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I must not feed the troll
Great article biodegradable. Love this extract:
What the above quote represents, more than anything else, is that people are complete morons who will descend to levels of incredible knee-jerk stupidity at the slightest suggestion. They will bite at anything if given 1/2 a chance.
I must not feed the troll
I must not feed the troll
I must not feed the troll
I must not feed the troll
I must not feed the troll
And this:
Real causes, of course, are damn hard to find in this day and age, and when they do present themselves (like starving children) most people ignore them because, hey, that shit’s depressing. We want a cause that doesn’t hurt to bad, but we’re still going to blow it way out of proportion and try to base our lives around it, even if it is really meaningless. This is why people react the way they do to things that absolutely do not mean shit in a larger sense of how the world functions.
From a post-grad student. Bet they got a great grade for that.
Recognising and Dealing with Trolls
Playtime Trolls
Playtime trolls are relatively easy to spot, but they may not be apparent to the naive user. There isn’t a single set of characteristics that applies to playtime trolls, but you can look for some or all of the following signs:
* a lack of buy-in to the list philosophy or values
* generally low level of activity, with sudden spurts of interaction – or perhaps a new persona that has strong opinions on controversial subjects
* a mixture of friendly posts with a confrontational style of interaction
* the use of provocative language and sweeping generalisations about certain topics or categories of people
* a lack of in-depth understanding of the topic
* a lack of personal information
* a lack of a genuinely unique perspective on the topic
* a lack of humour
* restarting topics that have already been done
* use of language that encourages the dialogue to enter topics that are controversial and likely to upset some team members
* the use of an attention-seeking gimmick (e.g.: “I was once exploited by an XYZ”)
* they follow up their own articles if the group doesn’t respond to their posts
* inconsistencies in the style and nature of the post and any proclaimed information (e.g.: claiming to be a child but writing with an adult style; claiming to be adult, but writing with a childish grammatical construction).
* also note that trolls often seem to use free email services (such as or have email addresses ending in .edu. However, trolls could be virtually anyone, and the email address is no guide as to whether the persona is a bona fide user or not.
To counteract playtime trolls, the best action is to ignore them. If you are convinced they are trolls, then you can advise the list manager. However, if other group members respond to the suspected troll’s posts, then you may have to consider some of the responses outlined for tactical or strategic trolls.
a lack of humour
Biased BBC – A Troll’s Paradise.
Lesson for Thickc*nt, the (piss) artist formerly known as Hillhunt:
you (sing. or pl.) + I = we
john | 29.05.07 – 12:39 pm
Not me I’m afraid
Really? How annoying.
But I guess there are lots of people called John.
Shame they can’t chose different screen names when posting here.
I thought you were the one I had a number of exchanges with over the Blackburn Panorama.
The one who wrote:
However, what does seem to escape you is that this is not happening by chance, what is happening in Blackburn (and other English towns & cities) is one of the well known and trusted instruments of Jihad chosen to spread Islam, namely demographic conquest
Perhaps I didn’t paraphrase it well, but that’s what I was on about.
Allan@Aberdeen | 29.05.07 – 6:01 pm
Maybe they don’t do it in Scotland, but Tony Blair and others go in for using ‘you’ to mean ‘I’ or ‘we’.
As in:
‘You have to make tough choices. You do what you think is right. You weigh up the evidence and in the end as prime minister, you decide. Then you go home and think – that’s why you went into politics in the first place. …..contd on p 94
1.At the risk of feeding our pet troll, I notice that hillhunt compares the bombing of Sderot by the Palestinians to the bombing of London by the Nazis.
So he thinks thinks the Pals are comparable to the Nazis.
2. Does he not realise that Israel is a country the size of Wales?Wherever a Sderot resident moves to, they are in range of someone who wants to kill him.Before 1967, the country was about 9 miles wide.Everywhere in Israel is within range of a) rockets b) suicide/homicide bombers c) hostage takers/kidnappers d) 5th columnists.
His ignorance of the situation shows that his opinions can be ignored and regarded with the disdain they deserve.
The BBC and half a story.
Riots over Indian tribal quotas
At least seven people have been killed in violent clashes in India’s Rajasthan state over the government’s affirmative action plans, officials say. Police fired on protesters from the nomadic Gujjar tribe who had blocked a key national highway near Delhi.
At least one of those killed is believed to be a policeman. The Gujjars are demanding that they be included in an affirmative action quota which would give them access to government jobs and other benefits. Police say they opened fire after tens of thousands of Gujjar protesters turned violent. Protesters said police shot at unarmed crowds.
The BBC’s Sanjoy Majumder in Delhi says the Gujjars are a large and politically-influential nomadic tribe spread across north India.
I wonder why the BBC omits from that story just what religion the vast majority of Gujjars belong to. Just as why the BBC omits from its map of the region a certain country which sits next door.
which is somewhat strange as when the BBC publishes a map of stated country it always inserts the fact that a part of Kashmir is ‘Indian occupied’ as well as the fact that India is next door
Now before anybody states that religion doesn’t matter in this story. I suppose we could also say that religion (in the form of conservative Christian groups) in a certain post about President Bush and Sudan doesn’t matter either.
The BBC and half a story.
The BBC Kashmir and half a story (part 1)
Kashmir fatwa over mosque rebuild
A Muslim cleric in Indian-administered Kashmir has issued an edict against the renovation of Islamic mosques and shrines by the Indian army.
Grand Mufti Bashiruddin called on Kashmiri Muslims to fight “tooth and nail” against the Indian army’s plans to renovate mosques, describing the troops’ efforts as “interference”. He told the Indian Express newspaper any mosque or shrine that had been “constructed, renovated or inaugurated by non-Muslims lacks Islamic bonafides”.
So if Grand Mufti Bashiruddin states that mosques or shrines constructed by non-muslims lack Islamic bonifida could somebody at the BBC CAIR to explain the Muslim prayer room at BBC Bush house and the large number of convert chapels and churches which his flock have no problem converting into ‘Mosques.
The BBC Kashmir and half a story (part 1)
His ignorance of the situation shows that his opinions can be ignored and regarded with the disdain they deserve.
Edna | 29.05.07 – 6:31 pm
He also fails to see, or chooses to ignore, that when a BBC correspondent asks a resident of Sderot why he/she doesn’t leave the correspondent is echoing the sentiments of the “Palestinians”.
To continue analysing the troll’s comparison between Sderot and wartime London, he ignores, or fails to see that many Sderot residents have in fact left/been evacuated temporarily, just like London during the Blitz.
So, while it was probably not his intention, he has managed to draw a reasonable comparison between the civilian population of London targeted by Nazis and their crude unguided missiles (V1 and V2), and the civilian population of Sderot, also targeted by Nazis and their crude, unguided “Qassam” missiles.
At the risk of feeding our pet troll, I notice that hillhunt compares the bombing of Sderot by the Palestinians to the bombing of London by the Nazis.
Not guilty. I think you’ll find that John and Anonymous raised it:
Imagine the same tone to a WWII Londoner:
“Why don’t you leave?”
And you see what has happened to the BBC from Reith to Ross
I can’t imagine what it would be like to fear for my family under such threat. A large part of me would wish to move them to safety…wherever that might be.
My point was not the difficulty of such choices for families in Sderot. That is no joke.
It was the dim, cheap jibes which pass for evidence on this “resource”.
He also fails to see, or chooses to ignore, that when a BBC correspondent asks a resident of Sderot why he/she doesn’t leave the correspondent is echoing the sentiments of the “Palestinians”.
Biased BBC: Whingeing – it’s all we can do.
It was the dim, cheap jibes which pass for evidence on this “resource”.
hillhunt | 29.05.07 – 6:59 pm
I’m sure you have much better things to do in that case (don’t you?).
So why don’t you just go away?
Playtime trolls are relatively easy to spot, but they may not be apparent to the naive user. There isn’t a single set of characteristics that applies to playtime trolls, but you can look for some or all of the following signs:
* a lack of buy-in to the list philosophy or values
* a mixture of friendly posts with a confrontational style of interaction
* the use of provocative language and sweeping generalisations about certain topics or categories of people
* a lack of in-depth understanding of the topic
* a lack of personal information
* a lack of a genuinely unique perspective on the topic
* restarting topics that have already been done
* use of language that encourages the dialogue to enter topics that are controversial and likely to upset some team members
* they follow up their own articles if the group doesn’t respond to their posts
I must not feed the troll
I must not feed the troll
I must not feed the troll
I must not feed the troll
Biased BBC: Whingeing – it’s all we can do.
hillhunt | 29.05.07 – 7:03 pm
How is pointing out that “Palestinians” would like all Jews to bugger off “Whingeing”.
Are you one of those that accuses Jews of “Whingeing” about the Holocaust too?
I must not feed the troll
I must not feed the troll
I must not feed the troll
Are you one of those that accuses Jews of “Whingeing” about the Holocaust too?
Far from it. I accused you of whingeing every time a BBC journalist puts the words “Palestinian” and “Israel” in the same sentence, regardless of its meaning.
The BBC Kashmir and half a story (part 2)
The BBC makes no bones about which side it favours in the set-to between India and Pakistan over Kashmir.
Kashmir: The origins of the dispute
In August 1947 when the Indian subcontinent became independent from Britain, all the rulers of the 565 princely states, whose lands comprised two-fifths of India and a population 99 million, had to decide which of the two new dominions to join, India or Pakistan.The ruler of Jammu and Kashmir, whose state was situated between the two new countries, could not decide which country to join.He was Hindu, his population was predominantly Muslim. He therefore did nothing.
Instead he signed a “standstill” agreement with Pakistan in order that services such as trade, travel and communication would be uninterrupted.
So according to the BBC Pakistan is the legitimate owner of the whole of Kashmir. That the invasion of Kashmir by Pakistani tribesmen in 1947 was just that. (I think you will find BBC that a lot of those so called tribes-men were actually Pakistani soldiers minus their uniform. Something the UN at the time agreed on (Resolution 47))
The Government of Pakistan should undertake to use its best endeavors:
To secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistani nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purposes of fighting, and to prevent any intrusion into the State of such elements and any furnishing of material aid to those fighting in the State;”
Click to access 47.pdf
What makes the Pakistani stance so laughable is this huge song and dance that they make about saying that Kashmir belongs to tem because the people are Islamic and thus cannot be ruled by India. They had no problem handing over 5800 sq Km to China in 1965
So what is the real reason why Pakistan has gone to war with India over Kashmir?
Well seeing as its capital is Islamabad. This map kind of tells you why Pakistan wants the rest of Kashmir not for religious reasons but more for strategic ones.
Now I wonder why the so called BBC experts cannot see that simple fact.
The BBC Kashmir and half a story (part 2)
regardless of its meaning.
hillhunt | 29.05.07 – 7:10 pm
Are you seriously so challenged in reading skills that you can’t see the difference in meaning, for example, between “Israeli dies” and Palestinian killed”?
Know a man by his friends, or lessons in chutzpah #3476587567
Plea from Guantanamo for Johnston
In his letter, Mr Hajj urged Mr Johnston’s abductors to set him free.
“As brothers in one faith, consider this gift that I request of you,” he said.
“While the United States has kidnapped me and held me for years on end, this is not a lesson that Muslims should copy.”
From yesterday’s BBC News:
Israeli killed in rocket attack
From the weekend on BBC News:
Four Palestinians die in fresh air strikes on Gaza
Only Jose Mourinho whinges more, but he does it with style.
Glad to see the BBC takes note of our complaints.
Who the fsck is “Jose Mourinho”? Does he write for the Guardian?
Examples of whingeing that HillmanHunter thinks is OK:
Exactly who’s doing the whingeing?
Give up arguing with hh.
He ignores the questions he can’t answer and insults those who are obviously better informed, as a means of putting his so-called point of view.
He has proved that he is unable to discuss logically, merely fobbing us off with his glib retorts.
He’s getting really boring, so ignore his ignorant ramblings, even if you are seething.
He’s getting really boring.
Didn’t mean to repeat myself, but he really is!!
The BBC, China and the death penalty
Death penalty for China official
China has sentenced the former head of the State Food and Drug Administration to death after he was convicted of corruption, state media has reported.
Just wondering why the BBC haven’t rolled out Shami Chakrabarti, Massoud Shadjareh and the rest of the usual suspects in this case of state sponsored terrorism in which to air their disgust.
The BBC, China and the death penalty
Ref the troll.
I am of the belief that the BBC is starting to take note of this and other such blogs and the best way to prevent them from gaining a larger audience is to ensure that new readers don’t see an intelligent focal point in which to dissect the BBC bias. But rather to present to the new reader with a typical mud slinging website which will;
1) Ensure that the reader fosters the idea that the people alleging a BBC bias are all fully paid up members of the far right
2) Presume that the BBC isn’t biased
3) Leave for websites new.
In otherwords Troll is simply an agent provocateur and I suggest we leave him alone in which to masturbate ruminate and procrastinate. I’m sure that by ignoring him the BBC will simply pull his wage packet and move him on to pastures new.
pounce | 29.05.07 – 8:04 pm
I’ve been thinking that for a while.
Perhaps we could have a special “Open Troll Thread” where he could post to his heart’s content and the rest of us could ignore him? 😉
completely off topic, but i thought this was very witty.
Garret Fitzgerald in the Irish Times, on Gerry Adams and the failure of Sinn Fein to make any breakthrough in the recent elections in the South:
“Finally, the emphatic rejection of Sinn Féin by the electorate of this State is a welcome outcome of this election. Gerry Adams’s performance in the four-way debate on Wednesday week may well have contributed powerfully to this result.
As a somewhat partitionist observer maliciously remarked to me, even with the recent remarkable improvement in Irish-British relations, the people of this State are not yet ready to welcome the intervention of a member of the British parliament in the domestic political affairs of this State”
John Reith:
Allan@Aberdeen | 29.05.07 – 6:01 pm
Maybe they don’t do it in Scotland, but Tony Blair and others go in for using ‘you’ to mean ‘I’ or ‘we’.
Then Blair is just as dense as Thickc*nt, but much more dangerous.
Another BBC troll is back after a 9 day absence.
My, these beeboid clonses are so quick on the uptake!
Maybe they don’t do it in Scotland, but Tony Blair and others go in for using ‘you’ to mean ‘I’ or ‘we’.
Funny I thought Tony Blair was from Scotland.
Give up arguing with hh.
He’s getting really boring, so ignore his ignorant ramblings, even if you are seething.
My reply to your perfectly reasonable WWII question was, I hope, a model of restraint. I meant what I said about my concern for the people of Sderot.
Biodegradable on the other hand, goes off like a damp firework every time some poor BBC journalist commits the word “Israel” to the screen.
Ask yourself this: Was a single word of his complaint about the Iraqi refugees worth anyone’s time reading it?
1. wilfully misunderstands the obvious collective meaning of the word “we” in We have been refugees since 1948
2. does not seem to have heard about satellite phones, and implies the BBC must have made that bit up
3. disgracefully and ignorantly implies a paedophilic relationship between the interviewee’s relatives (which he has failed to withdraw)
4. whinges – there is no other word – that the Israelis are blamed when the article clearly states Palestinians enjoyed generous financial support from former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, who championed the Palestinian cause. This was the cause of resentment, and Palestinians have been targeted because of their association to the former regime.
5. then throws in the last refuge of the desperate by suggesting that I’m a holocaust denier for challenging his clearly mistaken reading of an innoccuous piece
You may recall that our last set-to was over his (since-withdrawn) temper tantrum over the BBC’s suggestion that water was a cause of the 1967 war…even in the face of cast-iron evidence from the official war history of the IDF that this was so.
So: hillhunt or Biodegradable – which is the ignorant troll?
So: hillhunt or Biodegradable – which is the ignorant troll?
Do you really want to put that to the vote?
if you lose will you promise to go away and never darken these comments pages ever again?
I happened to catch a bit of Blue Peter this afternoon. Now rebranded “Green Peter” this was without a doubt the most appaling piece of pro MMGW propaganda I have ever seen.
Totally inaccurate, lacking in any real facts and very confusing. Painting pictures of ice falling off things with script about CO2. Then went and looked at coastal erosion sites in East Anglia, all very scary stuff to the uninformed. 500 m lost to the sea in 10 years a poor little child tells and their house might be next. All this is of course due to “global warning” apparently. Sea levels will rise and an incredible statistic offered that 50 million people will starve in 20 years time. Not about or maybe but a promise. Maybe there are 100 million starving now, we just weren’t told.
* restarting topics that have already been done
Enlighten us.
If someone stupidly suggested that an Israeli family was tolerating sexual relations with a 13-year-old girl, which bit of the Richter scale would you hit?
Make that a handicapped 13-year-old girl…
* restarting topics that have already been done
I must not feed the troll
Biased BBC: Paedophile smears R Us
Bio – before responding to hillhunt read this and you will see the intellect you are up against.
Whats missing from the following:
“The UK must donate more money to poorer countries to help them cope with climate change, according to a charity.
Oxfam said Britain had pledged £20m in “adaptation funds” – but needed to pay a further £1.2bn.
They reached the figure by combining the amount of emissions a country produces with its ability to pay.
The government said it was spending “more money than ever” to lift people out of poverty and make them less vulnerable to climate change.”
Hint – only those who work for a living pay it
Ah! So it finally becomes clear why the BBC were so determinedly smooching up to that mass-murdering tyrant, Gaddafi.
“AFP – Tony Blair hailed completely transformed relations with oil-rich Libya after talks with Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi.”
And who cops the lions share of the deal? Step forward disgraced oil tycoon and arch ZaNuLabour stooge, ‘Lord’ Browne.
So much for the wretched BBC’s self-proclaimed ‘independence’!
I’m sorry but two posters fighting eachother in post after post after post is really, really boring for the rest of us.
“Over the past few months, amateur naturalists have logged more than 24,000 first sightings of six key species of plants and animals.
Some, such as the peacock butterfly and frogspawn, have been spotted earlier than expected.
The Woodland Trust said it was worried “because the changes are so rapid”. “
And how long has this great BBC/Woodland Trust survey been running.
Answer : 3 years
“One swallow does not a summer make”
The interesting thing about the peacock butterfly is that “…Adults emerge from hibernation from March onwards with numbers peaking in late April. ”
Peacock butterfly:
2005: 30 March 2006: 14 April 2007: 15 March.
Nothing strange there.
Am watching Andrew Marr’s History of Modern Britain and apart from the awful leftists narrative, along with excessive belief that media had the same control that it now has, there is one interesting little snippet it puts forward.
The Queen goes to see Peter Cook and his bunch of fellow comedians and laughs; MacMillan also goes to see the show and is insulted. Marr’s view: “a republic of laughter”. Mmmm.
I am of the belief that the BBC is starting to take note of this and other such blogs and the best way to prevent them from gaining a larger audience is to ensure that new readers don’t see an intelligent focal point in which to dissect the BBC bias. But rather to present to the new reader with a typical mud slinging website which will;
Wow, you guys really are conspiracy theorists.
Note to hillhunt: it makes a change to read someone less paranoid than the usual commentors here. Still, their continual obsession with various conspiracy theories is highly amusing. The lengths the establishment will go to…..
Bio – before responding to hillhunt read this and you will see the intellect you are up against.
Jon | 29.05.07 – 9:13 pm
Indeed. What chance do mere mortals have before such a vast and vacuous mind. The phrase, “Wow, it’s full of stars”, comes to mind.
(hint: do not feed the troll)
Still, their continual obsession with various conspiracy theories is highly amusing. The lengths the establishment will go to…..
Isn’t that a bit of a non-sequituer?