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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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“Britain’s Foreign Secretary Beckett told reporters she understands the concerns of developing countries, and she emphasized that the Security Council plans no action on climate change.”
So what was the point apart from propoganda?
Oh no it was to “raise awareness”
“She said the main purpose of the groundbreaking debate was simply to raise public awareness of the effects of global warming. She noted that the same idea had worked in 2000, when the Council debated HIV/AIDS for the first time, raising it from what she called the ‘fringes’ to the ‘mainstream’ of public consciousness.”
Anybody not heard of “Climate Change”?
On 5 live tonight a ‘balanced’ panel of four MMGW activists against, well, no-one else.
An e-mailer complained and was told that it was not un-balanced because they read out ONE dissenting e-mail.
Robbie keane wrote;
“Livingstone hasn’t done that bad a job. Lived in London recently? Experienced the transport improvements?”
Would that be the transport improvements which started before ken became dick-traitor for life. Tell you what mate you try travelling on the Northern Line most weekends.
Lets not forget the huge price increase and lets not forget the huge oyster card handout that’s currently in progress.
Do i really need the abillity to use my dog and bone on the tube? Well ken thinks we do.(How much is that costing?)
“Barghouti urges BBC man’s release”
A jailed leader of the Palestinian Fatah faction, Marwan Barghouti, has called for the immediate release of the BBC’s Gaza reporter, Alan Johnston.
In a statement from prison in Israel, Mr Barghouti called Mr Johnston a “friend of the Palestinian people”.
So what made Mr Barghouti think Al-Johnson is a ‘friend’ of the Palestinian people?
The BBC is constitutionally established by a Royal Charter. An accompanying Agreement recognises its editorial independence and sets out its public obligations in detail.
44. Accuracy and impartiality
(1) The BBC must do all it can to ensure that controversial subjects are treated with due
accuracy and impartiality in all relevant output.
(2) In applying paragraph (1), a series of programmes may be considered as a whole.
(3) The UK Public Services must not contain any output which expresses the opinion of the
BBC or of its Trust or Executive Board on current affairs or matters of public policy other
than broadcasting or the provision of online services.
The BBC , the omission of actual history and half a story;
Mugabe blames greed for collapse
Zimbabwe’s leader has blamed “unbridled greed” in the business sector and “saboteurs” for the country’s economic woes during independence celebrations.
A bit ago I pointed out how the BBC had no problem making sure that Mugabes diatribes against the west always got a prominent position in any post about him. Well it appears the BBC has gone one stage better in its attempts to make this man look good; From the article;
“He reminded his audience of the day 27 years ago when British colonial rule ended with the lowering of the flag by Prince Charles. “Pulling down colonialism, British colonialism, which had settled here, oppressed us for nearly a century,” he said.”
Which is strange BBC because if I remember correctly in 1965 Rhodesia pulled out of the British commonwealth. Yes it was readmitted into the commonwealth in 1979, but that was just a symbolic gesture before Rhodesia was granted independence and a name change to Zimbabwe in 1980.
However if I didn’t know about how that handover took place then I would presume that the Brits really did rule over the Rhodesia until 1979.
Any of you BBC clones wish to prove me wrong here?
The BBC, the omission of actual history and half a story;
As I said before (though in slightly different words) the prospect of the ‘choice’ for next PM is well less good than abysmal.
What between New call me dave dyke for mayor cameron, gordon hard luck oldies brownstuff and minging thankfully no chance campbell is not so much a choice as a disaster waiting to happen.
The sidekicks of gormless george, ballsup and who? hardly inspire either.
Funny thing is they all seem to be going down a storm with the IBC.
Now a contest between Davis, Reid and Opik might be entertaining and the first two of the three might not actually fill me with dread…
In pictures: Virginia victims mourned
#6: Another of the victims was 76-year-old Holocaust survivor Professor Liviu Librescu, who put himself in the line of fire to protect his students.
Why is this caption used for a photo which shows a Christian chapel replete with crucifixes, Virgin Mary’s and priests in white robes?
Professor Liviu Librescu was Jewish, here’s a photo of him:
Biodegradable –
In pictures: Virginia victims mourned
#6: Another of the victims was 76-year-old Holocaust survivor Professor Liviu Librescu, who put himself in the line of fire to protect his students.
Why is this caption used for a photo which shows a Christian chapel replete with crucifixes, Virgin Mary’s and priests in white robes?
I noticed that, also. Another photo in the same series, captioned
“President Bush ordered that US flags on all government buildings fly at half-mast out of respect for the 32 victims”,is a dim photo of what I thought at first glance might be an MIA flag, but is more likely the state flag of Virginia.
As Bush is the President of the US, he would normally be referring to the Stars and Stripes, and that’s what I would have expected to see in the picture.
Both Old Glory and the Star of David have been replaced?
That picture suggests he converted to Catholicism. He isn’t even featured in the picture.
That’s Nuremburg rally stuff.
All the signs point to this – the arch Jew hater John Lennon (controller of the Catholic Church) has extended his influence to the BBC, perhaps via Opus Dei. A self sacrificing Jew??? He must be presented as a Christian convert.
The Islamisation of British society is well underway. Yet, as ever, the establishment is in denial. As Melanie Phillips notes here in her diary Britain’s Members of Parliament literally scoff at the idea. All the more worrying when the MPs concerned were Tories [members of our so-called ‘Conservative’ Party].
Ultraviolence, what is all this John Lennon stuff about? I sincerely hope it’s all just a joke I don’t get.
“BBC to open up archive for trial”
I filled in the form, and was told I didn`t fit the criteria for the trial,, I wonder why.
The heroism of Professor Liviu Librescu is a huge story. Yet on the BBC website and the World Service they are treating it like just any other detail of the atrocity.
There was another brave and quick-thinking action from a female student who peeked out into the corridor when the shooting started, saw the gunman, and managed, along with other students to barricade the door to the classroom with a desk. All of those students survived.
One would think that the BBC would be eagerly following up on these stories. Where is the journalistic instinct here? Numbed-down and dumbed-down, I suppose.
RE: Today Programme
Has the BBC’s line on the Iraq death toll been changed?
You don’t suppose they’ve realised that they’ve made an enormous mistake, do you?
Prior to today — to my great frustration — their position has always been that hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been murdered since the invasion. So was with great glee that they seized on the Lancet poll, towards the end of last year.
Original story.
This ‘proved’ that the figure was 650,000. You may remember that this was quite widely disputed at the time, though obviously not by the BBC. •by any stretch of the imagination, the most careful and accurate survey of the Iraqi civilian dead • said that the Lancet poll was out by a factor of 10.
Let’s just repeat that. A factor of 10. Can you think of many things that are out by a factor of 10, and are then broadcast by the BBC as fact.
But the BBC even went out of their way to give the pollsters a chance to rebut their critics.
In March they revive the Lancet survey again. This time the headline is ‘Iraqi deaths survey ‘was robust’. No doubt about it now. Case proved.
Unfortunately, still say they’re out by a factor of 10.
Fast forward to today’s Today programme and we have the edifying spectacle of James Naughtie interviewing someone from Listen out for Naughtie’s trademark apoplectic rage on the subject of Iraq.
It’s missing.
Instead, we get a clipped, almost strangulated interview, where Mr Naughtie • obviously very carefully choosing his words so as not to ask any embarrassing questions • discovers that the Iraq death toll is, in fact, close to 70,000.
Does he dispute this? No.
Does he mention the Lancet poll? No. Why not? He’s usually burning with righteous indignation about all things Iraq. Why not brandish this devastating piece of evidence on the programme and shoot down this figure of 70,000. This figure that proves, he, Humprhys et al GOT IT WRONG!!!?
Could it be because they’ve finally twigged that it’s not true, and are going to keep very quiet about it?
He does add one tiny caveat, to the effect that there are probably unreported Iraqi deaths which may still push the figure up. Fair enough. No one disputes that. But by a factor of 10? Does he still cling to the belief that instead of the 2000 to 3000 people dying every month, there are another 20,000 to 30,000 people that is missing?
Don’t get me wrong, 70,000 dead is utterly horrifying figure. 70,000 Muslims, killed by Muslims is an utterly horrifying figure. But how can you expect to trust a major news organisation with the VAST news-gathering resources, that cannot compete with a small organisation like How can you expect to trust a major news organisation that when it discovers it is wrong, spends months suppressing the evidence?
Where is the apology?
“Stuck-record | 19.04.07 – 9:35 am ”
a caller to “any questions” last weeked calculated that for the 650,000 figure to be true , it would mean that about 500 iraqis PER DAY were dying.
insurgent taken out (video):
Good Morning:)
“As I said before (though in slightly different words) the prospect of the ‘choice’ for next PM is well less good than abysmal.”
Only five weeks to go before oblivion-can’t wait for TB to spill the beans on the whole squalid farce and take a few down with him.
Looking at the ‘performance’ of the Osborne and ‘King Brown stuff yesterday, the prospect of UK politics going into a coma is starting to become a reality.
If ‘call me Dave’s’ best efforts is to come up with an argument that took place 10 years ago then expect UKIP and BNP to do well on the 3rd .And looking nowadays at the Tory front bench they seem more like sniggering sixth formers than ‘men ready for government’.
Cameron, Osbourne, Willets, Letwin, Lansley and Haugue-need I say more?
To throw in my pennies worth into the hat I would have liked to have seen a fight between:
Labour-Big Bad Reidy
Tory-Hit man Liam Fox
FibDems- Campbell?!
Davis is too IDS for my liking-very intelligent thoughtful guy that sounds like your bank manager.
And even though’ old man Campbell makes John Kerry look strong I rather him than “tipsy” Charlie going off the wagon and running amok like a narc cop that has sampled too much of his contraband.
And needless to say I’ve long joined the Foxy fan club-At least he got weasel Browne to say ‘sorry’ and get this Iranian debacle out in the open.
Did I read that Greg Dyke is running as Tory mayor-I thought he was a Labour man?
Why is this caption used for a photo which shows a Christian chapel replete with crucifixes, Virgin Mary’s and priests in white robes?
I noticed that, also.
Lynette | 19.04.07 – 2:28 am
I registered an official complaint before posting here asking if the BBC’s intention was to somehow conceal the fact that the brave professor was a Jew. The page is unchanged as of now and I’ve had no response.
I filled in the form, and was told I didn`t fit the criteria for the trial,, I wonder why.
rightofcentre | 19.04.07 – 8:38 am
Perhaps because you called yourself “rightofcentre”? 😉
I’ve been noticing these ‘wobbles’ too-
I gather on the News-night that for the first time the ‘wisdom’ of bugging out early has been examined.
Now with TB and George fading into the sunset the political will on ‘getting the job done’ is no longer there. The ‘surge’ is really the last throw of the dice for the Americans-the British have given up a long time ago.
The drip drip effect by the media on public opinion has left us in a worse position than ever-no matter how we spin this Iraq is a pressure cooker about to explode and there is nothing we can do about it because the conflict within Islam has its own momentum.
Iran’s ambitions plus the showdown between the Shia and Sunni extremists can no longer be stopped-the painfully ironic thing is that the ‘anti-war voices’ now have to come up with a plan because the ‘blame Bush’ argument is already sounding thin and tired.
The inmates are taking over madhouse.
Unlike Vietnam the now ‘previously known as the war on terror’ will not just ‘go away’ because we are raising the white flag in Iraq-indeed I suspect that this is the final chapter before the climax with Isreal/Gulf Sunni’s on oneside and Iran and chums on the other.
And just think Team Peaceniks: Commander in Chief Clinton and ‘King Brown of Scotland as head of the Socialist Republic of England with Generals Bono and Gore and Geldolf the Grey, Michael Moore as Minister for Entertainment and Enlightenment (and top sniper with his NRA training), Air force Chief Tom Cruise and CIA Head Clooney with Sutherland in charge of special ops…..
I’ll grow my beard now….
“with Isreal/Gulf Sunni’s on oneside and Iran and chums on the other.”
makes sense. havent the Saudis been making peace gestures towards the Israelis recently.
fearing a Shia Iranian onslaught, maybe their asking Olmert for a bit of nuke protection.
Archduke and Baggie:
I warm more and more towards Dr Fox:
“Typically, New Labour’s obsession with news management trumped the issues of dignity, professionalism and discipline.”
And a bit more on Liam in the Hansard:
“Countries are inclined to take risks if they detect a lack of resolve. Does no one in the Government actually feel responsible for the national humiliation that we have suffered at the hands of the pariah regime of Iran?
But even if Ministers do not feel responsible for that, they cannot avoid the direct responsibility for the second fiasco; the media handling of the return of the captives. The eventual return of the captives, welcome as it was, was not a shock and the shambles around the media handling is unforgivable.”
I would be very interested to here from any Tory voters why this man is tucked away?
To use a pounce-ism BBC and half a story.
Though it never uses the term as such it clearly is making the case that the amphibians are being killed off by global warming.
“shifts in the area’s climate had led to a decline in the habitat needed to sustain the creatures.”
and “The increasingly warm and wet conditions of the past two decades could negatively influence standing litter mass by affecting rates of litterfall or litter decomposition”
and “The environment, regardless of whether it is a protected forest system or not, is highly vulnerable to temperature changes”
Just to ram home the message it refers to “First true amphibians evolved about 250m years ago” – so clearly saying that global warming is doing for creatures that had been around for 250 million years.
Thing is lots of other BBC articles have told us that the dinosaurs and many other creatures were wiped out by an asteroid hit 65 million years ago, first by burning then by a prolonged global winter.
If the amphibians like the frogs are so vulnerable to temperature change how did they survive the hugely dramatic temperature changes when the asteroid hit?
Any answers BBC?
Cue the tumbleweed and crickets…
Twisting the story to fit our agenda – BBC: its what we do!
Davis and Fox grew up in council houses rather than going to Eton.
Pretty much rules them out of new call me dave’s clique.
From our favourite broadcaster’s website:
“Canadian coastguards are trying to rescue the occupants of about 100 boats carrying seal hunters trapped by pack ice off the country’s eastern coast.”
Followed by:
“Conditions are set to continue until the end of the week and could deteriorate further, coastguards say.”
Funny, that. There’s not a mention of ‘Global Warming’ in the entire article. Nor about the generally awful early Spring that North America has been suffering.
I wonder why? Surely, there are BBC rules mandating that any story mentioning the weather must refer to MMGW?
Biodegradable | 19.04.07 – 10:12 am |
Nope, used real name, email that is made up of real name, real address d.o.b etc.
Perhaps it`s `cos I live in Yorkshire, or more likely they`re oversubscribed all ready.
Biodegradable | 19.04.07 – 10:12 am |
Nope, used real name, email that is made up of real name, real address d.o.b etc.
I was just kidding, hence the smiley 😉
As Bryan says, “so much to fisk, so little time.”
Personal plea to Alan Johnston’s kidnappers
Kate Burton, a human rights activist, was kidnapped in Gaza in December 2005. She wrote this plea for the release of the BBC’s reporter in Gaza Alan Johnston.
Biodegradable | 19.04.07 – 12:19 pm | #
Kate Burton, a human rights activist…
“If you continue targeting foreigners such as Alan Johnston I fear you are doing the same that Israel did when its troops killed Tom Hurndall, Rachel Corrie and others.”
Unbelievable half-wits.
I was just kidding, hence the smiley.
I realised, but don`t know how to use smileys 🙂
it appears I do
If the amphibians like the frogs are so vulnerable to temperature change how did they survive the hugely dramatic temperature changes when the asteroid hit?
Any answers BBC?
BaggieJonathan | 19.04.07 – 11:59 am | #
That seems a little harsh, Baggie. It is my understanding that Paleontologists don’t fully understand the reasons behind the amphibians survival, so in all fairness to the Beeb, they are unlikely to have the answer either.
Didn’t the Beeb do a programme on the controversy surrounding called “what really killed the dinosaurs?” or did I just dream that? I’m sure the frogs got a mention then, too.
For my blog []I asked the BBC ‘how much money has been expended to date by the BBC in suppressing the publication of the Balen Report’?
Their response was ‘the BBC had expended £74,526.85 in relation to the proceedings before the Information Tribunal and then the High ourt about whether Mr Balen’s has to be disclosed’.
When you are spending other people’s money…
Unbelievable half-wits.
Stuck-record | 19.04.07 – 12:23 pm
Useful idiots doesn’t quite do them ‘justice’.
Our kidnappers constantly repeated the fact that the respect I had earned in the Gaza community deserved the same respect from them towards us.
I am certain that the same is true for Alan, who is held in enormously high esteem in all the occupied Palestinian territories and the world…
I know you are watching the TV and following the news and you know now how much Alan means to the people of Gaza and Palestine. You know how much he is respected for his work among the Palestinians during his three years in Gaza.
When no-one else was covering the reality of what is going on in your world, Alan was there.
He described the sonic booms after the disengagement, the electricity shortages after the power plant was hit, the constant and never-ending closures that affect every part of your lives, the massacres, the medical patients suffering at Rafah crossing.
He was telling your entire story to the world, piece by piece, and now there is no-one left to tell it.
Support for the Palestinians, for your brothers, sisters, daughters and sons, is being destroyed more every day that goes by with Alan in captivity.
You are pushing away from Gaza those who want to help you get out of the situation your people have been suffering for decades.
During the time I was kidnapped, I realised that those who had kidnapped me wanted what I wanted for their people: Freedom, economic opportunities, an end to corruption and power imbalances, and an end to the occupation.
I plead with you, for the Palestinian people, for your families, for Alan, for me. This is a well-known expression in Gaza: One who lives 40 days among a people becomes one of them.
Alan is one of you a thousand times over. We are tired. Khalas [enough].
Cairo, 15 April 2007
I realised, but don`t know how to use smileys
rightofcentre | 19.04.07 – 12:23 pm
Click the question mark just above the Comment box.
(Comment: ?)
Didn’t the Beeb do a programme on the controversy surrounding called “what really killed the dinosaurs?”
TheCuckoo | 19.04.07 – 12:51 pm
Did they come to the conclusion that it was the Jooos what did it?
Not all that harsh I’m afraid.
It seems to be presented as cast iron fact over the years by the BBC here
and here
and here
Admiitedly in other articles they admit that there is room for doubt, which I call an advance, however frequently that doubt is besmirched even as they write about it (a common al beeb trick).
One classic one one is on the BBC science page where they tell us that they had changed the page according to new scientific developments.
They neglect to tell us that what they had previously called ‘scientific fact’ (and laughing at those that disagreed) had now become merely a well supported possibility, al beeb slight of hand stikes again.
When all that is said and done what I was getting at is the original article implied a modern global warming was killing off creatures that had survived 250 million years. I was pointing out that they had survived far worse in that time but it did not suit the IBC global warming agenda to report that.
@Baggie: Yes, I agree – the beeb play fast and loose with science. And I also agree that those little froggies seem to be hardier chaps than were first thought. Odd that.
This site: has got some useful figures about impact frequencies. If they are correct, the poor old frogs will have gone through hundreds of big impacts and a couple in the order of the Chicxulub event – all of which may have had caused significant temperature variations.
When you are spending other people’s money…
We may be very disappointed by the Balen report. It could be another Board of Governors’ whitewash with a few minor criticisms for form’s sake.
So why, IMHO is the BBC spending so much money to supress it? Ralph got it right. It’s someone else’s money.
We can look forward to Al anhart taking his ridiculous Israel behind it theory now? No, thought not…
Good news indeed. Couldn’t help but laugh about Abbas being in Stockholm when he announced that Alan was alive!
“Davis and Fox grew up in council houses rather than going to Eton.”
There not in the same league as all the snooty public school types (like most of Labour and Conservatives front bench).
They are probably looked down on, as a college fag.
But Davies and Fox are just the people to understand the ordinary voter
David Davis – “When his mother married a Polish Jewish printworker, Ronald Davis, he moved to London. They lived initially in a flat in a “slum” in Wandsworth before moving to a council estate in Tooting, South London.”
“On leaving school (Bec Grammar School in Tooting), his ‘A’ Level results were not good enough to secure a university place. Davis worked as an insurance clerk and became a member of the Territorial Army’s 23 SAS Regiment in order to earn the money to retake his examinations. On doing so he won a place at Warwick University (B.Sc. Joint Hons Molecular Science/Computer Science 1968-1971). He later studied at London Business School (Master’s Degree in Business 1971-1973) and Harvard University (Advanced Management Program 1984-1985).”
The Tories would rather go for spin than substence. A bloke like this I could vote for – call me an inverted snob if you like but Lawyers and ex-Etonians just don’t know what the real world is about.
BBC News 24 main headline: “Police sorry the public had to see VT killer footage”. (nasty old police, but I suppose it had to be done)
Actual news: “Police Regret NBC decided to show footage”.
Missing BBC reporter Alan Johnston is still alive, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas says.
“Our intelligence services have confirmed to me that he’s alive,” Mr Abbas told reporters in Sweden.
So if they know he is alive presumably they must know who is holding him and where.
“The Ross Ice Shelf, the world’s largest ice shelf, would be vulnerable to an influx of warm ocean water; and researchers believe its demise would be an important precursor to the eventual collapse of the entire West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS).
Although the WAIS is the smaller of the two great ice bodies on the continent, its disappearance alone could raise worldwide sea levels by an estimated six metres.”
Yes it could but:
“The West Antarctic ice sheet has been retreating for several thousand years, so to look now and see that it is growing is staggering to me,” Tulaczyk said. “Within the past 200 years, the ice sheet seems to have switched fairly rapidly from a negative mass balance to a positive mass balance.”
Dreadful bias on Thursday’s PM programme on Radio4.
Debate between Colonel Blimp of Civitas and some pro-immigration chap. Subject: immigration. Sadly Blimp was ill-suited and was horribly bullied by his opponent. Eddie Mair of the BBC made no attempt to referee.
Towards the end, Mair badgered poor old Blimpie into conceding that, yes, there were some benefits to some people from immigration, some of the time. Oddly, he did not try to get the immigration fan to concede there were any problems or issues with immigration. So we are left with the feeling that immigration is one big party time of unlimited good news for everyone – and anyone who dares to suggest otherwise is a blimpish old fuddy-duddy. Guess this is the standard beeber take on the subject.
Jack – Iheard that too – the lefty was asked however if there should be a restriction on imigration for which he had no anwer and was allowed to skirt round the question. The bit that I found most offensive was when the Civias bloke said that AIDS had increased in the UK because of the practice of some immigrants marrying their first cousins and the lefty said “Yes and they eat babies as well”. No intervention from the BBC stoodge. Also the Civitas bloke was quoting from other peoples studies including the NHS – and the lefty had no studies to back up his argument for the open door policy he was putting forward. I bet he is an environmentalist in his spare time – actually I did not quite hear what qualifications he had or which party or organisation he was speaking for.
Jack Hughes writes:
“Debate between Colonel Blimp of Civitas and some pro-immigration chap. Subject: immigration. Sadly Blimp was ill-suited and was horribly bullied by his opponent. Eddie Mair of the BBC made no attempt to referee.”
True. But fortunately, the mouthy kid supporting uncontrolled immigration boiled over at the end and made an utter fool of himself.
Call me an optimist, but I think most undecided people would have concluded he comprehensively lost the argument.
isnt it odd how supposedly “lefties” are pro immigration, when the people most badly affected by immigration are the working classes , because an increase in labour supply drives down wages.
logic would dictate that people on the RIGHT should be pro immigration, being pro free market and such like.
question time:
ed miliband : leftist
iain duncan smith: tory
jenny tonge: deluded leftie moonbat
jan ravens: dead ringers impressionist
bruce anderson: conservative
bit more evenly balanced this time around, 2 tories , 2 lefties, 1 luvvie.
(bit better than the usual 5 to 1 ratio)
Biodegradable | 19.04.07 – 1:36 pm |
Were it the ones in Maggies cabinet? In which case it’s Thatchers fault!
Copywrite BBC circa always 🙁