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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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New forum at Little Bulldogs;
I’ve just registered.
And by the way you heard it here first:
UK to meet Hamas PM over reporter
IiD | 05.04.07 – 10:08 am
Another diplomatic success for the terrorists!
Maybe this is what it was all about from the start, maybe Ahminadinnerjacket’s ‘gift’ inspired Hamas.
In any case for the UK to meet officialy with Hamas is an utter disgrace, and for a BBC reporter – not even a serviceman.
A British diplomat quoted by Reuters said the meeting did not represent a policy shift but was “just to discuss the kidnapping”.
Bollocks you cnut!
Pelosi in a Hijab
more pallywood sob stories , courtesy of Alan Johnston
“UN alarm at Palestinian poverty”
Arafats billions , siphoned off and now providing his wife in Paris with a luxury lifestyle is of course not mentoned.
Armaments purchases by Hamas and Fatah are , of course, not mentioned.
of course, its all our fault:
“Although the report does not refer to them, the past 12 months have also seen international economic sanctions on the Hamas-led Palestinian government.
They were imposed by Israel and the West because the administration refused to renounce violence and recognise the state of Israel’s right to exist. ”
archduke | 05.04.07 – 12:06 pm
I can’t find the links, but there were recent articles reporting that aid to the PA has actually increased in the last year.
breaking – u.s. helicopter shot down in iraq. (ever get the feeling that the insurgents have been emboldened?)
Do you think the UK is waving the white flag and getting out of S Iraq?
It certainly would bring “closure” politically for Brown.
IiD | 05.04.07 – 10:52 am |
They would dearly love to but they can’t without a serious rift with the US.
You’re fairly new here so, boring the regulars, I’ll reiterate that in my last ten years before I retired, I moved on into a government organisation. I worked in a department whose function was to act as a funnel between the three main intelligence agencies and other interested parties. We had to be positively vetted and then some more. Whilst we only saw the stuff that was relevant to, or impacted on our work, we had to gain a good understanding of how the ‘system’ worked. This required visiting all the agencies and relevant parties on a regular basis and building up relationships. (That’s how I could comment on Mangold and the BBC being stitched up)
I’m not giving any secret away when I say that the main runner in worldwide intelligence gathering, the US, is so far out in front that you can’t even see the other runners. This country has an impressive gathering capability but it is very finite. (even part of the BBC is involved and this area is public knowledge if you know where to look and interpret).
We have a very close relationship with the US when it comes to gathering and sharing as do three other places (I’m not naming but everyone knows who) but without the US we wouldn’t be a serious player in the sense that we are now. Having seen what is involved I can testify how crucial it is to the interests of this country to maintain the status quo.
Not to support the US in Iraq and Afghanistan would be a nail in the coffin of that status quo, and France has long had a vested interest in diminishing our capabilities in this sphere (especially in the trade and economy arena).
I’ve been out two years and I would never dream of asking my former colleagues about current issues and likewise they would never dream of discussing current stuff with me, hence I speculate. Nor would I ever give anything up here that wasn’t widely discussed in the public domain and sanctioned.
Funnily enough as I was typing this when haloscan went down and I got a severe attack of paranoia.
” TPO | 05.04.07 – 12:15 pm”
if we’re so intertwined with the U.S. (and rightly so) , and if France is working against us in the trade and economy spheres, it begs the question as to why we’re in the EU and not in NAFTA.
they’ve landed in heathrow.
boarded military helicopter which will take them to a base in devon.
they were wearing their uniforms, and not those iranian suits.
archduke | 05.04.07 – 12:19 pm |
I can’t answer that beyond what what everyone knows. Ted Heath and Geoffrey Rippon sold us a pup. I voted against in the referendum so my conscience is salved.
Everyone knows about the various factions in the FO which leans predominately towards the pro-Arab faction. I think likewise in the Treasury you have the pro-European clique which holds sway.
I will say that not everyone in these ministries is indoctrinated into the intelligence circle, but cerntainly the decision makers (ergo those that should know better) are. These decision makers were well above my pay grade and I didn’t often come into contact with them apart from my respective DGs.
Further to the above, France, like all other countries, seeks to further its own interests. They just do it so much better than most others. They still owe us the compensation imposed on them by the European courts for the beef export ban. They have no intention of paying and nuLab are too supine to push.
A clip of man punching a girl outside a Nottingham FE College was posted on DHOL. The BBC did cover the story, but, as usual, declined to mention the ethnic background of the attacker.
The clip has since been withdrawn. Has anyone seen it?
The IBC’s Fatima Harrison is back and firing on all cylinders (ugh!).
Anyone know the explanation of her mysterious ‘holiday’ from reporting during the important moments of this crisis.
She is the reporter on the spot isnt this just the sort of thing she is there to cover?
A very interesting article.
I’ve always assumed that some of B-BBC érs have had experience in dealing with “the machinery of Government”.
However I can’t help but note that 1,600 UK troops being withdrawn from theatre hasn’t left us exposed and encouraged Iranian boldness.
Since 2004 there have been growing fracture lines between UK and US commands in Iraq between “softly softly” and the “iron fist” schools of thought, which is in turn fuelling the “acrimony”. I just get the feeling that although we maintain the US-UK intelligence arrangements at the moment, that domestic politics has poisoned any reasonable judgement in trying to get a reasonably co-coordinated voice against Iran or Salafist extreamism. All the agencies are highly capable but they are only as effective as the political masters allow them to be.
I feel however (and I again speculate) that the “intelligence community” in the States is growing tired on the UK being the weak link in the chain. When I read open source reports from the US regarding latest intelligence issues they seem to reflect a similar feeling during that the CIA had during the Philby Affair.
Isreal because of there experience (they remain the most informed Government within the “Western Allience”) is now more important in military and supporting assets now than the UK would you not agree?
“When I read open source reports from the US regarding latest intelligence issues they seem to reflect a similar feeling during that the CIA had during the Philby Affair.”
fearful and wary of the pro-Arabist and Islamist jihadi sleepers in the FO & BBC perhaps? or the Londonistan policy? cant blame them.
agree with your point on Israel. theres absolutely zero chance of them developing a softly softly Londonistan policy regarding Islamists – and thus, they are highly trusted.
What the BBC isn’t telling us:
UK diplomat meets with Haniyeh in Gaza
A senior British diplomat and BBC officials were meeting Thursday with Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to push for the release of a BBC journalist kidnapped three weeks ago.
British envoy meets with Hamas PM over abducted BBC reporter
It will be the first such meeting between a representative of the British government and a Hamas member of the new Palestinian unity government.
Senior BBC officials also participated in the meeting, following which the British delegation will meet with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.
The BBC doesn’t feel it necessary to tell us it that it talks to terrorists:
What a wonderful bunch of peaceniks they are, encouraging all to come to their worldwide love-in…,,21483511-5001028,00.html”
It could have been much longer, these are just edited ‘highlights’ from very recent times only…
The public is forced to pay for the behemoth (cum hydra)that is the BBC & when that cramps the opportunities of would be competitors – well why not have the taxpapayer pay more (or forgo income)-
Channel 4 is forecast to make annual losses from 2010 if it does not receive some form of financial help, Ofcom, the communications regulator, said yesterday.
The Big Brother broadcaster could even go bankrupt shortly after 2012, in the worst scenario outlined, once accumulated losses erode its existing cash pile of £170 million.
The alarming scenarios prompted Andy Duncan, the chief executive of Channel 4, to call for new forms of financial help,
the expectation is that Ofcom and the Government will allow for a limited amount of “safety net” measures to mitigate the risk. These include providing Channel 4 with free digital spectrum and help from the BBC with its digital transmission costs.
However, the regulator does not want Channel 4 to become more aggressively commercial. It believes that Channel 4 has a key role in providing public service broadcasting in competition to the BBC, through programming such as Dispatches and Channel 4 News.
IiD | 05.04.07 – 12:51 pm |
Sorry, little one is back from nursery and not feeling too good so this might be my last today.
My side of the business was not to do with armed forces issues except when they acted in support of certain things far removed from the Iraq scenario. Although I attended seminars at DIS it was never in the context of purely military issues. Apart from that my only first hand knowledge of such things was 5 years in the RAF in the sixties followed by 7 years on overseas military contracts. Oh and chatting to the soldiers during the Greenham Common nonsense.
Therefore I know as much as you and archduke on these issues, probably less. It’s a better bet asking dave t or pounce about possible tensions between the various commands in theatre. What I do know about is the support they will be receiving from elsewhere but I will not ever discuss that.
All I can say is that ultimately it is in the interests of this country to stay within the intelligence circle and this is reflected in the actions of Government Ministers. When they gain office and are introduced to what is available there is a marked change in the way they speak.
Not all ministerial levels are allowed access and it’s easy to spot which ones aren’t by the way they spout off on the Tele, just like you can spot a busted flush reporter giving the wink wink nod nod style of analysis which I saw as I walked back through the door with little one.
I caught the tail end of Bowen suggesting that people in Washington should take note of how a less confrontational UK diplomatic approach resolved the issue through pragmatism. He doesn’t even begin to grasp the half of it and appears to invent scenarios to fit his agenda. It beggars belief that the BBC put him up as a foreign affairs editor I, and doubtless my former colleagues, find him risible.
My old man was actually in SIS at the time of the Burgess/Maclean/Philby debacle. Its effects cannot be underestimated. However the CIA had to eat humble pie over Aldrich Ames who caused them catastrophic damage, so it’s a quid pro quo issue where every dog gets to have his day. There will always be good days and bad days, usually through cock-up rather than conspiracy.
By the way you mentioned Israel. No one doubts their ability and track record, but they aren’t one of the three countries I mentioned even though it is in the interests of the US and us to work closely with them (which we do). It is in the public domain that they were caught out a couple of years back doing something in the US which seriously damaged inter-departmental co-operation. I’ll leave it at that.
We will leave it there.
I’m also off to pack my bags for the weekend-so I’ll be back on Monday:)
I’ve put mt first post up on Little Balldogs forum so any feedback would be welcome.
Take it easy guys.
apologies if this has already been bbc chairman brown sock puppet….
bloody ‘ell – 918 comments and rising…
i dont remember it being THAT busy this time last year…
my congrats to the B-BBC team.
Brown wants to educate Africa , using your tax money of course – in a rerun of the “white mans burden”.
think about it though – how would YOU feel if a foreign country started funding schools in YOUR country. you’d be hopping mad at that foreign interference in your nation state. and rightly so.
doesnt brown even give a second thought about African self-respect and dignity?
what a lying , thieving piece of scum.
If a tory government had done something similar they’d be accused of cultural imperialism.
he’s also either a liar or a fool – or both. as if the wahabbi Islamists would even *allow* a non-islamist school to operate in their area. readers familiar with the islamist terror reports coming out of Thailand will know what happens when you stick a non-islamist school near an islamist one.
new chairman of the bbc.
his entire career and livelihood has been entirely funded by thievery of poor people (i.e. taxation), and doing the odd “report” or two for Brownstuff and Blair. a member of the parasitic class – rather like the entire BBC.
he’ll fit right in.
The BBC and half a story;
Youth arrested over video beating
A youth has been arrested and released on police bail in connection with an attack on a girl which was filmed and posted on a website. Footage of the assault, which took place outside the Djanogly City Academy in Nottingham in March, showed the girl being punched in the face. The video was then posted on the DHOL-clips website but was later removed when an investigation began.
Nottinghamshire Police said inquiries into the assault were continuing.
The video appeared to show a girl being held down on the ground by a boy and repeatedly punched in the face. She then managed to break free and in the footage is seen walking off with blood coming from her head.
Here is a screen shot from that South Asian film hosting website.(Yes DHOL has its roots in South Asia) in case the BBC complains,
So the BBC tells the story of how a young girl gets a good kicking from a bloke and how it was filmed. The funny thing is when you go to the DHOL website while the film has been removed, two still pictures from that film can still be found in the top right-hand corner under the most viewed category. Have a look what do you notice about the young thug? Dark skinned (South Asian perhaps?) The girl is white skinned. So tell me BBC is this a racist incident or more likely another cover-up by the BBC on how Muslims, Blacks and south Asians can never commit a racist crime.
The BBC and no story.
Remember the Bradford riots in 2001.
Oh how the BBC loves to tell the story about how fear of the BNP, a BNP attack on a taxis driver and such drivel was the main reason why Muslims (Yes BBC, Muslims) went on the rampage. And oh how the BBC flew the flag for Allah when the bastards got sent down for rioting;
Protest at ‘harsh’ riot sentence
Up to 400 people are expected to turn up to a meeting in Bradford tonight, to protest about the sentences given to those involved in the city’s riots a year ago.
A total of 46 people have been imprisoned for an average of four and a half years each and the Community Defence Campaign, which is organising today’s meeting, says these sentences are “too harsh” for what they describe as “stone throwing”.
Read that last part again; “Stone throwing” and the BBC lets them say that.
Well here is yet another video from that DHOL (South Asian) web site and a film clip of some Muslim lad’s stone throwing;
What is it with the BBC and its penchant for allowing the Muslim world to play the victim card.
A typically representative slice of opinion on the Simon Mayo show today. The first guest was from the left-wing think tank IPPR. An hour later, just to balance things up, there was someone from the New Economics Foundation – a left-wing think tank. Of course neither organisation was described in such crude political terms; as we all know, only right-wing think tanks carry the BBC “health warning”. Still, at least the stand-in host Phil Williams was able to engage with the teenage-level politics (green is good, corporations are bad). He was a bit out of his depth trying to anchor the unfolding events in Iran yesterday and resorted to firing off one particular question to anyone who came within range: “Was the Persian new year a factor in this crisis dragging on so long?” “I dunno Phil, I’m only here to do the traffic.” By the end of the show the BBC had dragged the Middle East editor out of hiding to lend a hand.
Great example of the BBC mindset at the Prime Minister’s press conference today:
“Robin Brandt from BBC news. It sounds unfortunately like, in spite of the fact that these personnel are returning as we speak, it’s back to business as usual pointing the finger again at Tehran’s involvement with Shia militia in the south of Iraq.”
How telling that one word is. Either Brandt would prefer Blair to ignore Iranian involvement in terrorist activity or he’s so stupid he doesn’t believe they’re involved at all. Whichever it is, he’s cheering for the other side.
(Have you noticed how Western leaders “lie” and “spin” whereas Iranians perform “masterful acts of diplomatic gamesmanship”?)
We’re told
Boeing tops 500 Dreamliner orders
but no comparison with the competition. How different, a couple of years ago, when the BBC reported
Airbus overtook Boeing to become the world’s best-selling aircraft maker, and with the A380 it has stolen yet another march on its rival, pipping it to the top spot in the large aircraft long-haul market which was dominated by the Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet for four decades.
So the A380 rivalling the 747? Didn’t know the 747 was so rare, as in January the BBC told us
The number of orders for A380s fell from 20 to 17.
Anonanon “Either Brandt would prefer Blair to ignore Iranian involvement in terrorist activity ..”
On News24 immediately after the PM’s announcement we were treated to al-Bowen’s commentary – should the PM’s words have been too difficult for us to understand.
Those people killing & maiming in Iraq, in defiance of the democratically elected government were to Bowen “terrorists in Blair’s words”.
“muslims in europe” – its still there…
anyone found Passover yet? the BBC seems to have lost it somewhere. if you find it, kindly return it to the Israeli Embassy. thanks.
(Have you noticed how Western leaders “lie” and “spin” whereas Iranians perform “masterful acts of diplomatic gamesmanship”?)
Anonanon | 05.04.07 – 4:31 pm | #
And look at the HYS comments to see how this kind of reporting is paying off. There are loads of them, but the consequences of continually inverting the facts are summed up by this one:
Added: Thursday, 5 April, 2007, 13:50 GMT 14:50 UK
‘No deal done with Iran’ – Blair
Obviously Iran does not negotiate with terrorists.
bill darlington
Recommended by 46 people
islam is just great. so happy , peaceful and spiffingly awesomely wonderful…
The BBC and how it defends terrorists;
Guantanamo conditions ‘worsening’
Conditions for detainees at the US military jail at Guantanamo Bay are deteriorating, with the majority held in solitary confinement, a report says. Amnesty International said the often harsh and inhumane conditions at the camp were “pushing people to the edge”.
So the BBC reports on an AI report on conditions at Guantanamo. I wonder did anybody read the report;
or did the prats at the BBC just read the media version and write a sob story on that.
Well being the sad father less person that I am. I’ll put my hand up and say I’ve read that report and BBC here are a few things that neither you or AI mention.
The biggest gripe in that report is about solitary confinement, however AI rewrite that into prisoner abuse. They bitch about how pens and paper are only given to the prisoners when they write a letter, how they are watched all the time and how after 5 years in an American jail they still can’t speak, read or write ‘English’. (Nothing new there)
Err BBC you wrote this;
“The report, published on Thursday, said about 300 detainees are now being held at a new facility – known as Camp 5, Camp 6 and Camp Echo – comparable to “super-max” high security units in the US.”
Actually if somebody at the BBC had read the report they would know that only camp 6 is new that it holds around 165 people ,Camp 5 was opened in Oct 2004 (not exactly new) and camp Echo was opened in Oct 2003. (Even older than Camp 5) so why does the BBC insist that 300 terrorists are held in a new facility
BBC trying to equate how the US treats its prisoners against how the Brits do isn’t a case of human rights abuse. It’s a case of a prison getting used for what it built for.
Solitary confinement, constant exposure to guards, 2 hours exercise a day and walkways being patrolled by prison guards is what prison life is all about. Bitching about how prisoners don’t like the above tells me that AI and the BBC have nothing better to talk about.
anyone found Passover yet? the BBC seems to have lost it somewhere. if you find it, kindly return it to the Israeli Embassy. thanks.
archduke | 05.04.07 – 4:58 pm | #
No – but Mr Reith had a go at pretending they had (scroll up if you can be bothered). But the BBC did report that Mr Mad Jihad ‘gifted’ us our sailors back for Passover as well Easter – altho there doesn’t actually seem to be anything in the speech that says this. Why? Some crazy spin by beeboids that Mad Jihad does really love the joooos or could it be he is actually better at relations with the Jewish community than the BBC?
“Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell said: “Sir Michael Lyons is experienced and talented. He has a distinguished track record in local government and a wide range of other sectors.””
This is the best the BBC can get? Not a clue about TV, but he’s good mates with Gordon Clown……..AND, he has a prooven record in LOCAL GOVERNMENT…..
Nobody “good” even wants to work at the crumbling BBC anymore…
They are just scribes for Brown… Not real journalists..just scribes…..lololol.
islam is just great. so happy , peaceful and spiffingly awesomely wonderful…
Wow, that really is a hard sell for Islam!
The road to Islam
I thought all roads led to Rome 😉
Because of her parents’ faith, and by singing hymns at school, she always had an awareness of spirituality.
But although she was never particularly religious herself, she found that her interest in faith developed to the point where she decided to convert to Islam.
Makes it sound like Islam is a natural destination for anybody “interested in faith”.
She explains: “I’d always had my belief in God, but then when I had a relationship break-up and found myself looking in different directions. I came across some lovely people in the Muslim community. I was very much drawn by their beliefs and their way of living, so I was drawn in that way.”
“Looking in different directions is quite common after some sort of life trauma, like a relationship breaking up. Many people in that situation are easy prey for all kinds of sects and there’s no lack of parasites ready to take advantage, as this story proves.
The BBC and half a story;
City jail has worst suicide toll
More inmates committed suicide at Armley jail in Leeds than any other local prison in England last year, new figures have revealed. Seven men killed themselves in 2006 – a sharp rise on the previous six years which each saw two or three deaths.
The BBC promotes a story about how bad prisoners have it inside. So bad that they are topping themselves in droves. Well BBC if you did the math and worked out % wise how many per 1000 killed themselves while foot lose and fancy free and how many % wise did the same while locked up. You would find that approx half the number do so while locked up. In other words the figures for those locked up is half the national total. So why the song and dance about prison suicide rates.
As for a dedicated wing to help prisoners adjust. “You mean like the prison regime the yanks have in Cuba/” strange how AI and the BBC has no problem referring to how prisoners are watched 24/7 as against their human rights.
“One common complaint by detainees in Camp 6 is their constant exposure to guards. Several detainees have described their distress at being observed by guards while using the in-cell toilets. Reportedly, detainees in Camp 6 have not been allowed to cover themselves while using the toilet and they may be observed by female staff. It is further alleged that, contrary to former operating rules, female guards now observe detainees while they are taking showers. The towels provided are alleged to be too small to provide adequate covering.”
So come on BBC which way do you want it. Don’t watch them and let them die or watch them and they live.
Al Beeb, and its pro-Islamic headline writers are still at it, in line with recent EU attempts at censorship of certain terms relating to Islamic activites:
“Three” (has a word or two not gone missing from this headline here? “Three” what? Islam…)
“Three” ???????????
“charged over 7/7 bombings” (5 Apr.).
( go to ‘news’).
Archduke and others,
I have been like a stuck record complaining about the permanent presence of the olds section (well it can not be called news) entitled ‘muslims In Europe’.
I have been doing so for a long time and in several threads going back ages.
I also wrote to the IBC without reply.
Actually strictly speaking rather like channel 4 I got some automated reply saying I would get a response later.
Also like channel 4 after much waiting I realised they had been economic with the truth as I didnt realise they meant sometime after the Second Coming!
I must admit I have now stopped bothering trying to complain directly to the IBC, I can waste my time in much more constructive ways.
Some crazy spin by beeboids that Mad Jihad does really love the joooos or could it be he is actually better at relations with the Jewish community than the BBC?
Oscar | 05.04.07 – 5:29 pm
There again maybe not
Al Beeb’s pro- Islamic staff continues to display its favourite propagandist webpage: “M…… in Europe”; this long-running site has become ‘The Mousetrap’ of Al Beeb’s sites.
Meanwhile, Al Beeb cannot find space for this European news story, from AP today:
“French anti-terror agents investigating threats against candidate Sarkozy”
(tap in ‘Sarkozy’ at Search box.)
Given the current reduced threat from the Islamic Republic of Iran, could not Al Beeb now print something like this to counter all the pro- Ahmadinejihad dhimmi stuff it has been putting out?:
“Fitzgerald: Personals (from the Tehran Times)” (5 Apr.)
Another jihadi infiltrator under a false name?
Added: Thursday, 5 April, 2007, 15:31 GMT 16:31 UK
I have alot of respect for the way Iran have dealt with the British intruders ,And they never took away the captured soldiers dignity ,How can the britsh government and media be so hostile to Iran ,shame on the British people who are ignorant to what Ahmadinijad was trying to tell us. And it was’nt because of easter that Iran pardoned them ,but becuase next week is the birth date of Prophet Mohammad.
Shaun, Cardiff
Recommended by 29 people
Well “Shaun”, that’s not how I learned to write English.
(The last time I was in Cardiff, last August, I was stunned by the number of Muslims on the streets.)
Judging by the comments on the DHYS website and various other comments pages (even the Telegraph and Times), it seems that Brits really are naive enought to believe that the Iranian president is a benevolent and misunderstood creature. I must say, I know that education has been dumbed down over the past 10 years, but the naivety of some of the posts is scary. All I can conclude is that Western civilization (well, more likely Britain and Europe) is finished and we will all be under the thrall of Sharia law within the not to distant future. Quite franckly, I think Europe deserves its suicidal fate…
Some crazy spin by beeboids that Mad Jihad does really love the joooos or could it be he is actually better at relations with the Jewish community than the BBC?
Oscar | 05.04.07 – 5:29 pm
Here’s an Iranian TV musical ‘comedy’ for the Persian New Year:
Feel the love.
Biodegradable, that link is FUKKED UP. I actually laughed when I saw it, a shock laugh. It’s a morbid joke.
So get your bets on, how long until the showdown?
If we assume that Iran will have nuclear weapons within 2 years from now that means world war 3 is not far off.
18 months?
” Ultraviolence | 05.04.07 – 8:10 pm ”
debka are saying this summer. i would tend to agree with them. it’ll be a Iranian sponsored Hez/Hamas attack on Israel, with an increase in Iranian terror attacks at the same time in Iraq. Syria will be involved as well.
i find it *very* hard to believe that Dubya will leave his presidency with the Iranians going full steam ahead with their nuke program, and the Baathists still in charge in Damascus.
” Biodegradable | 05.04.07 – 7:31 pm”
well spotted. “the British intruders” kind of gives the game away.
pounce | 05.04.07 – 5:39 pm
Come on, you know the rules of the game with the IBC etc. where the US and Israel are concerned —- F**ked if you do and F**ked don’t !
“Plus ca Change” etc. etc. etc.