– Dr Who was ace. Perhaps the best ever.
Apart from that, this is an open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
Please use this thread for off-topic, but preferably BBC related, comments. Please keep comments on other threads to the topic at hand. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments – our aim is to maintain order and clarity on the topic-specific threads. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog. Please scroll down to find new topic-specific posts.
Don’t blink.
Something missing here?
‘Honour killing’ relatives guilty
Context maybe? What was the killer(s) motive? The BBC know, but are unable to tell us.
Anyway, what’s missing? Oh, here it is:
Father guilty of daughter’s “honour killing”
“Her family decided to kill her because they believed the relationship had brought the dishonour as Suleimani was an Iranian Kurd and not a strict Muslim”
BBC News. Half the story.
“Religion of Skyscraper Body-Hurling”
“Palestinian Muslims–you know, members of the “Religion of Peace”–have found a new way of sending each other to the 72 virgins.
In the latest sequel of Al-Alien v. Al-Predator a/k/a HAMAS v. Fatah, the rival terrorists are now hurling each other off high-rise buildings to their deaths. Bravo. Keep it coming. Yes, what a civilized, peaceful religion this is (remember these terrorist body-hurlers are international heroes throughout the Muslim world):
bijan daneshmand:
Another couple of quote jems from the BBC “reporting” of the 21/7 “consciencious objectors” trial ..
Bijan. This is obviously hard for you.
The 21st July trial is a hugely significant court case. It’s the BBC’s job to report it in depth.
It would doubtless be nice if all the accused came out with evidence on oath saying exactly what you think they should say.
But they didn’t and the BBC – along with everybody else – has to report the evidence as spoken. Omar spoke as he did, so that’s what they reported, which is the right thing to do.
You may well feel cynical, but the BBC, just like any other major publisher, could not afford the gigantic fines and other legal sanctions which would result if it were to start expressing cyncial disbelief of evidence on oath.
Once the jury has spoken, we can all express all the disbelief we like.
It’s called the rule of law. It’s one of the crucial things which mark out our country from less desirable societies.
“It’s one of the crucial things which mark out our country from less desirable societies.”
A bit like al-Taqiyya, then.
See: http://www.hauns.com/~DCQu4E5g/koran5.html
bijan daneshmand:
“ill aunt” Noticed How the BBC has not put a quote to this heading
21/7 accused in Muslim bias claim
This is because the word claim clearly implies that it might not be true and that is one person’s opnion.
It is an alternative to putting the words “Muslim bias” in quotes.
Funnily enough, for your all misplaced zeal and one-track obsession, I had you down as a brighter button than Biodegradababble. Am having to review that opinion in the light of the above.
No offence.
you are being disingenuous. You dont point out that throughout the BBC has feed us only one narrative of this trial ….
it has given the perponderance of attention and quotes to the story peddled by Yassin Omar & Ramzi Mohammed (PBUH).
These two defendants have been peddling the line that 21/7 was a “peace campaign” aimed at raising awareness among London Underground travellers of the War in Iraq and the failing of British Forgien Policy … something that was not too dis-similar to another group of commuters
up till today we have heard very little of the QC and the testimony of this man
so please spare us the “BBC will get it with two barrels if it doesnt use quotations” in the QC inimitable words HOGWASH ….
“It’s one of the crucial things which mark out our country from less desirable societies.”
A bit like al-Taqiyya, then.
I am no great fan of any society which bases its law on contentious old books interpreted by po-faced men in frocks.
And you can quote me on that.
Bijan whatsit:
up till today we have heard very little of the QC and the testimony of this man
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/67…/uk/ 6740965.stm
Quite. The evidence in a court case unfolds as it unfolds. Even Dr Who would have a job reporting evidence from a court case before anybody actually speaks it.
so please spare us the “BBC will get it with two barrels if it doesnt use quotations” in the QC inimitable words HOGWASH ….
Bijan, the law is the law. Try it on any lawyer you know with a reasonable grasp of criminal procedure. They will not encourage you to editorialise over evidence in any trial, much less a vitally important case like this one.
Be patient. There will be an outcome. When the BBC is free to interpret proceedings we can all debate to our heart’s content whether the accused were to be trusted and whether the BBC called it right overall.
Emily Bell in the Guardian (copy and pasted in full for those who can’t be bothered to register):
BBC should look in the mirror before it criticises rivals
A measure of the independence of a media organisation is how it covers itself. The Guardian runs this section, mediaguardian.co.uk, an illustrious podcast and a string of media-focused newspaper reports and commentators, so we have wide experience of this knotty problem. Rupert Murdoch must have pondered this issue as he read the Wall Street Journal’s spread on how he handles editorial independence – a subject which has not bothered the WSJ before News Corp made a bid for their business and is a slightly curious subject for a purely business newspaper.
Our competitors sometimes moan about our coverage of them, but they don’t hear the internal moans that occasionally break out about how we cover ourselves. If reporting media news is the one area where we are always closer to the stories than our readers, users, listeners and viewers, then it is an area where you have to negotiate carefully if you are going to retain credibility. Where your remit and funding comes directly from the ability to deliver impartial information this is particularly important. So it is surprising how the BBC’s coverage of its own stories, or indeed the woes of its competitors, is not always being handled with impeccable impartiality.
It has been hard to find good things to say about Channel 4 in the past couple of weeks, but Andy Duncan’s performance on the Today programme earlier this week was solid and remarkably calm given the direction of John Humphrys’ questioning. “I’ve got in front of me a list of your top 30 shows from the week before Big Brother in front of me,” said Humphrys, reeling off some largely unremarkable programmes, including Deal Or No Deal. He continues “it is not until NUMBER 30 that a Dispatches appears – are you proud of these programmes?” This is not a list of Duncan’s favourite shows or indeed a proportionately representative breakdown of the schedule, but a list of the most watched. Does the BBC want its highest rated shows – soaps – to be identified as its “top shows”? Probably not in those terms.
If the question on the C4 story is really “are you still a public service broadcaster?” then it surely can’t be asked in this way by the only other public service broadcaster in Britain. Last week, the BBC news bulletins were slow to pick up on a story which ran on their website about security lapses at Birmingham airport, which resulted in the sacking of 16 staff and led to the head of US homeland security suggesting a higher bar would be needed for security checks on flights from the UK. A great story, dug out by ITV’s Tonight with Trevor McDonald, but not given the prominence you would have expected on the BBC, given its broad appeal and wide relevance. Bulletin editors should ask themselves: if it was Panorama, would it be in exactly the same place in the running order or, worse, not in the running order at all?
If the answer to that is “no” then the BBC bulletins are no longer in the business of delivering impartial news – they are marketing slots. We all ramp our own stories – promote them, sell them across web and paper or TV station, but we are not all under the same requirements for impartiality as the BBC. When stories which lead news bulletins start “the BBC has uncovered . . .”, how can we trust the news values attributed to it if we think the agenda is not strictly impartial? Is C4’s Diana documentary row really more important than Putin at G8, as it was listed on the Tuesday evening BBC news? When C4 aired its controversial programme on global warming, Today lined up critics to unpick the broadcast – but there was no such inquest over a Panorama on WiFi signals which was criticised for scaremongering. BBC news is not free to pursue its own agenda – and should remember this next time it invites a competitor in to quiz them on public service credentials.
Emily Bell is right. It is one of the BBC’s undoubted weak points.
The BBC, who killed Cock Robin and half a story.
Aid workers die in Lebanon clash
Two Lebanese Red Cross workers have been shot dead outside a Palestinian refugee camp where troops are battling Islamist fighters, officials have said. According to unconfirmed reports, the pair were shot as they were escorting some Muslim clerics away from the camp. A member of the clerics’ delegation, trying to broker a ceasefire at the Nahr al-Bared camp, was also wounded. Earlier, the army fired artillery shells at militants from Fatah al-Islam entrenched in the camp near Tripoli.
So according to the BBC nobody is in the frame for murdering two Red Cross workers. But just for the info the army was lobbing shells in that direction earlier on in the day. (Oh how misguided criminals in that country must love listening to the BBC world service)
Here is how the rest of the world were informed of the above incident;
BEIRUT – Two local Red Cross workers were killed Monday when their vehicle came under fire from inside a Palestinian refugee camp in northern Lebanon, hospital officials said.
Middle East
Two Red Cross workers have been shot dead at the entrance to the besieged Nahr al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp in northern Lebanon, agency officials say.The pair’s vehicle was hit by either gunfire or a shell fired from within the camp as they left the northern entrance, according to hospital officials and a Red Cross spokesman
Two Lebanese Red Cross workers have been killed by bullets fired from inside a refugee camp in northern Lebanon where the army is besieging Islamist militiamen, Red Cross officials say.
A Lebanese Red Cross source said the two relief workers were hit at the northern entrance to the refugee camp by gunfire or a shell, which according to initial reports came from inside the Nahr al-Bared camp.
Strange how the BBC not only takes a different path to the above but actually points in the direction of the Western supported Government (Shame on them) as the people behind the murder of two Red Cross workers. (I’m sure A certain poster here will now come out with evidence blaming this on a Hellfire airburst fired from an AH64D. Yeah right and in the blue corner we have a Havoc.)
The BBC, who killed Cock Robin and half a story.
Ritter writes:
“”Her family decided to kill her because they believed the relationship had brought the dishonour as Suleimani was an Iranian Kurd and not a strict Muslim”
BBC News. Half the story.”
You’re quite right. I listened to the reports of this story on both R4 and R5 and on neither occasion was the M word used.
The intention, clearly, was both to deceive through omission and avoid offending the BBC’s current favourite client group.
pounce :
according to the BBC nobody is in the frame for murdering two Red Cross workers…
Here is how the rest of the world were informed of the above incident;
BEIRUT – Two local Red Cross workers were killed Monday when their vehicle came under fire from inside a Palestinian refugee camp in northern Lebanon, hospital officials said.
And here are the bits that pounce, reliable as ever, failed to mention from the BBC report:
The pair were evacuating civilians when they were hit by either machine gun or shell fire from the Nahr al-Bared camp.
The two Red Cross workers were evacuating some of the wounded civilians out of Nahr al-Bared when their vehicle was hit by fire from within the camp.
And what is Nahr al-Bared?
a Palestinian refugee camp, according to the BBC.
pounce: Words. Mean. What. I. Say.
Via the Dennis Miller Show just now, these stories from Drudge:
Denver targets global warming
Goal is equivalent of taking 500,000 vehicles off road
Denver is gearing up to fight global warming, and residents may soon be asked to make personal sacrifices to help save the planet.
Denver Sees Coldest June Morning In Over 50 Years
9 of 12 warmest years for Denver occurred before 1955
Anonanon writes:
“Denver Sees Coldest June Morning In Over 50 Years”
Strange how we rarely see headlines of this sort on the BBC.
But should one polar bear get his pinkie wet…
Emily Bell is right.
(try to remember) in my opinion…
after all some people may disagree
with you….perish the thought.
And STILL nothing about the alleged racist attack on a white soldier by three “Asian” women at Selly Oak…. funny that.
dave t wrote;
And STILL nothing about the alleged racist attack on a white soldier by three “Asian” women at Selly Oak…. funny that.
Why should they Dave? I mean on a day when the Beebs fav faith is number 1 for bad news;
1) Honour killing
2) Muslim gun runner on bail when Police woman murdered.
3) Red Cross workers murdered by Peaceful religion (Err female sex organ try looking at the time stamp before you try and catch me out)
4)21/7 terrorist bullied into protest
5)1 man murdered in Kenya by Muslim bummer sorry bomber
6) Woman in UK ‘groomed’ as bomber (I see she never felt inclined to report this to the Police BBC?)
Why the BBC not one to forgo a chance to play the victim card for the people behind all of the above run a storyline on the ‘P’ word. The ‘P’ word BBC, how about Jock, Paddy,Taff,Yorkie.
But run a story on how the worlds fav religion (1.5 billion can’t be wrong or in plain english “Never mind the quality feel the width”) can abuse British soldiers in England by using 3 bitches sorry politically concerned females belonging to a pure and conservative faith;
“When shall we three meet again
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?”
“When the hurlyburly’s done,
When the battle’s lost and won.”
“That will be ere the set of sun.”
Funny how they didn’t require a translator in which to throw abuse don’t you think Dave.
If I had my way, I’d deport the f-ing lot of them and their rug-rats too. That will soon put them in their bloody place. Mind you the BBC wouldn’t like that. Bloody wannabe Islamic news reporting agency.
Zany use of quotes #9587
Travel agent Thomas Cook’s request for Welsh speakers to discuss work in English “probably” breaks the law, says the Commission for Racial Equality.
Alan Johnson silenced?
No problem, just get Hugh Sykes in as our correspondent in Jerusalem.
PM at around 5.25pm.
Probably the most biased piece on Israel I have heard in recent times.
Will: I did not have the time to hunt down the several articles written on the matter in the last week or two – as a matter of fact, I had to leave and that is why I am only answering now. However, if you had troubled actually reading the item I linked you to, you would have noticed that Bush said clearly that opposition to his and Ted Kennedy’s immigration bill was being whipped up by scare merchants using objectionable tactics. If that did not mean that he treated its opponents as bigots and their deluded followers – deluded by scare tactics – I have forgotten how to read English, and that was how every conservative in the United States read it.
But never mind what I say. This has been the lead issue in every conservative website in America for the last two weeks. Anyone who so much as takes an interest in these matters has heard of it. Why do you claim to be able to assess the status of Bush’s relationship with his base while you remain unaware of what has been as prominent in American media as the Maddie McCann affair has been over here? I suggest you learn before you presume to teach.
I do not remember who it was, upthread, who rightly outed the BBC’s reverse-racist treatment of the great Lewis Hamilton (is it not more important than that the young ma who looks like overwhelming the records of Fangio and Schumacher is 100% British? Not to the BBC, it seems). However, you missed a bet. The item you quoted mentions the great Tiger Woods. But Tiger Woods has made it repeatedly clear that he absolutely refuses to be made the poster boy for any racist group, and that he regards his skin colour – quite rightly – as irrelevant.
6PM Blue Peter TV News on BBC1
Shrek the flim was made in Hollywood “Let us not forget that this is about making money” So profound, you mean like “Thomas the Tank Engine” or “Bob the Builder?”
“Some may cringe at Camereon Diaz’s keeness” Unabashed by BBC sentiment she speaks her mind, how dare she?
On London News we get the Irish voice over on a report of a woman shot by Police in Kent. “RRRmd Polis shot her”
Probably the most biased piece on Israel I have heard in recent times.
Abandon Ship! | 11.06.07 – 6:19 pm
I’ll second that Abandon Ship. And what an absolute piece of tosh – down to saying that the views of the 5,000 demonstrators against ‘the occupation’ was the majority view of Israelis but most of them were too frightened to demonstrate! Maybe Deegee would like to comment on that!
I suggest you learn before you presume to teach.
Fabio P.Barbieri |
Your post 7.04 said that Bush had called opponents to the immigration bill, “bigots & racists”.
YOU CAN’T BACK IT UP – & you resort to insulting me.
I suggest you produce evidence before you saying that I’m ignorant.
will – all right, now you are trolling. You are not even responding to my clear statement that Bush said that opponents to the bill were fear-mongers. You are a twit and a troll and you will no longer be answered. Now spew as much as you like.
“On London News we get the Irish voice over on a report of a woman shot by Police in Kent. “RRRmd Polis shot her”
gertcha | 11.06.07 – 6:43 pm |”
thats almost as bad as the Indian accents i’m starting to hear on the 6 o clock news. cant remember the name of the guy , but i honestly cannot understand him. well, i can , a bit, but its hard going. no offence to folks with Indian accents, but you might as well put on somebody with a thick Glaswegian or Liverpudlian accent on the main news of the day
Fabio P.Barbieri
“Bigots & racists” is a somewhat from “fear-mongers”.
You consider me a troll. I consider that you use words dishonestly. Even the BBC wouldn’t distort “fear mongers” into “bigots & racists”.
Oh dear. All this talk of regional accents is like a carrot to a donkey for illc*nt.
Actually that’s a pretty good analogy…
Probably the most biased piece on Israel I have heard in recent times. ❓
Or not. 🙁
Hugh Sykes went out to a demonstration of like-minded, well-meaning, sadly naive people who said what the BBC wanted to hear. Pity he didn’t attend last month’s demonstration of 100~200 thousand who called (unsuccessfully) for the Prime Minister to resign.
This is Israel. No blood was shed on either occassion. We will have to look further as to why hundreds of thousands of Israelis found better things to do with their evening than provide propaganda for the BBC.
Listen to this SPECIAL REPORT on PM:
When did you last meet a Marxist? The far left in Britain has enjoyed better days, but in South America – notably in Venezuela – the opposite is true. The Latin American left is resurgent, to the delight of some socialists here. And one in particular finds himself in the middle of things. He’s a Marxist from Swansea who rubs shoulders with Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela. For PM, Chris Ledgard reports.
Could you imagine a glowing BBC report on a British neo Fascist who went to meet Slobadan Milosevic? I can’t either.
We’ve heard worse from the BBC than Hugh Sykes’ report – and will hear worse in the future.
Zbigniew Jaworowski, M.D., Ph.O., and D.Sc. hits the nail on the head for the reasons for the “GW hysteria” If you have time I would read the whole paper. He does not just debunk the “theory of MMGW” he demolishes it.
“To fulfil their dreams, however, environmentalists are ready to pay any costs: to impoverish entire nations and thus endanger the environment; to destroy the industry created by the toil and sweat of their forefathers: and to strangle our civilization. It is astonishing how easily and credulously a large part of society, exposed to concentrated media manipulation, has accepted the global warming mythology. One can understand the psychological and social reasons for this acceptance. However, the actions of the United Nations Organization and many governments, leading the Earth’s community into an economic and civilizational disaster, on the ground of a wanton specter, do not seem responsible. Is it perhaps too much to ask politicians to act reasonably, instead of for selfish, short-term interests?”
Melanie Phillips slams Jerermy Bowen’s reporting on the 40th anniversary of the six day war. War against the Jews part 4:
While addressing a question posed by Joh on the Ahmadinejad thread below I came accross this site
Terrorist attack – London, 7th July 2005 – Related Internet Sites
BBCs views make interesting reading, this was their spin to 7/7
There is still no sign of this story on the BBC …
any comments as to why that is?
Al Gore on the Daily politics show. The BBC interviewer questions him from the position of belief in what he says – later on Peter Hitchins is given a rough ride from the same woman and another. Peter Hitchins asks at one point for the women to name a greenhouse gas – liten to the reaction.
Warning – you may be tempted to stop living after 1 minute but stick with it.
Also note from the above that Al Gore says “6,000 scientists” agree on MMGW. Even the IPCC don’t say that.
Oscar wrote;
“Melanie Phillips slams Jerermy Bowen’s reporting on the 40th anniversary of the six day war. War against the Jews part”
It’s nothing new from the Middle Eastern Editor of the BBC. I made the mistake of purchasing his book “Six Days”
He makes lots of military allegations such as the Egyptians were lions lead by donkeys, that the Jews were poor fighters but very lucky. He portrays the Egyptian army as been badly equipped with armour such as the T54-55, the IS 3M. Which is strange as the T55 was the tank of the day. The IS3M was armed with an 122mm gun and its predecessor the IS2 could take out a tiger tank at 1200metres . So with that in mind he makes no bones about how the Egyptians were armed with antiquated world war 2 vintage armour while the IDF had the more resent Centurion tank. (The BBC technique of painting the bully as the victim)
The thing is a spotter (Well I would go and do the vehicle recognition course at Larkhill)such as myself can tell you that the Russians didn’t reveal to the world the IS3 until the 7th of September 1945 at a parade in Berlin. The Cent arrived at roughly the same time. The one tank the West (but primarily the Jews) feared was the IS2/3/4 it may explain why the Brits invented the Conqueror
and the Yanks the M103 heavy tank
However the IDF when under TAL came across the Egyptian IS3M. they found the engines running but the crews gone. That may explain why so many Russian tanks were taken into Israeli service. All they needed was filling up.
As for his version of the USS Liberty incident he informs the reader the Jews destroyed it. Which is strange as the USS liberty under her own power made it to Malta.
But then the BBC will do anything to cover yet another cluster of a war from its favourite peaceful religion.
“What dies it matter what the major green house gas is?”
I’ll tell you why it matters. The major greenhouse gas, more than “CARBON” is water vapour. The solution is to dry up the seas with a designer sedgwick sponge and ration all water supplies.
It’s typical of socialists to equate social consensus with reality. Like Wittgenstein. And if you create social consensus you create reality.
“What dies it matter what the major green house gas is?”Ultraviolets | 11.06.07 – 9:44 pm | #
Quite right it does matter otherwise you would belive this:
“Gore repeatedly labels carbon dioxide as “global warming pollution” when, in reality, it is no more pollution than is oxygen. ”
And the lies go on. Let me repeat the Reuters quote posted earlier by Ritter:
“Her family decided to kill her because they believed the relationship had brought the dishonour as Suleimani was an Iranian Kurd and not a strict Muslim”
Yet on the BBC’s Ten O’Clock news, just as on BBC Radio earlier, the religious motivation for this slaying was not mentioned.
The Corporation’s mendacious ‘news’ editors have tried to pass off this murder as a social or cultural phenomenon – to do with the perpetrators being Kurds, rather than their interpretation of the ‘religion of peace’.
Clearly that is untrue. Islam was a significant factor in this case and not admitting that is nothing other than manipulation of the facts so as to pander to Moslem sentiment.
It will be interesting to see the BBC apologists try to wriggle out of this one.
GCooper – yup, just watched the BBC News at 10. Strange that for an broadcaster often crowing about how it adds ‘context’ and ‘depth’ to news stories, it runs and hides whenever the I or M word might have to be uttered. Not a peep.
Watching the tomorrows press review on Sky News just now , The Guardian is reporting that this young female murder victim actually knew she was in mortal danger from the men in her family and went to police to ask for help & protection. What did they do? Nowt. No doubt terrified of being labelled as ‘racist’ they effectively sanctioned her death. I am disgusted.
Father guilty of daughter’s ‘honour’ murder
“Ms Mahmod told police at least four times that she feared they wanted to kill her, even writing a letter naming those who she thought would do it – one of whom later admitted his part in the killing and two who fled the country.
On another occasion her fears were dismissed by a female police officer who thought she had made up the story to get the attention of her boyfriend, Rahmat Sulemani.
Police today admitted they needed to “take stock” of the lessons to be learned during the investigation.”
Anyone noticed Shami Charkrabarti out and about on telly/radio today defending this girls ‘human rights’ ie the right not to be murdered in the name of religion (islam)? Or is it just those who allegedly plot to carry out murder in the name of religion (islam) who Liberty deems worthy of campaigning for?
GCooper | 11.06.07 – 10:21 pm:
I’ve read the Reuters bulletin and I’ve watched the BBC bulletins. I’ve also watched the (Sky News-produced) Five News report on the story; Channel Four 7.00 pm news, and now I’ve just watched ITV News at 10.30pm.
None of them mentioned the key reason the poor girl was murdered, as reported by Reuters and picked up by Ritter.
So, to respond to your musing:
“It will be interesting to see the BBC apologists try to wriggle out of this one.”
– my guess is that, the BBC’s apologists will wriggle out of it on the basis that no other broadcaster reported it either. They will imply that you’re suggesting a massive media-wide conspiracy. It’s exactly how the entire media wriggles out its collective failure to report the explosive, fact-based, so far untold side of the story that “helped bring down the last Conservative government.”
“On another occasion her fears were dismissed by a female police officer who thought she had made up the story to get the attention of her boyfriend, Rahmat Sulemani.”
No doubt the police are scared to interfere in this kind of thing for fear of being labeled “racist”.
The problem with this is that the BBC will now headline that the police refused to believe the victim, the police will be held once more in the spotlight and the perpertrators will be forgotten. No need to mention the “M” word it will just be another case of the police not protecting minorities.
newsnight tonight.
oh the joys of diversity and multiculturalism.
JBH writes:
“- my guess is that, the BBC’s apologists will wriggle out of it on the basis that no other broadcaster reported it either.”
Yes, that would be the usual ploy. But anyone stupid enough to believe it would need to be in receipt of constant medical supervision, in case they drowned while drinking a glass of water.
It was really a rhetorical question as I’m sure even the usual suspects wouldn’t be dim enough to try.
It’s a curious picture, though. This evening, Newsnight appears to have shed some of its conceptual shackles. We have had the story of the imported bride, urged to self-fragment by her husband and, currently, a heart-warming exploration of Iran’s role in arming the Taliban.
Perhaps there is a glimmer of intelligence, somewhere within the BBC?
from reuters:
“Honour killings were almost unheard of in Britain until a few years ago but police and the Crown Prosecution Service now estimate there are about a dozen such murders a year.”
cultural diversity. aint it just great.
” GCooper | 11.06.07 – 11:22 pm |”
or maybe its Paxman putting his foot down, and also having an instinct for the general mood of the country. he is an intelligent man and not some MSM robot.
“Jon | 11.06.07 – 11:05 pm |”
but the cops ARE to blame. they are supposed to be protecting citizens and keeping the peace.
if i personally go to my police station and say that somebody is trying to kill me, i would fully expect the police to take my claim extremely seriously (subject to a psychological/mental health test , of course…)
for them to ignore her FOUR times beggars believe.
and of course, nobody will be sacked for it. nobody will held to account.
i cant help wondering, if this poor woman was armed with a gun, she’d be alive now.
from reuters:
“Campaigners say that the issue was misunderstood and that the authorities had been unwilling to get involved in minority community matters for fear of being culturally insensitive.”
political correctness KILLS people.
its gone beyond the joke when people are actually being MURDERED because of this insanity.
You can say that again Archduke.
In other News I have just watched Newsnight. It ended with a monologue poem thing from Michael Rosen. Who is Michael Rosen? An SWP activist/member thingy.
I don’t want to make any sweeping accusations but the BBC is fulll of pinkos. But we knew that anyway.