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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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I would have searched myself, Bio, but I knew you’re the fact-king of everything Israel so I thought I’d rely on your expertise. Thanks again, my friend (it’s been a lazy day today)!
I’m convinced HH’s actual name is Mohammed. Therefore I don’t read his tripe. It’s pretty easy to ignore someone when you know they’re the enemy.
Know your enemy, the Biased BBC way.
Part 1.
His name is Mohammed.
And not in any way biased!
Or prejudiced!
There’s a difference between debating and whingeing. You, I’m afraid, whinge.
hillhunt | 29.05.07 – 12:20 am
I’m not interested in the least in debating with you. You’ve already proved that’s not what you’re here for. You are, as I’ve said before, a sarcastic, supercilious, sadistic piece of shit. Vulgar that may be, but anything more subtle is lost on you.
His name may not be Mohamed, but his grand-children will certainly be Muslim.
The BBC usually wastes no time in informing us of the latest damning report from UNRWA when it’s Israel being damned. Strange then how we don’t hear nary a peep from them about this:
UNRWA Knew Camp Was Infiltrated, Did Nothing
That’ll be the same UNRWA that’s been filmed allowing its ambulances to be used by terrorists in Gaza and the West Bank.
BioD, stop feeding the trolls you naughty, naughty boy.
Your just exacerbating their ADHD and they won’t be able to get off to sleep.
Keep it up and there’ll be no horlicks and cookies for you tonight.
BTW, thanks for the links on “violence and terrorism” perpetrated by the adherants of “the religion that cannot be named” (or else) – most informative.
A similar one for the “non-events” in Thailand over the last few years would also be of interest if you have it.
“There should be list of all Israeli victims of (muslim) terrorism… maybe there is one? Do you know of such a list, BioDG?
disillusioned_german | 28.05.07 – 11:24 pm”
Its nice to see the Isreali government and people remember and honour the victims of terrorism – Does anyone know the names of the British victims of (muslim) terrorism?
The BBC always let us know the perpertrators and their “cause” and their families “concerns” and how the police have acted badly and the “shortcomings” of MI5 – but the victims – well its the palastinians or militants isn’t it?
Last post was me
Does anyone know the names of the British victims of (muslim) terrorism? The BBC always let us know the perpertrators and their “cause” and their families “concerns” and how the police have acted badly and the “shortcomings” of MI5 – but the victims – well its the palastinians or militants isn’t it?
This must be a terrible disappointment to you, but do try your best to hide it:
For some time I’ve been wondering whether those B-BBC regulars who post from Israel • Bryan and deegee and various others • are as unrepresentative of Israeli society as domestic B-BBC commenters are of theirs.
(After all, UKIP or BNP supporters who refuse to believe in climate change and who evince a full-on enthusiasm for George Dubbya and his achievements are pretty rare birds in the UK polity these days.)
So are our Israel-based commenters ‘mainstream’, or are they members of what we might term the Baruch Goldstein or Yigal Amir tendency….. the sort that even Melanie Phillips might describe as ‘a disgrace to the Jewish people’.
Well the reaction to my passing mention of the King David Hotel bombing in the last open thread was instructive.
Deegee maintained that this terrorist action was “legitimate”.
He also used the P. O’Neill defence • it was okay to blow people up so long as you phone-in a warning.
Bryan defended the outrage too.
He also implied that my criticism of it made me ‘anti-Israel’.
These responses can be contrasted with the statements of mainstream Jews at the time.
The Jewish Agency, for instance, issued a statement in which it expressed its “horror at the base and unparalleled act perpetrated ….by a gang of criminals”.
David Ben Gurion (who as Father of the Nation can hardly be considered ‘anti-Israel’) described the perpetrators of this outrage as ‘enemies of the Jewish people’.
Bryan sought to justify the murders on the grounds that-
the British military ….was putting every conceivable barrier in the way of the Jewish state they were mandated to help establish
Between the issue of the Mandate and the bombing of the King David Hotel, the Jewish population of Palestine had risen by more than 800% – which suggests the British were indeed facilitating Jewish immigration in line with their Mandate responsibilities.
One should also remember that the hotel was bombed in 1946 • the year before the UN Partition Plan that the Jews accepted.
But then Bryan has some pretty crazy ideas about the mandate.
In this post he seems to think that Britain was supposed to establish a Jewish homeland not just ‘in Palestine’ but all over Palestine. And not just between the river and the sea • he lays claim to all of Jordan as well!
Perhaps Bryan ought to read the original mandate • in particular Article 6 which says that the Jewish homeland must be established “while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population {e.g. Arabs} are not prejudiced” – an echo of the original Balfour Declaration, which said: it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.
Deegee, for his part, noted that the King David Hotel was being used by the British Military • thus it was ‘a legitimate military target’.
Nonsense. There was no war on. It was a criminal act of terrorism.
In any case, you only have to look at the c63 other terrorist actions undertaken by the same gang in which fatalities resulted to get a picture of the organization. Only three were targeted at British military personnel. Most were bomb attacks against marketplaces, railway stations, cafes and buses. Very similar, indeed, to the kinds of target Hamas attacks today. More than 250 civilians died.
These are the people Bryan openly lauds while lecturing the BBC about ‘moral equivalence’.
Definitely more Goldstein/Amir than Israeli mainstream, that’s clear enough now. Such extremists are hardly likely to be fair in their criticisms of the BBC, are they?
Err Hill-Hunt. Have the BBC even admitted it was a terrorist act? The last i looked they refer to that terrorist act as either a bombing or an act by misguided criminals.
“Communities to lead response to extremism
10 November 2005
Home Office Ministers Hazel Blears and Paul Goggins welcomed practical proposals for a community-led response to extremism.
The proposals come from the seven ‘Preventing Extremism Together’ working groups between the Government and Muslim communities that were set up after the London bombings in July.”
This is the governments response – obviousley my “community” does not have a say.
And these are the people that were on the “working groups”.
Yusuf Islam
Lord Nazir Ahmed
Baroness Pola Manzila Uddin
Inayat Bunglawala
Mohammed Abdul Aziz
Nahid Majid
Abdal Ullah
Here you go BBC clones find the word ‘Terrorist’ in the BBC ‘in-depth’ web-index-page for the events of July 2005
muslims in europe
its still there…
if ever there is a lesson for Tony Blair, it is the almost certain re-election of Bertie Ahern
like Blair, the MSM had deemed Bertie to be unelectable – the MSM , mind you, not the people. so therefore , what follows is lots of chattering class talk about a post bertie government.
i cant help wondering if Blair stayed on , he’d get labour into power for a 4th term. lets be honest here, he probably would. so maybe blair’s bowing out is actually honest… he’s just completely exhausted.
hillhunt | 29.05.07 – 1:28 am | #
That is no dissapointment – is that every victim? I don’t think so.
from the url above
“For the past ten years, the right-of-centre PDs have been its coalition partners”
errr. the PDs are right wing free marketeers. there’s no “centre” ground with them. more sloppy reporting for a multi-billion news gathering organisation thats paid for by you and me.
John Reith writes:
“…UKIP or BNP supporters who refuse to believe in climate change …”
Granted accuracy is a regular sacrifice on the altar of polemic by you BBC types, Reith, but shouldn’t that really have read “…who refuse to believe in man-made global warming…”?
“After all, UKIP or BNP supporters who refuse to believe in climate change and who evince a full-on enthusiasm for George Dubbya and his achievements are pretty rare birds in the UK polity these days”
What a sad person you are JR- Please list me all those eminant professors who are “sceptics” in Australia, Canada, Us, Poland, New Zealand and UK who vote for the BNP and UKIP.
“How long before alcohol is banned by the health fanatics.
Jon | 28.05.07 – 9:56 pm |”
i too am getting worried by this new health facism. for that is what it is.
have a guess as to what political party was the most green, the most tee total, and the most health conscious in European history.
why, it was the
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or the NSDAP.
led by an Austrian, with a funny tache.
” Jon | 29.05.07 – 1:51 am ”
indeed. the BNP are actually anti-bush. they are dead against the iraq war and british involvement.
as are UKIP.
both are what i would call “isolationists”. you wouldnt catch either of them agreeing with George Bush’s foreign policy in a million years.
archduke | 29.05.07 – 1:59 am | #
Just goes to show what the BBC clones who post here know whats happening in the outside world and what a narrow intelect they must have.
actually , i was incorrect for using the “isolationist” term , for both parties do give a lot of hints about re-establishing the commonwealth and british empire. but both have a “britain first” policy , irrespective of the american relationship.
for the record, i’m actually in agreement with tony blair’s foreign policy. we’re in a global world now, and dreams of empire are just downright silly. america is our true ally , and we have to be supportive of them.
just thought i’d make that clear.
JR seems to think that “MMGW” is not a science thing but political – he is right of course, but it is not between the “left” or the “right” it is between real science and junk science.
i think i’ll apply for a grant for my “water vapour extraction plant” that i’ll build in my back garden.
water vapour contributes to about 90 per cent of global warming.
my “water vapour extraction plant” is 100 per cent organic.
it also goes by the name of a “tree”.
His foreign policy may be right but his domestic policies are a complete sham.
bbc news 24 just had a segment on an election in israel!
oh wait.. .its about the Labour Party in Israel electing a new leader..
ah .. its all clear now.
Trees also “soak up” CO2 so your on a winner there.
” Jon | 29.05.07 – 2:10 am”
granita deal. that’s gordon brown.
” Jon | 29.05.07 – 2:11 am ”
hey wow!. they soak up C02 as well?
wow – serious heavy C02 filtering there maaaa.
maybe i should turn up to Team Cameron with a bag full of acorns…
Just add buckets of sea water (which act as a CO2 sink) around the base and you cannot fail. But alas the boy Dave won’t listen – I know I’ve tried.
i’ll get serious now – there are MILLIONS of kids worldwide being infected and dying from malaria.
a simple disease to kill off. a
meanwhile , we’re worried about “carbon footprints”.. i dunno, it just sickens me.
but then again, in NSDAP philosophy , the black africans didnt matter. much like the green eco-fascists nowadays.
“Biased BBC: The Austin Allegro of Media Monitoring
hillhunt | 28.05.07 – 3:07 pm”
While you, presumably, are the Hillman Hunter?
Residential buy to lets should be banned. Residential properties are to be lived in not to make a profit out of the poor and first time buyers who end up in huge debts as a result. Buy to lets are simply a redistribution of wealth from the poor to the rich.
“Thousands of buy-to-let families face tax shock”
The taxman is preparing to clamp down on tens of thousands of buy-to-let property owners who may not have paid enough tax, The Times has learnt.
The Swiss try to ban minarets on mosques. Look how the BBC report it:
“But supporters of a ban on minarets say they have no intention of preventing anyone from practising their faith.
“We don’t have anything against Muslims,” said Oskar Freysinger, member of parliament for the Swiss People’s Party.
“But we don’t want minarets. The minaret is a symbol of a political and aggressive Islam, it’s a symbol of Islamic law. The minute you have minarets in Europe it means Islam will have taken over.”
Mr Freysinger’s words may sound extreme, even paranoid, but this is a general election year in Switzerland, and the campaign against minarets is playing well with voters”.
Extreme and Paranoid. It might be but why do the BBC have to opinionate in this way?
hat tip: lgf
Hillhunt 10:48
As you clearly believe we are all nutts why have you obviously spent so much time compileing a list. If I had complaints from my customers about my products and dealt with them like you and John Reith I would end up in court.
THINK ABOUT if you have the free mind to think at all. IN COURT.
Why bother with lists, as we are all clearly mad the best thing to do is do what Hitler did with all the madd people, and it was not just ignore them.
And you wonder why half Jewish very LIBERTARIAN ordinary people like me still worry about concentration camps and gas chambers or gulags or prison sentances for simply saying what we think or being what we are?
Did Geobels tell the German people he was killing men women in children in this way at the time?
Do we the people have the confidence in the already lying discredited BBC to tell us if the government was doing or was planning on doing such types of things, this very minet?
In fact the government already is planning and is already locking people up for all types of things we could never be locked up for before, and the BBC still does nothing and loves this government as if its morgage payment relied on them. Which as we all know it does.
In the last ten years I have watched the BBC be complicite with its favourate government in more iliberal fascist activities then I believed possible in a whole lifetime.
Why should I trust you or the BBC or any media organisation that is and can never be independant of the government in power. Least of all an authoritarian socialist one that the BBC openly conspired to put into power in the first place. One very simular indeed to the one that was running Germany in the 1930-1940s.
Sorry if I have given you amunition to marginalise and patronise my opinions by maybe just maybe overstating my point a tiny little bit.
However it does not for one moment change my own opinion that people like you and John Reith are simply mind controll thought police modern day Nazis with an agenda that you could not possibly be able to be honest about.
Or just habitual liers.
Or so brainwashed yourselves that you have no idear what you are really doing at all.
Any non-brainwashed person would listen more carefully to the very real and honest concerns eminating not only from your customers but also from highly intelligent experienced and educated members of your own sociaty and the world.
We are not members of the BNP we are to the most part simply right wing libertarians. Which is not only a magority of the British people and the foundation of a free prosperous sociaty. It is a political classification that the BBC has never reconised even exsists.
Patronising the way you do only increases our distrust of you and the organisation you are making constant and nit picking excuses for.
Political correctness is forcing British television makers to portray a world that doesn’t exist, the Edinburgh Television Festival heard yesterday. Rod Liddle, former editor of BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, said … the BBC’s Editorial Policy Unit connived with the pressure groups. “[They] bully programme-makers into changing the nature of their news programmes, dramas and light entertainment in order to accord with the various agendas pursued by each group,” he said.
(The Independent, 25 August 2003)
John Reith:
You asked two questions, both of which deserve an answer.
For some time I’ve been wondering whether those B-BBC regulars who post from Israel • Bryan and deegee and various others • are as unrepresentative of Israeli society as domestic B-BBC commenters are of theirs.
I don’t know. How representative are you of British society?
Do I have to fall into some statistical abstraction ~ average 2.3 children? Perhaps median would be more representative. Most of the Israeli population live in the narrow coastal strip between Rishon Le Zion and Haifa ~ I don’t.
Perhaps attitude is the key? I could not predict the voting patterns of the people on my street with confidence (as opposed to a reasonable certainty about parties unlikely to receive their vote), how can I predict national attitudes?
Will my ‘Ethiopian’ pupils (most born in Israel and all speaking Hebrew as first language) ever be ‘representative’? What about Israelis who name their first son Mohammed?
I am reasonably sure my income and educational achievement is above the Israeli norm although about average in my appartment building. Is it any different in London? Does that make my observations on this blog more or less valid?
By now I think you have caught my drift.
people like you and John Reith are simply mind controll thought police modern day Nazis with an agenda that you could not possibly be able to be honest about.
Or just habitual liers.
Or so brainwashed yourselves that you have no idear what you are really doing at all.
Look into my eyes. Not round my eyes, into my eyes. The eyes, the eyes. Look into my eyes…
JR: I’m not falling for your classic straw man diversionary tactics. I have no interest in the King David hotel. I am interested in the institutional leftist bias of the BBC’s news operations.
I probably fit into that tiny minority of the British public which doesn’t agree with you that:
1. John Bolton shd be treated in the same category as Abu Izz
2. Jimmy Carter shd be soft-soaped NOT because he’s a Bush-critic, you understand, but because he’s a poor old man
3. Ghadafi needs to be treated with fauning, turd-polishing respect in the same as all BBC interviewers always treat the Queen
On outstanding form again. Welcome to the week:
Political correctness is forcing British television makers to portray a world that doesn’t exist, the Edinburgh Television Festival heard yesterday. Rod Liddle, former editor of BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, said…
Here’s another quote from Rod to keep the virtual scrapbook busy – the one that got him sacked from Today for, ahem, bias.
You may have forgotten why you voted Labour in 1997.
But then you catch a glimpse of the forces supporting the Countryside Alliance: the public schools that laid on coaches; the fusty, belch-filled dining rooms of the London clubs that opened their doors, for the first time, to the protesters; the Prince of Wales and, of course, Camilla … and suddenly, rather gloriously, it might be that you remember once again,,799772,00.html
Nice to hear, on Radio 2 news this morning, that, at the Hay-on-Wye (aka Grauniadville) Festival, Maureen Lipman was awarded the 2007 Listening Books Award for the Spoken Voice, aprize awarded to those who, in the opinion of the judges, “uses his or her voice in a way that makes an impact”. All very well and good, bless her.
But, look! Who was awarding her the prize? Why, none other than that Beeboid favourite, and Chief Inpenetrable (and therefore current holder of the Hillhunt Trophy), James “when we win the election” Naughtie. Un petit morceau of irony there.
LOL Chuffer! The same James Naughtie who according to John Reith treated Jimmy Carter with kid gloves on account of his age!
You really are the silly patronising twerp that I suspected you are.
Is that the best you can do?
I think taking you in the least bit seriously was a big mistake.
Grow-up and get some real experience of the world for say 10-20 years if you mummy letts you have the time off the baby sitting.
I was born only 15 years after they closed the concentration camps not yesturday like yourself.
I have been to Serbia Cuba East Germany the old Soviet Union East Temor South-Africa and many many other places. One thing travelling and investigating these places wised me up about. Was to take the power of governemts and all of their very clever and highly dangerous propagander very seriously indeed.
When you finally grow-up and stop spending your time laughing at other people and watching Little Britain you will I am sure do the same. Untill then try to gain more respect for your elders and betters. You may learn something.
Somebody recently commented on Jim Naughtie’s interview technique on BBC Radio 4s Today programme as “polishing turds”. This was with an interlocutor with whom he could do business with, somebody he found congenial. This morning the talk on “Immigration” was similarly a very good example. Clearly the BBC journalist is weary of some of the debate and he tread wearily, weighing his words carefully and is conscious of the smells (although the fact that we have had rioting and disturbances in Peterborough he clearly missed, maybe ‘three chins’ Naughtie was at the opera?). In short the description is fit for purpose. BBC News making the stories on immigration so shiny and gleaming for you in the morning! Oh yes, and Civitas not spoken of as a “right-leaning think tank” very strange. The Guardian talk of Blair & Reid as “De-mob happy”, BBC journalists find themselves in a kind of no-mans land too. Did anybody else notice how the Journalist BK back in Russia after 8 years, could comment on the similarities of the new middle class and shopping centres and even an Ikea in a Russian town with a similar picture back in England, but when these same people said they were not interested in voting or couldn’t find a suitable party to vote for, she was incapable of also saying “…just like in England!” Correct me if I’m wrong but the voting statistics for the last election were abysmal. BBC bias at its best, presuming that the audience are all keen political Guardian voter’s “just like us”. Oh, is there really a party that takes immigration seriously?
Gary Powell
I was born only 15 years after they closed the concentration camps not yesturday like yourself.
I have been to…East Germany the old Soviet Union…
Gary, I’m not sure how old that makes you? Buchenwald(Weimar) concentration camp was taking over by the Russians at the end of WWII,and used again and the fresh graves that the CSI people found there (post 1989) have resulted in the historians using the term Buchenwald II.
To me, Rod Liddle’s history make him better qualified that almost anyone else to spot BBC Bias. When he points it out, you know it’s serious. As for his views on the Countryside March – I went on it, and yomped my way round London with my fellow farmers and huntspeople, and have to agree with him!
And Hillhunt is definitely a De Lorean.
deegee | 29.05.07 – 7:57 am
Do I have to fall into some statistical abstraction ~ average 2.3 children?
No. That’s not what I meant at all.
You are being a touch disingenuous, I think.
Remember a year or so back – when a group of chareidim threatened to burn down Jerusalem?
They demanded the police immediately release one of their own – a man who had beaten his baby to death because he couldn’t bear its crying.
A helluva story, you might think.
But one the BBC chose not to run. (See – the BBC is not always falling over itself to cast Israel in a bad light).
My Israeli friends are always telling me people are ‘not representative’.
The chareidim are “not representative”.
Avigdor Lieberman is “not represenative”.
Come meet Benny Morris – he is “much more representative”.
Come meet Rabbi Benji Levene – at the Gesher organization – they’re truly “representative”.
I tend to believe them.
That’s why I’m surprised that someone of your evident education – and pursuing your particular vocation – should seek to justify acts that are clearly criminal.
Get my drift?
Good point but I was talking about the first time around. Which by my calculations makes me 47.
At my age as some of you younger people will soon find out means that 15 years is like no time at all.
Even the first world war starts seeming like recent past. Where as when you are young it seems so long ago as to be more like ancient history.
At this rate by the time I am 90 the American civil-war will seem like last week.