– Dr Who was ace. Perhaps the best ever.
Apart from that, this is an open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
Please use this thread for off-topic, but preferably BBC related, comments. Please keep comments on other threads to the topic at hand. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments – our aim is to maintain order and clarity on the topic-specific threads. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog. Please scroll down to find new topic-specific posts.
Don’t blink.
There is only one thing worse than being talked about and that is not being talked about.
Oscar Wilde
Not the BBC news:
Shin Bet stops 2 suicide bombers
Intelligence service seizes two women on way to carry out suicide bombings in Tel Aviv, Netanya. ‘They took deliberate advantage of Israel’s humanitarian-aid policy’ said Shin Bet statement
Here’s a photo of the two charmers:
and it gets worse – one of the women was pregnant!
using the term “barbaric” to refer to these koranimals is an insult to the barbarians….
Melanie Phillips criticises BBC’s ‘Today’ on honour kiillings, and goes on to point out:
“The elephant in the room here – as so often -is that ‘honour killings’ are largely a Muslim phenomenon.” ( She gives some praise to a ‘Guardian’ report on the subject.) See:
“The lethal reality of Londonistan”
(12 June)
Two other related reports on ‘honour killings:
1.)”Hundreds of ‘honour’ crimes take place in Britain and are on increase;”
2.)”Pakistan: 1,000 honour killings a year.”
http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/(12 June; scroll down).
Last references above are at:
(12 June: scroll down).
lets hope for hillhunt’s sake that pounce doesnt find out where Hillhunt lives …. shouldnt be too hard if one can read the server log and type IP into google maps …. hehhehehe
” BBC probe to see if Wossy’s worth £18 million ”
(13 June; scroll down ‘news’).
I think Debka are on the money with this report:
Iran and Syria are the winners of Hamas’ military coup against Fatah in Gaza Strip
The RAF fighter pilot is well aware that he can’t deliver his hi-tech precision missile to its target without the mechanics who service his aircraft and the bloke who fills his tanks with fuel.
Only a useless pr*ck like you would even think of drawing such distinctions.
Mea culpa, my man, Mea culpa.
In the light of above, please amend my suggestion to…
Our manifesto should demand a three-tier freedom of speech.
1. People who have fought for our freedom (quartermasters, bandsmen and desk-jockeys equally welcome)
2. British citizens, except…
3. Anyone who goes to a mosque. And their mates.
On a sharia-sort-of-principle, we could require five second-tier folk to equal the weight of one top-notcher.
As for the Islamics, would they be in the dozens?
Or hundreds?
bijan daneshmand:
lets hope for hillhunt’s sake that pounce doesnt find out where Hillhunt lives …. shouldnt be too hard if one can read the server log and type IP into google maps …. hehhehehe
I think the word you’re looking for there is incitement.
Isn’t it?
“3. Anyone who goes to a mosque. And their mates.”
Slyly moving yourself and your three friends up one already I see.
lets hope for hillhunt’s sake that pounce doesnt find out where Hillhunt lives …. shouldnt be too hard if one can read the server log and type IP into google maps …. hehhehehe
i have to agree with hillhunt (faints)
that was a bad thing to say :o(
I know you’re not a follower of Jesus, but one of his cuter sayings was that old thing about throwing the first stone
He also said “He who does harm to the least of these, for him it would be better if a millstone were tied around his neck and he were cast in to the sea.” This is a reference to child abusers, with whom Jesus apparently had very little sympathy. Your ‘shining examples of christianity’ are nothing of the sort and should rightly be condemned and punished for their behaviour.
The rest of your rant up there is nout do do with christianity but with a lack of morality. It’s the very lack of a firm moral foundation that causes so many of the problems you’ve described.
In relation to Hillhunts rear guard in defending radical islamic attitudes to women here is the contribution of the Islamic Republic … it has sparked outrage in Iran ..
I think the word you’re looking for there is incitement.
Isn’t it?
hillhunt | 13.06.07 – 4:52 pm
I’d call it wishful thinking.
I imagine according to illc*nt’s scheme of things my father who served in WWII driving trucks and was wounded by a landmine doesn’t count as having “fought” either.
illc*unt seems to have forgotten my advice, seconded by no less than John Reith, not to say anything to anybody that they would not be prepared to say to their face.
hillhunt: cowardly innuendo from the safety of his keyboard.
Nick Cohen, author of ‘What’s Left?’, has this to say towards the end of a new review of George Orwell essays:
” Today, you don’t hear a single voice raised in protest about what al Qaeda is doing to Iraq or against the Muslim Brotherhood anywhere in the world. If anything the duplicity is worse than during Stalinism. Then, leftish intellectuals could pretend to themselves that the Soviet Union was progressive and at some level shared their values. By contrast, Islamism makes no secret of its contempt for the Left and liberalism or its appropriation of Nazi conspiracy theory. From the Iranian Revolution onwards, the first task of radical Islam has been to persecute Muslim socialists, liberals and freethinkers.”
Read it all, at:
Have Al Beeboids worked this out yet?
Ignore Hillhunt for f@@@’s sake!
BioD – you are breaking your own rules about trolls.
D Burbage | 13.06.07 – 5:13 pm
Sorry :o(
No more troll food from me.
Nick Cohen, author of ‘What’s Left?’ has this to say towards the end of a new review of George Orwell essays:
“Today, you don’t hear a single voice raised in protest about what al Qaeda is doing in Iraq or against the Muslim Brotherhood anywhere in the world. If anything the duplicity is worse than during Stalinism. Then, leftish intellectuals could pretend to themselves that the Soviet Union was progressive and at some level shared their values. By contrast, Islamism makes no secret of its contempt for the Left and for liberalism or its appropriation of Nazi conspiracy theory. From the Iranian Revolution onwards, the first task of radical Islam has been to persecute Muslim socialists, liberals and freethinkers.”
Read it all at:
(No doubt Al Beeboids agree with this piece?)
I imagine according to illc*nt’s scheme of things my father who served in WWII driving trucks and was wounded by a landmine doesn’t count as having “fought” either…
hillhunt: cowardly innuendo from the safety of his keyboard
Of all the fine things in Christopher Hitchens’s “tribute” to Jerry Falwell, this is one of the most telling:
(Falwell’s career) proves only one thing: That you can get away with the most extraordinary offences to morality and to truth in this country if you just get yourself called Reverend
For Reverend, read (insert military rank here).
I don’t buy the idea that you can say the wild, and sometimes despicable, things which pounce says – the worst of which is so bad, it’s off limits – and simply claim as cover that you have fought for your country. Some of the finest people I ever met were British soldiers; some of the vilest were, too.
Lots of people’s fathers, husbands, brothers, sons, uncles, and grandfathers fought and suffered in this country’s wars. Mine, too.
So, let’s adopt the military-sharia list of principles on freedom of speech (as elucidated above).
Or, possibly, stop flogging a dead horse.
another day, another murder
this time, 2 teenagers
“this is london” tells us a bit more
stabbed to death.
Its worth me giving you some context to this as Frances Harrison of the BBC who regularly whitewashes the Islamic regieme will not do it …
Since the takeover of Iran by the Islamic government in 1979, the birth rate has spiralled out of control (population has doubled) poverty is rampant and many girls mostly from the provinces have no altenative but to prostitute themselves to make ends meet.
Prostitution has sky rocketed in Islamic Iran espoecially amongst under age girls. (12-16 years old)
To capitalise on this trend the Islamic Government has repeatedly tried to reintroduce the medival practice of Sighe in which one can after paying off a Mullah $10-$30 to have him marry you to a girl for one night …
In effect it allows Mullahs throughout Iran to set themselves up as pimps … once they get a few girls on their books many of these Mullahs go on and organise Basiji thugs to collect other girls for them to broker to usualy older men for one night stands …
with more and more girls desperate for money this business is booming in Iran and now a days most Mullah can sort out a girl (usually 12-16 years old) for sex … for $25. The girl once married can not refuse any sexual service.
The BBC in its Hillhunt way trys to pass this off as a “cultural phenomena” the truth is that this Islamic practice was unheard of before Islam was forced on Iran …
Typical of its pro-government bias the BBC throws in this absurd quote by Iran’s ex-President Rafsanjani (who through corruption has made himself into the richest man in Iran) to try and absolve the Islamic regieme from this heinous trade:
Iran first started promoting temporary marriage as an alternative to living in sin 15 years ago.
The then President, Hashemi Rafsanjani, said it was a way for men and women to satisfy their sexual needs.
The truth is that one has to go to a Mullah as they dominate the trade in young girls and if one is even caught in the presence of a girl who is not a relative even in your own house then arrests and lashings are meted out.
now the Islamic government is trying to turn this into a national monopoly for Mullahs and the BBC as usual is white washingh this abuse of of women
here you can read the reaction of ordinary peopel of Iran against mass prostitution organisaed by Mullahs.
It should give you context on how wrong and immoral Hillhunt and JR are in trying to make light of the abuse of women in Islamic societies.
Actually Orwell had many of the same problems in criticising the left in the 1940s that al-BBC today places in the way of those who would criticise Islam.
He found it hard to get Animal Farm published during the war because it was critical of the Soviet Union, which was currently doing a great deal to defeat Nazism.
Joseph Heller satirised the cretinousness of this mentality (they’re fighting our enemies, so we mustn’t upset them) brilliantly in Catch 22, by inserting the character of a US officer who was avidly pro-Hitler because of the sterling work Hitler was doing combating un-American activities in Germany.
The USSR fought our enemies with the intent of usurping them and then sweeping our way of life away. Islamism isn’t even fighting our mutual enemies for us, they just want to go to the sweeping-away bit, so why exactly is al-BBC so reluctant to be truthful about it?
Are they all just chickenshit scared of a fatwa? It would certainly explain why they won’t publish the Mohammed cartoons but they will show Jerry Springer: the Opera. How brave to insult only those you know will never hit back!
“He also said “He who does harm to the least of these, for him it would be better if a millstone were tied around his neck and he were cast in to the sea.” This is a reference to child abusers, with whom Jesus apparently had very little sympathy. Your ‘shining examples of christianity’ are nothing of the sort and should rightly be condemned and punished for their behaviour.”
Lets not forget that King Herod had hundreds of babies killed to get Jesus.
I’m also placing this link in my URL thingy from now on.
Gordon Brown etc.,
I don’t think a fatwa is on the cards for Al-Beeb. Why would the islamists rock the boat?
They have got everything going for them. A fatwa will force the useful idiots at Al-Beeb to shift position, temporarily.
small point but the 6 o clock news failed to mention the one ton explosive gift Hamas gave to Fatah today.
oh. and in a piece on GCSEs, cue shot of classroom, with hijabed youngster right in front of the camera. they really cant resist , can they?
arch thin-white duke:
oh. and in a piece on GCSEs, cue shot of classroom, with hijabed youngster right in front of the camera. they really cant resist , can they?
In the good old days, when you were munted on e’s…
…were you transported to a mind-altering, loved-up garden of earthly delights, free of children in hijabs?
Must have made all those, er, bangin’ choons seem almost worthwhile….
c4 news.
re – the “civil war that dare not speak its name”, a UN special envoy has put the blame for the war on….
wait for it.
something you wont see on the bbc
Gaza Arms Bazaar
fun for all the (male) members of the family.
from the “we’re not anti-semite,we’re anti-israel” department:
“They’re firing at us, firing RPGs, firing mortars. We’re not Jews,” the brother of Jamal Abu Jediyan, a Fatah commander, pleaded during a live telephone conversation with a Palestinian radio station.
Minutes later both men were dragged into the streets and riddled with bullets.
Not the BBC News
On Tuesday, a Palestinian journalist likened the Palestinian Authority to a smoke-belching car wreck, adding that it was time to toss the keys to the Israelis. His view is shared by many Palestinian civilians in Gaza, who in recent days have told the media that they are fed up. ‘We’ve had enough, we should be so lucky as to see the return of the Israeli occupation.’
Melanie on Gaza:
Picture nº3 shows gunmen using a white jeep marked “TV” for cover.
Caption reads: Mr Abbas, who leads Fatah, warned the violence could bring Gaza to the point of collapse.
No comment.
hillhunt is a racist
HYS is curiously quite on the uncivil civil war in gaza
i wonder, would they be so quiet if it was Israeli soldiers throwing Palestinians off the roofs of buildings? or if it was Israeli soldiers going into hospitals and riddling wounded Palestinians with bullets?
Broon you aak:
The USSR fought our enemies with the intent of usurping them and then sweeping our way of life away. Islamism isn’t even fighting our mutual enemies for us, they just want to go to the sweeping-away bit, so why exactly is al-BBC so reluctant to be truthful about it?
From the experience we had in Iran, I can assure you that the Left instinctively backs any Radical movemnet, event a Radical Islamic Fundamentalist movement. Its to do with the psychology of being a left winger.
If you study the history of the Iranian Revolution you’ll find that the original demonstrators, agitators, street fighters were all members of the Mojahedin-e-Khalq organisation. This was essentially a Radical Left Wing Organisation with some leaning to Islamic Radicalism … as I recall the BBC used to constantly blow their trumpt to such an extent that the Iranian Government used to try and block BBC radio broadcasts to Iran.
You’ll be please to know that as soon as teh Islamic Khomenist wing of the Revolution came to power they began rounding up and killing the memebers of this organisation and eventually wiped them out by imprisoning and executing some 10,000+ members of the MKO.
Read about them here … and you’ll find out what happens to left wing radicals when the Islamist extreamists can dispense with the:
UK Christian churches caught paying jizya to a radical Mosque:
“bijan daneshmand | 13.06.07 – 8:19 pm”
yeah. i’m aware of that one. Exiled Iranian communists are some of that regimes much vehement critics. same thing with the Iraqi communist party, who were 100 per cent behind the invasion of iraq.
i think it was Nick Cohen who touched on this – when he pointed out how the leftist exiles from iraq and iran ended up turning to the neo-conservatives in America, because the western left would simply NOT listen to them.
Palestinian and Lebanese leftists are also ignored by the “we are all hezbollah” wankers over here.
hillhunt is a racist
That’s a novel one. I’ll get the crosses burning on the front lawn. Where should I send the lynch mob?
BBC World billboards in NYC (image)
Snigger Watch
The Today programme just announced the important topic for discussion after 8 – Geroge Bush lost his wrist watch in Albania – or did he? (background sniggering audible).
Oscar | 13.06.07 – 8:10 am
But Oscar, did you hear what the sports reporter said at the end of the piece? Paraphrased:
“But did he notice that his shirt and trousers were missing as well? Well of course it was George Bush”
Abandon ship! | 13.06.07 – 8:45 am
White House deny watch charge.
BBC doesn’t believe them.
Bring on professional magician to study film.
In his opinion it was stolen.
BTW, how’s the plastic turkey getting on Beeboids?
Clearly the BBC are astonished that these stupid Albanians are giving Dubya a great welcome. So let’s make a joke of it – expect MUCH more from Jeremy and Sandi on Friday! Can’t wait.
Abandon ship! | 13.06.07 – 8:49 am
Video of Bush removing the watch himself and putting it in his pocket:
Will the Today programme apologise for calling the White House liars? Will the magician be invited back on to admit he was wrong? Will sports reporter Garry Richardson concede his anti-Bush remarks were unwarranted?
Tune in tomorrow during the same 8-8.30am prime time slot to find out.
“Personally, I don’t think pounce’s stuff is healthy, and if I knew him better I’d recommend he seeks help.
hillhunt | 13.06.07 – 12:03 pm”
“What we call “political correctness” actually dates back to the Soviet Union of the 1920s (politicheskaya pravil’nost’ in Russian), and was the extension of political control to education, psychiatry, ethics, and behavior. It was an essential component of the attempt to make sure all aspects of life were consistent with ideological orthodoxy • which is the distinctive feature of all totalitarianisms. In the post-Stalin period, political correctness even meant that dissent was seen as a symptom of mental illness, for which the only treatment was incarceration.”
Edited By Siteowner
[deleted – post was not by archduke. See note on impersonation below.]
Edited By Siteowner
the above post isnt by me.
bbc ten o clock news
israel, poverty, and the “occupation” all blamed.
iran/syrian funding of Hamas not mentioned.
radical Islam not mentioned.
From today’s Newsnight newsletter:
When the Palestinian President himself throws up his hands and cries ‘This is madness!’ you know things aren’t going too well in Gaza. Mahmood Abbas really isn’t mincing his words. He’s said that without a ceasefire the situation will collapse.
Today, gunfire was turned on thousands of unarmed Palestinian civilians demonstrating against violence on both sides – and policemen loyal to Fatah fled across the border to Egypt to escape Hamas militants.
So did the West have a role to play in helping to create this chaos – or is this internal wrangling which the West should stay out of? And what can be done to solve the crisis?
As ever in the Middle East, it doesn’t stop there.
A car bomb has exploded in Beirut killing an MP and five others. The legislator – Walid Eido – was well known for his anti Syrian views – and the method of assassination appears to be the same as that used in the past to assassinate Syria’s opponents. It’s almost exactly a year since the war between Hezbollah and Israel was played out on the streets of Lebanon.
Tonight we ask if the battles between radical groups in the Middle East are gaining momentum.
if anyone knows the admins on her, could they kindly delete the fake post above that wasnt by me.
i suspect that “ultraviolets” post isnt by him either.
and yes. i am an ex-raver. so was Guido Fawkes. big fucking deal.
Not a headline that the BBC would uusally serve us … however if the Muslims in question have the audacity to welcome Bush then we get this … so sarcastic … so superior … so BBC
When in fact all that happened was this … Bush took off the watch and placed it in his pocket
and yes. i am an ex-raver. so was Guido Fawkes. big fucking deal.
No apology necessary thin white duke.
Everyone here is raving.
Predictable as always … after a day in which Hamas sieze Gaza by force the Newsnight organises a round table with Azzam Tamimi who finally the BBC finally makes clear is a Hamas representative … up till now the BBC has insisted on any title (academic, entreprneur, activist, peace campaigner)
then we get Dian Buttu who is presented as representative of PLO President Abbas (she has to deny this) who goes obn by blaming everything on Israel …
Leaving Martin Indyk having to explain to an incredulous BBC presenter … a real blonde if I ever saw one … that the US tax payer is under no obligation to fund a Hamas government dedicated to the destruction of its ally.
Before this we get the British ex- MI6 agent & EU advisor Alistair Crooke explaining to us the error of our ways in supporting any opponent of Hamas.
Crooke (or is it Crook) has been a long term advocate of appeasment to Hamas, Hezbollah and radical Islam (read his appease Hamas views here)
Crook is up to his neck in the pro Hamas propaganda related to Alan Johnston “kidnapping” including teh initation of Ghazi Ahmad of Hamas to the Guardian Hay on Wye Festival. The BBC of course doesnt tell us any of this and presents him only as an WEU advisor.
Here is an analysis of what is happening in Gaza
An exasperated Martin Indyk is left saying that “I think there uis a lot of dust being thrown up in your viewers eyes”
See the round table here
Its clear that the FO/MI6 camp pushing for appeasing Hamas now has the upper hand and behind the scene is using the BBC to make clear that the British government is ready to deal with Islamic terrorists. If this is a policy that is being put into place by the incoming Brownites than it doesnt augre well … Abbas while flawed coiuld be talked to … dumping him in favour of Hamas will prove to be an historic mistake.