You know that BBC story that described Ahmadinejad as a “trenchant critic” of Israel? It now says… “outspoken critic.”
Hat tip: Biodegradable (and the ever-wonderful News Sniffer.)
Biodegradable provided a list of others described as outspoken critics by the BBC. And Byran pointed out that, “they were picking so delicately over the phrase that they didn’t notice it should be an outspoken critic.”
What’s your favourite word?
I refer not to this thread but to your output on other threads.
While you’re here will give us your opinion as to why the “Obstacle to peace” series made no mention whatsoever of “Palestinian” terror?
Thanks in advance…
Looking at what’s going on in Gaza today, are either Hamas or Fatah committing acts of terrorism?
Rueful Red | 14.06.07 – 1:59 pm
No chance of the BBC saying that, not now that the US has said it.
U.S. accuses Hamas of ‘acts of terror’ against Palestinians
Perhaps Defective Bullshit could give us some examples of actions carried out by Israel that he considers to be terrorism?
according to the BBC 10 o clock news, with regards to immigration, “Britain isn’t at ease with the consequences of globalisation”.
Well, maybe thats because the “indigenous community” was never asked or voted for rampant immigration in the first place.
Terry Johnson
Interesting yes. Amusing no.
I lost my sense of humour with anti-semitism at about 10 years old. It was not only the age that I first was told that my mothers family were Jewish. I also at that time used to have long conversations with a long time friend of my fathers, a Polish Jewish man named Israel Hammer.
He spent 4 years at Austwitz concentration camp making jewellery from the fillings he himself was forced to extract from wheelbarrows of human ashes. Some of which must have been his own family as none to his knowledge survived the war, and most of them lived local to the camp.
One thing I remember was that he said once something like.
“I cant explain how it feels when people you used to consider friends seem to suddenly start looking at you as if you were a common criminal or a murderer or something. It was only then that I started to realise the real danger, but by then it was already too late. Because my father and mother simply could not or did not want to understand, what was about to happen to us or why.”
Biodegradable | 14.06.07 – 1:10 pm,
Good post. I noticed that the Bullshit Detective – so named because he examines himself in the mirror a lot – was completely, totally and utterly unable to respond to your challenge.
That’s one of the disadavantages of debating over the internet – deceitful opponents can hide their weakness by simply disappearing and popping up on a new thread. If this were a face to face debate, BD would be thoroughly trounced in minutes.
Biodegradable | 14.06.07 – 7:14 pm
so has the fat lady sung?
They should have done it. And iranian regional ambitions.
See the scum this blog attracts:
Terry Johnson, Prisoner No 183495, Somers Correctional
Institution, Somers, Connecticut
So JR, if I can find one criminal that thinks the BBC is “smashing” you will pack up shop and stop taxing us?
Or perhaps I am naive and no one who has ever worked for the BBC has ever committed a crime.
I lost my sense of humour with anti-semitism at about 10 years old.
Was it funny before you were 10?
They should have done it. And iranian regional ambitions.
John Reith | 14.06.07 – 11:29 pm
Thanks for conceding that that the famed fairness and balance was somewhat lacking.
Looking forward to hearing the fat lady sing, perhaps in another series; “Obstacles to Peace: Part 2”?
Biodegradable | 15.06.07 – 2:17 am
Thanks for conceding that that the famed fairness and balance was somewhat lacking.
That’s not necessarily the case. The editorial judgment in doing ‘some not all’ of the obstacles under so definitive sounding a title may be a bit iffy – but the balance may still be there if the issues of terror etc are well covered elsewhere. For all we know there could be a series on this in the works.
Peregrine | 15.06.07 – 12:30 am
Call me fastidious, but I draw the line at cop-killers.
John Reith | 14.06.07 – 11:29 pm,
My goodness, John Reith. If I read you correctly I believe you have taken the first small step on the long, arduous journey towards acknowledgement of serious BBC bias – although you backtrack faster than greased lightning:
John Reith | 15.06.07 – 6:37 am.
Come on. You know this is not a matter of “editorial judgement” but of religiously following the Palestinian “narrative.” Palestinian terror is the single greatest obstacle to peace. It is recognised as a prime obstacle not just by the Israelis but by the Quartet – which includes the BBC’s beloved EU and UN. Not to mention it in a specific discussion on the issue is a fine example of BBC bias. It’s up there with the best.
John Reith | 14.06.07 – 11:40 pm
I’m flabbergasted. We can’t have this. That post, and this one
John Reith | 15.06.07 – 6:47 am
depart so radically from the BBC’s impeccably PC and timid approach to criminals that I’m wondering if someone is posting in your name here.
But if this is, in fact, your own attitude, consider this: you work for the BBC, and it “doesn’t do outrage,” remember? You’d better resign from the BBC forthwith. We can’t have powerful personal bias like this creeping into the BBC’s output. Perish the thought.
Who did your detective work for you here? And how can you be sure that your Terry Johnson and ours are one and the same?
And if they are indeed the same, please explain exactly what this blog has done to attract this “scum.”
“See the scum this blog attracts:
Terry Johnson, Prisoner No 183495, Somers Correctional
Institution, Somers, Connecticut ”
Sadly for JR I’m not the Terry Johnson currently banged up in Connecticut but isn’t it funny that JR obviously spent some of his time as an AL-BBC employee looking up my name on Google . Are we starting to get to you JR ? Certainly seems so.
John Reith:
Biodegradable | 15.06.07 – 2:17 am
Thanks for conceding that that the famed fairness and balance was somewhat lacking.
That’s not necessarily the case.
I thought it was too good to be true!
The editorial judgment in doing ‘some not all’ of the obstacles under so definitive sounding a title may be a bit iffy
I’d call that bias, a clear case of, not “iffy”.
“Some not all” is not balanced, is not reporting “both narratives” – it is bias of the highest order.
– but the balance may still be there if the issues of terror etc are well covered elsewhere.
Like where?
For all we know there could be a series on this in the works.
John Reith | 15.06.07 – 6:37 am
For all we know?!
Not good enough. The damage is done. A large portion of the unwashed masses have read what one assumed was a serious series explaining what the “obstacles to peace” in the Middle East have been, only to have been fed a number of articles centered on various themes, each a vehicle for blaming Israel, and Israel alone, for the lack of peace without one single mention of Arab terrorism as an element, let alone a main “OBSTACLE”.
For a moment there JR I really thought we were on to something, but you’ve blown it once again.
John Reith spends much of his time here trying to prove to us that this blog is packed to the rafters with misguided crazies who can’t possibly be taken seriously about BBC bias – and in the process proving that he does take it seriously.
But cop-killers is a new one on me. I think John Reith owes you an apology, Terry Johnson.
See the scum this blog attracts:
John Reith | 14.06.07 – 11:40 pm |
Did you really write that jr?
Not at all in good taste.
The eclipse of reason
Why Britain?
Clearly, certain factors are unique to Britain. One is the role of the BBC. While other media share the anti-Israel animus, the importance of the BBC in poisoning the public mind can hardly be overestimated. Afforded unique reverence as a global kitemark of fairness and objectivity, its journalism is therefore trusted as the truth by those who know no better.
But what it actually pumps out day after day is little more than Arab propaganda. Over the past couple of weeks, it has simply rewritten history in its on-line bulletins and broadcast coverage to portray Israelis as brutal aggressors, their Palestinian would-be exterminators as saintly victims — and to excise Jerusalem from its central role in Jewish history.
a real sabre:
Melanie Phillips: A brand we can all trust.
Never over the top. Ever.
I cannot honestly say that this gripe is an example of direct BBC bias (though God knows there are enough of them), but it is illustrative of the pinko groupthink of our favorite eccentric auntie who hasn’t got over her “Maoist” days at UEA in the 60’s.
This morning I was floored by a new PC language-busting phenomenon.
“Vulnerability to crime”
As in “the black community is much more vulnerable to crime.” As reported this morning on Today in a piece about criminality, and representation on the F***ing DNA database.
There was no attempt by the BBC to challenge the newly ascribed meaning of this phrase. To me, vulnerability to crime relates to the likelihood of becoming a victim of criminals. Unfortunately I am obviously due a course of self-criticism and re-education in the Gulag because, apparently, vulnerability to crime infact means – “having an increased likelihood of committing crime!” Now there’s a thing! Perhaps our friends with access to the Oxford Junior dictionary would like to deconstruct this bit of double-think for me.
This insane bit of PC twaddle was allowed to pass entirely unchallenged along with a lot of weakly described statistical information which was clearly contradictory.
The assumption presented this morning was that the criminal him (or her) self is apparently a hapless victim and an evil pixie (or some other such external factor such as lack of educational attainment) causes a spontaneous desire to twoc my car. Unutterable piffle of course and stemming from some old A level sociology text book. I feel really sorry for the poor individuals who are so utterly patronised by this set of assumptions.
Unfortunately this is symptomatic of all BBC output – they are institutionally incapable of understanding anything beyond this simplistic, determinist Marxism and do not feel the need to challenge the transference of “victim status” (very important in PC land) from the recipient of the mugging to the mugger. It wasn’t me gov – society did it!
It’s all too much | 15.06.07 – 6:32 pm,
This kind of thing was widespread in South Africa as Apartheid crumbled and no doubt it is still the case. “Studies” such as one that concluded that blacks were more likely to be the victims of crime than whites were solemnly reported in the media. This is exactly how the BBC operates. Report half of the story (the half you agree with) all of the time until you have painted a picture that coincides with your prejudices and that allows no possibility of disagreement.
not quite but very soon “our Alan” shall be coming home … to Hamastan.
who knows with the bit of luck he may be appointed [D]Information Minister for the new Hamastani Government.
He may even end up being as successful as this guy
Who would have guessed it … actually i did.
Dem Rascally Dogmousshes better watch out ….
this whole sham is so pathetic that it beggars belief. it has been obvious for weeks now … Hamas have been holding Johnston all along and he may or may not have been in on it from day one. But was certainly in on it from day 2.
wonder if Alistair Crook[e] our MI6 pal behind this con will be inviting Ghazi Hamed for the Champagne popping celebration at London’s Guardian Offices?
Ghazi of course partaking only of tomato juice …. what some Hamastanis jokingly call … dtham al yahood (jews blood) … in line with his RoP trenchant tenants …..
yes, I do trust Mellanie Phillips, am honest and decent journalist who research before writing.
Second, as to you, as a rule, I skip all your posts. Time is too precious.
John Reith
“See the scum this blog attracts”
Most of the contributors to this blog use pseudenyms. Some use their real names although in most cases we have no way of knowing who. Even those using their real names could have dozens or even hundreds of namesakes who do not contribute.
Have you been involved with this blog for so long without realizing that?
Your namesake, John Reith, was the founder of the BBC. Just a coincidence? As you have decided to ‘out’ Terry Johnson it’s fair to ask. Is John Reith your real name?
A quick Google showed 951 references to John Reith not the founder of the BBC. If you are really N.A.T.O. Deputy Supreme Allied Command Europe (DSACEUR) General Sir John Reith KCB CBE how can you afford all the time you waste defending the BBC here?
“See the scum this blog attracts:
John Reith | 14.06.07 – 11:40 pm”
thats completely out of character. i dont think thats the real “john reith”
somebody is impersonating again.
have traveled no further
If so we need a registration system with passwords.
Sorry, that should be somebody is impersonating again. Not as above.
Oh by the way I know the area such as Myanishen district exists.$file/map-Kandahar-new.gif
I just want to piss off that BBC clone who enjoys pissing off everybody on this board.
Oh by the way I know the area such as Myanishen district exists.
I just want to piss off that BBC clone who enjoys pissing off everybody on this board.
Carry on. Displays of wilful ignorance do wonders for Biased BBC’s credibility.
As do all your other contributions….
I knew that you were contemptible, but your “was it funny before you were ten” response to a man whose family was butchered in the death camps is beneath humanity. I cannot imagine why you have not been banned; I would not only have banned you, but tried to establish your real identity and, if I did, made your name stink throughout the internet. You are vile, debased and contemptible – human only for the purpuse of zoological classification.
Fabio P.Barbieri
One of whose family was murdered in Dachau (and that single crime has marked my family for decades – what it must be like to lose everyone I would not like to think).
Fabio P.Barbieri | Homepage | 20.06.07 – 4:33 pm,
After a few days, I stopped reading the juvenile, sneering, self-important trash that passes for comments from hillhunt. I also stopped reading the responses to his trash, but yours caught my eye.
Someone like hillhunt is too shallow to understand your comment.
Best not to get distracted from our real purpose here and just scroll past the troll.