Ritter comments:
Something missing here?
‘Honour killing’ relatives guilty [BBC story on the murder of Banaz Mahmod]
Context maybe? What was the killer(s) motive? The BBC know, but are unable to tell us.
Anyway, what’s missing? Oh, here it is:
Father guilty of daughter’s “honour killing” [Reuters story on the same murder]
“Her family decided to kill her because they believed the relationship had brought the dishonour as Suleimani was an Iranian Kurd and not a strict Muslim”
BBC News. Half the story.
Reith (11:53) seems to think the recent BBC analysis on the middle east crisis is fair and reasonable. Well, as someone who has no great love of any of the religious fruitcakes in the area, I did find this comment from Jeremy Bowen today (yes him), rather galling:
“What has happened also shows the failure of the decision of the world’s big powers to isolate Hamas.”
Now it would seem to me that Hamas probably had this particular end-game in mind from the start, and any policy by “the world’s big powers” would not ultimately have made much difference. Indeed, it is possible that trying to “engage” Hamas might have made the overall situation worse. Who really knows? In my view the West was entirely correct to isolate Hamas because of their uncompromising stance on a regional peace settlement.
But Bowen again shows his instinctive bias in refusing ever to blame the people causing the violence for the violence (if they are Islamic extremists or friends of the left). Classic leftie double-think, and yet more BBC bias. I might even have a formal whinge about it.
it is clearly appalling that the BBC reported on a murder without detailing the motivation for the murder.
I’d join you in a march on the BBC News Centre if you weren’t talking such, erm, b*llocks.
Here’s the summary of the father’s motivation from the BBC report:
Miss Mahmod was killed after falling in love with a man her family did not want her to marry.
Her father and uncle ordered the murder because they believed she had shamed the family, the three-month trial heard.
Not easily confused with a murder caused by a gambling debt, you might think.
What’s missing? Oh, yes, the M-word.
But wait… A link on the same page…
And what do we find there? This, from the victim’s boyfriend…
Her parents are a very strict Muslim family,” he said. “It would be hard for people to believe me. They would be saying, ‘No Banaz’s family would never touch alcohol, he is a Muslim’.”
He added: “People couldn’t see the dark side inside them because they were good at hiding that.”
Then, there’s this:
Banaz’s older sister Bekhal, 22, said she paid the ultimate price of finding happiness with a man who did not meet with the approval of her Kurdish family…
Four years before her sister’s death, Bekhal fled the family home in Mitcham, south-west London, after being beaten and threatened by her father for “bringing shame on his name” by adopting Western ways.
I get the picture. Don’t you?
Biased BBC: Let’s wallow in it.
Pissed myself laughing at that you disengenuous fool. That argument wouldn’t convince a child of nine. Why do you bother?
So being shamed by your daughters marriage is now a common-or-garden motivation for murder is it? A motivation in itself? Boys with spikey hair had better watch out as they could find their girlfriends murdered because of the shame of marrying a punk? Happens all the time doesn’t it? Maybe the shame of marriage to a BBC employee will prove to be motivation for murder?
Interesting that the story that was linked to on the BBC website mainpage (UK version) was posted at 16.45 and made no reference to the real motivation, whilst the page you have discovered was never linked to on the main page and appeared at 15:02. Oh what a tangled web you weave….
The story as we were actually given appears here:-
You need to do some research to find the link on the BBC website to the full story. But why bother. Why not go to a news source that will give you the full story without you having to hunt around for it.
The BBC: The truth is out there somewhere (shame it’s buried under all that guff).
So being shamed by your daughters marriage is now a common-or-garden motivation for murder is it? A motivation in itself?
But it is what passes for a motivation to that tiny fraction of unreconstructed chauvinists in the UK who come from peasant backgrounds and don’t sign up for female emancipation.
And that, sadly, is old news, although it seems to come as a bit of a surprise to you….
“But it is what passes for a motivation to that tiny fraction of unreconstructed chauvinists in the UK who come from peasant backgrounds and don’t sign up for female emancipation.”
Watch as hh tiptoes carefully thru the tulips ! Could those “tiny fraction” of chauvinists from “peasant backgrounds” also happen to come from a religious background that mandates the death penalty for adultery, advocates the beating of uppity wifes and regards women as second class citizens ?? Nothing to do with islam then ?
towcestarian | 15.06.07 – 5:11 pm,
In common with so many of his ilk, Bowen seems to think that Palestinians have a right to endlessly fleece the West, in between blowing up Israeli civilians and spreading hatred of Israel and the West.
And the World Service has been taking endless calls and reading out endless e-mails on its World Have Your Say blaming the withholding of aid for the state Palestine is in. (Pun intended.)
Funny thing is, I recall that a senior Hamas leader was caught once or twice sneaking into Gaza through Egypt recently with a suitcase or two full of enough dollars to buy a small country. I assume an Arab terrorist or two floating on a sea of oil had something to do with this financial endowment. Saudi Arabia has consistently rewarded the families of suicide bombers with wagon loads of cash after the bombers murder Israeli women and children. And I believe Iran has recently pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into Hamas’ bloodstained hands.
So this begs a couple of questions: Surely Arab and Muslim states, wallowing in money as they are, can supply the Palestinians with enough cash for their need for weapons to kill everyone in sight, including one another, as well as for basic needs such as food? And why, exactly, is this the West’s problem?
And why is the BBC not asking these questions?
“The financial sanctions they imposed, which caused severe hardship and helped fuel the violence in Gaza by making people even more desperate,”
The above quote encapsulates perfectly the BBC weltanschaung. All conflict is the consequence of desperation or poverty, or if all else fails the “cycle of violence”.
The obvious reason of a coup d’état ordered by the Hamas leadership orchesrated from abroad by Iran is never to be suggested.
If desperation was the cause of terrorism 99% of it would originate from sub-saharan Africa!
Ryan & Terry: nice work – hh bang to rights… not so hard to trip up those sneaky nuspeak crop-haired ‘liberals’!
[deleted as offensive]
Edited By Siteowner
[reference to earlier deleted post itself deleted]
The word you’re looking for is incitement.
In what sense is murder all OK in any universe?
[Too vague to be incitement. But unacceptable. Please be warned, Dennis, that repeated comments of that nature will get you banned.]
Edited By Siteowner
More bbc reporting at its anti-sem..sorry anti-Israel worst
The BBC are always saying the middle east news needs more context. Well, here’s some but it’s a narrative that never quite makes it out of (or into) the news room.
Actually, there is one more thing we do not hear on the subject of poor old Hamas being isolated (for which read not getting the money it has no particular rights to). It is not true. Money has been pouring into the Palestinian territory, including Gaza though various humanitarian projects, none of which have been accounted for. The World Bank says that the equivalent of £375 million has been contributed to the PA in 2006 by its donors, of which the United States is the largest. Did anyone on the BBC mentioned any of this?
‘Honour killing’ sister breaks her silence
“Britain was appalled by the horrific ‘honour killing’ of a girl murdered by her father for daring to kiss the man she loved.
Here, her sister, who narrowly escaped death herself and now lives in fear of her life, breaks her silence.
Every time Bekhal Mahmod leaves the safety of her home, she wears the hijab with a black veil covering her face – even though she would give anything for the freedom not to have to”.
Did anyone on the BBC mentioned any of this?
Helen | Homepage | 16.06.07 – 4:52 pm
Almost certainly not. And I doubt that they mentioned the money that Saudi Arabia gives the families of suicide bombers who murder Israeli civilians, or reminded us about the fact that a senior Hamas official was recently caught trying to smuggle huge loads of dollars into Gaza through Egypt or about the 400 million dollar pledge from Iran or the fact that the Palestinian are the only “refugees” in the world who have an entire “humanitarian” UN agency, UNRWA, devoted specifically to fulfilling their needs for the past decades.
With rumours abounding that the thugs of Hamas are seeking to “help” release the hapless Alan Johnson (i.e. decide whether they should let him go or not) watch for Al-BBc reports from the region to become even more nuanced.
” Bryan | 16.06.07 – 5:55 pm ”
or the fact that a Palestinian state already exists.
its called Jordan.
“Did anyone on the BBC mentioned any of this?
Helen | Homepage | 16.06.07 – 4:52 pm”
not a chance. of course they didnt.
they dont want to upset their terrorist buddies do they, so they play along with the “impoverished Pallywood” story.
however, a few photos kinda puts that one to bed..
guns, lots of guns.
nice fresh uniforms.
and lots of nice new S.U.Vs
this is Fatah, in Ramallah:
holiday in hamastan | 16.06.07 – 7:10 pm
Yes. And as for Ramallah, that’s some “refugee camp.”
I don’t understand why there’s no mention of Islam in this piece. Has some other religion been the source of terror since 9/11 or is it just the usual BBC bias?
K | 17.06.07 – 3:57 pm
What will happen is similar to what has been illustrated by many of hillhunt’s comments here.
ie: raise the topic of Muslim child brides and he’ll quote Julius Streicher (of all people!) on Jews.
I imagine that an in-depth study of 9/11 will compare it to the bombing of the King David hotel.
There’ll be talk about all the good that Islam has done compared to all the evil done by Judaism and Christianity,
There’s no way in the world that anybody will dare to criticise Islam, for fear of being branded “Islamophobe” or fear of beheading.
There’s no way in the world that anybody will dare to criticise Islam, for fear of being branded “Islamophobe” or fear of beheading.
Or both, in the case of Theo van Gogh.
I noticed that a report in The Sunday Times on honour killings failed to mention islam but managed to wrap routine murders of women by their kinfolk under the catch-all of Asians. So it is not just the BBC spinning this lie.
BTW, Hillhunt, Reith and Ben – do you favour the release of the Balen Report? Any ideas as to why it was not released? I am only asking because neither I nor any friends or relatives are fortunate enough to work in the cosseted world of the BBC and so I really do not know why – please assist!
Maybe the BBC isn’t biased. Maybe its incompetent.
Missing the motive out of a description of a murder: incompetent
Claiming that Hamas is shooting at Fatah because of the US without actually asking anyone from Hamas: incompetent
Going to Palestine and despite repeated warnings from the Home Office getting yourself kidnapped by Islamic radicals: incompetent.
A cesspool of incompetence that would be shamed by my local free newspaper I would say.
For a fuller, frightening account of ‘honour killings’ (where the word ‘Muslim’ is rather under-used) go to BBC’s Radio 4 ‘File on Four’ programme (of 26 June), available on podcast on BBC website, and repeated next Sunday, Radio 4 at 5 pm.
Here is a review of BBC Radio 4’s
‘File on Four’ programme about ‘honour killings’:
(go to ‘The Iconoclast’, for 27 June).