listen to, just a plethora of independent operators around the world making their living from flogging their ideas and talents to the rest of us as many bloggers are already doing.
You and Kev can keep ahead of the curve by waving bye-bye to your inflation proofed pensions, setting up your own websites, bending to your laptops and finding out whether the rest of us are willing to get our credit cards out to buy your ruminations.
Like I said, he sounds just like one of the trolls.
Iranian president slams Iraq war
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has criticised the US-led invasion of Iraq and Israel’s war in Lebanon.
He used a news conference marking the Persian New Year to condemn the countries he said were behind “misery” and “destruction” in the world.
He said there did not appear to be anyone “to stand up and defend the rights of those oppressed”.
He was speaking amid crises over Iran’s detention of 15 British naval staff, and over its nuclear programme.
He opened his press conference with references to the Islamic holy book, the Koran, then made a wide-ranging speech about the modern history of the Middle East, while attacking the West.
The invasion of Iraq was based on the false premise that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, he said, but even now “the occupation forces continue to stay there and people are still being killed”.
He’s still talking… about Love & Peace…
The last time Ahmadinejad appeared at the UN did he not claim to have an aura around him and weren’t all the assembed UN delegates transfixed, unblinking, whilst he spoke. And didn’t the BBC move heaven and earth to ignore his preposterous assertion.
Are you able to detect over the airways if this ‘aura’ has returned whilst you sit there unblinking.
I recall the hysteria that swept through the BBC when George Bush made some heavenly reference. How oddly silent they are when it comes to this lunatic.
Here we are again. Almost 30 years after its first hostage-taking, Tehran continues to do what it does best.
As a newborn regime, the Islamic Republic infamously violated America’s embassy walls and held American citizens hostage for 444 days. That was followed by decades of kidnappings and terror from Iran’s Hezbollah henchmen.
Whether the British sailors and Marines are released tomorrow or today, Tehran’s behavior must be shown to be unacceptable to the civilized world. There must be a price for piracy.
But first, perhaps it’s time for Europe to pay a price for its union. After all, if the European Union is really what it claims to be, one would expect its members to rally to the UK’s defense and to challenge this act of aggression. Beyond rhetoric, this has not happened. In fact, as one newspaper reported this week, the EU explicitly “ruled out any tightening of lucrative export credit rules” against Iran. This provides yet another indication that the EU’s faux foreign minister and vision of a “common foreign and security policy” are laughably premature.
Still, Prime Minister Blair has every right to challenge his fellow EU leaders—or even to shame them—into showing the EU’s worth and relevance. They should start by freezing all trade with Tehran.
Are you able to detect over the airways if this ‘aura’ has returned whilst you sit there unblinking.
‘fraid not. I confess I was only listening with the player window in the background while I replied to emails and other such mundane things.
I recall the hysteria that swept through the BBC when George Bush made some heavenly reference. How oddly silent they are when it comes to this lunatic.
TPO | 04.04.07 – 2:28 pm
He is indeed a lunatic – I wonder if maybe MEMRI.ORG or somebody will have a full transcript of his speech.
Of course the BBC has carefully selected parts of the speech to report on, in line with their moonbat stance. They’ve cut out all the metaphysical ramblings and only hint at his attempt to rewrite history with his version of why and by whom the UN was founded.
Anyway, glad that it does seem our lads and lass will be on their way home soon – I heard that on Spanish TV while brewing coffee just now – they say he’s asked Britain to not investigate the declaritions made by our troops while in their custody – I wonder why not – possibly because if the situation were reversed and Iranian troops made such ‘confessions’ they’d be hung as soon as they got home.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says 15 British naval personnel captured in the Gulf will be freed.
He repeated allegations that the British sailors and marines “invaded” Iranian waters, but said they would be freed as a “gift” to Britain.
He made the announcement at a news conference, in which he also awarded medals to the commanders who captured the British personnel in the Gulf.
He said the Britons would be released immediately and taken to an airport.
“Unfortunately the British government was not even brave enough to tell their people the truth, that it made a mistake,” Mr Ahmadinejad said.
Mr Ahmadinejad also criticised the US-led invasion of Iraq and Israel’s war in Lebanon.
He used a news conference marking the Persian New Year to condemn the countries he said were behind “misery” and “destruction” in the world.
He said there did not appear to be anyone “to stand up and defend the rights of those oppressed”.
He opened the news conference with references to the Islamic holy book, the Koran, then made a wide-ranging speech about the modern history of the Middle East, while attacking the West.
The invasion of Iraq was based on the false premise that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, he said, but even now “the occupation forces continue to stay there and people are still being killed”.
See the photo and the (incomplete) slogan behind him.
Never slow to jump on the latest passing bandwaggon slagging off Tories, see here for the latest example:
Race probe over Mandela costume
Well. Where’s the BBC now.
Mandela backs ‘racist’ councillor
So the humble Barnet & Potters Bar Times can get the story, but the 3.3 billion pound, only news organisation with ‘correspondents’ in blah de blah de blah, fails.
Please can I have a refund as I’d be better off getting my news from the B & PB Times.
Anonymous | 04.04.07 – 2:38 pm |
NEVER forget Ron Arad
TPO | 04.04.07 – 2:49 pm
No wonder Al-Beeb didn’t cover Purim either, alhough it’s mentioned in that story. Didn’t want to upset the “Persians”.
Then there’s this totally PC interpretation, incredible! Who wrote this?
Now imagine A-mad-jihad with nukes…
How’s the underwear change?
They MUST NOT be allowed to have nuclear weapons – end of!
Iran to free captured soldiers as ‘gift to Britain’
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has pardoned the 15 British naval personnel held by Iran and says he will free them as a “gift to Britain”.
At a news conference in Tehran, he also theatrically awarded medals to the coastguards he said had captured the sailors and marines.
A little something for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
British sailors freed: Your reaction
Added: Wednesday, 4 April, 2007, 14:12 GMT 15:12 UK
We should return his ‘gift’ and buy him a new GPS unit.
Duchy, Harrogate
Like most things, I’m afraid what I know about Judaism, ergo Purim, could be written on the back of a postage stamp.
In 2000 I did however have a holiday in Jerusalem and on the Dead Sea. I had some fanciful notion about writing a novel set in Jerusalem, Qumran and Masada during the 6 Day War and set out to visit all the places (including Ammunition Hill).
Fascinating was the propaganda put out by the Arab ‘guardians’ of the Temple Mount (Dome of The Rock). I think they were the rudest people I’d ever met. Conversely, an Arab we met at the Pool of Siloam (had to go through Hezekiah’s Tunnel) was one of the true gentlemen we met out there. He’d been on the Kathleen Kenyon archeological dig of David’s city.
Best punch-ups of all were between the Greek Orthodox and Franciscan monks. One of them over the fact that a chair had been moved two feet in to the shade on the roof of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
The best thing now is that, having been there, I have a feel for the place, and can better put into perspective what the BBC chooses to tell me about it.
Sorry – Rambled enough, time to go off and be a crank again.
“Then there’s this totally PC interpretation, incredible! Who wrote this?”
BioD – It’s beyond parody isn’t it? Who IS writing ths stuff?
BTW a dissident Iranian group, spells out some facts everyone should know -Looks like a deal over Shatt al-Arab could be the final blow to holding back Iran’s expansionist intentions in Iraq. Peace in our time.
‘Kidnapping and Iran’s militarisation of the Shatta-Arab’
In 2000 I did however have a holiday in Jerusalem and on the Dead Sea.
I’m hoping to go there in October, waiting for confirmation of the venue for the conference my (non-Jewish) wife wants to attend.
Best punch-ups of all were between the Greek Orthodox and Franciscan monks. One of them over the fact that a chair had been moved two feet in to the shade on the roof of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
I remember that! 🙂
The best thing now is that, having been there, I have a feel for the place, and can better put into perspective what the BBC chooses to tell me about it.
I think that’s common to all people that have first hand experience of Israel. It’s a pity the BBC, and other media, didn’t give more prominence to the the thoughts of the England footbal supporters for example.
Sorry – Rambled enough, time to go off and be a crank again.
TPO | 04.04.07 – 3:23 pm
Don’t apologise, always good to ‘hear’ your views and experiences.
Muppet time for me then 😆
Something has triggered the Iranians into giving these people back. I haven’t got the first idea what but I don’t think for one minute the US would allow the ludicrous Margaret Beckett to negotiate away the Shatt al-Arab.
Hey look on the bright side, they heard that archduke was on his way up to demonstrate outside of their embassy. Another example of the power of BBBC blog. (and before the real cranks who pitch up here kick off – that was tongue in cheek)
When is it just fine for the IBC to use the ‘t’ word? I know everyone knows the answer. Trailing next week’s ‘Document’ on R4 the IBC cheerfully announced it was about “Jewish terrorists” planning to blow up Ernest Bevin and the Houses of Parliament. The RT is happy to print “Jewish terrorist group” in its blurb for the programme. Just another warm Passover greeting from the IBC. And it’s a repeat – so it’s second time around for this provocative publicity. ‘Sensitivity’ it seems is strictly reserved for Islam only.
“Hey look on the bright side, they heard that archduke was on his way up to demonstrate outside of their embassy. Another example of the power of BBBC blog.”
TPO – That’s it – Archduke – the secret weapon in Iranian diplomacy.
I wonder if this had anything to do with the decision to free the 15?
Just watching the media circus with Ahmedinejad and the Royal Marines lining up to shake his hand.
Oh for a Fabrizio Quattrocchi type amongst them; who would grab the Iranian midget by the throat and give it a good shake. He’d be feted the length and breath of the country as a hero and a proud Marine.
I suspect your right Bio, that or they didn’t want to be holding them when Gordon became PM and bored them to death.
Must off to cook little one’s tea now.
Have a great holiday in October. Must say Jerusalem was one of the most exiting places I’ve ever been to.
Great great man, Quattrocchi.
Does anyone know whether the Edward Stourton mentioned at the end of this obit is the same Ed Stourton from the Radio 4 “Wake up to Gramsci” show?
Did you hear this week’s ‘Document’ program just before that?
Amazing how they managed to get references to ‘dodgy dossier”, “sex it up”, insinuations about going to war under false pretences and parallels to the United Nations Security Council resolutions/US invasions of Iraq etc etc, into a program about Henry II.
Did you hear this week’s ‘Document’ program just before that?
Yes I did. Fuming throughout. Using British history for cheap shots like that is the pits. The obsessed IBC will twist any information to peddle their agenda. I was going to comment on it but got diverted by the “Jewish terrorists”. Should check out Mike Thomson – the “investigator” for both progs.
Debkafiles has been well a head on the curve regarding Iran, as blogged by myself and Archduke:
A UK guarantee to stay permanently out of Iranian waters would exclude Britain from a Western military strike on Iran
“This pledge in return for securing the release of 15 British sailors would also remove Britain from its tasks in securing the sea lanes to S. Iraq. DEBKAfile’s military sources: The statement by a senior British defense official Sunday, April 1 is fraught with broad implications: He said: “We are quite prepared to give the Iranians a guarantee that we would never knowingly enter their waters without their permission, now or in the future.”
1. One implication is that London is no longer solid in its position that the 15 sailors and marines seized by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards naval unit Friday, March 23, were taken from the Iraqi side of the divided Shatt al-Arab at the mouth of the Persian Gulf. “We are not apologizing, nor are we saying that we entered their waters in the first place,” said the official. “But it may offer a route out of the crisis.”
According to DEBKAfile’s sources in Washington and London, the British government had no choice but to give ground in its standoff with Iran after Western allied backing melted away. The UN Security Council invoked by Britain Friday, March 30, refused to deplore Iran’s conduct; and the European Union rejected London’s demand for an export boycott against Iran. But the unkindest cut of all came from Washington. It took President George W. Bush 10 days into the crisis, and frantic appeals from Downing Street, to affirm that the seized British crew had been taken from Iraqi water against the claim by Tehran.
“Iran must give back the hostages,” said Bush in his belated message of support. “They’re innocent, they did nothing wrong, and they were summarily plucked out of Iraqi water.”
Earlier on, Washington slapped down a deal to swap the 15 UK Navy personnel captured in the Gulf for five Iranians seized in Iraq.
The hostage crisis therefore places London and Washington, close strategic partners in the global war on terror and the Iraq war, at loggerheads as never before. The Blair government’s willingness to offer Iran a guarantee never to knowingly enter its waters is a blow to this partnership and American interests in the region. It means that Tony Blair is going off in his own direction, heading for negotiations with Tehran and a ransom deal for the 15 hostages that would potentially place British naval and marine strength on an exit course from the Shatt al-Arb. Only a month ago, the Royal Navy doubled its deployment in the Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman and Arabian Sea, to match the arrival of the US nuclear carrier Stennis and its naval, air and marine buildup.
The fruits plucked out of the sea with the British sailors could not be sweeter for Tehran. The British will have to ease out of the task they undertook to secure the sea routes to southern Iraq and its southern oil installations. This extra burden will devolve on the United States.
The guarantee never to enter Iranian waters will exclude Britain from any potential Western military action against Iran’s nuclear installation and further accelerate the British military pull-out from southern Iraq.
DEBKAfile’s Tehran sources report the radical Revolutionary Guards and president Mahmoud Ahmadnejad are celebrating their successes. By a single move, they have planted a wedge in the heart of the Western alliance ranged against Iran, helped boost crude to a six-month high, as well as humiliating Britain. Now, they are considering ways to capitalize on their success by follow-up coups.
A small victory at what price?
“and the European Union rejected London’s demand for an export boycott against Iran”
why are we in the European Union?
“TPO – That’s it – Archduke – the secret weapon in Iranian diplomacy.
Oscar | 04.04.07 – 3:43 pm |”
i am a weapon of mass destruction.
guess they kinda wimped out those Eye
Ranians when they heard that a seriously pissed off drunk Irishman was heading their way armed with a load of Mohammed cartoons.
(seriously though – great news on the release. but at what price? we’ll have to see…)
“Biodegradable | 04.04.07 – 1:59 pm”
after the limp wristed performance of our government, it rather nice to see the German Thatcher in action.
Palestinian Authority officials have accused German Chancellor Angela Merkel of “offending the Palestinians’ feelings”
altogether now – awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
“She did everything to provoke the Palestinians during her visit,” said one official. “She showed no understanding for the plight of our people. On the other hand, she appeared to be very biased toward Israel.”
they can get their head around the idea of a German who supports Jews.
poor things were very dissapointed that Merkel didnt support their plans for Treblinka Part 2.
“She appeared to be obsessed with the case of Gilad Schalit,” he said. “But she refused to even acknowledge the fact that we have more than 10,000 prisoners in Israel.”
errr. that would be 10,000 TERRORISTS..
Another PA official described Merkel’s visit to Ramallah as “extremely negative and a total disappointment.”
in other words – she told the IslamoNazis to stop bombing sh*t.
Iran had good cards and played them well.
Is Paul Reynolds trying to say that international hostage taking and parading them on TV is in some distorted morally relativistic way ‘good’ and ‘playing well’ ?
the BBC, and how nations are to respect international law…
From HYS “British Soldiers Freed”:
Added: Wednesday, 4 April, 2007, 14:17 GMT 15:17 UK
Anyone else notice Ahmadinajad’s answer to the US journalist’s question about whether America and Iran could be friends? He said Iran would like to be friends with all nations except those occupying Jerusalem. Confirmation, as if any were needed, that Israel’s occupation is the biggest obstacle to world peace.
Sandy, Durham
Recommended by 47 people
Ahmadinejad says he’d like to be friends so that’s OK then. The most frightening thing is the 47 recommendations.
has anyone found Passover yet?
not here
not here
not here
found it here (not the bbc)
Most recommended comment on HYS ‘British soldiers freed: your reaction’ (including me)
Added: Wednesday, 4 April, 2007, 15:08 GMT 16:08 UK
I was hoping for the UK to make an arrangement with Iran, along the lines of swapping the 15 marines for George Galloway…
[Martin1983], London, United Kingdom
The most frightening thing is the 47 recommendations.
Roland Deschain | 04.04.07 – 4:48 pm |
oops – didn’t see that one. Depressing.
This is not a joke or april fool.
This will perhaps give you a laugh, though probably not a surprise, try it for yourself.
Go to
Search pages from the UK by typing in the following:
“bbc Moses” hits 6
“bbc Jew” hits 1
“bbc Judaism” hits 29
“bbc Nanak” hits 0
“bbc Sikh” hits 104
“bbc Sikhism” hits 31
“bbc Buddha” hits 3
“bbc Buddhist” hits 7
“bbc Buddhism” hits 32
“bbc Krishna” hits 0
“bbc Hindu” hits 33
“bbc Hinduism” hits 38
“bbc Jesus” hits 33
“bbc Christian” hits 330
“bbc Christianity” hits 92
“bbc mohammed” hits 332
“bbc muslim” hits 73
“bbc islam” hits 1,100
says it all…
OT… but funny
“beep for christ, honk twice for satan”
(they’d probably be arrested in the UK for religious discrimination. theres no beep three times for Mohammed.)
‘The most frightening thing is the 47 recommendations’
Why? I bet you ‘Sandy’ sent round an Email or posted on the We Hate Jews…sorry Israel google group and 47 racist sheep ran to press the ‘recommend this drivel’ button.
Any reasonably sized blog or group can do it.
BBC headline right now:
“Iranians release British sailors”
1. They are not all sailors, perhaps a little pedantic perhaps but they have been referring to sailors and marines throughout the last fortnight. Still they did not want to make comments like hostages or captives.
2. They are not actually released yet!
Wrong tense? Or more that A-mad-jihad’s word is as good as done for the IBC. I doubt even the official Iranian state broadcaster is proclaiming them released before it has actually happened!!
” BaggieJonathan | 04.04.07 – 5:13 pm ”
baggie -> if you use googles “site:” command, you get more accurate results
“islam” – 45,100
christianity – 48,600
judaism 9,270
sikhism – 3810
hinduism – 5240
atheism – 1,990
buddhism – 9660
jedi – 1,360
wikipedia – religions in england and wales, 2001 – statistics
christianity: 71.9%
no religion: 18.5%
Islam: 3.7%
Hindu: 0.2%
Sikh: 0.2%
Judaism: 0.1%
Buddhism: 0.2%
other religions: 0.2%
religion not stated: 8.1%
Jedi Knight: 0.7%
note the percentages… compare and contrast with the google results.
i guess the lesson is – if you want your religion to get fawned over by the BBC, you have to blow up stuff and kill people.
sobering , isnt it?
oh dear. it gets worse…
muslim – 2,140,000
jewish – 495,000
christian – 221,000
catholic – 78,400
protestant – 4,630 (!!!!!)
atheist – 1,640
jedi knight – 163
mormon – 1,940
anglican – 3,350 (!!!!!!!!)
methodist – 99,200 (huh??)
unthinkable even 10 years ago…
although the bbc headline writers seem screw it up – “paisley and ahern in boyne visit”.
huh? they shook hands for the first time in public!
a better headline is here:
“Paisley, Ahern in first public handshake”
More from the Arab who lives in “Guilford”.
Added: Wednesday, 4 April, 2007, 16:18 GMT 17:18 UK
This good news must be a minor blow to extreme right organisations, zionists and warmongers alike.
Nick James, Guilford, United Kingdom
Recommended by 3 people
Iran had good cards and played them well.
Frankly I agree with Paul Reynolds. This was a game based on the ‘correct’ assumption that Britain would do nothing and the rest of the world would do less. Iran was ‘playing chicken’ (sorry for the mixed metaphors) and Britain swerved first.
Of course, in the chicken game the loser has no trouble rationalising his action as mature, avoiding an accident, the potential risk was greater than any potential benefit, etc. Unfortunately the winner gets the girl and all the credit. 🙁
If Britain had gone ballistic as Israel did with Iran’s client and inflicted a similar degree of damage but not recovered their personnel who could claim victory?
This is very much another media victory for Iran.
So what do we have?
Upsetting pictures of jump suited Guantanamo internees.
And what does Iran have?
Pictures of well fed pampered British servicemen who are so relaxed and at ease they look bored.
Plus Iran mocked the west for sending mothers to war: an intolerable blast of reality for the liberal elite.
He also criticised the west for destroying 7000 years of civilisation in Iraq. Destroying culture an civilisation? I mean this unambiguously and without sarcasm – that’s liberal democracy for you.
Israelis kill gunman in Gaza raid
Photo caption:
Relatives of the slain man gathered outside Beit Hanoun hospital
Main Entry: slay
Pronunciation: ‘slA
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): slew /’slü /; also especially in sense 2 slayed; slain /’slAn/; slay·ing
Etymology: Middle English slen, from Old English slEan to strike, slay; akin to Old High German slahan to strike, Middle Irish slachta stricken
transitive verb
1 : to kill violently, wantonly, or in great numbers; broadly : to strike down : KILL
2 : to delight or amuse immensely
intransitive verb : KILL, MURDER
synonym see KILL
– slay·er noun
The BBC puts the actions of the IDF against “Palestinian” terrorists on par with these:
More from the useful idiots. They throw doubt on anything the US or the UK say or do, but swallow whole the latest Iranian pantomime.
Call that humiliation?
Conveniently forgetting how Iranians are treated in Iran:
Terror suspect wins control case
A terror suspect has won a battle against a control order imposed by the Home Secretary to limit his movements.
The High Court overturned the control order against Palestinian Mahmoud Abu Rideh who had previously threatened to commit suicide in court.
Lawyers for Mr Rideh said the order imposed by the Home Secretary amounted to inhuman and degrading treatment.
Inhuman and degrading treatment?
Mr Rideh’s control order includes a 12-hour home curfew, no internet access and a ban on visits from anyone who has not been approved by the Home Office
I spend more than 12 hours/day at home!
Further to my post above at 7:43 pm.
Added: Wednesday, 4 April, 2007, 18:15 GMT 19:15 UK
As an Iranan and familiar with the Devil Iranian Government, the end of this game was clear.
I wantr to ask president Ahmadinejad: If he really likes People of the world, WHAT about the poor iranian people themselves?
Nooshin, Oxford
Recommended by 4 people