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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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There were several peace plans following the 1967 war, including one by Yigal allon, an Israeli general who proposed that Israel give back to Jordan the highlands of the West Bank, while retaining a defensive line along the JOrdan Valley.
However, nothing happened until after the war in October 1973…..
I wonder why ‘nothing happened’.Could the BBC not tell us? Did everyone just forget about the proposal, or is there a different reason- maybe the Arabs/Palestinians/ Jordanians rejected it??I would really like to know, but the BBC won’t tell me.
Edna | 30.05.07 – 9:05 pm
Melanie Phillips knows:
De-classified documents have shown that Egypt, Jordan and Syria were planning to cut Israel in half; Jordan was planning to take out whole populations from Israeli towns and shoot them. Plans for the destruction of Israel had been laid to the smallest detail.
Israel, however, planned for no more than a 48-hour surgical strike, explicitly resolving not to enter Gaza or the West Bank. What Israel had not expected was that King Hussein of Jordan, who had hitherto been signalling covertly that he had no hostile intent, would launch a serious attack. But Egypt then told him falsely, after Israel had destroyed its entire air force on the ground in the space of one hour, that Egypt was on course for victory. So Jordan started firing on Israel from the West Bank, and Israel was accordingly sucked in, as it was into Gaza after attacks were launched from there.
On June 16 1967 Israel offered to give back these territories to Jordan and Egypt in exchange for peace. It even convened a meeting of 80 notable Arabs from the West Bank to discuss whether a Palestinian state could be established there. They all said they would indeed like to have such a state • but if they signed any such agreement with Israel, radicals such as Yasser Arafat would kill them.
I look forward to this history being provided to the public by the British media over the next few days, particularly by the BBC.
Absolutley riviting stuff jg
he has 10 posts on his front page with a grand total of 4 comments, popular guy!
Notice also that his comments have to go through moderation before being posted…oh yes, the freedom of speech so loved of the left lol
So a left-winger married to a BBC staffer sees no bias. It would be funny if it were not so sad.
jg | 30.05.07 – 10:44 pm
What’s sad is that I grew up in Hackney and Clapton in the 1960s and last lived there from 1984 – ’89. Now there are prats like hillhunt calling themselves “Claptonians”, posting guest articles from people who claim to have lived there for TWO WHOLE years and so are experts on the area.
The Pembury Tavern is declared “the pub of the moment” because “the house wines are £2.10 for a glass of excellent Cabernet Sauvignon” while I remember sitting outside as a kid, on the step, with my lemonade, while my dad had his brown ale and whisky chaser in the public bar with sawdust on the floor.
What a bunch of posers!
I’m so glad I live in Spain now.
I’m guessing they don’t feel the same way.
There are so many delusions on this site that I hardly dare try to deflate one.
But – and apologies for repeating myself several times over – Dave Hill is not me nor I him.
If I started a blog named Claptonian it would feature guitar gods.
Biased BBBC: Clueless isn’t the half of it
scratch me dave!
Don’t know if anyone’s posted this before, but check out the second paragraph here:
They[i.e. university lecturers] had been asked to monitor and report suspicious behaviour amongst Muslim students.
Really ? Has the government actually issued instructions singling out Muslims, or is it just the BBC’s facile attempt to cast a common sense measure as some kind of racist persecution of Muslims ?
my boss left some comments here…
… oooh, please scrach me some one!
he’s good at pissing people off isn’t he?
The Department for Education & Skills has helpfully printed its guidance on its website…
Minister for Higher Education Bill Rammell today published guidance to help HE Providers tackle violent extremism in the name of Islam…
Here’s a cut-out-and-keep guide to making this site credible:
1. You read something which makes you suspicious.
2. Stop! Think “it might just be me, because I am a bit, y’know, biased against the BBC.”
3. If it still bothers you, Google the most likely credible source. In a case like this, the education ministry is a pretty good place to start.
4. When you find out your suspicions are unfounded, feel pleased with yourself because you’ve not added another mad-as-a-fish post to a site already bulging with them.
Nice name. Where did you get it?
from that ^
hillhunt said…
Love the idea that the Freedom Association was founded by a man with a hereditary title and 14 (count ’em) letters after his name. Gawd bless you, sir..
Simon Richards said:
“two of the letters after the late Lord De L’Isle’s name are “VC”. They don’t hand those out on an hereditary basis”
hillhunt said…
Anyone with a VC I doff my Burberry cap to. Point remains – do I want my freedoms guaranteed by an aristo groaning under the weight of royal baubles?
rommel vanvished said…
If that person also holda a vc, awarded for conspicuous bravery whilst under attack from the enemy, you already have.
I thought class war was out of date.
As I said before, the hard left see no bias at the BBC
Apologies. Forgot the link…
You know, hillhunt is actually making the case for the bias at the BBC. When people from the left feel the need to defend their ideological bedfellows at the BBC, all can see how ridiculous the claim of no bias is. hillhunt has acted in just the way the BBC do, ‘oh its just rantings of the right’. He and the BBC see views that are right of centre as things to be ignored or ridiculed.
Describing a dead VC holder as “an aristo groaning under the weight of royal baubles” is pretty damn low IMHO
he is pain to the very center of my being
I suspect that whichever hillhunt left that posting, he was referring to the KG, GCMG, GCVO and PC and may well have had in mind the 6th baronetcy as well.
I’m not sure that you need the full Maoist trappings to find the idea funny – a landed gent with so many Buck House gongs guaranteeing my freedoms does seems absurd.
But so much here is absurd. And the great joke is that few of you recognise it.
hillhunt has perfected the art of talking out of his backside with the help of a trained haemorrhoid, who actually talks more sense than “his master”.
Nice editing there Hillhunt. Very BBC. Just a pity we can actually read the original document ourselves:
This guidance builds on “Promoting good campus relations: dealing with hate crimes and intolerance” – the general guidance that Universities UK with Government support circulated last year.
As well you know, far from singling out Muslims, the policy applies to all ‘hate crimes’ and the like. All that’s happened now is that a specific, background briefing has been issued for Muslims. They’re not monitoring Muslims anymore than they’re monitoring animal rights activists, BNPers or gay bashers – all of whom are covered by the same policy.
Note to the mods: Now Hillhunt has yet again proven himself to be a lying scumbag incapable of honest debate, can we ban him now ?
I suspect that whichever hillhunt left that posting, he was referring to the KG, GCMG, GCVO and PC and may well have had in mind the 6th baronetcy as well.
I’m not sure that you need the full Maoist trappings to find the idea funny – a landed gent with so many Buck House gongs guaranteeing my freedoms does seems absurd.”
Well hunt, I don’t care about the other gongs, a VC means he gets my respect every time, and shows he is JUST the kind of person I want to rely on to look after my freedoms.
And for someone who says the comments were posted by YET another hillhunt, you do seem to have pretty identical views.
To think people actually died so a imbicile like hillhunt can deride their existence because some were “toffs”.
“Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, KG, GCB, DSO, PC (17 November 1887•24 March 1976), often referred to as “Monty”, was a British Army officer. He successfully commanded Allied forces at the Battle of El Alamein, a major turning point in World War II, and troops under his command were largely responsible for the expulsion of Axis forces from North Africa.”,_1st_Viscount_Montgomery_of_Alamein
Another “toff” who will be rotating in his grave. My father also fought in the desert during world war II for the likes of this horrible excuse for a human being.
I found this on Melanie Phillips’s site. Two questions to anyone who can assist:
1. Is it true and, if so, where’s the link(s)?
2. Will Bowen mention it on his program about the six-day-war?
De-classified documents have shown that Egypt, Jordan and Syria were planning to cut Israel in half; Jordan was planning to take out whole populations from Israeli towns and shoot them. Plans for the destruction of Israel had been laid to the smallest detail.
At the risk of referring you again to my invaluable research guide (above)
1. The BBC reports that university lecturers had been asked to monitor and report suspicious behaviour amongst Muslim students.
2. You are suspicious and air your doubts here: Has the government actually issued instructions singling out Muslims?
3. I point you towards a DFES website confirming that the department had indeed published guidance on Islamic extremism.
4. The website says that previous advice had been given on hate crimes in general. But it was now giving specific guidance to help HE Providers tackle violent extremism in the name of Islam.
5. Bizarrely, you descide that this proves me to be a lying scumbag incapable of honest debate.
6. Here’s the good bit. The BBC report is actually an account of a debate at the HE teachers’ union conference.
7. What does the union say about its debate? This: The motion calls for members to ‘resist attempts by government to engage colleges and universities in activities which amount to increased surveillance of Muslim or other minority students and to the use of members of staff for such witch-hunts.’
8. The union says it’s voting on surveillance of “Muslims and other minorities”. The DFES has issued specific advice on tackl(ing) violent extremism in the name of Islam
9. And the BBC reports it.
10. Fox shot. B-BBC whingeing to no good purpose.
Lying scumbag: Quality insults. From quality people.
De-classified documents have shown that Egypt, Jordan and Syria were planning to cut Israel in half; Jordan was planning to take out whole populations from Israeli towns and shoot them. Plans for the destruction of Israel had been laid to the smallest detail.
Allan@Aberdeen | 31.05.07 – 12:51 am
i posted about that above:
I found the mention of Israel wanting to return Gaza and the West Bank and the reasons why the Arabs said no to be most illuminating but not surprising.
On June 16 1967 Israel offered to give back these territories to Jordan and Egypt in exchange for peace. It even convened a meeting of 80 notable Arabs from the West Bank to discuss whether a Palestinian state could be established there. They all said they would indeed like to have such a state • but if they signed any such agreement with Israel, radicals such as Yasser Arafat would kill them.
He truly never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity, and Barbara Plett wept!
Quality, Hillhunt ? Is that like supporting yourself by shaking down single mothers for a licence fee ? That kind of quality ?
Or how about quoting a union known to be close – ahem! – to extremist Islamic groups as somehow evidence that Muslims are being specifically targeted by a policy that actually applies to a whole range of groups ? Is that the quality you mean ?
Jeez, no wonder you folks have to threaten people to get them to pay up.
My father also fought in the desert during world war II for the likes of this horrible excuse for a human being.
Jon | 31.05.07 – 12:36 am
Mine too, Eighth Army North Africa and Italy campaigns. He’d give me a right bollocking if he knew I was wasting so much time on the likes of “hillhunt”.
Worth signing. (Theres no denying whose side the Gurkhas are on). – although I shouldn’t think it will make any difference.
“We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to immediately and retrospectively give all Gurkha servicemen and their immediate families past and present british citizenship. More details
Submitted by gillon Johnstone • Deadline to sign up by: 19 October 2007 • Signatures: 11,175”
Bio – My father was a sapper with the RE – although he never did talk much about his experiences.
Bio – My grandfather was also at the battle of the Somme in the first world war. He was a blacksmith in charge of the horses.The only injury he sustained was to have all his teeth kicked out by a horse. Ironic?
Apologies. I should have added a point 5 to the list above. Here goes…
5. If in doubt, why not consult a news site you trust more than the BBC?
So. Let’s see. The Telegraph? Not many fatwa-lovers there, so that should do.
Lecturers oppose Muslim ‘witch hunt’
By Graeme Paton, Education Correspondent
Academics are threatening to derail a Government drive to root out Islamic extremists on university campuses.
The University and College Union, will ask its 120,000 members to refuse to take part in the Government-led “witch hunt”.
It insists that Muslims are being “demonised” because of new guidance that asks staff to look out for students falling under the influence of radical preachers.
The Department for Education and Skills has warned university staff to log suspicious behaviour amid fears that campuses are being infiltrated by fanatics recruiting for so-called jihad.
Now what was the question you thought so telling?
Ah yes…
Has the government actually issued instructions singling out Muslims?
Looks like they might have…
Biased BBC: Rude. Aggressive. And so, so wrong.
The University and College Union insists that Muslims are being “demonised”
No surprise that they oppose demonising Muslims, as they are busy demonising Israeli academics.
Britain’s lecturers’ union gave its backing to a boycott of Israeli universities and academics yesterday, in protest over Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.
“Many leading Muslim terrorists have been educated at Britain’s universities. Azahari bin Husin, the senior bomb-maker from Jemaah Islamiyah who masterminded the Bali bombings of October 12, 2002 (killing 202 people) and October 1, 2005 (killing 20), studied at Reading University in the 1990s. He gained a doctorate in engineering before going off to join Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.
On February 26, 1993, Ramzi Yousef drove a truck carrying a 1,200 pound bomb laced with cyanide into the car park beneath the World Trade Center. The ensuing blast killed six and injured 1,000. Four years before he committed this atrocity, Yousef completed a degree in engineering at West Glamorgan Institute (now Swansea Institute of Higher Education).
Dr Rihab Rashid Taha al-Azawi, Saddam Hussein’s “Doctor Germ”, responsible for his biological warfare programs, learned her trade in Britain. In 1984, she gained a PhD in plant toxins at the School of Biological Sciences at the University of East Anglia.”
The governments proposals seem well founded to me.
The governments proposals seem well founded to me.
Many might agree with that.
But your educationally-challenged namesake was indulging in B-BBC’s favourite pastime of casting doubt on a BBC report simply because it contained that itchy word “Muslim”.
As is usual, he was 180 degrees off target. Trifling, I know.
Credibility? It’s for losers.
Bio – My father was a sapper with the RE – although he never did talk much about his experiences.
Jon | 31.05.07 – 1:38 am
Mine drove trucks in the Royal Army Service Corps. He never talked about it either but woke the whole house up when I was a kid when he had nightmares. He was proud of his medals, which I still have and keep clean.
People who didn’t go through it, or like us are old enough to have parents who went through it, just don’t understand.
A few paragraphs in this interview sums it up nicely, read it all when you have time:
War to Europeans, regardless of the context, is anathema and has been since World War II. For Europeans, whoever wages a war is a criminal. Even those with a more sophisticated point of view always start from this point. So, for example, another person responding to my blog wrote that for two soldiers who were kidnapped on the Lebanese border, the Israeli army destroyed all of Lebanon by bombing it incessantly and killing women and children.
You see, Israel is the country in the world most covered by the press, yet about which the least is known. This is why I wrote the book. In it, I try to describe what Israel is; what its war is all about; how it is possible to be at war and a democracy at the same time; and most importantly, how Israel is the avant-garde of the Western countries. These are crucial points to convey to Europeans, for whom democracy and war simply do not go together.
While it was going on, the other person teaching the class with me interrupted to say, “Fiamma, don’t you get it? These kids don’t want to face the fact that there is terrorism in the world, because they are not ready to fight. There is no compulsory conscription in Italy, and they will never join the army.”
So I turned to the students and asked them, “If you were threatened, like Israel is, would you go into the army?” And they all said no. Then I asked them if their brother or sister were being threatened, would they go into the army, and they said no.
Then I thought about what I wrote in the book about Israeli youth. And I thought of the stupid saying by Bertolt Brecht, “Unhappy the land that is in need of heroes.”
Well, I think, “Happy the land that is in need of heroes,” because it gives the people the possibility of loving and being committed to something. Of course, I’m not referring to warriors against democracy and for conquering the world, like the Islamists do. I’m referring to wars of defense, like those of Israel. When you speak to Israeli boys and girls – even during this time of the Winograd Committee findings about the failures of the government and upper echelons of the IDF – you realize how unique they are. None of this stops them from wanting to serve in the army. Nor does it stop them from wanting to go to pubs at night. This duality is a fantastic creation of the State of Israel. Indeed, Israel is special for the fantastic men it has created. Which is why I feel so bad whenever I see it despised and destroyed by Israelis themselves.
I’ve spoken to people in the UK who claim to be pacifists. I asked them those questions too; if their life, or the lives of their family members were at stake would they fight?
They insisted they wouldn’t.
My reply to them was that they were either liars or wankers.
I hope that their lying – anyone who would not defend their families must be horrible people. I once knew a staunch Jehovahs Witness but when his daughter needed a blood transfusion to save her life he never hesitated and gave the hospital his persmission.
“Israel is special for the fantastic men it has created. Which is why I feel so bad whenever I see it despised and destroyed by Israelis themselves.”
You could say the same for Britain.
I hope that their lying – anyone who would not defend their families must be horrible people.
Jon | 31.05.07 – 2:15 am
Let’s ask korova and hillhunt what they’d do 8)
You could say the same for Britain.
Jon | 31.05.07 – 2:17 am
Indeed and I do, but apart from those who volunteer to join the armed forces most are like the ones who are so PC and “liberal” they’d rather denounce their country than defend it, and they’d rather defend the rights of “minorities” than their own.
Israelis can’t forget who they are and have no option other than to defend themselves, Brits are well on the way to forgetting completely and throwing in the towel.
Please try to refrain from using the term liberal in its American or British meaning, rather then its European and literal one. It confuses the hell out of the debate. Just stick to socialist it makes life much easier.
In Europe liberal is right wing and about as non socialist as it is possible to be in modern day life.
If any country but America was looking to invade this place I would leave ASAP and take everything I could with me.
Like all the Jews and half Jews with any sense or money did 70 years ago. I might even end up living next to you.
Which as I am sure you know, is really the whole point of Israels exsistance in the first place. I seriously dont trust this country anymore. When the states National Socialist broadcaster starts being openly anti-semitic it is already time to leave. But then as I have somewhere to go too this time, (which was not an option open to my grandfather) I can at least delay my potential Exodus untill the last moment. He unfortuately got drafted.
THIS WEEK Gavyn Davies, the former Chairman of the BBC, told a Lords committee on charter renewal that “the culture of the BBC cannot be centre left”. The perception that it is worried him.
To someone like Mr Davies … it is painfully obvious that the corporation is saturated with left-wing values … Views prevalent in liberal universities percolate through every aspect of policy. Political correctness and cultural relativism are holy writ. Democracy is usually good, but not in America where it produces the wrong result.
This progressive orthodoxy did not incense me when I joined the Today programme. I had started my career as an adviser to Labour’s Shadow Cabinet. I believed Conservatives were morally deficient and was delighted that most of my colleagues agreed. Those who thought otherwise were considered oddballs to be pitied. But as I climbed the BBC ladder the atmosphere began to grate. Producers argued when asked to consider private schools in a report on educational standards and complained when instructed to interview a French opponent of the Euro.
(Former BBC ‘Today’editor Tim Luckhurst, The Times, 8 April 2005)
Whilst Radio4 was my main station in the car, News & Current Affairs is still tainted by the pursuance of an agenda, as opposed to objective news reporting. ie the BBC policy is to prove that the war in Iraq (and anything associated with the USA) is inherently abhorent. This has made the “Today” and “World at One” programmes now unlistenable.
Good to see the lying weasel Hillhunt is still at it. Also good to see that he’s, kind of, sort of, admitting that the BBC’s only source for the ‘Government is persecuting Muslims’ story was a hard-Left bunch of union kooks with a history of palling around with Jihadis.
Personally, I can’t wait for the BNP meetup, where the BBC will doubtless report as objective fact that the purity of our essence is under threat from inferior bloodlines.
Oh…but that’s the thing, of course. The BBC would never publish BNP propaganda virtually unedited. In fact, you can’t even get them to report on actual murder trials without wielding the tippex:
Got to clamp down on te extrimists, doncha’ know ? Except now we have the BBC breathlessly carrying a bogus story about non-existent government persecution of Muslims as though it were objective fact.
Thought experiment – Hillhunt, get an adult to help you – how would the story have differed if it had been published by people actively seeking to stir up Islamic terrorism.
Promoting acts of violence ? Now that’s quality!
Take this morning on the Today programme – the main aim seems to be to isolate and then berate the USA. Whether it was creationism in the USA or the tactics of US troops (note not NATO troops) in Afghanistan, the hand of the Great Satan seems to be there for all (well at least Beeboids) to see. There were other examples also. As you say, it is almost unlistenable.
Matt Frei for example claimed that 50% of Americans believe the biblical account of creation. Frei is implying, given the context of the statement in an article on a Creation museum in Kansas, that 50% of Americans believe literally in the 6 day Genesis account. However, if this was the question (6 day creation), then that 50% figure would drop sharply, as Frei and other Beeboid know-alls-with-an-agenda know very well. The general belief that Genesis is a general statement of God’s creative process (whether in 6 days or 6 billion years) is shared by all Christians, or in other words, about 50% of Americans. What a bunch of dunces. I await Frei posing the same questions to the inhabitants of Pakistan, or Iran.
Extremely bad journalism on the BBC’s website here:
The headline says “Stop and search powers ‘damaging’ ” and with the word ‘damaging’ in quotes, one would expect to see it used in a quote by someone concerned in the story. It doesn’t, and the quotes made by Len Duvall, chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority raise some notes of caution, they do not go as far as the headline implies.
Sense of proportion. Day 2
When the states National Socialist broadcaster starts being openly anti-semitic it is already time to leave.
File also under: Rank abuse of Jewish history
Biased BBC: Over the top. In a bad way.
Tonight another one of Al-Beeb’s anti-Israeli pro-Hizbollah propaganda: ‘This World’ at 19:00. Al-Beeb says that ‘this is the film [Hizbollah] didn’t want you to see’.
What utter shite! the reporter’s guide through what Al-Beeb call ‘Hezbollah-land’ is ‘Dawoud’ who, wait for it is…a Hizbollah supporter! He is a ‘wisecracking former Shia militiaman’. Daoud is said to be a ‘loyal Shia muslim’. A ‘bridge between our world and theirs’.
Eh???? Who the hell wants ‘a bridge’ to the fascist anti-semitic terrorist organisation Hizbullah??????
The Pembury Tavern is declared “the pub of the moment” because “the house wines are £2.10 for a glass of excellent Cabernet Sauvignon” while I remember sitting outside as a kid, on the step, with my lemonade, while my dad had his brown ale and whisky chaser in the public bar with sawdust on the floor.
What a bunch of posers!
Biodegradable | 30.05.07 – 11:04 pm |
Chardonay socialism I think Bio.
Now you really must stop talking to Dave Hill’s arsehole it will only fart noxious gases back at you.
Still no word yet from the BBC as to how the stupid socialist bimbos, Kelly and Cooper, have managed to screw up the home information packs.
JBH writes:
Thank you very much for these, JBH. They are, clearly, extremely damning evidence. Which is, no doubt, why the trolls ignore them.
Why those who have had no contact with the Corporation, save as Guardiansta fanboys, like to pretend they know better than people who have actually worked for the organisation, I can’t imagine.
John Tomlinson | 31.05.07 – 8:56 am
Good spot. Surely the headline should have read “necessary”?
TPO writes:
“Still no word yet from the BBC as to how the stupid socialist bimbos, Kelly and Cooper, have managed to screw up the home information packs.”
Indeed. It’s quite remarkable to hear BBC pundits muttering about the hiatus that has given ZaNuLabour the opportunity to get away with a string of profound failures, as if it were the fault of the rest of the media.
Given its hegemonic position, it is the BBC that both could and should be pursuing these scandals.
Not much chance of that, though, while Iraq remains virtually the only issue anyone at White City cares about.
the main aim seems to be to isolate and then berate the USA
The other night on R5 we were given a report on Bush stepping up the US sanctions against Sudan.
A good thing (even in the eyes of the BBC), you would think.
Not a bit of it.
We got an interview with a self-hating Yankee who told us that Bush’s actions were mere spin, because the US sanctions against Sudan were already near total.
So instead of concentrating on the failure of the rest of the globe to match the US’s action, we get yet another Bush bashing session.