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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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daily mirror:
Fury over new “confession”
the sun
paraded and manipulated,,2,00.html
the independent:
Captured sailor ‘apologises over trespass’
He’s obviously quite well known.
Interesting that no-one’s thought of nominating Paxo who clearly commands a degree of respect as a journalist.
I don’t suppose we could send any of the “Thought for the Day” mob is there? There’s that Indarjit Singh who specialises in coming up with prissy little stories about how perfect the Sikhs are and how we’ve so much to learn from them – though when it comes to plays about Sikhism and women I’m not sure they’ve got the hang of this free speech idea. Then there’s that Mick MacTernan who it seems has given up the priesting in order to do his anti-West schtick full-time.
I’m sure we could just chuck her in for nothing……
Paxo is fine in my book. proper old school journo type.
you can add Rageh Omar to the list.
That this has been done at all is sad but not altogether surprising.
Thankfuly unlike the impression that the IBC give hopefully this will not cause Britons to think ill of the US who produced it, though come to think of it is far from ideal. I hope some Americans will be swift to condemn it.
The fact that the IBC has decided to show one of the most despicable pictures from it is also sad and also not surprising.
I do not remember them including a picture of the episode having a go at mohammed…
How the IBC hates Britain.
IiD-Supporting our troops | 30.03.07 – 4:34 pm
I think we should chuck in as many as possible – make them an offer they can’t refuse bearing in mind the “Palestinians” want thousands of detainees back in exchange for one IDF soldier.
One UK serviceperson has to be worth several BBC ‘journalists’.
Here’s the full version of Iranian TV showing the latest ‘confession’.
Note the large number of craft in the area and the helicopter.
It’s good new that a demonstration has been organised at the Islamic Republic of Iran Embassy at 3 pm tomorrow in support of the imprisoned 15.
Wil Al Beeb’s 15 be there to support it? Or report it?
Other demos in USA to support our
imprisoned marines.
For further details and comment, see., eg., (scroll down).
No-one expects good taste from South Park.
What about that Justin bloke who confessed to slagging off americans as fat and fundamentalist?
And (spelling caveat) Lys Doucette? For such a minor talent, such a major irritant.
Mark Urban and Paxo are the only two in the entire IBC who have some notions of loyalty-poor old Paxo looked at one point he was going to walk out at any moment last night……..
Urban fisking of the IRGC propaganda effort was a joy to behold on Wednesday. Prahaps he was too successful and hence dropped from last nights viewing…
Oscar, thanks for posting this on the last open thread:
Added: Wednesday, 28 March, 2007, 22:09 GMT 23:09 UK
“As an American Jew with great sympathy for the plight of the Palestinian people,”
They have received BILLIONS in aid, they should not be in any plight. But, they choose to spend it on weapons instead of infrastructure. No more money should go to them.
the truth
Oscar | 29.03.07 – 3:27 pm
The miseducated HYSpeople with little minds and big pairs of scissors cut it out of the thread. When I last looked it had attracted about ten recommendations – a lot for that forum. Now it ain’t there no more.
Winston looks on in bewilderment. Could it be that it was just his imagination and in fact that comment had never been posted? O’Brien assures him that it was never posted, but even if it had been, the point is that Winston must be 100% sure that such subversive nonsense had never really existed. Otherwise he will never be a good Party member.
I’m in Holland so a bit tricky to get over….
Anyway how can I help you guys tommorow?
URGENT: Saturday, March 31: UK London Protest at Iranian Embassy for the Capture of the 15 Marines
From the 910 Group Forum: Assuming the Marines are still captive, we are organizing a protest for Saturday, March 31 at 3pm outside the Iranian Embassy. It will be in Kensington Road (South side) 200 yards east of the junction with Prince’s Gate – that’s as near the Embassy as you are allowed to go to protest. Nearest tube is South Kensington – it’s a 10 minute walk from there, but also on several bus routes.
Please come and bring placards. We will bring some leaflets, but please bring your own. Best is a copy of the front page of Thursday’s Sun, maybe with the email address of the Iran Embassy and postal address too, so people can write. The objective will be to get people to write/email the Iran Embassy to protest, and get press coverage of the public’s outrage.
If you can make placards, please do. For example, the smirking face of Ahmadinejad with “International Criminal: Release the 15 Marines Now” on it – can anyone do that? Contact right away. Time is very short.
“Winston looks on in bewilderment.”
Thanks for the alert on the Orwellian deletion of the post (ironically) posted by ‘the truth’. So there goes the truth into the bin.
And (spelling caveat) Lys Doucette? For such a minor talent, such a major irritant.
Rueful Red | 30.03.07 – 4:42 pm
Lyse Doucet
Yes, chuck her in too!
Caroline Hawley needs to go with them. Don’t wish to get into sad physical humour but John Simpson surely counts as two people. If we’re looking at people who are on the BBC so much that they might as well work full time for it, then you can add George Monbiot and Billy Bragg.
And don’t forget Katya Adler.
Just got this reply from Marieclaire of “Libertee” in relation to the kidnapped sailors after I emailed them asking why they were so silent on the issue, looks like she contradicted herself in paragraph 2 in relation to commenting on such issues but Libertee are prepared to comment on Guantanamo Bay, what do you all make of this;
Thank you for your email. Of course any detention by a state without lawful authority is wrong and should be strongly condemned. The reason Liberty has not commented is due to the fact that we are a domestic human rights organization covering only matters in the United Kingdom and we are constrained by that, we cannot comment on foreign policy – this is our remit and sadly, despite the many violations that we see happening all over the world, we don’t have the resources or freedom to fight for all of them. Fortunately, there are large international organizations like Amnesty who can agitate on these issues.
We have on occasion commented on the activities of other states such as the ongoing detentions in Guantanamo Bay. However, we only do this when directly relating to or impacting upon domestic UK policy. As there is no relationship of this nature between the UK and Iran, this sadly does not apply in the case. I hope this clears up the misunderstandings that you have regarding Liberty’s purpose and remit.
Er, aren’t these British sailors? In the Royal (oops, sorry, moonbats) British Navy?
Sky news publish all 3 letters in full from the kidnapped British servicewoman.
Reading them you can see them all for the obvious crock that they are dictated by the Iranians holding her and undoubtedly she is under severe duress.
The IBC on the other hand give us edited ‘highlights’ and only the second letter in full. These are only short letters you can read them for yourself. The IBC don’t want you to do that or you might come to the same conclusion that I have rather than their view.
IBC – not in my name!
Note also on the broadcast how the NCO and “ranking officers” have been separated from the junior ranks.
I’ve only counted six or seven on each broadcast….
“Gavin | 30.03.07 – 5:04 pm | ”
they really are taking piss arent they?
“However, we only do this when directly relating to or impacting upon domestic UK policy. As there is no relationship of this nature between the UK and Iran, this sadly does not apply in the case.”
not impacting domestic policy?????? wtf!!!!
this time next week we could be at WAR with Iran… what planet are these people on?
what do you all make of this;
I hope this clears up the misunderstandings that you have regarding Liberty’s purpose and remit.
Gavin | 30.03.07 – 5:04 pm
Utter bollocks!
Anonymous/Stuck record (?)
“My point was: why are dozens of Africans thrown to the sharks 200 years ago, news, when dozens of Africans thrown to the sharks today, aren’t?”
Yeah – I know – it was a point very well and horrifyingly made. I was responding to your earlier post on the Riyadh summit. But the posts are coming fast and furious in these critical times. All worth reading. Who needs the BBC when you’ve got BBBC?
Gavin | 30.03.07 – 5:04 pm
Has Amnesty International said anything about Iran flouting the Geneva Conventions?
They were pretty quick to cry “War Crimes” against Israel last summer…
Nope, thought not, but I did find this, which the BBC hasn’t reported:
Palestinian Authority: New Government must end impunity for lawlessness
To the Members of the Iranian Parliament and people
Thank you for you letters, I’m sure you’ll keep them coming.
However the British people would like to offer a counter-proposal.
In exchange for the 15 members of our Armed Services we would like to exchange 26,000 BBC Journalists. We fully understand that this might seem a bad trade of BUT this is the starting point for our mutual discussions.
The names hereby are:
-The whole of the BBC except Jeremy Paxman and Mark Urban
The BBC will be more than happy to reimburse you for the flight.
We shall also be sending a delegation of our most esteemed leaders as well to ensure we have a permanent presence in Iran.
I’m sure your Government are familiar with these enlightened individuals:
George Galloway, Kate Hoey, Joan Ruddock, Tony Benn, Jermy Corbyn, Ming Campbell, Charles Kennedy,
Sadly we couldn’t get David Milliband to go because he is too young.
We believe in “giving peace a chance” and “fighting war not wars” so in the spirit of Islam and multicutralism I hope we can settle our differences.
Yours truly,
In exchange for the 15 members of our Armed Services we would like to exchange 26,000 BBC Journalists.
Standby for death threats, fatwahs from the Vatican, calls for beheadings from the Archbisop of Canterbury and thousands of Right Wing Fundamentalist Christians rioting on the streets. Any minute now…
Storm in US over chocolate Jesus
Christians rioting in the streets?
Re my post about “Libertee”
I know this is a bbbc blog but lets face it if you cant get a job with the BBC, Amnesty, the Guardian or Indy then you can always get into Libertee, they are all one and the same.
From the Amnesty statement to end “impunity” on lawlessnes in Gaza.
“The organization made this call in the wake of the attempted abduction of a leading United Nations (UN) official by armed men on 16 March and the kidnapping on 12 March of BBC journalist based in the Gaza Strip.”
So it takes the kidnap of Amnesty’s friends in the BBC and UN before they get around to making any statements after 18 months of anarchy in Gaza. But no comment when British armed forces are abducted by Iran. I see – some it seems have more ‘human rights’ that others.
Some BBC propaganda tricks, …
The HYS crew are really starting to annoy me. Now they’ve deleted this comment:
Added: Friday, 30 March, 2007, 09:23 GMT
Being kidnapped is not something I would wish on my worst enemy and I hope Alan Johnston is released soon. But if he was going to be seized by Gaza thugs anyway, he should rather have reported objectively on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, thereby providing a real service to the public.
Instead, he has coated the bitter pill of truth about this conflict with so much sugary nonsense about the “plight” of the Palestinians that he has made it seem that they can do no wrong.
Recommended by 4 people
This is getting personal. That was my comment, and I thought it was harmless enough and didn’t break any rules. Here’s a couple of others that I’m sure they’ll get to soon:
Added: Wednesday, 28 March, 2007, 22:11 GMT 23:11 UK
“You have always been a tireless advocate of the Palestinian cause.”
Recommended by 10 people
Added: Friday, 30 March, 2007, 01:19 GMT 02:19 UK
Alan I hope you come home quickly and safely. And when you do I hope you make it clear that all journalists in the Palestinian Territories are under an implicit threat from terrorists. The reporting there is by necessity anti-Israel and untrustworthy.
Adam, Toronto
Recommended by 5 people
Added: Thursday, 29 March, 2007, 22:53 GMT 23:53 UK
“It has been two weeks since the BBC’s Gaza correspondent, Alan Johnston, went missing.”
I really hope he will return home soon unharmed.
It has also been more than 8 MONTHS since the Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit was kidnapped.
Does anyone in the BBC want to publish his family thoughts?
There is no difference between Alan and Gilad. Both are good people that didn’t do any harm to anybody.
2 more Israelis kidnapped in last July by the Hizbollah, in an unprovoked attack. BBC ignores.
Spotless Mind, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Recommended by 5 people
Added: Thursday, 29 March, 2007, 22:12 GMT 23:12 UK
I wonder if he will “convert” to Islam just like the other journalists who were kidnapped a while back. I also wonder how the BBC will blame Israel for this, I’m sure they will figure out a way.
Naftali, Tel Aviv
Recommended by 5 people
This one is my favourite. I’m sure the irony of it will be lost on the HYS “moderators”:
Added: Tuesday, 27 March, 2007, 22:33 GMT 23:33 UK
I sincerely hope Alan is OK and will be released shortly. All reporters who operate in anarchy zones should be more careful not to enrage the warlords. Just say what they want, blame the other side, and be safe. Leave courageous truth reporting for others.
Alex, Haifa
Recommended by 5 people
Any bets on how long those comments will last on the thread?
“The HYS crew are really starting to annoy me. Now they’ve deleted this comment”
You didn’t break any rules – you just pointed out their bias a bit too well. Outrageous.
By the way Alex in Haifa on HYS is a bit of a hero – spotted by Biodegradable and me on the other thread.
Christians rioting in the streets?
rightofcentre | 30.03.07 – 5:42 pm
Ugh! We really are doomed. :o(
Alex from Haifa:
Note that the title of the (D)HYS thread changed.
here we go again on the “Americans are a bunch of religious nutcases, lets sneer at them” meme.
this is really getting somewhat tiresome to say the least.
no doubt outraged Christians will beat that Muslim women to death while shouting “death to Iran!!”
next up: a bbc report on how anger with Iranian foreign policy is causing the white Christians of Blackburn to join the ranks of the Holy Roman Martyrs Brigade.
“Arabs tried to strife for world peace in 48, 67, 73, 82, 2006. I think world peace is inevitable eventually, but we’ll try to postpone it as best as we can.
Alex, Haifa
Recommended by 9 people”
laughing my head off here. that Alex is some comedian. classic!
A comment at ‘Harry’s Place’ blog –
(go to ‘Update’ at end of introduction to: ‘Murray and Galloway lay the blame’).
“It seems the Islamic Republic News Agency has assigned someone to scan the British media and blogosphere looking for people willing to excuse the Iran regime’s behaviour.”
Of course, this Agency will not be able to cope with all the ready-made pro-Islamic Republic of Iran material it gets from Al Beeb.
More from the Alan Johnston Fan Club:
It woz the Joos wot dun it!
Added: Friday, 30 March, 2007, 07:55 GMT 08:55 UK
I find it difficult to believe that you have been abducted by Palestinians for many reasons. Maybe there is someone else behind it.
Personally, I have always admired your work, and enjoyed your husky tones. I hope whoever has you is treating you with respect and that you will be released soon.
Kehena, London
Oooh, those ‘husky tones’.
Curious how most of the “Palestinians”, including the ones I posted about yesterday, all seem to live in the UK. Gaza is now entirely free of Jews. If they really want to exercise their ‘right of return’ why not bugger off back there?
Added: Friday, 30 March, 2007, 07:36 GMT 08:36 UK
Dear Alan
I have no doubt that you will be soon released,your presence among the Arbab population and reporting is to our advantage,I call on Aljazera and Arab broadcasters to put you on the news on daily basis, I offer the time to make a video in both Arabic and English to call for your release and may help organise any event that may help a good outcome,I am even prepaired to travell to Gaza and help at any cost
Ahmad Hmoud, Jordanian,Swindon
Added: Friday, 30 March, 2007, 02:57 GMT 03:57 UK
Dear Alan,
We miss you, and we need you back safe and sound. I am beyond horrified at the barbaric behavior of your captors. You’re the greatest friend the Palestinian people have. I pray for you’re safe return, Insha’Allah. Be patient, dear friend.
Omar A.
P.S. I miss you’re wonderful “From Our Own Correspondents” reportings – you’re the best.
Omar Abdi, Raleigh
More sinister deletions – I wanted to show a friend the clip Archduke posted of riots in Gare du Nord only to find it’s now been replaced with a note:
Content rejected. This video has been removed due to a breach of the Terms of Use.
“I am even prepaired to travell to Gaza”
Wow Ahmed – there’s bravery for you. So much for right of return – should be amended to “right of return – if you really want to risk it”
Channel 4’s shocking new film is described as fictional, but “inspired by real life events”.
archduke | 30.03.07 – 12:47 pm |
Like the Mirror’s photos of our troops ‘abusing Iraqis’ in a lorry I suppose?
The BBC and its version of the events.
Has anybody noticed how the BBC writes up the so called version of events by both sides in the current hostage crisis in the gulf?
1 Royal Navy crew stray 0.5km inside Iranian waters
2 Iran gives set of co-ordinates to back up their claims
3 According to seized GPS equipment, the Royal Navy crew had previously entered Iranian waters at several other points
4 Iran informs Britain of the position where the crew were seized, inside Iranian waters
1 Crew boards merchant ship 1.7NM inside Iraqi waters
2 HMS Cornwall was south-east of this, and inside Iraqi waters
3 Iran tells UK that merchant ship was at a different point, still within Iraqi waters
4 After UK points this out, Iran provides alternative position, now within Iranian waters
So let me get this straight Al _Beeb according to your version of the story only the Iranians go to the trouble of providing Map co-ordinates. What ever happened to the detailed explanation handed over to Tehran by the Royal Navy.
What next from the pro-Islamic BBC, Jihad of praises from Mecca on a Friday.
Just for the record, If i went out of the way in which to smash in the teeth of a few BBC reporters. Would you guys chip in for my court case.
(Mind you if i am going to go to Jail I’ll ensure its BLOODY worth my while)
Ref the protest outside the Iranian embassy in London tomorrow.
Has anybody noticed the BBC informing the British people about this event.
You know like they do for every pro Terrorist march that takes place in London. I mean according to the BBC they are all Hezbollah now..
By the way Alex in Haifa on HYS is a bit of a hero – spotted by Biodegradable and me on the other thread.
Oscar | 30.03.07 – 6:00 pm
Yes I saw his comments, including the one Archduke pasted in a few comments up.
This Alex has a real feel for the absurd. Great stuff.
lots of video on YouTube
Re the TV play mentioned earlier by Archduke. It will be reviewed on Newsnight Review tonight. The Newsnight email says
The Mark of Cain is the first British TV drama about the Iraq war, and
like the stage plays that have preceded it – the work of David Hare and
Gregory Burke it is fictional but inspired by real events.
The the war, the whole war? No, of course not.
inspired by the case of Gary Bartlam who unwittingly revealed
Iraqi abuse by British soldiers
Wouldn’t post-WW2 life have been different with a fresh expose of Allied misdeeds presented each week at the Roxy?