Yes, it was obvious, bird shit on a dark background.
The BBC couldn’t resist it. They quickly had the video evidence. They even shared it with the kiddies.
(hat-tip to Iain Dale)
I doubt that ever happened to Clinton, now, did it? He stained somewhat otherwise. I don’t suppose it’s ever happened to Gordon either, via the BBC.
Yes, and water was not a cause of the 1967 war….
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Pedophelia in ‘Palestine’: Muhammed would approve
Two brothers from Ramallah, ages 23 and 25 have been arrested by ‘Palestinian police’ and charged with rape after they ‘purchased’ two sisters aged 12 and 13 from their parents. The parents of the girls have also been arrested.
The two girls, aged 12 and 13, were sold for 2,700 Jordanian dinars [approximately NIS 15,000] and NIS 7,000, said Col. Issa Hijo, commander of the Ramallah District Police Force.
He said the two men who bought the girls were brothers aged 23 and 25 and that they had been arrested on charges of raping minors.
“What is astonishing about this case is the fact that the two girls were sold with the approval of their mother and the parents of the two men,” Hijo said. “This incident takes us back to the period of slavery. What is even more shocking is the fact that the two men’s mother argued that this was an accepted custom.”
Yes, and water was not a cause of the 1967 war….
You really are boring. I’ve already accepted that water was a cause, ie: the Arabs tried to deprive Israel of it by diverting it away fom Israel (not quite what Martin Asser reported).
I’m sorry you don’t think that Israel should defend itself against attempts to destroy it. Jews in the Middle East is something that you and your three friends will have to get used to.
That’s quite enough troll food for you and your little friend korova for today – you’re doing your best and using all your old tricks to disrupt this blog again, but I’m wise to you.
Eat your greens and I’ll give you some afters tomorrow, not before.
Bio D:
I’m sorry you don’t think that Israel should defend itself against attempts to destroy it.
Almost as good as the Holocaust-Denier smear. Desperate and nasty.
What is truly astonishing about your choice of quotation just now is your assumption that depravity like this occurs only in Palestine.
Children are betrayed and abused all over the world. Our own record in this is not spotless. Fred & Rose West’s depravity in pimping out their daughters and murdering their own and other peoples’ children had nothing to do with their religion or nationality.
My point about your trigger-happy assumptions about the Iraqi refugees is this: Most people would assume a 13-year-old sister-in-law is a man’s wife’s sister. What vile streak compels you to seek the darkest meaning in an innocent sentence?
There you again using that trick from your toolbox; you don’t answer the question, or better still just shut up, instead you dig up some other old straw man that’s already been dealt with and either, out of stupidity misunderstand it, or out of malice deliberately misrepresent it:
Almost as good as the Holocaust-Denier smear. Desperate and nasty.
I did not call you a Holocaust denier, on the contrary, go back and read exactly what I said; in reply to you calling me a “whinger” I asked if you were one of those who accuse the Jews of constantly “whingeing” about the Holocaust. Not the same is it? (that’s rhetorical – I don’t want an answer)
What is truly astonishing about your choice of quotation just now is your assumption that depravity like this occurs only in Palestine.
I made no such assumption, and you have no grounds to make that claim – we are talking about “Palestine” which is why I chose that piece. While searching I found examples from India, Nigeria and several other places, but we’re talking about “Palestinians” remember?
Children are betrayed and abused all over the world.
So that makes it OK when “Palestinians” do it?
What a tosser you are!
Fred & Rose West’s depravity in pimping out their daughters and murdering their own and other peoples’ children had nothing to do with their religion or nationality.
Child abuse and child brides in “Palestine” has everything to do with Islam you fool. Or are you blaming the Jews and the Israeli “occupation” for that too?
No more from me today. GFY.
I asked if you were one of those who accuse the Jews of constantly “whingeing” about the Holocaust. Not the same is it?
I agree. It’s one of those questions like
“How are you?”
Or “See the match last night?”
Or “Can’t we agree on this?”
…that carries no implication about the recipient. None whatever.
What I find hilarious about this whole exchange is that Hillhunt clearly cannot be characterised as what one would call ‘far-left’. Hillhunt takes a moderate, responsible view on things (although a little too tame in my view). So how do the others respond, by streams of abuse. You guys aren’t gonna win much support if you continue to ridicule moderates.
Then I suggest you go and actually VISIT and TALK to the people “that were there”, go and visit Gurnica or the battle fields around Casa de Campo or Guadalajara.
You knob. I read Beevor’s account long before Brenan’s (not sure why you describe it as a biography), which was actually recommended to me by some Franco supporters. Oh shit, perhaps I didn’t mention – I’m married to a Spaniard so I quite often go to Spain and discuss Franco/Civil War with people who were there.
What I find hilarious is an anarchist paying the TV tax (and PAYE?).
I know. It’s a bit of a bind but what can you do?
I believe this ‘neatly sums up your own position’
‘Better that the revolution should fail than that it should be founded on a betrayal of principle.’
Not only have you betrayed your principles you’re also a fraud aren’t you.
Yep, banged to rights guv.
Are we seriously going to continue to allow these two trolls to set the agenda and run this blog?
“It was funny. It was on a primary-kids’ site. Get over it.”
Funny does different things in different contexts. For example, humor can be an excellent tool for indoctrination.
I will get over it, but only if and when we see similar treatment of world leaders favored/appeased by the Left. I won’t hold my breath, though.
“It was funny. It was on a primary-kids’ site. Get over it.”
David P,
hillhunt and korova are lost causes. I’m as susceptible as anybody to their taunting and deliberate disrupting tactics but I think we should try to ignore them.
They really are the most negative things to hit this site in the years that I’ve been here, and I’m sure knowing that will make their day, but as long as the siteowners don’t see fit to ban them outright I’ll try my best to scroll on by… hard as it may be at times.
They make me laugh, leave them to post.
All it does is show Reith and the like, the sort of people who think the BBC is great..the easily lead and already brainwashed idiot youth of great britain…
Hillhunt maybe has an IQ approaching triple digits, but my geuss is Korova is a fanatical “something” or other, and is quite dim with it……”mantra” springs to mind. Can’t Think, Won’t Think…..
Leave them be….just rejoice that they are not on “our” side….for with friends like that cheering the BBC corner, people can see it is an organisation that only has morons for followers, or sad couch potatos that have no lives other than the idiot lantern…..
Long Live the Internet….the BBCs slayer…..
Is there more than one BBC then Blockhead 813?
what did you just say about pots calling kettles black?
didn’t anybody tell you it’s bad form to criticise somebody’s typos instead of the points they make?
tsk tsk, back to troll school for you kosova!
Really, perhaps you could tell some of your ‘friends’ that.
Don’t feed the trolls….
i’m telling you.
Thanks a lot Korry and Hilly, that was some amazing scrolling action there.
I think you’ve accidentally invented the “whitewater scroll”.
I hear you, but in this particular case Hillhunt seemed to be addressing a legitimate point about perspective. My complaint about the Bush video dealt with the context in which it was presented. We had a difference of opinion about that context, obviously.
In any case, I got a clearer view of his perspective, and anyone who bothered to read the exchange can make up their own minds about the points laid out.
Hillhunt/Korova…On cbbc’s newsround page index Islam is mentioned but not Christianity.Discuss.
You’re both new to the beeb aren’t you.I can tell by your fresh marxist enthusiasm!