– Dr Who was ace. Perhaps the best ever.
Apart from that, this is an open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
Please use this thread for off-topic, but preferably BBC related, comments. Please keep comments on other threads to the topic at hand. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments – our aim is to maintain order and clarity on the topic-specific threads. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog. Please scroll down to find new topic-specific posts.
Don’t blink.
Another analysis of the situation in Gaza here:
….We lost confidence in the Palestinians who kept fighting and resisting the occupation. Now we are killing each other. We are doing exactly what Israel wants to do to us. Now we are killing ourselves. This is a shame. This is a disaster for the Palestinian cause.
The above is part of an emotional outburst from a Palestinian interviewed by the BBC as he was fleeing Gaza. The World Service was so impressed by him that he featured throughout the day on news broadcast after news broadcast and on programmes such as Newshour, Europe Today and World Have Your Say. It was quite over the top. I wonder why the BBC was so fond of him.
Problem is, the mufti or something of Jerusalem has issued a fatwa against Palestinians leaving for greener pastures overseas. Owen Bennett Jones interviewed him a few days ago on Newshour. Turns out that the fatwa only applies to those who leave permanently, not to those who leave for a while to study or earn money and then return.
I am pleased to be able to report that Owen conducted a probing interview with the mufti, albeit through an interpreter since the guy only spoke Arabic, at one point asking him bluntly what would happen to those who disobeyed the fatwa and left permanently. The mufti replied that the fatwa is like all other fatwas in Islam and that Muslims who disobey it will know that they have done wrong but there will be no punishment.
That’s good to know. Now Salman Rushdie can come out of hiding and Ayaan Hirsi Ali and thousands of others can sleep easy.
bijan daneshmand:
An iPod’s worth of good new tunes for us to march to!
an incredulous BBC presenter … a real blonde if I ever saw one
Yesss! Biased BBC opens its campaign for real blondes. Memo to BBC HR – don’t let them on screen till you’ve checked the collar and cuffs match!
ex- MI6 agent & EU advisor Alistair Crooke explaining to us the error of our ways in supporting any opponent of Hamas. Crooke (or is it Crook)
Is it indeed? Now we can have endless fun with the Boibeeds by pointing out how much their names (sometimes) sound like the people they really are.
More good examples:
1. Dim – bleby. (he’s a bit dim)
2. Hump – frees. (Something to do with the Camel Corps)
3. Pax – man. Peace, man! (he’s an old hippy)
Crook is up to his neck in the pro Hamas propaganda related to Alan Johnston “kidnapping”
Alan Johnston wasn’t really kidnapped! Crook of MI6 set the whole thing up! Ha!
Bijan: His Baby Sure Likes His Butter On Her Grits!
Edited By Siteowner
Impostor :
i’m a bbc wanker. na na na!
arent i clever?
Onan, you’re not
Click here to see Archduke dancing at a rave party.
Ultraviolets | Homepage | 13.06.07 – 10:03 pm | #
No way guys!! I’m high on life!!!!
archduke | Homepage | 13.06.07 – 10:05 pm | #”
No they were both me. I found a good website with pictures of Germans dancing. Germans are funny.
“No they were both me. I found a good website with pictures of Germans dancing. Germans are funny.”
but thats a site in Slovenia.
“but thats a site in Slovenia.”
Do a politicaly incorrect dance±!1
You know back east they can’t afford drugs.“Ja, vee inhalen zee lighter fluid”
“You know back east they can’t afford drugs”
1. pills are made in eastern europe
2. they end up costing 50p in places like portsmouth – and thats super-inflated street price after exporting all the way from eastern europe. cant afford it? doubtful.
3. slovenia isnt east of germany. its south of it.
Take it easy archie I was only joking
A world without oil
Scientists challenge major review of global reserves and warn that supplies will start to run out in four years’ time.
Al Qaeda Germinating Across Europe
Europe is worried for good reason. Radical Islam is growing right in its midst. It is only a matter of time before terrorism rakes European cities, and Europe will be obliged to respond.
Europe is worried for good reason. Radical Islam is growing right in its midst. It is only a matter of time before terrorism rakes European cities, and Europe will be obliged to respond.
Spun like a professional – if you read the Europol report on which this is based, you rapidly learn that the overwhelming majority of the terrorism the trumpet refers to is the nationalist stuff the Basques and the Corsicans have been inflicting on Spain and France for years, and most of it is low-level.
The interweb: full of quality information.
Al-Beeb, STILL trailing the interview with Jimmuh Carter on the Today website!
How long ago was that pathetic ‘interview’?
Gaza lurches towards Islamist mini-state
The ridiculous Alistair Crooke, interviewed for R4s News at Ten, offered a tour de force of presenting Hamas as the victims and blaming the Americans and the ‘international community’ for failing to negotiate and give them aid while supporting Fatah. Poor Hamas were therefore forced into civil war. In the only mild intervention in this breathtaking moral inversion the interviewer muttered that Hamas did support suicide bomb attacks and didn’t recognise Israel’s right to exist. Throwing all facts to the winds Crooke asserted there hadn’t been any suicide bomb attacks since 2003 (!) and we had to accept Hamas. No mention of of the daily bombardment of rockets, Sderot becoming a ghost town, Israeli soliders killed and kidnapped in cross border raid, foiled suicide bomb attacks etc etc etc. In fact no questions asked after spouting this tosh at all – it was just “thank you very much Alistair Crooke”.
Interesting to read the ‘Christians bad, Muslims good’ angle of this ‘Obstacles to Peace: Jerusalem’ page.
A nice page discussing the ‘leanings’ of the writer here:
More on Alistair Crooke – the man al beeb turns to for ‘objective’ commentary:
“The palestinians have been brutalised by the war with Israel”
You heard it on the 6PM BBC TV News last night
Everyone here is raving.
hillhunt | 13.06.07 – 11:15 pm |
well seeing as you do nothing else with your life but sniff and prowl around this blog,i’d say its a good description of your state of mind.
fatas. yes i did hear that. no mention of course of Jihadist indoctrination,for the BBC’s favourite religion is of course, without blame.
Palestinian gunmen who used a vehicle disguised as a television truck to assault an IDF position at the Kissufim crossing between Gaza and Israel on Saturday
live blogging from inside Gaza:
with a name like “levinson” i have no idea how he’s survived…maybe he’s using an arabic pseudonym… but the blog is worth bookmarking for regular updates.
looks like a Fatah version of Saddam Hussein has arrived in Gaza – a chap called Mohammed Dahlan.
this is going to get far more bloody…
” hamah | 14.06.07 – 9:26 am”
cue horrified indignation and endless UN resolutions when the IDF accidentally shoot up a bunch of Reuters journalists.
that reminds me of the “UN ambulance carrying terrorists” video
Did any one listen to yesterday’s Anti-Semitism versus anti-Zionism BBC style fun. Hate Israel orthodoxy at its best, no dissenting voice, indeed as the presenter describes ” intelectually stimulating” for morons and brain washed:
It is around 10minutes into the programme.
Worth listening to Naughtie’s interview with Dennis Ross on Today – Ross keeps saying things Naughtie does his best not to hear – like some Pals wish the Israelis would return to Gaza:
israel wont cut off water to Hamastan
cutting off the electricity though is being considered.
bigger picture analysis that you wont hear on the bbc:
Former IDF Intelligence officer says Gaza infighting may lead to ‘formal terror state that will attract al-Qaeda and threaten all of Israel’. MK Vilnai: The Palestinians have become pawns in someone’s game
Jeremy Bowen on this morning’s Today programme offered no criticism whatsoever of those in Gaza and the West Bank who are actually doing the killing. For Bowen all blame lies with America. It must be great to be a Palestinian terrorist, committing the most heinous crimes safe in the knowledge that the Middle East editor of the world’s biggest broadcaster will absolve you of all responsibility. Killed some UN workers? Thrown a few people off buildings? Opened fire on peace marchers? Don’t worry, your friendly BBC enabler Jeremy Bowen will be along shortly to tell the world it’s all George Bush’s fault.
“Worth listening to Naughtie’s interview”
An oxymoron, surely Oscar?
BTW, I know this is not BBC stuff, but just look at how Steve Bell celebrates the Falklands 25 years on:
Isn’t Steve Bell a complete s–t?
Soory, me above
BBC Correspondent Jack Izzard to listeners:
“BBC Correspondent Jack Izzard in Argentina said he expected a few veterans to lay wreaths but that there would be no major commemorations. People felt shame that the war was lost but agreed with the policy of the current president that the islands should be returned to Argentina, through diplomatic rather than aggressive means. “For most people here it’s not some footnote in history. The Malvinas are still an open wound in the Argentine national consciousness,” our correspondent said.”
Listeners to Jack Izzard:
“Sod off”
I listened to Margaret Thatcher’s rather moving broadcast message on the Telegraph website yesterday.
When I got home, I decided to play it again, and got it from the BBC website, which was nice because it also had film of the broadcast.
Strange to tell however, that the BBC had “edited” the broadcast, in fact leaving out the last minute or so. Why? Beggared if I know, unless it is simply because her message also included at this point a statement of support for our troops currently serving in Iraq/Afghanistan. Can’t have that can we?
BBC 5 talk to Nick Griffen (shock!), I didn’t hear it.
Apparently he touched upon Mohamed as a warrior prophet (true! he may be an evil scumbag but that at least is true).
One e-mailor agreed, one said Islam is peace an NG is reinterprating things to fit to his agenda.
There was no attempt to actually discover weather NG is lying on this oint or not so all stements are treated with equal (ahem) authority.
They are now talking to a respect counselor who says NG should be banned from the air waves and out lawed (? I think, Im not paying that much attention)
To be fair they aren’t all soft questions/calls to the respect representative.
[deleted – comment purporting to be from hillhunt was actually from one Jessiemarie. See notice on impersonation below.]
Edited By Siteowner
Abandon Ship!:
“For most people here it’s not some footnote in history. The Malvinas are still an open wound in the Argentine national consciousness,” our correspondent said.”
Listeners to Jack Izzard:
“Sod off”
Quite right.
The BBC should report the world as we prefer it.
(Sound of Big Ben)
Good evening. Here is the news.
No-one in the world dislikes us, for any reason at all.
There are no problems in the Middle East, and if there were, Israel would play no part in them.
America’s position as a self-declared international interventionist superpower has produced no worthwhile news today, just as it hasn’t for the last few years.
On the 25th anniversary of the Falklands kerfuffle, everyone in Argentina is absolutely delighted with their memories of the incident, and everyone is happy to forget the national demand for the return of the islands.
And, in the pop charts, Ted Nugent reigns supreme for the 432nd week running with “My Baby Likes My Butter On Her Grits.”
Good Night and Good Luck.
Biased BBC: Don’t tell us. We don’t want to know.
haaretz news ticker is reporting that Hamas are executing Fatah men in the street.
“12:56 Witness: Hamas gunmen executing Fatah men from Gaza City HQ in street (AP)”
I have just posted a new open thread. It contains the following notice:
Impersonation. Some commenters are signing off with the names or nicknames of others in order to deceive. It may have started as a joke but this practice degrades debate. Please be warned that commenters impersonating others may be banned without further notice.
Shortly before the argentinian invasion of the Falklands there were large demos in Buenos Aires against the Galtieri military junta. If Margaret Thatcher had not sent a task force to re-take the islands then doubtless the position of the junta would have been strengthened and Argentina’s transformation to a democracy put off for a considerable time. It was the liberation of the Falklands by British forces that sounded the death-knell for Galtieri and his cronies. I wonder if the BBC will mention that in its 25th anniversary coverage?
Sorry hillhunt I had already written this to natalie before deletion of the above post, it was meant to be a laugh.
This is my apology for my post where I used another persons name.
It was meant to be a joke I did think it was funny but im very sorry if it was out of order.
Other people were doing it and I thought it was ok for me to do it too.
I did only do it once.
I use a relatives pc now and then and hes a regular on BBBC, he just told me I was wrong and to write you saying so, youll know who because of the IP address.
It wont happen again.
🙁 Jessie”
OK I admit it was me that told Jess.
She’s not malicious, but it’s not on, even for the ‘person’ concerned and even if he is wumming all the time.
I’ve made it it clear to her.
I don’t believe she’ll be posting here again any time soon.
stop it.
“….We lost confidence in the Palestinians who kept fighting and resisting the occupation. Now we are killing each other. We are doing exactly what Israel wants to do to us. Now we are killing ourselves. This is a shame. This is a disaster for the Palestinian cause.”
Hmmmm…maybe total withdrawal from the West Bank wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all……
1. They HATE our democracy, and are trying to overthrow it.
2. They HATE our national symbols, and it offends them beyond endurance to see them worn by us.
3. They HATE our Flag, as they grossly insult it.
4. They HATE freedom of conscience.
5. They HATE freedom of the Press.
6. They HATE freedom of speech.
7. They HATE our School system.
8. They HATE the Bible, and would blot it out of existence if they could!
9. They HATE our religion, and are sworn to exterminate it from our country and the earth.
10. They HATE all rulers that do not swear allegiance to their ideology and its leaders.
11. They HATE to support their own projects and these are left to be supported by the tax-payers.
12. They HATE, above all, the patriots who are determined to rid this country from their accursed power.
Now *THAT* fits!
Yup, this blog’s not just another right wing echo chamber at all. No sirree.
The message I’m receiving here is people politically of the Beeb have no right to either criticize or express their opinions. I thought you Brits were big on freedom of speech?
And the list still fits.
Of course, anon is quite right when he says that this blog is not just another right wing echo chamber.