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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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Anonanon | 01.04.07 – 7:06 pm
Poor ickle Cwive James
For an old hippy lefty Clive ain’t all bad. This in the aftermath of the Bali bombing –
But let us allow, for the moment, that the mass outcry against American hegemony is the voice of the true, the eternal and the compassionate left. Allowing that, we can put the best possible construction on its pervasiveness. Not just the majority of the intellectuals, academics and schoolteachers, but most of the face-workers in the media, share the view that international terrorism is to be explained by the vices of the liberal democracies. Or, at any rate, they shared it until a few days ago. It will be interesting, in the shattering light of an explosive event, to see if that easy view continues now to be quite so widespread, and how much room is made for the more awkward view that the true instigation for terrorism might not be the vices of the liberal democracies, but their virtues.,12070,812708,00.html
“It’s not just about Britain, it’s pretty much all Western countries, to some degree.”
i would tend to disagree. P.C. correctness has only infected Germany and Britain , and Sweden and Holland.
it has NOT infected the likes of Spain, France, Ireland, and Italy.
especially France. they are as un-PC as Bernard Manning. and long may that annoying self-centered Frenchness continue!!
If true this should mean that protesters should be marching, torches in hand, on the Foriegn Office, not the Iranian embassy on Saturday.
Words fail me …
Anonymous | 01.04.07 – 10:39 pm
“According to the West Indian writer V. S. Naipaul,”
what a quote.
i’m telling you – those Indian Hindus know a LOT about the islamonutter problem. they have a several hundred year head start. its time we opened our ears to them.
“DennisTheMenace | 01.04.07 – 10:55 pm”
there are millions of christian assyrians fleeing iraq right now – because of islamists. no jeremy bowen there either…
archduke | Thats interesting –
“i would tend to disagree. P.C. correctness has only infected Germany and Britain , and Sweden and Holland.”
also the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. But not France, Italy or Ireland – If you take Ireland out of the list – what do they all have in common?
They are all speakers of a Germanic language – Ierland has its Celtic roots – it would be useful to see how PC has effected native Welsh and Scots.
“The protesters, whose demonstration was allowed by the Iranian government, were chanting “death to Britain” and calling for the deportation of the British ambassador, she said.”
http://newssniffer.newworldodour…/35070/diff/7/ 8
But for some reason this was taken out – Why? – it is a pivotal part of the piece.
Jon | 01.04.07 – 11:00 pm
The Spanish TV 9 o’clock news showed a lorry full of rocks stopped in the middle of the crowd while the protesters crawled all over it grabbing as much ammo as they could to hurl at the British Embassy.
There weren’t just a few stone throwers – the compound must have contained at least a lorry-load of rubble after the demonstration.
” The Fat Contractor | 02.04.07 – 12:17 am |”
hang on.. hang on.. the BBC headline certainly made my blood boil – but when you actually read through the story, it’s actually a decent, humane thing to do.
to allow the mothers of the fallen Argentinians to visit where their sons had fallen.
after 25 years i think that is an honorable and humane thing to do. unfortunately , the bbc headline totally fucks up the real message behind the story.
” Jon | 02.04.07 – 12:20 am”
good point. well spotted. the more Latin based peoples have no truck with P.C. crap.
“We have now, with the agreement of the Falkland Islands Government, offered members of families of the Argentine armed forces who fell in 1982 the opportunity to travel to the Islands towards the end of 2007 to hold a private commemorative event at the Argentine cemetery in Darwin.”
but buried in the article is this:
Tony Blair has said going to war over the Falklands took “political courage” and was “the right thing to do”.
article that fat controller pointed out:
archduke | 02.04.07 – 12:22 am |
Sorry, don’t agree. Whilst I can applaud any attempt to bury the hatchet I can’t see this government doing any such thing.
By all means let the relatives grieve on the Falklands but any mention of ‘regret’ is a sign of weakness. It is for the Argentines to express regret as they were the aggressors.
We should bow our heads and stay silent.
I always wondered how feminism could be expressed in say Spanish or Italian – all their nouns are feminine or masculine – and if you read any Spanish language textbooks – you cannot find an equivalent word for “Ms”. Obviously Spanish language courses may not teach you the idioms of the language – but modern ones surely would?
English, on the other hand is more flexable – this has allowed any old rubbish words to infect the language. Where else could you find a personhole cover?
The Fat Contractor:
This may be of comfort.
“Falklands war: What do you think?
What should have been done about the Falklands?
Britain has expressed regret over the deaths in the Falklands war, on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Argentine invasion of the islands. ”
“Britain has NOT expressed regret; the government, elected by fewer than 21% of the electorate, has expressed regret. The Prime Minister has many times demonstrated his disregard of the elctorate’s wishes.
Ledger White, Rochester”
P.C. correctness has only infected Germany and Britain , and Sweden and Holland.
it has NOT infected the likes of Spain, France, Ireland, and Italy.
archduke | 02.04.07 – 12:10 am
Sorry to disappoint you archduke, but Spain is introducing lessons on Islam into its schools using books written by the Spanish Muslim Council.
The last “Moros y Cristianos” festivals, which celebrate the “Reconquista”, to be held in various towns suppressed the traditional throwing a figure of ‘Mahoma’ from the castle turrets, so as not to offend.
Spaniards tone down exploding Mohammed at fiestas
One group of “Moros y Cristianos” went to perform in New York City, minus the “Moros”, so as not to offend.
Also Spain: Muslims demand removal of the “four Moorish heads” from the shield of Aragon
“The Fat Contractor | 02.04.07 – 12:34 am ”
the full statement ( not the cherry picked bbc version):
Foreign Secretary, Margaret Beckett, said: ‘2 April marks the 25th anniversary of the Argentine invasion of the Falklands. The resulting loss of life on both sides is a source of continuing regret.
‘The commemorative events this year, planned in the UK and on the Islands, will be a fitting and respectful tribute to all those who fought in the 1982 conflict. The UK remains keen to foster a constructive relationship with Argentina, and to promote practical co-operation both in the South Atlantic and on broader issues of international co-operation. We offered to host a joint commemorative event in London in the first part of 2007 in the spirit of reconciliation, and with a genuine desire to recognise the loss of life on both sides.
‘We have now, with the agreement of the Falkland Islands Government, offered members of families of the Argentine armed forces who fell in 1982 the opportunity to travel to the Islands towards the end of 2007 to hold a private commemorative event at the Argentine cemetery in Darwin.
‘The principles of freedom, democracy and self-determination remain as important to us today as they did in 1982. The Falkland Islands today are dynamic and forward-looking. The islanders have actively pursued efforts to diversify the economy, including through the development of the fishing industry and tourism, and to safeguard the rich and varied environment of the Islands. I congratulate them on the achievements of the past 25 years, and wish them every success for the future.’
Why do the BBC – “celebrate” every achievement negatively.
Recently there was the anniversary of the slave trade and now the Falklands War – what is with them -they try to turn every British victory into a defeat?
“By all means let the relatives grieve on the Falklands but any mention of ‘regret’ is a sign of weakness.”
words words… i ALSO regret that my great grandfather died fighting in the trenches of WW1. but do i think that his fight was in vain? no. it stopped a Prussian empire. i also regret that the allies killed so many Germans in WW2. but am i sorry about it? no. we had to do it. but regret? hell yeah. it’d be a nicer world if didnt have to do that. but we had to.
there is nothing wrong with a civilised nation expressing regret at doing war – it makes us more civilised. that is all.
May I express my regret that Mahmoud Ahmedinejihad is a w***** and that Al Beeb is so s****.
Thank you. May everyone live in peace. 😉
This is what the BBC are after –
“Added: Sunday, 1 April, 2007, 20:51 GMT 21:51 UK
The war wasn’t right. Diplomacy wasn’t even tried. But it won Thatcher the ’83 election.
Paul Goddard, London, United Kingdom
Recommended by 4 people ”
Not the most reccomended but it appears on the main page.
FURY AT BBC ‘DECAPITATE’ SLUR:–decapitate–slur&method=full&objectid=18825392&siteid=89520-name_page.html
“BBC bosses apologised last night after a radio presenter said Faye Turney would be to blame if she were decapitated.
Tony Butler, of BBC West Midlands, said women should not be in war zones. He then referred to decapitation, saying “it would serve her right” for being in Iraq.
What would Mr Butler’s views about Alan Johnstone be I wonder?
archduke | 02.04.07 – 12:48 am |
From you, my friend, I would accept ‘regret’. I understand precisely what you mean and I do not disagree.
But coming from this venal, lick-spittle government the word takes on a whole new meaning.
I know you are right, but at the moment I am too angry to argue articulately.
Added: Sunday, 1 April, 2007, 21:15 GMT 22:15 UK
So Britain expressed regret, well not on my behalf. Argentina got what it deserved.
Tony Erwood, Shetland Islands. U.K.
Recommended by 19 people
“Iranian commentators are mainly angry, defending Iran’s action,” the e-mail said. “The reason for that is a) UK does not have a good/positive history in Iran b) Persians have been treated badly by Westerners e.g. in the movie 300 or referring to Persian Gulf as simply Gulf or Arabian Gulf, so now having the poor young sailors captivated by Iran, many Iranians feel proud!!!!!!”
Is Paul Reynolds taking the p*ss – or does he belive this rubbish. I wonder if this film will be allowed in Iran and how many people would actually watch it? Can he really put forward this as reason why the “crisis” will drag on ?
Maybe we should issue a fatwa on Mel Gibson for his awful film the Patriot or Bravehart
“There is still talk in Iran of putting the naval party on trial, though what penalties might be imposed is not clear. And there is always the risk of Iran linking this event to others – the holding of five Iranians by the Americans in Iraq, for one – though it has not done so so far.”
Maybe Mr Reynolds is trying to give the Iranians some bargaining powers. Or is he trying to put words into their mouths.
Whatever his motives I feel uneasy about the way BBC corraspondents are allowed to speculate on issues which may play into the hands of our “enemies”.
“BBC bosses apologised last night after a radio presenter said Faye Turney would be to blame if she were decapitated.”
What does it take to sack a BBC employee?
“It found some teachers are reluctant to cover the atrocity for fear of upsetting students whose beliefs include Holocaust denial.”
We need a new Iron Lady to take this lot to the cleaners.
FURY AT BBC ‘DECAPITATE’ SLUR:…- name_page.html
“BBC bosses apologised last night after a radio presenter said Faye Turney would be to blame if she were decapitated.
Tony Butler, of BBC West Midlands, said women should not be in war zones. He then referred to decapitation, saying “it would serve her right” for being in Iraq.
What would Mr Butler’s views about Alan Johnstone be I wonder?
Search results for “Misbah Rana”, 55.
Search results for “Muhammad Dawood”, 2 but neither of them are about the person the BBC identify as David Hicks.
islamofascist = western name
brainwashed innocent girl = islamic name
al-beeb, nothing more than al-qaeda pr.
D’oh, should have mentioned those are search results from al-beeb news online, no matter how patently obvious that is!
🙁 I hope your military personnel are safely returned very soon. They are in my thoughts and prayers.
UK Property market ‘heading for a fall in 2008’;jsessionid=BRIZPSIWK0G0RQFIQMFCFFWAVCBQYIV0?xml=/news/2007/04/02/nhomes02.xml
Greed could bring America’s housing sector to grief
BBC should dumb down, says own report;jsessionid=1UJO5CIC3UBZNQFIQMGCFGGAVCBQUIV0?xml=/news/2007/04/02/nbbc02.xml
What do they mean.. Should?
On R4’s Today programme this morning (Newspapers slot at 0740) statistics on accidents were reported on, including those injured falling out of bed, followed by St James of Smug reminding listeners of “George Bush and a pretzel”
Gratuitous or what?
By contrast, still no mention on the beeb of Gordon Brown’s enthusiasm for eating his greens.
Bomb attacks in Holland-Breaking News
Stourton interviews Carrington about the Falklands.
Much Beeboid analysis of stock beeboid thinking: “should diplomacy have been given more of a chance?”. Carrington’s firm response was difficult for Beeboids to comprehend, whilst his enthusiastic support for the Prime Minister at the time is not something Today presenters like to hear.
And then the inevitable “comparisons with Iraq” question. This is the last time Today have trodden this weary path since they remembered the Suez crisis recently. Or was it the Somme? Or Vietnam? Or Korea? Or D-Day? Or Northern Ireland? In Beeb-think, all must be seen through the prism of Iraq.
Let BBC Birmingham know what you think about their refusal to sack Butler
Following that, a curious item about a certain BBC reporter who is having a prolonged tea-break with friendly chaps in the Middle East.
Is it really beyond the BBC to find ANYTHING to criticise the Palestinians for? In Beeb-think they can do no wrong, and consequently they cannot be held to account for 1. taking Johnston or 2. being unable to find him or 3. being able to release him.
Oh Balen, where art thou?
An exploding mohammed, eh?
I think we should start having one for St George’s Day. After all there have been plenty off exploding Mohammeds around in the past few years.
We often we get someone from the BBC posting here to suggest that we are all sick or mad.
As the BBC chooses to defend Tony Butler, of BBC West Midlands for his remark that Faye Turney would be responsible for her own decapitation, I would suggest that it those employed by the BBC that are sick.
I have emailed my supine Tory MP to complain, will it do any good, I don’t know but I think this man Butler should be fired.
jr You seem to be keeping your head well down on this one, perhaps if you’re reading this you could let us know what you think of Butler and why he should be allowed to remain in his job.
In the meantime how are the sickos at the BBC going to spin this one or is it going to go on the ‘too hard pile’ and just be ignored.
Le Pen secures surprise support from Muslims
Some of the country’s five million Muslims are not keen for a new wave of immigrants to arrive. They also support Le Pen’s anti-American rhetoric and his publicised “friendship” with the people of Iraq. Others are attracted by his traditional stand on moral issues such as abortion, family or restoring the death penalty.
Abdallah Bourakba, 54, said “New immigrants think France is an El Dorado. They are parasites, want everything on a plate and are costing us a billion euros a year.”;jsessionid=2JHWH5W4DJZX1QFIQMGCFGGAVCBQUIV0?xml=/news/2007/04/02/wfra02.xml
Here’s another muslim intending to vote for Le Pen.
Murad Asfoure is a 25-year-old history student with Moroccan parents. Married with a baby daughter and living in Dijon, the Burgundy capital, he works at an international courier company. He plans to join the National Front.
What’s new. You only have to remember Yassir Arafat’s uncle, the Mufti of Jerusalem who was a regular hob knobber with Hitler and who, many think, actually suggested the ‘Final Solution’ to the Nazis.
Of course we could never teach school children this. Might offend the Islamofascists or the sickos at the BBC.
Good morning.
“Dear Sir/Madam. I would like to register an official complaint regarding broadcasts regarding the news output form the Middle East. My key comments are:
*Comments by Tony Butler of BBC West Midlands
*That after much “outside pressure” we finally get a “report” from your Tehran correspondent. Why has the BBC chosen to ignore the caveats about monitoring or other journalistic pressures in a country which has a well known record in press suppression AND is actively carrying out information and propaganda warfare?
*That according to the Jerusalem Post regarding the kidnapping of your correspondent Alan Johnston on 13th March that:
“According to the sources, Palestinian journalists working with the international media in the Gaza Strip were linked to previous abductions of foreign journalists.
“We have evidence that some local reporters helped the kidnappers of the foreign reporters,” the sources said. “These journalists don’t want the foreigners to come to the Gaza Strip because they are taking their jobs.”
“Hamas spokesman Ghazi Hamad said the kidnapping hurt the Palestinian cause.”The kidnappers have no nationalism, they want a cheap reward,” he said. “They are well-known, and we hope he will be found today.” Hamad spoke at a protest in front of the BBC office, where 30 Palestinian reporters called for the journalist’s quick release.”
I live outside the UK but I am a UK citizen. I’ve already contacted a MP yesterday and will be furthering my enquires with a number of others. I also regularly contribute to a “blog” that monitors BBC output.
I await your reply in earnest
Now….lets see if we are awake now IRB while I e-mail a number of other interested parties….
It’s a safe rule of thumb that JR doesn’t comment on ‘difficult’ matters – ie, those where there is crystal clear evidence of bias. He has therefore kept quiet regarding Johnson’s fanclub, the favorable press given by the BBC to the Iranians over the kidnap, as well as the Tony Butler question (which has also yet to appear on the BBC website, surprisingly)
All this hoohah about Tony Butler, I’m not convinced, I would like to see some evidence of his alleged ‘crime’ in context.
I certainly would not put it past him, but usually he limits his controversial remarks to sport, especially football.
This BBC profile of him is essentially accurate, though it omits the colourful and controversial incidents in his career.
Usually he sticks to sport.
If he does make political and social comment it is usually intentionally controversial, blunt, belligerent and hugely un-PC.
Not the usual IBC sort of thing.
He is also decidedly regional, so I’m sure that the IBC in its twin bases of Londonistan and Tehran have already decided to sacrifice him despite his significant listening figures.
Well done IiD
No sight of the BBC sicko Tony Butler story on their Midlands section of their website.
However the BBC Midlands section is getting a little exercised about this homosexual story.
Gay man takes bishop to tribunal
The Bishop of Hereford is being taken to an employment tribunal by a man who claims he was refused a job as a youth worker because he is gay.
What next?
Paedophile’s human rights infringed when refused job as child minder.
Thank God that we’ll be in Alberta within 6 months.
Job done!!
I think it’s all hands to battle stations… about an e-mail to young Jenny and Neil?
Baggie:Is he a baggies,villa or city fan?
Breaking News……(not real)
one of the fifteen sailors has just been beheaded, The BBC and Sky are trying to look at thing in a positive light “Well at least he’s still got his arms and legs” “This could be the first signs the Iranians are softening”
Sorry but I’m sick to death of excuse after excuse after excuse. If I hear they are on holiday in Iran one more time… Well the truck driver delivering rubble to be thrown at the Embassay yesterday certainly didn’t look like he was on holiday
how about an e-mail to young Jenny and Neil?
If you mean Andrew Neil and Jenny Scott, I’m afraid they’re off air because of parliamentary recess.
If you don’t mean them, then what an odd conclusion I jumped to. 🙂
I stand corrected.
Morning Alan.
Everything fine and dandy in Al Beeb?
Tell me about the plight of “unemployed journalists?”