Andrew McCann has written of his attempts to put his views across to the Beeb over Sweenygate. I am referring, of course, to the bullying, hectoring behaviour (caution, highly entertaining stuff) of the BBC’s fearless sleuth, John Sweeney, as he ventured into the deep hidden danger facing us all from Tom Cruise’s religion, Scientology. McCann’s words are well worth reading. Summary account of the incident here.
He points out the BBC’s complacent reliance on the freedoms accorded them in the US and UK. He demonstrates what true objectivity might mean- the fearlessly equal treatment of all on an equal basis. His analogy was the most obvious one going- between the BBC’s treatment of Scientology and its treatment of Islam- but the point is a deep one.
Talking of his approach to the BBC’s phone-in minders he says:
“I posed a rhetorical question as to whether Sweeney would have lost his temper if treated in the same way by Muslims outside the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca. In other words, would Sweeney have behaved that way had it not been for his own prejudices and the environment in which he found himself?”
Indeed. PS. I notice that Sweeney has done investigations in Saudi Arabia, but one does indeed wonder if he treated the Saudis as imbeciles as he did so, or whether it was their religion he was interested in targeting.
that should be ( ← )
Information minister Moustafa Barghouti is a member of neither Fatah nor Hamas.
Bryan | 19.05.07 – 2:10 pm
Mustafa Barghouti is a medical doctor, trained in the former Soviet Union and Jerusalem.
Barghouti has consistently criticized the PLO and Palestinian Authority for corruption and terrorism. He supports violent resistance as the most effective means of overcoming Israeli occupation.
Just the type to go all weepy about Islamic terror, the great softy.
Hillhunt | 19.05.07 – 1:29 pm
BBC reporter shot in Saudi Arabia: “Help me, I’m a Muslim”
Frank Gardner:
To return to the central theme of this discussion that we’re having Sheikh Hamza, do you think that the violence which is carried out in the name of Islamist extremism is essentially secular in nature?
Hamza Yusuf:
I think it’s secular – you know terrorism to jihad is what adultery is to marriage.
Frank Gardner:
It’s a great line. I’m going to remember that one.
Hamza Yusuf:
It’s not mine.
Publicly Funded Dhimmitude
There is Frank “Help me. I’m a Muslim. Help me, I’m a Muslim” Gardner, for years the Cairo correspondent, who always offered the Arab anti-Israel line, but on 9/11/2001 did manage, with evident reluctance (listen to the tape, if you can get it) on the enormous pleasure Cairenes were displaying – honking of horns, excited Muslim equivalents of high-fives, just what was going on in Riyadh, and Jiddah, and in Ramallah — over the news of the mass-murders in New York and Washington. Remember when Frank Gardner was shot in Saudi Arabia, and he betrayed his own understanding of Islam, for he said, a he lay there, “Help me. I’m a Muslim. Help me. I’m a Muslim.” Not: “Help me.” Not: “Help me. I’ve been shot.” Not: “Help me. I’ve been shot and I’m a man.” No: he said, and this should be the monument engraved in stone on Frank Gardner’s career: “Help me, I’m a Muslim.”
“Remember when Frank Gardner was shot in Saudi Arabia, and he betrayed his own understanding of Islam.”
Nail on head time, again, BioD; nail on head.
The last thing any of us want in BBC foreign correspondents is an “understanding” of what goes on abroad. Very last thing.
And if he thinks being crippled by an al Qaeda gunman (and seeing his colleague shot dead) might possibly make us think he’d be tough on terror, well, we’re not that easily suckered.
Are we?
One more thing:
Anyone sit through the Cup Final on BBC1?
I had that misfortune. All the way through they had the word “Che” fixed to top left screen.
Si, “Che”, senor.
There’s more. If I heard Motson praise “The Reds” once, I heard it many times.
Why don’t they just stick up a big red caption saying “We wish we all lived in Communist Cuba”?
At least it would save us a lot of time and trouble!
Video..Former Dean of Islamic Law at Qatar University Abd Al-Hamid Al-Ansari Speaks Out against Suicide Operations and Declares His Support of American Presence in Iraq
Memri TV Video:
Hillhunt is a Guardianista. Him & his three best friends again. Not such a big surprise I suppose.
“The influence of Islam has been no different; for a couple of centuries it was the repository of much academic excellence – mathematics, astronomy and geography for example. But that was a long time ago. What has the Islamic world brought to Europe in the last couple of centuries? Until recently I would have said some interesting foods, a terrific work ethic and three of my best friends.”
Hello BOBJOB21, you should know better as a supposed ex boyscout!
A geophysicist looks at the IPCC’s own figures and guess what?
“Crunching the IPCC’s numbers”
“only using data that the IPCC agrees with; in particular the long term global temperature and CO2 concentrations back to 1856 which have been published by them in support of their AGW premise. (The IPCC has never disagreed with the lower troposphere temperatures from satellites they only have commented on the differences between the satellite data and the land based data.)
“The kicker is that when their own data is held up to physical reality it shows their entire premise to be wrong.”
“Quite simply, the actual physical data indicates that even if we increase our emissions at our current alarming rates we will have met the concentration objectives of the Kyoto Accord by staying well under a doubling of atmospheric CO2 by 2100.”
Which means that we (humans) do not have to do anything and the Kyoto “target” will still be met.
He goes on to say:
“The global temperature change as a function of human emissions is a further indication that the premise for Kyoto is wrong.
The global temperature increased from 1990 to 2003 from 14.075 to 14.272 degrees C or about 0.015 degrees C per year.
The global temperature was exactly the same in 2003 and 2006 indicating zero increase between those years.
Remarkably the zero increase in global temperature took place when the emissions were increasing at over 20 times the rate for the period that the temperature was increasing at 0.015 degrees C per year. By any scientific standard this would negate any possible correlation of human CO2 emissions with global temperature change.”
What is really interesting in this piece is that the IPCC figures are used. I wonder if the BBC employed a “proper” scientist that he may have been able to work this out himself.
All those interested I would recommend that they read the whole piece.
A message for all those scientists who question MMGW.
“Climatologist Fired for Exposing Warming Myths
“University of Washington climate scientist Mark Albright was dismissed from his position as associate state climatologist, just weeks after exposing false claims of shrinking glaciers in the Cascade Mountains.
“Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels had asserted in a February 7 Seattle Times editorial, “the average snow pack in the Cascades has declined 50 percent since 1950 and will be cut in half again in 30 years if we don’t start addressing the problems of climate change now.”
“Albright knew from his research that the Cascade Mountains snow pack had not declined anywhere near what Nickels asserted, and that the snow pack has actually been growing in recent years.”
Could this be the reason behind the “consensus” by scientists on MMGW – if you tell the truth you will be fired.
“Several years earlier, in a peer-reviewed article …Dr. Jaworowski criticized the methods by which CO2 levels were ascertained from ice cores, and cast doubt on the global-warming hypothesis. The institute’s director, while agreeing to publish his article, also warned Dr. Jaworowski that “this is not the way one gets research projects.” Once published, the institute came under fire …. Although none of the critics faulted Dr. Jaworowski’s science, the institute nevertheless fired him to maintain its access to funding.”
No chance of the so called “climate analysts” of the WWF or Christian Aid or the enviromental correspondants at the BBC geting sacked – what do think?
Completely OT, but here’s a few tips on how to get the archive links back. Don’t know if you’ve seen it. It might help.
Thi9s site has almost become unbearable. I normally enjoy reading and exploring the links left here on the comments page. But the childish antics of the Hillbilly that is Hunt are really beginning to grate on my nerves.
I am aware that is more than likely his/her/its intention, but is there any chance it could be banned?
sick-of-it-all | 19.05.07 – 8:13 pm
I second that.
Wonder why the BBC doesn’t report the sacking of Mark Albright – probably because Greg Nickels is a friend of the Beeb. He is even given a platform for his views on the BBC web site entitled:
“Climate of hope: US cities lead the way VIEWPOINT Greg Nickels”
Where he says
“Winter snowfall in Seattle’s home state of Washington is half what is was 50 years ago, and will be cut in half again in 30 years if we do not act aggressively to curtail emissions now.”
Shouldn’t the BBC now be reporting his error in this piece? No chance.
sick-of-it-all and Bio:
I agree – it takes the edge away from the comments and dilutes the message. I would hate for this blog to lose its regular posters as the quality of there input has been excellent in exposing the bias at the BBC – even to the point where people in the BBC have come on to answer these concerns.
I for one want to keep it focused on the BBC. ( for my part mainly on the mis-information on all things to do with MMGW).
sick-of-it-all | 19.05.07 – 8:13 pm,
All such problems can be solved by scrolling down.
archonix | Homepage | 19.05.07 – 8:04 pm
That’s really an important OT.
Natalie? Andrew? Be great to get the archives back.
Barghouti has consistently criticized the PLO and Palestinian Authority for corruption and terrorism. He supports violent resistance as the most effective means of overcoming Israeli occupation.
Biodegradable | 19.05.07 – 4:28 pm
Interesting contradiction in those two sentences. Also interesting how blindly radical some Palestinian medical people tend to be. There’s that Gaza doctor who’s been entertaining the Today audience with her diary.
And the Hamas terrorist leader killed in 2004 by an Israeli missile, Dr. Abdel Aziz Rantisi, was a pediatrician.
Interesting post by Martin Belam who sometimes posts on this blog.
“My ‘biased’ view of the Biased BBC blog – part four – Global Warming”
Shouldn’t the BBC now be reporting his error in this piece? No chance.
Jon | 19.05.07 – 8:26 pm
This is yet another important piece of the jigsaw puzzle that makes up the picture of BBC bias. I think that even the Guardian, lefty rag though it is, would come clean and publish the error. The Guardian has a rough sort of honesty completely and utterly lacking among BBC hacks – and more importantly among the upper ranks of the agenda-driven editorial staff.
“Our publicly owned electric utility, City Light, is the first in the nation to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions ”
From Greg Nickels BBC “piece”.
So what does this mean BBC?
” Seattle, the home of Starbucks, made an astounding announcement in 2005: Its municipal utility, Seattle City Light, had eliminated its contribution to global warming. The power company still annually spewed some 200,000 tons of greenhouse gases. But Seattle said it had negated every last ton by paying other organizations around the country to curtail their emissions.”
Smoke and Mirrors
Did anyone notice the throwaway line on the BBC1 6pm news tonight? straight after the cup final when many would be watching to see a repeat of the goal scored? It went something like, “The Israeli airforce continued air strikes on Gaza today” Now they don’t bother to mention why and they don’t mention the targets, so is this like WW11 area bombing of Gaza? Gaza may not be large but air strikes defined in such a general manner convey indiscriminate warfare. The average punter is unaware that Fatah is a secular party and it is Hamas who are bombing Israel indiscriminately. Full marks then to BBC News for getting their world view across in a single sentence.
Just a flag to run up the pole and see who salutes it, but would it help raise the profile of B-BBC to organise votes on key themes?
(I notice that the max number on our new online counter was in the low teens, so we need some help!)
Might I suggest the first?
The key text is BioD’s, talking about the time the BBC’s Frank Gardner was shot in Saudi: “He said, and this should be the monument engraved in stone on Frank Gardner’s career: “Help me, I’m a Muslim.”
I’d be honoured if people threw these around, but here’s my pitch:
Q: You are lying in a Saudi street with 6 bullets in you and your colleague is dead. Do you…
a) Capitalise on local good will by shouting that you’re a Muslim and need help?
b) Keep your gob shut and hope to hell that the local ambulance service is a tad better than central London
c) Anounce your Britishness, and assert your strict adherence to Judaeo-Christian values while demanding someone bring help PDQ because you can bring more trouble than they’ve ever dreamt of?
d) Curl up and die?
Any thoughts?
sick-of-it-all | 19.05.07 – 8:13 pm
Just scroll past the twat’s offerings – no need to read ’em.
“Help me, I’m a Muslim.”
Has it been indisputably established that Frank Gardener has converted to Islam and is not just a fellow traveller?
The famous quote could equally be quick thinking from a man close bleeding to death.
Option D for your good self please Hillhunt!
Bryan | 19.05.07 – 9:25 pm
The Guardian has a rough sort of honesty completely and utterly lacking among BBC hacks – and more importantly among the upper ranks of the agenda-driven editorial staff.
I really don’t want to cross swords with you (or anyone else for that matter on B-BBC except the trolls) but on this one occasion you’re quite mistaken.
From exhaustive investigation into the you-know-what affair I can tell you with absolute authority that the Guardian’s news and political journalists, just like the BBC’s, are either a) mendacious; or b) complicit in their colleagues’ mendacity.
Among the Guardian staffers who make up list a) are:
[Remainder deleted on grounds of potential libellousness. – NS]
Edited By Siteowner
While the BBC celebrates the latest ceasefire between factions in Gaza, and continues to report only Israeli air strikes but not the continuing rocket attacks on Sderot, here’s something else the BBC has completely left out of its reporting.
Once rooftops were cleared, the exchange of an unknown number of hostages kidnapped during the past week was to begin. Other faction members removed roadblocks that had been erected during the fighting to identify gunmen from rival factions.
In another sign of the shaky nature of the truce, several hostages from both factions were released only after their captors shot them in the legs, both sides said.
Now BBC, please tell us again about the IDF using civilians as human shields and other inhumane treatment of “Palestinians” by the IDF.
from my previous link:
Mervat, a resident who would only give her first name for fear of reprisal, said the fighting terrorized her 5-year old daughter, who thought the conflict was with Israelis. The two never left home throughout the fighting.
Poor confused child.
And talking about “poor”:
Ribhi Barghouti held up a fistful of burnt American dollars. He said mortars fell in his apartment, destroying his furniture and burning up his wife’s passport and $13,000 the couple had stashed away.
“I lost everything… It is impossible to tell what will happen in this place anymore,” he said. He plans to return to his native West Bank as soon as his wife replaces her ID, he said.
Note: The West Bank is still “occupied” by The Zionist Entity™ but the good Abu Ribhi Barghouti feels safer there and prefers it to 100% “Palestinian” administered Gaza.
Bearded Gazans on razor’s edge between life and death
For once, some BBC Honesty:
The most repulsive government in living memory:
“Plan to put slop bucket in every home”
“Ministers want a slop bucket for food waste to be placed in every kitchen under their latest plan to generate green electricity.
Instead of throwing out scraps, households would be required to store them separately for at least a week until they are collected by recycling teams.
The rules will oblige some homes to sort rubbish into five containers • or potentially risk fines”.
Black Death bacteria found in bins left uncollected for fortnight..
Dustbins which are only emptied once a fortnight have been found to harbour bugs from the same family of bacteria that ravaged Europe during the Black Death.
Samples taken during a study of the health hazards associated with fortnightly collections tested positive for a string of potentially deadly bacteria, including bugs from the yersinia family.
In the Middle Ages one particular strain – yersinia pestis – caused the devastating plague which is estimated to have killed 75 million people in the space of just three years.
Yesterday morning I noted that the BBC had equated Israel’s defensive strikes against terror with the terror itself:
Now it seems to be cementing this apparent policy shift. Today the News home page has the following text as a link to the original Katya Adler article:
Terror in Gaza and Israel
And if you go to Israeli Jets strike Hamas in Gaza
You’ll notice that there is an apparent contradiction between two statements. [My emphasis in bold]:
Israel says it is retaliating against Palestinian missile attacks.
Israel resumed air strikes on Tuesday after a six-month lull, following repeated rocket attacks on Israel.
No prizes for guessing which statement comes right at the very end of the article. Still, I suppose this is an improvement of sorts for the BBC. And, though its taken a while, at least there’s the acknowledgement that Israeli Jets strike Hamas in Gaza.
Now make up your mind here, BBC. Either the Israeli attacks are indiscriminately aimed at civilians (= terror), or aimed at Hamas terrorists (= defence against terror.)
There ain’t no middle ground here.
Jonathan Boyd Hunt | Homepage | 19.05.07 – 11:34 pm,
I believe it was in the early nineties that South Africa’s Weekly Mail teamed up with the Guardian to become the Mail and Guardian. It was – and still is – a communist, anti-West and anti-Israel rag. The Weekly Mail, however, had established its credentials as an outspoken critic of Apartheid in the days when such actions were extremely dangerous for your health.
I have no love for the Guardian and very seldom read it, so I must defer to your extensive knowledge and experience in this respect. And I appreciate the fact that this is a sensitive issue for you. But I’ve noticed on occasion that the Guardian will venture where the BBC fears to tread. I’ll try to provide the evidence thereof – though that could take a bit of time.
Re crossing swords, I have no problem with that and I’m quite prepared to be proven wrong. We’re on the same side here.
We’re all on the same side. Have no fear.
Delighted at the response to my questionnaire. Here’s another one I’ve had on the back boiler.
Key text is once again from BioD: “Remember when Frank Gardner was shot in Saudi Arabia, and he betrayed his own understanding of Islam.”
Got me thinking about just how ignorant we would ideally like BBC correspondents to be, so here goes:
Q. Which of these would we deny a BBC corr about to be deployed in an Islamic country?
a) A copy of the Koran?
b) Subscriptions to local newspapers?
c) An A-Z?
d) Any foreknowledge of the region?
e) A restaurant guide?
f) Fixture list for local camel racing?
g) World Service schedules for that region?
I’m pretty confident most of us would immediately tick (a) and (g). But what else should we have?
Someone has already mentioned the Mona el-Farra ‘blog’ which the Today show has been hawking this week.
This blog, created by a ‘Doctor’ is of course personal and subjective as are all blogs.
Yet, John Humphries prefaces the segment by mentioning Israeli retaliation for rockets on Southern Israel.
And the good Doctor el-Farra? From start to finish an attack on Israel’s actions in Gaza. She mentions Palestinian casualties but no mention of the causes of many of these casualties: internal Palestinian fighting between Fatah and Hamas.
She then talks about young people and what the conflict is doing to them and in doing so draws an analogy which merely highlights the propaganda she is spouting: Palestinian kids ‘shot in the back’, Rachel Corrie and ‘Israeli children’.
Oh, so Israeli children DO get a mention in this blog.
But… not Israeli children who were killed and wounded and traumatised by Palestinian Islamist suicide bombs. Not Israeli children hiding in shelters or forced to leave their homes in Sderot from Palestinian rockets. No, she mentions the Israeli children ‘anonymously sitting in tanks’.
And on it goes…Not a word (at least from the segment I heard on Saturday) about Palestinians killing each other.
The Beeb is beyond reform and beyond redemption. From John Humphries disgraceful interview with John Bolton to the use of ‘neo-con’ as a code for Zionists and Jews.
Al-Beeb: Dhimittude Is Us.
In my previous post I listed several Guardian political hacks with a bent for mendacity, and others who have not but who tolerate what they do. Clearly Natalie thinks I could be on shaky ground here and so took her eraser out.
Clearly, The Guardian, like the BBC, suffers from the same leftist groupthink (bigoted treatment of Tories, America, Israel etc). Every so often The Guardian’s staff buck the trend, and their editor lets them, in order to demonstrate that the paper is not what it actually is. It’s strategic. The BBC does the same, e.g. Justin Webb’s acclaimed examination of anti-Americanism “Death to America”.
I wouldn’t trust a political journalist from either organisation to report the weather or the football results. The Hamilton affair proves that they are both inherently unlawful, literally subversive organisations, with a determined unwillingness to make amends by promulgating the unspoken facts.
Jimmy Carter, in his interview with James Naughtie says that he was involved in the Oslo negotiations between Israel and Palestinians (11 minutes 35 seconds into the interview).
What?????????? He had NOTHING to do with Oslo and just shows that the man is losing his grip.
Some more non-news not being covered by Al-Beeb –
“The Biggest Trial You May Never Hear About… The Abu Nur Trial Is Set to Open in Iraq “
“Abu Nur has confessed to orchestrating between 800 and 900 bomb attacks in Iraq including the Sadr City bomb attack in November 2006, the worst bombing since Saddam was ousted, that killed at least 202 innocent Iraqis.”
“Abu Nur, then, may have been responsible for 57-65% of all recorded bombings in Iraq!
It is safe to say that the Al Qaeda leader Abu Nur was responsible for thousands of Iraqi deaths.”
“Abu Nur also admitted to his responsibility in the kidnapping and murder of four Russian diplomats in June 2006. According to the charges brought against him, Abu Nur personally beheaded two of the diplomats himself.”
Re my above post about Carter. His comment about his so-called involvment in the Oslo negotiations were made 2:40 minutes into the interview (from the Today homepage) and not as I mention above.
Bryan | 20.05.07 – 7:01 am
The BBC makes it very clear who it thinks is “the threat”:
Israeli threat
On Saturday morning, three Palestinians died in northern Gaza after Israel launched an air strike.
The Israeli army said the raid had targeted “three members of a Qassam rocket-launching cell that had just fired a rocket towards Israel”.
Palestinian residents said the dead men were shepherds with no connection to the rocket attacks.
On Saturday evening, another Palestinian was killed in the Jabaliya refugee camp by an Israeli strike.
Israel’s Defence Minister Amir Peretz has said attacks on the Hamas movement in Gaza will continue until rocket attacks on Israel stop.
Israel resumed air strikes on Tuesday after a six-month lull, following repeated rocket attacks on Israel.
The sub heading is Israeli threat and deals only with Israeli attacks and “Palestinian” casualties. Israel is the threat, and those poor Arabs are once again the innocent victims of murdering Jews.
The BBC just gets worse with every day that passes.
Contrast & Compare:
Gaza militants have fired more than 50 rockets into Israel over the past week, wounding seven civilians and forcing hundreds to flee. Warning sirens have been wailing several times a day in the town of Sderot.,7340,L-3402177,00.html
Police say 125 Qassam rockets landed in Sderot since Tuesday
Sderot – then and now
Al-Beeb: Dhimittude Is Us.
Battersea | 20.05.07 – 10:55 am
Mona el-Farra is mentioned here at the beginning as a reliable source in yet another example of pro-Hamas propaganda from Al-Beeb.
British member of Parliament Lord Andrew Phillips, in an interview with BBC Radio, says “To hell with America,” and means it. He’s just returned from meeting with Dr. Ismail Haniyeh of the activist group Hamas in Gaza, and he’s all fired up about their moderate message.
“I was impressed with Mr Haniyeh. He’s a moderate, he‘s doing his best, but he has no traction on that situation without legitimacy and some sign that the West takes him and his government seriously.”
Listen to the whole thing:
Why has the BBC News stopped showing those engaging climate warming clips with desperate newscasters overtones of impending end of the world as we know it? You know the one I mean, the one that shows STEAM coming from cooling towers and a glacier reaching the end its journey at its lowest point and falling into the sea. I just thought they were Soo BBC, steam and water causing global warming. Yikes! I shall have to stop boiling the kettle and running baths just to stay alive. How much energy does the BBC use to transmit this gibberish?
I take issue with posters who say ‘The BBC never covers this’ or ‘this poiNT wasnt made’. The BBC broadcasts 24 hours a day on TV and radio, how can you possibly see and hear it all!?
I also think its hilarious that it is becoming quite common for posters to praise the Beeb for some report or programme only to then ask, how this could have happened given the BBC’s ‘mindset’! These ‘isolated incidents’ are becoming ocurring a lot it seems.
I blame the regional accents.
Biodegradeable and half a brain.
I take issue with posters who say ‘The BBC never covers this’ or ‘this poiNT wasnt made’. The BBC broadcasts 24 hours a day on TV and radio, how can you possibly see and hear it all!?
Biodegradeable and half a brain.
Buck | Homepage | 20.05.07 – 2:23 pm
Would you like to comment on the coverage on that I have pointed out or are you limited to childish personal insults?
Are you suggesting that coverage on BBC TV or radio is less biased/unbalanced than the examples I’ve pointed out?
If so please give examples.
Buck, gd point: all those balanced reports on the hamas-Israeli conflict, immigration, genuflecting interviews with John Bolton, anti-environmentalist documentaries, critical documentaries on mindless islam, friendly views of America, sympathetic descriptions of the armed forces etc etc must have slipped out at 3.00am on one of the local radio channels when no one was listening. Bless!
BioD, Bob:
Excellent points. I do hope Buck reflects upon your words, and accepts that there is no such thing as Biased-BBC mindset.
No, sirree
The BBC, its love of Hamas and half a story.
Eleven Lebanese soldiers have been killed in clashes with al-Qaeda-linked militants around a Palestinian refugee camp in Tripoli, officials say.
Fighting erupted after security forces raided homes in nearby Tripoli to arrest suspects in a bank robbery. Militants said to belong to the Fatah Islam group then attacked army posts at the Nahr el-Bared refugee camp.
Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim The BBC tells half a story yet again in which to defend its ideological master (Hamas) in the Levant and disparage those who dare take up arms against them.(Fatah)
On reading the above article one reads of how Fatah is currently slugging it out with the Lebanese army and seeing how the Lebanese can only be victims.(Unless of course they are taking on Hezbollah, then they become Puppets of the west) The BBC promotes the image that the Fatah of Lebanon and the Fatah of Palestine are one and the same. Thus promulgating by surreptitious means that Fatah is a nasty piece of work and therefore ‘Hamas’ is whiter than white.
Err I think you will find BBC that they aren’t one and the same. (That the Fatah of Lebanon are actually a terrorist group operating out of Syria )and that Fatah of Palestine have actually stated that fact. Something everybody else in the world appears to have reported. But not the BBC. I wonder why?
No link between Fatah Al-Islam, Fatah Movement — PLO
Lebanese forces battle Islamic militants
Fatah al-Islam: shadowy Al-Qaeda inspired group;_ylt=A0WTUdNmWlBGPC8BPQQTv5UB
At least 15 dead in Lebanon gunbattle between Islamic militants, security forces
But does the BBC mention this little snippet in its continuing support of ‘Hamas’?
The BBC, its love of Hamas and half a story.
The BBC and Not the Nine O/Clock News.
Pope denounces attacks on Israeli border towns
Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday denounced rocket attacks on Israeli border towns that provoked Israel’s armed retaliation,7340,L-3402374,00.html