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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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As John Lennons ineffable will turns the wheels of the universe: So all punks end up yuppies sooner or later.
As it is written in a book I dictated when incarcerated:
The Book of the Cataclysm by John Lennon:
“Many will come and go away, many will return to away and away they shall stay amen. But most will return from away full of renewed promises to their former leaders. For this reason accept them, but mark their heads with a sign of the cataclysm and speak “Yay there hu-ther, you have returned to the path of tr-thu but you must be marked – though the riches of the spirit of tr-thu are now forthcoming, peace you will have, but never shall you have final and complete peace – for your mark will forever distance you from the admiration and kinship of those who have never strayed from tr-thu. Verily hu-thers maintain yourself for each transgression permanently diminishes you a little more, in a way you can never get back.”*
Thus spake John Lennon.
*For more information on the permanent diminishing of the spirit with each transgression of tr-thu, consult the tablets of exoneration.
Not to do with politics but the Beeb’s other biases:
A few years back, a BBC “Money Programme” documentary dismissed Nintendo as a mere “toy company” and proceeded to suck up to Sony for 30 minutes, causing considerable offence amongst many who objected to their licence fees being used to advertise for Sony.
The BBC has been sneering and patronising in its tone towards Nintendo because they are not a “multimedia” company.
Which makes these statistics all the more interesting:
Japanese Console Sales
April 9 – 15, 2007
Nintendo DSL – 133,325
Nindento Wii – 75,759
Sony PSP – 24,850
Sony PS2 – 12,872
Sony PS3 – 11,948
Microsoft X360 – 2,900
Nintendo GBASP – 654
Nintendo GBM – 617
Nintendo GameCube – 167
Nintendo DS – 146
Nintendo GBA – 26
The “toy company” seems to be doing very well indeed.
Indeed, in the US, Nintendo are spanking “serious” Microsoft and Sony just as hard.
The BBC seems to be reluctant to report that retailers can’t shift Sony’s overpriced turkey:
Children’s TV viewing ‘must be rationed’
Television should be rationed to prevent health problems and behavioural disorders in children, an expert will warn.
Amid growing evidence of the dangers of youngsters sitting in front of the box, Aric Sigman will call on the Government to issue strict guidelines to parents.
Dr Sigman, an associate fellow of the British Psychological Society, said that to tackle the rise of obesity and increasing learning difficulties television watching should be limited in the same way as salt intake.
Describing TV rationing as the greatest “priority for child health” he says under-threes should be completely banned.
Dr Sigman insisted children should not be allowed to have sets in their bedrooms.
Escape from the Holocaust: The Secret life of Britain’s Anne Frank
When her parents were sent to the Nazi concentration camps, a six-year-old from Newcastle was hidden away in Paris. Now she is retracing her path to freedom
By Ian Herbert
“The baby princess, whose name is not yet known, weighs 3,350g (7.4lbs) and is 50cm (20 inches) in length. ”
Funny BBc Journos who can’t even write properly.
The baby princess is not yet named
“History teaches that the false comfort of complacency is a dangerous indulgence in the face of a determined enemy”.
Make No Mistake: This Is War
On the matter of the post-op Ultraviolets, I blush at the thought of the privilege, but if I might volunteer to carry his tablets down from the mountain: 40:41? Or 42 or 43, possibly, but definitely not more.
Beware the flow that is nigh, the challenge of very dark matter that will not stem or suffer itself to be stemmed: the lid’s off the big bottle of green ink on the shelf in the shed. I believe he fears you’ll knock it over next time you reach for the packet of damp Digestives, in the manner of one-handed typists and hu-thers everywhere, on the lonely quest for communion with The Nature Of It All and also someone to talk to. And then your true colors will be showing.
Sad to say, I do believe he’s often right. But is he Reith?
Meanwhile, Mr-Bean-the-Marine is due to rejoin HMS Cornwall on today, according to the Daily Mail, an event that will be widely ignored by the BBC. That ship of fools won’t be welcome around the US Navy.
But in the shed, life of a kind goes on.
Steady now, so many things…
Al-Qaeda‘planning big British attack’
AL-QAEDA leaders in Iraq are planning the first “large-scale” terrorist attacks on Britain and other western targets with the help of supporters in Iran, according to a leaked intelligence report.
Spy chiefs warn that one operative had said he was planning an attack on “a par with Hiroshima and Nagasaki” in an attempt to “shake the Roman throne”, a reference to the West.
I was expecting an over emphasis on the fact that St george was probably Turkish and the We’d get some white liberal bishop spouting multicultural mood music etc
Geoff Sturdy – BBC censors clearly let down their guard for a moment – but they were back in force for ‘Thought for the Day’ on Today this morning. Tom Butler treated us to some glib multiculturalism straight out of a social sciences textbook about globalization and how ‘British’ identity isn’t British at all. He topped this by suggesting St George was a Palestinian (funny how St George suddenly does have a ‘national’ identity – from a place that’s never been a nation). And what kind of national identity would that give us? – a nation of kidnappers?
‘He topped this by suggesting St George was a Palestinian (funny how St George suddenly does have a ‘national’ identity – from a place that’s never been a nation).’
Oscar | 23.04.07 – 10:15 am |
Ergo…’and the dragon was/is????’
My God they are such squalid shits.
“…they were back in force for ‘Thought for the Day’ on Today this morning. Tom Butler treated us to some glib multiculturalism straight out of a social sciences textbook…”
Oscar | 23.04.07 – 10:15 am
It wasn’t Tom Butler, it was Colin Morris (former head of religious broadcasting at the BBC). And wasn’t it predictable, this “celebration” of England’s saint day? Morris began with the obligatory observation that St George wasn’t English, a point media luvvies feel compelled to mention whenever discussing England’s patron saint (one never hears sneering comments about the birthplaces of St Andrew or St Patrick). He then continued:
“But I think it’s fitting that an outsider should be England’s patron saint to counteract any lingering tendencies to what used to be called the Little Englander mentality – the belief that except for tourist purposes the world ends at Dover.”
I can’t recall hearing about the Little Scotlander mentality, even though polls show support for the SNP on the rise. Britain’s liberal elite views English nationalism with unique disdain; those with a love of England and its heritage are by default Little Englanders whose view of the world is limited to how far we can see from the top of the white cliffs, weather permitting.
Morris followed this with one of those ever-so-funny sketches highlighting the hypocrisy of these Little Englanders who rely on foreign inventions but still give thanks for being English (a concept Morris also questioned). I’m surprised he didn’t throw in his own re-evaluation of Shakespeare while he was at it: “This singularly ungrateful breed of men, this Little England”. Having offered up his Little England straw man, Morris was then happy to declare him all but dead in modern progressive liberal Britain. And with nasty English nationalism out of the way, the international community can now concentrate on solving the world’s problems. Or as Morris described them in his own parody-proof way:
“St George’s dragon was also of course a myth, but let it stand as a symbol of those scourges such as global warming and world poverty…”
So there you have it, the politically correct guide to St George’s Day – a day to celebrate a patron saint who opposes English nationalism and fights for trendy liberal causes.
It wasn’t Tom Butler, it was Colin Morris
So it was – thanks Anonanon – they obviously merge into one in my mind.
So there you have it, the politically correct guide to St George’s Day – a day to celebrate a patron saint who opposes English nationalism and fights for trendy liberal causes.
Anonanon – very well fisked by the way. You are spot on.
What need for satire when you’ve got that tosh ready off the peg from “Colin Morris”? Or was he just reading it out from an old copy of Private Eye?
Multi Faith Appeal for Johnston
Imam Dr Abdul-Jalil Sajid, who is taking part in the service, said: “We need to show our solidarity together, as a multi-faith… to hope that the kidnappers – maybe Christian, maybe Muslim, maybe anybody else – listen to us and release Alan very soon.”
Nice try Dr Abdul! That all those Christians in the Gaza strip – all 2,000 of them (out of a total of 1.3 million inhabitants might be so aggrevied!
Then again anytime they get out of line you can just burn down churches and their libraries
Published: April 12th
Published: Today as BREAKING NEWS!
Journalism is something the BBC used to do.
Happy Saint George’s Day, and while the BBC forgets about it and Remembrance Day others plan to apologise, to the “Palestinians”.
Through the narcolepsy he’d instantly induced, I seem to remember Colin Morris coming up with the interesting thought that we use the arabic alphabet. Funny that. Could have sworn it was the roman.
If the BBC said that St. George was Turkish, then they showed an astounding lack of knowledge of basic Middle East history. St. George, according to the stories, lived in the 3rd century AD. The Turks did not conquer Anatolia (now modern Turkey) until about 900 years later.
The same objection, even more strongly, applies to calling St. George “Palestinian”. Palestinians, in the modern sense of the word, did not exist before the 20th century.
(The key battle in the Turkish conquest of Anatolia was Manzikert, fought in 1071 AD.)
Is it any wonder that his Churches are empty:
“Church issues the ‘green commandments’ for saving the planet”
The Church of England published a set of green commandments today aimed at persuading Christians to help save the planet.
They are contained in a pocket-sized booklet, entitled How many light bulbs does it take to change a Christian?,
And how’s this for some staple anti-Israeli bias?
Israeli Arab resigns from Knesset
Israeli Arab MP Azmi Bishara has resigned, weeks after leaving the country amid a police investigation into unspecified criminal allegations
So the poor man is obviously a victim of racist Israelis for “unspecified criminal” activity
And this must be the reason:
Mr Bishara is an outspoken critic of policies toward the Palestinians
Oscar | 22.04.07 – 8:44 pm
More than being an outspoken critic of policies toward the Palestinians he has openly supported Hezbollah.
But the point is not only was he able to become a minister, he was able to resign, unlike this “Palestinian” minister:
Palestinian minister tries to go
A key figure has submitted his resignation from the Palestinian unity government but it has been refused by the prime minister, officials say.
BBC indoctrination alert.
News from the recent Women In Games Conference, which took place at the University of Wales in sunny Newport last week, is that the BBC is working on a number of “top-secret” games to be unveiled in the coming months, including, most intriguingly, an MMO by the Teletubbies creators.
BBC Worldwide VP of digital content Alice Taylor (pictured) informed the conference attendees that the BBC needs to embrace gaming, as “public service money comes from the people and should be spent on the form of content most relevant to them.”
Taylor believes that the BBC should focus heavily on ‘public service’ games • giving the example of the United Nations’ Food Force…
I can see the games now. Affirmative Action Force. Jeremy Bowen’s World of War Crimes. Mega Mosque! The Hims (like The Sims but gay). EU-topia. Age of Empires – Post-colonial Guilt Edition. Home Raider – Quest for Licence Fees.
Multi-faith appeal for Johnston
Alan Johnston has been held captive for almost six weeks
A multi-faith service is being held to call for the safe return of BBC Gaza correspondent Alan Johnston.
… Later, London Mayor Ken Livingstone will make a public appeal for information on Arab TV.
Rueful Red:
Through the narcolepsy he’d instantly induced, I seem to remember Colin Morris coming up with the interesting thought that we use the arabic alphabet. Funny that. Could have sworn it was the roman.
I noticed that too. Poor old Colin must be getting his numbers confused with his letters – either that or al beeb has gone over to the arabic script altogether.
While European nations continue their historical efforts to pursue the democratic route, as in the French elections, don’t forget Al Beeb, there’s this growing threat:
“Jihadis aspire to ‘conquer France'”
(23 Apr.)
More from the Alan Johnston multi faith service report:
Imam Dr Abdul-Jalil Sajid, who is taking part in the service, said: “We need to show our solidarity together, as a multi-faith… to hope that the kidnappers – maybe Christian, maybe Muslim, maybe anybody else – listen to us and release Alan very soon.”
The vicar at the Alan Johnston multi faith service didn’t miss a trick.
He claimed that Saint George was a “Palestinian” and the “Liberator of Captives”, and said that many Muslim “Palestinians” go to Christian holy sites, like Bethlehem to ask for help in difficult times, “such as when their relatives are held in Israeli jails”.
Like Arafat, the vicar didn’t miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity…
Anonanon | 23.04.07 – 2:07 pm:
” can see the games now. Affirmative Action Force. Jeremy Bowen’s World of War Crimes. Mega Mosque! The Hims (like The Sims but gay). EU-topia. Age of Empires – Post-colonial Guilt Edition. Home Raider – Quest for Licence Fees.”
Or these bank raiding titles:
Grand Theft Digital where you avoid a BBC detector van.
Retail 131.50
Rockstar-Where players can take Centre Stage in fighting world poverty and war.
Retail: 44.95
BBC Football Manager- Where you can play three teams in the Premiership .Use hidden camera’s to expose your rivals while drooling over overpayed players. Comes with ROCKSTAR extra.
Retail 44.95
Spooks-Play MI5 agent Kim Mcclean or Jasmin Chakrabarti in this RPG interactive real Time investigation set in the near future when Scottish Overlord ‘King Brown set of a change of events that posses a danger to IngSoc ……
Will Jasmin Ken and Andy finally agree about a surrogate mother plan?
Why did Isreal start global warming?
Why is Blair Goldstien an American?
Why were you not at the mosque?
Retail 44.95
Comes free with the DVD “Katy Adey-Great Lady” and “Laugh an Hour with Paul Whitehouse and Harry Enfield”
Retail 44.95
Tetris-BBC Brainbuster edition-Hours of fun in this Tetris style game where ramdom words come down the screen. Can you make a headline before the editor sends you on a Middle eastern assignment?
Comes with flack jackets and as a special offer comes with
Ray Mears: Urban Warfare
Play Ray Mears and use the techniques of the Soviet partisan freedom fighters in ensuring that we stay green.
Retail 44.95
I really hope that those who contribute here do not pay the Beeb tax(?)
The Beeb is certainly biased, arrogant and partisan, but this isn’t the core issue. The Beeb can go on shilling for the ‘correct’ cause of the day. I really don’t care. What I object to is being compelled, by threat of fine and imprisonment, to pay for their propaganda. The technology exists in most homes (soon to be all) for the BBC to be available through subscription only, allowing those who want it to pay for it directly.
The way to affect positively this media behemoth that stifles debate and perverts information is not through on-line complaint forms, or the occasional condemning editorial. We must all stop paying for it and let the nature of the market take its course.
You might be interested in these three articles in The Sunday Times yesterday that criticised the BBC:
The BBC needs its head examined:
BBC ‘unfairly promoting’ Lloyd Webber
Can’t we keep our British climate?
scroll down to “Superstorm” where AA Gill writes, “…this isn’t an American drama; it’s British. It’s made by the BBC, and it provokes the question: why is Auntie using British cash to make an American television programme?”
Saw a BBC4 prog the other day:
In @ 1913 a Berber group in French North Africa was filmed. The voiceover tells us that their culture “was later surpressed”. The passive voice makes me wonder if this was a policy enacted much later by plumbers rather than by the French, though of course it may be they who were responsible and the voiceover was just vague.
“The vicar at the Alan Johnston multi faith service didn’t miss a trick”
Yes, the animals who have apparently kidnaped this BBC reporter deserve scorn, but this gentleman was cheerleading for those very same animals who have kidnaped him. Those very same animals who would dearly love to kill you, your family, me, my family, and everyone who posts on this board along with their families, too.
Not because any of us have harmed them in any way, but simply because we exist.
I’m not proud of the remark I made above, but quite honestly I find it much easier to sympathise with genuine victims of terrorism than to sympathise with this man, who was clearly complicit in his own downfall.
Anticitizen wrote;
“Journalism is something the BBC used to do.
Ref that Chally 2 incident not only did I know about that the other week. But the BBC kind of omits that this sort of attack was perfected by Hezbollah against the IDF on the Israeli/Lebanese border. Not only that, but they omit the sponsor of Hez and the idiots in Iraq who use this type of weapon system. (Made in Iran anybody?)
Now a good journalist would equate the two, but not the BBC.
I wonder why?
The BBC and its hatred of America.
N Korea: Your questions answered
The BBC’s Seoul correspondent Charles Scanlon has recently returned from a visit to North Korea.
I have lived in South Korea for two years. There is a strong mood of reconciliation between South and North Korea. Is that something you have picked up in North Korea as well?
Tim Murray, London, UK
The official line is that the two Koreas are one and South Koreans yearn for unification. It’s the Americans who are blocking it – that’s why they must withdraw their troops from the South and go home.
And there we have it folks the BBC Korean correspondent ‘Charles Scanlon’ exposes the bias the BBC has towards the US.
Err Scanlon, I think you will find that South Korea was caught unawares by the relocation and reduction of Americas armed forces in Korea in 2003. So much so that Seoul asked America to stay until the nuclear situation with the North is resolved.
But hey don’t believe me and the news article I posted as proof, here is the BBC news article on the very subject;
Lastly one thing you may wish to know , is the very same anti American/British idiots in Germany who wanted us out during the 80s, for some strange reason were protesting for us to stay after the wall came down. (Something about the money and jobs we pushed into their economy) Gosh did they protest about losing their jobs. But hey there’s the peace dividend for you.
pounce | 23.04.07 – 5:21 pm |
It’s the Americans who are blocking it – that’s why they must withdraw their troops from the South and go home.
Pounce thinks this is the BBC line.
Read it again, Pounce.
It’s what the correspondent is saying is the North Korean government’s official line.…fic/ 6575325.stm
The BBC, Afghanistan and half a picture story;
In pictures: Giving birth in Afghanistan
Anybody read about the hardships the poor women of Afghanistan have when trying to give birth in Badakhshan province. Does the BBC give the impression that after 5 years Afghanistan has nothing to show for kicking out the Taliban.
Err BBC I think you will find that if your bed buddies the Taliban didn’t go round killing nurses, doctors and aid workers the women of the region wouldn’t have a problem finding medical treatment. You also leave out that during the rule of the Taliban, all females were forbidden to work, be they doctors, nurses or teachers. So realistically I think you will find the medical situation while dire is a lot better than when your ideological masters were in power.
The BBC, Afghanistan and half a picture story
John Reith) wrote;
“It’s what the correspondent is saying is the North Korean government’s official line.”
Oh please Mr Reith what you should have wrote is;
“It’s what the correspondent is saying is the BBC’s official line.”
Does being a Merchant Banker pay well?
The BBC, Bangladesh and half a story
The family story in Bangladesh’s war
Anybody read the above BBC rot about the war of Independence for Bangladesh in 1971. So seeing as Me Reith is on line. Err Mr Teeth (all mouth and no action) Would you CAIR to explain just who the guerrilla army in that article were fighting for independence?
Could it be the nasty evil Americans?
How about the insipid British?
The Jews?
Strange how the BBC omits that West Pakistan (NKA Pakistan) committed genocide in East Pakistan (NKA Bangladesh) when the locals didn’t want to be ruled by Islamabad any more. Something along the lines of 1.5 million people killed. (I wonder why the BBC left that one out)
The BBC, Bangladesh and half a story
The BBC, Somalia and a little political bias.
The BBC is supposed to report the facts so here is a little story about how a woman escapes to Kenya. (A BBC correspondent at that)
Family’s nightmare escape from Mogadishu
Somali Khadra Mohammed, who is the BBC’s Swahili reporter in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, tells how she managed to flee the intense fighting with her five children across the border to Kenya.
I have witnessed most phases of the fighting in Somalia since the ouster of President Siad Barre [in 1991] but what is happening now is just beyond belief.
Tears constantly rolled down my cheeks on seeing the number of innocent people killed and as I had to hop over them, along with my five children when we were escaping Mogadishu. People say that 1,000 people have died during the fighting this month but I believe the number is higher – some died in the bushes where they could not be reached. They either starved or bled to death from injuries sustained during the fighting.
On two occasions our lorry was sprayed with bullets by militiamen who were demanding money from us. Luckily no-one was injured.
I blame both the Ethiopian troops and the Hawiye clan fighters – they have cold hearts and cannot see how innocent people are dying just because they want power.
So from the above can anybody tell who the BBC correspondent blames for the death toll which she believes is much higher..
The Terrorists or the Ethiopian backed government?
Well seeing as she never mentions the Terrorists at all I suppose she blames the government.
The last I looked the Kenyans sealed the border with Somalia in January. CAIR to explain how BBC lady got through?
pounce | 23.04.07 – 5:48 pm
Didn’t the phrases ‘set in East Pakistan – now Bangladesh’ and ‘war of independence’ give you a little bit of a clue, Pounce?
Mr Reith wrote;
“Didn’t the phrases ‘set in East Pakistan – now Bangladesh’ and ‘war of independence’ give you a little bit of a clue,”
CAIR to inform me from reading that article just who the protagonists are?
I mean the BBC has no problem making sure the great unwashed know when it’s the Brits the people want independence from or even Israel for that matter. But a Muslim country. now that’s a different matter.
Has anybody else just heard tbe report about Palestinian children on the PM programme on Radio 4 ?!!!
It was as if the BBC set out to prove us all on this site here right.
Pickwick writes:
“as anybody else just heard tbe report about Palestinian children on the PM programme on Radio 4 ?!!!
It was as if the BBC set out to prove us all on this site here right.”
I try to remain a non-combatant on the BBC/Palestine issue, but, yes, I did hear that staggering example of bias.
I’m sure it went down well with the NUJ komissar… sorry, I meant Father of the Chapel.
Bias? What bias, eh, Reith?
pounce | 23.04.07 – 6:06 pm
Goodness Pounce, you are being slow on the uptake today.
Not only are you having difficulty getting your head round the difference between views that are being reported and the views of the reporter • now you’re struggling with plain English.
‘Set in East Pakistan • now Bangladesh’ tells anyone who doesn’t know already that the country nowadays known as Bangladesh was once part of ………….no, not Ireland….Canada?.I don’t think so……..yes…..finally you’ve got it……..Pakistan. Give the lad a gobstopper.
Re. Imam Dr Abdul Jalil Sajid, the Islamic representative at the multi-faith service for Alan Johnston. Last year he spoke up for someone else in the news:
Sydney – A cleric who said women who didn’t wear a veil were ‘uncovered meat’ asking to be raped will keep his job as the spiritual leader of Australia’s 350,000 Muslims.
Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali was confirmed as Mufti of Australia on Friday after the governing body of Sydney’s largest mosque rallied behind the Egyptian-born cleric…
Imam Abdul Jalil Sajid, the chairman of the Muslim Council of Great Britain, who is visiting Australia, sprang to the mufti’s defence. ‘I know he is one of the greatest Muslim scholars on earth and Australia is blessed with him,’ Sajid said.
The phrase “Little Englander” was invented during the Boer War, to describe the type of person who opposed the Empire, and wanted England to submerge her identity in Europe.
The equivalent nowadays would describe the type of person who presented the BBC’s “Thought for the Day” on St. George’s Day (quoted above). Or indeed the type of person employed by the BBC itself.
“‘Set in East Pakistan – now Bangladesh’ tells anyone who doesn’t know already that the country nowadays known as Bangladesh was once part of ………….no, not Ireland….Canada?.I don’t think so……..yes…..finally you’ve got it……..Pakistan. Give the lad a gobstopper.”
Mr Reith as much as you try to promote the fact the BBC promulgates the news based on the facts. It appears that the both of you love to use the sleigh-of-hand technique in which to say something but while withholding the truth. In my previous post I pointed out that if the Brits or Jews had been the guilty party the BBC would have ensured that the world and his dog would have known just how bad the Brits are. However in its post about the birth of Bangladesh the BBC appears somewhat remiss in saying just who did the killing and instead actually points to an active guerrilla organisation. The fact remains that org didn’t come into being until West Pakistan started murdering thousands of people, in fact the only reason India got involved was because the world turned a blind eye to the millions of people who were murdered. Now smart arse how about pointing out just where in that article the BBC fingers Pakistan. (As in West Pakistan) As for giving me a Gob stopper. Sorry mate I don’t do BBC people. How about you ask your mates in Gaza. I’m sure they’ll love to give you something that will make your eyes water.
The BBC need look no further than it’s own reporters and news editors to find a major contribtory factor in searching for the answer this question in part.
Give the lad a gobstopper.
John Reith | 23.04.07 – 6:28 pm | #
You’re getting to be very abusive Reith – is the strain of defending the indefensible getting to you?