– Dr Who was ace. Perhaps the best ever.
Apart from that, this is an open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
Please use this thread for off-topic, but preferably BBC related, comments. Please keep comments on other threads to the topic at hand. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments – our aim is to maintain order and clarity on the topic-specific threads. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog. Please scroll down to find new topic-specific posts.
Don’t blink.
“What connection have kraftwerk to “the history of rock & roll”?
will | 12.06.07 – 3:03 pm”
mainly because they influenced:
david bowie
bryan eno
human league.
dr dre
the list is endless
The BBC list as ‘Obstacles to peace’ , Refugees, Water, and Jerusalem, but not Palestinian terrorism [eg http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/6744713.stm%5D. The BBC seems to think that only the Israelis can create ‘obstacles’ to peace.
I’ve copied it here http://somedoubts.blogspot.com/2007/06/t-word-bbc-list-as-obstacles-to-peace.html in case the editing pixies get to work.
Yes important to contemporary music, Archduke, but “rock’n’roll”? I don’t think so.
Yes important to contemporary music, Archduke, but “rock’n’roll”? I don’t think so.
nine inch nails/depeche mode/skinny puppy/m.manson…rock’n’roll enough for you.
It’s not rock and roll – IT’S METAL (fast forward to 3:00 for maximum impact)
BBC Report:
“Widow tribute to stab death PC”.
This report contains a detailed map of Luton, and where “the attacker” struck; but there is one obvious omission: who (in broad terms) is “the attacker”?
“Tearful family’s tribute to PC ‘killed by illegal immigrant'”
Now just what is missing from this piece of BBC ‘reporting’ of the facts.
Widow’s tribute to stab death Pc
For the answer look at the bottom of the Telegraph report.
I can add that the murderer is black and from Africa.
I’m just waiting to hear whether or not he originated from Somalia.
^ was me
church burners not metal…..
sad venom clones…….
for ultraviolets eyes only….
I don’t hold with this, but must admit to a certain schadenfreude.
Still on the subject of BBC’s non-judgmental attitudes, there was a hilarious(kind of) moment on World at One last week. I understand a conference took place concerning some African clergymen here condemning children in their communites to death by declaring them to be witches. They had a supposedly progressive clergyman in the studio who was clearly expected to condemn the practice and he did. But then he went on to explain that the real problem was that there was not enough training for clerics to be able to spot the real witches among the children !
One could hear the presenter’s jaw drop. So much for multi-culti.
TPO | 12.06.07 – 3:55 pm
sounds like he took a real beating.
I felt one man kick me on one ankle and I was then kicked on the other ankle.”
‘Mr Galloway said his “terrifying” experience ….. ‘
Full of bluster.
I was terrified once, but then again a 23 stone drug dealer was trying to insert a carving knife into my stomach.
Abandon ship! | 12.06.07 – 11:38 am
I agree, it’s a shame that drama was never made.
The BBC researcher who wrote the Prospect piece certainly has a more sophisticated take on the subject that is generally evident here.
I seem to remember John Reith telling us on various occasions that the BBC’s audience was huge and growing.
Media ‘like feral beast’ – Blair
In a speech to the Reuters news agency on public life, he said the media world was becoming more fragmented, with the main BBC and ITN bulletins now getting half the audiences they had previously and newspapers fighting for their share of a “shrinking market”.
My ouija board tells me you’re out there jr, so please give me a sign.
As I do not doubt your word would you answer this before I disappear and then I will drop the subject; Do you receive money from the BBC?
TPO | 11.06.07 – 12:16 pm |
Yes John Reith DOES RECEIVE MONEY FROM THE BBC. Along with Dave Hill/Hunt (he took his wifes name when he got married)
Dave Hill/Hunt (he took his wifes name when he got married)
i too was wondering if it was he.
John Reith.
So, you are approving of the “sophisticated” Prospect treatment of an Islamic jihadist who was out to kill us non-Muslims. It seems to me that the “sophisticated” Al Beeb is the appeasing Al Beeb.
i presume this is the Prospect magazine article in question: (?)
i find it remarkable that this CBS documentary has gotten so little coverage on the BBC (or british media in general)
its about an ex-british islamist , and he pretty much blows the lid on the islamist network in this country.
Yes John Reith DOES RECEIVE MONEY FROM THE BBC. Along with Dave Hill/Hunt (he took his wifes name when he got married)
Dave Hill/Hunt (he took his wifes name when he got married)
i too was wondering if it was he.
No, it’s not.
israellycool is live blogging the events in gaza as they unfold
an islamic London would be sooooo much better…
and no. this isnt a joke.
http://www.timeout.com/london/fe…tures/ 2993.html
I thought TimeOut had a strong Gay readership …. looking at all the PC issues Health, Green, Education …. why didnt the article include a section on Gay Islamic London? Or maybe that was addressed in the opening paragraph of a hanging in Pall Mall ….
Here is the Tehran version … “best thing since Gilbert & George!” – TimeOut
Biodegradable | 12.06.07 – 4:16 pm
The main bulletins don’t get the audiences they used to, for the simple reason that the entire nation doesn’t sit down to watch the news at the same moment anymore – people watch when it suits them.
That doesn’t mean that fewer people are watching – if you have more news on more channels (including News 24 – which has one every 15 mins)then your audience can remain stable.
BBC News still reaches over 80% of the UK population (plus many millions more abroad) despite 5 channels turning into 105, or whatever.
TPO | 12.06.07 – 4:18 pm
I refer your honorable self to the answer I gave over a year ago: yes, I receive money from the BBC… for journalism. Which, to date, has always been delivered on time, within budget and to a higher than satisfactory standard. The BBC is a significant contributor to my total annual remuneration but not the sole one.
No, I receive no money whatsoever for anything to do with this blog or any kind of PR or advocacy work. I comment here as an individual, not as an agent or spokesman for the BBC. I have no assistants, researchers or staff assisting me in anything I post here.
I have said all this before.
Alan | 12.06.07 – 4:25 pm
Have you read the Prospect article?
GCooper | 12.06.07 – 12:52 am
On the whole, I’d say posting under your real name gives you a moral edge
Do you mean to say that GCooper is your real name?
I thought you’d adopted the name of a matinee idol renowned for his quiet, understated ..style and his stoic, individualistic, emotionally restrained, but at times intense …persona
John Reith.
Have you read Robert Spencer’s
‘The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam’?
an islamic London would be sooooo much better…
and no. this isnt a joke.”
It looked like a joke from where I was reading it (on the tube). A not very funny and nauseatingly PC joke (particularly as Michael Hodges is usually pretty splenetic about everyone) but I think one would have to be somewhat obsessive to conclude that that the writer really wanted an Islamic London? Or am I naive??
Alan | 12.06.07 – 5:22 pm
No – not yet. But I have read some of Spencer’s other work…Islam Unveiled and Onward Muslim Soldiers.
I regularly check in to jihadwatch.
if he’s being ironic, i cant see it. it sounds like a MCB or MPACUK puff piece. all the usual pro-islam buttons are pressed.
The BBC does damage limitation for the religion of peace.
Gunmen kill Afghan school girls
Two gunmen on a motorbike have killed two school girls and wounded six others as they left their school south of the Afghan capital, Kabul, officials say. The attack in Logar province came at about midday as pupils were leaving. Officials say the gunmen waited for the girls before spraying bullets into the all-girl school and escaping. It is not clear who carried out the attack.
The spokesman “said such slayings were mostly linked to family feuds and local customs”, Pajhwok reported.
Yeah right only one org goes round shooting children,teachers and blowing up schools, but according to Al Beeb its the Yanks and the Brits
The BBC does damage limitation for the religion of peace.
Archduke I actually bought that issue (Well i do buy Time out most weeks) and i posted a comment on the website. Just noticed that they have now disabled it.
I wonder if the very strong rejection of that article by approx 99.9 percent of the posters played any part of it.
Did anyone listen to Start the Week on Radio 4 yesterday? This is a vehicle for the ever sickening Andrew Marr.
He gave a platform to some American journo who has written a book on the Kennedy brothers. The assassination of RFK was discussed at length but not one word on the fact that RFK’s assasin was one Sirhan Sirhan a Palestinian. Not a peep from Marr who would probably have received a bollocking from Jackie Ashley, his Guardian journo wife, if he had done so.
The we had Shirley Williams telling us that the brothers’ father Joe Kennedy was a ‘right winger’.
Yeah right! In reality Joe Kennedy was a virulent antisemite who held ambigous views on US policy towards Nazi Germany.
Andrew Marr let Shirley Williams get away with calling a fascist, simply a ‘right winger’. Contemptible.
Hot of the press! Tony Blair vindicates Biased-BBC Blogspot!!
“Media ‘like feral beast’ – Blair”
Tony Blair has said the media can operate like “a feral beast” and its relationship with politicians is “damaged” and in need of repair.
(John Reith: Given your boasts of the BBC’s suffocating presence in the U.K. media, I take it you’re comfortable that for “British media” one should read “the BBC-dominated British media.”)
Anyway, here’s extracts from Blair’s Reuters’ speech. Mr Blair:
“insisted there was no “sleaze” in Government and said that overmighty journalists and editors should be investigated for undermining British institutions.”
He continued:
“The press sometimes appears to go to any length to undermine the institutions of this country. A free press is essential to a modern democracy, but a licentious press is a threat to it. A cavalier disregard for accuracy and balance has contributed greatly to this national cynicism.”
Mr Blair:
“repeatedly attacked the Guardian and other newspapers for their standards of probity.” He branded the Press Complaints Commission “a sheep in wolf’s clothing” and called for it to be replaced by “a serious body which can command respect. But we are now faced with a situation in which the press, both broadsheet and tabloid, are sometimes prepared to go to any length to undermine the authority of our institutions. Too much of the media in this country is prepared to destroy anything in its sights.”
– he said. Pretty interesting speech, eh?
Further to the above post:
Er, sorry chaps. As a rule I don’t tell fibs on this blog. However my last post was certainly a gross misrepresentation. Indeed, every single word in italics was not uttered by Blair, but rather by Neil Hamilton, in the Commons, on November 21 1994, four weeks after The Guardian published its provably fabricated “cash for questions” story of 20 October.
Funny, isn’t it, how Hamilton’s words were echoed by Blair thirteen years later, especially when it was Blair, together with his henchman Alastair Campbell, who found it so easy to liaise with the media and the Labour Opposition to capitalise on the Guardian’s unfounded allegations against Hamilton in order to, according to the BBC, “help bring down the last Conservative Government.”
What you say John Reith?
John Reith writes:
“I thought you’d adopted the name of a matinee idol renowned for his quiet, understated ..style and his stoic, individualistic, emotionally restrained, but at times intense …persona”
Very… sophisticated.
I suppose this means an explanation of why you news hounds decided to suppress a key part of the Mahmod Banaz story is out of the question?
“I wonder if the very strong rejection of that article by approx 99.9 percent of the posters played any part of it.
pounce | 12.06.07 – 5:49 pm”
most probably. i didnt see any irony in it. pretty much all of it , except for the irony in the first few paragraphs, actually IS islamic law. actually scrap that – the entire lot is sharia law. including the hanging people from cranes. iran seems to have cornered the market in that one.
irony? i dont see it. i would guess that most londoners, INCLUDING london based middle easterners fleeing the tyrants of the middle east , werent having too many laughs either.
“Er, sorry chaps. As a rule I don’t tell fibs on this blog. However my last post was certainly a gross misrepresentation”
ha ha. that made me laugh. seriously. bang on.
Thank you Ritter for bringing the religion of the Banaz Mahmod to my attention. As I have just blogged here http://notasheepmaybeagoat.blogspot.com/2007/06/bbc-shhhh-dont-mention-m-word.html “I had heard of this case before and assumed that she and her family were Muslim and the boyfriend wasn’t, I had even thought of blogging about the BBC’s reluctance to ever bring a negative view of Islam into any news report. Then I heard the piece on BBC radio yesterday that said both of the families were Kurdish and it was a difference in tribes. I felt somewhat ashamed that I had jumped to the wrong conclusion and was glad that I had not blogged about this issue. ”
This is one of the worst pieces of BBC bias that I have experienced. It actually made me feel that I had jumped to the wrong conclusion.
on jeremy vine this afternoon, they had an Indian girl on , whose sister was killed in an honour killing.
vine asked if it was to do with the Muslim religion.
she stated that honour killings can occur in sikh, hindu and muslim families. it is more a cultural issue limited to india/pakistan/iran/iraq/afghanistan – basically southern asia.
can anyone back up these claims?
not a sheep -> i’m as confused about this as you are. we’re getting fragments of information because people are being “culturally sensitive”.
the fascist BNP doesnt need to do ANY propaganda – it just needs to cut and paste police reports and news stories.
if this is a specifically muslim problem , people need to say so. if its not , then what else is it? a south asian problem? an indian problem? what the hell is it?
for without addressing the SOURCE of the problem, how in gods name can we tackle it – or indeed, how can the general public be educated into helping these poor girls out?
really maddens me that this is happening in THIS country.
further to above, i would hazard a guess that nearly every middle class English family in this country would gladly offer their homes as refuge for these girls – on condition of anonymity – and if said homes are located in “hideously white” areas. there is a long tradition of this in the english psyche – from taking in persecuted Germans during WW1 and WW2 (when they were all rounded up…) to persecuted Jews during WW2 when the government was turning them away , to taking in Belfast children for a summer holiday when the troubles were at their height in 1970s.
the English are at heart a very charitable lot – one only needs to ask. sadly , that is not happening, and the “honour killings” keep happening and unmentioned because of “cultural sensitivity”.
honestly , if P.C. plod asked me to take in a young Indian girl for a week or two, i’d do so. (and please no fnar fnar double entendre… i’m being serious here. i’m a family man, in hideously white middle class southern england)
another example springs to mind of how p.c. can kill people –
the victoria climbie case.
remember that one?
“The Laming report found that on at least 12 occasions care workers could have saved her life.”
and what did they do – did they ditch “cultural sensitivity” – nah. they just further encroach on the civil liberties of all people in this country:
“The highly critical report has led to further reforms of the way in which child protection measures are implemented in the UK, including the creation of a Universal Child Database to keep track of every child in Britain in order to better co-ordinate the notes of doctors and social workers.”
a universal child database came out of that case. when i heard about it, i was reminded of the paedo priest cases in Ireland, of which this government is woefully ignorant.
one priest was asked WHY he became one – his answer was dead honest – because it gave him access to kids.
so, i guess, we’re going to have all the paedo priests learning SQL and database admin as soon as that “child database” goes online…
and no, i’m not joking. it sends shivers down my spine.
archduke asks:
“can anyone back up these claims?”
I can’t see any reason to doubt them. But it’s not the point that Ritter, I and others have been making. In this specific case, the father admitted that he had been motivated by religious convictions, because the boyfriend was not a sufficiently strict Moslem.
The BBC chose to conceal that and Reith has tried to worm his way out of the Corporation’s delinquency beneath a cover of smoke.
Not A Sheep is quite right when he says:
“This is one of the worst pieces of BBC bias that I have experienced. “
Sorry I missed the words “the killers” from my first sentence.
It should have read – “Thank you Ritter for bringing the religion of the killers of Banaz Mahmod to my attention.” Sorry…
Cutting-edge comedy on the 6.30pm Radio 4 slot tonight – “It’s That Jo Caulfield Again”. Stunningly bad. Lowest of the many low points was a dire segment in which the eponymous stand-up (described as “acerbic” by the BBC) pretended to read through her teenage diaries. Here’s the conclusion to the piece – see how skilfully she segues into biting political satire:
Jo Caulfield: At the back of the diary was a “Things to do” section. You know that bit? Now, I can’t tell you how because that information is classified, but we’ve managed to get hold of George W Bush’s “Things to do” list.
Someone doing a crap impression of Bush: Heh heh heh heh! Things to do this year. One – Iran. Two – Syria. Three – North Korea. Four – Scotland… well, it’s got oil! Five – take a nap. Six – get my laundry from Blair. Heh heh! And give him a Chinese burn.
Awful. Truly fucking awful.
my god. andrew marr is actually doing a sympathetic portrayal of Thatcher right now…
bbc 2.
“This is one of the worst pieces of BBC bias that I have experienced. ”
GCooper | 12.06.07 – 8:32 pm |
indeed , it that is so, it is nuts. its basically covering up the development of an ultra-violent religious cult in our midst.
i cant help wondering, if it was white Christians who were doing the honour killing, would the coverage be vastly different.
i suspect so. this is just so warped and disjointed on so many levels. and utterly inhumane to boot.