– several links about BBC coverage of terrorism and related issues.
Not exactly bias, but pretty funny. John Simpson today (18th) has an article about Afghanistan headlined “Resurgent Taleban. John Simpson asks if the war with the Taleban can be won.” (link.) If you do a
search for “resurgent taliban” on the bbc website, you’ll find a preview of Newsnight, 20th July 2006, in which John Simpson talks about a “resurgent taliban”.
(link)It’s John Simpson’s yearly resurge.
On 11 September 2001 armed people took control of four planes that were flying above the US.
Following the links to another page called Why did they do it?, here is the BBC explanation:
No-one can say exactly why the attacks were carried out.
But, the way America has got involved in conflicts in regions like the Middle East has made some people very angry, and the hijackers are likely to have been from this group.The US thinks a group called al-Qaeda is behind the attacks. Al-Qaeda leaders have in the past declared a holy war – called a Jihad – against the US. As part of this Jihad al-Qaeda members believe attacking US targets is something they should do.
When the attacks happened in 2001 there were a number of US troops in a country called Saudi Arabia, and al-Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden said he wanted them to leave.
On this day when the BBC informs the world it has to be just a little more impartial, they report on a story from Afghanistan where a suicide bomber murders 3 people as well as himself. So on that note what do you think the headline for said article should be?
Suicide bomber kills 3.
3 people killed in suicide bomb attack
Suicide bomber strikes Kabul.
Well that is how any impartial news agency would report such a story . So just how do the BBC report on the above in light of its quest to report impartially?
Thx bijan. Great tip. I’ve just sent this.
Until you became Middle East editor, I had no idea that you so passionately support the Palestinians. These people routinely watch anti-Semitic programmes, celebrate the murder of innocent Israelis and since the start of the last intifada have proven they support violence over dialogue.
My question is do you also support the BNP or KKK (although they are not quite so aggressive) ?
Oh no, HillHunt. The BBC report was about the NATO killing of a civilian. That was the title. It is entirely reasonable for the reader to assume that in the absence of the reporter actually specifying the reason for the protest, that it actually has something to do with the rest of the report.
Well, no…because the piece makes clear that the dead were caused thre-to-one by suicide bombers. Any unbiased reader might well wonder who the protestors were on about, but they might equally assume that it was against the use of bombs by the other side, too.
But you’re not an unbiased reader…
Steve E,
Michael Yon is a real journalist unlike the Islamist apologists employed by the Beeb (viz. Bowen, Plett, Guerin, Price, Johnston, Hawley, Simpson, aargh I’ve got cramp).
Seems to me that in principle Pounce has a point. 13,000 people in this district suggests it is a village with an extended hinterland. The population of Afghanistan is 29million.
I shouldn’t imagine that the Afghan police are overly concerned about it. Unlike the BBC it seems.
“Well, no…because the piece makes clear that the dead were caused thre-to-one by suicide bombers. Any unbiased reader might well wonder who the protestors were on about, but they might equally assume that it was against the use of bombs by the other side, too.”
They might equally assume. They might indeed. But why should the reader ASSUME anything? Why didn’t the reporter simply make it clear. The reporter apparently heard of the protest after this event. Didn’t the reporter consider it worthwhile to find out what it was about? Did the reporter make assumptions?
Like I say, incompetence at our public broadcaster may be more to blame than bias.
And beware your own bias HillHunt. If anyone here appears to be partisan – it is you. But neither you or I have a legal obligation to be unbiased. Do we?
Well, I’m very glad that I’ve found this blog site. I’ve always felt that the BBC was biased in favour of the liberal-left and was in no way impartial as it so often claimed.
I noticed the comments asking “what to do?” Well, I usually let my feet do the occasional…
The only half-decent but by no means great coverage of international news I have ever found was from the International Herald Tribune http://www.iht.com/
– it always *seemed* fair and factual. None of this viewsnews rubbish you get from BBC and The “Independent”.
I know it’s owned by the New York Times, but I tend to trust it more.
Would be interesting to know if anyone else had alternative sources for news, minus the disguised bias.
FT and Economist are pretty grown up and assume a level of intelligence on the part of the reader.
The BBC will always give you the anti-American/Israel/Western facts (except when John Simpson is trying to suppress voter turnout in Iraq with false stories about coalition troops murdering more Iraqi civillians than say, the terrorists … sorry I meant insurgents …sorry again that was militants …oops activists …drat! try again, enthusiasts). The NYT and the rest of MSM all feed off each other. So the BBC is a good one stop shop for illiberal bias.
For the other facts, which can’t quite be covered because the BBC is a much smaller outfit than any of the following, try:
General News
Times, Telegraph
Michaels Totten,Yon
Jerusalem Post, Yoni Tidi for Israel
Israel TV news
Arutz Sheva, JerusalemOnline
General War on Terror
Fox, HotAir, LittleGreenFootballs
Interesting people
Mark Steyn, Melanie Philips, Chris Hitchens, Victor Davis Hanson
Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Miller (funnier by far than Mark Steele; as are many table-legs)
Australian blogger
Tim Blair
I’m really not sure about 18 Doughty St any more. I mean you can see the likes of Yasmin Alibi Brown, Clare Fox and Peter Tatchell anytime you want (and who would?) on MSM.
michael totten:
“The BBC has successfully turned itself into a revolting cesspool of bigotry against Israel and tendentious excuse-making for Islamic terrorists; it is a national embarrassment of a high order.”
and reason why its become that is because the very nature of its funding means that its answerable to nobody but itself.
privatisation is the only answer.
let it stand on its own two feet.
Joining the dots between BBC journalistic incompetence and the reference to John Simpson, I remember an article in the British Airways HighLife magazine where Mr Simpson admitted with great pride that he got all his stories by listening to the conversation in barbers shops.
Not quite the fearless searcher after truth he likes to present himself as, it seems…..
something tells me that he may not publish your question …
try a more direct question like this …
Mr Bowen
in your June 15 interview you stated: “[gaza is] a big open prision … which people cant get in or get out [of] sometimes in their whole lives” however Mr. Bowen you refrained from mentioning that since 15 November 2005, when Israel and the Palestinian Authority concluded an “Agreement on Movement and Access”, following the withdrawl by Israel from all of Gaza, according to the UN Gaza border crossings have had to close for more than 85% of their operational time because of
(1) persistent attacks by Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Army of Islam & Al Aqsa militants on these crossings, (the most recent of which contravened the rules of war by using a Jeep disgusied TV journalists)
(2) persistent tunnelling of weapons under these crossings
(3) rocket attacks by Gaza militants on Israel.
Be that as it may; you appear to be unaware that according to the EU Border Assistance Mission for the Rafah Crossing Point (EU BAM Rafah), between 15 November 2006-7 Feb 2006, a period of less than 3 months some 100 000 people had crossed the RCP (Rafah Crossing Point), some 51 000 of them from the Gaza Strip into Egypt and 49 000 from Egypt into the Gaza Strip.
During the first few weeks of operations the average number of crossings was around 1 100 a day; this figure subsequently rose to around reached 1 500 a day. The overall average since the start of operations was 1,385 people per day.
In light of these fact can you please explain your characterisation of Gaza as a big open prison.
Below are the relevant UN & EU sources
Click to access AMA_OneYearOn.pdf
Click to access 060206%20EU%20_BAM_RAFAnew.pdf
Click to access AMA_OneYearOn.pdf
Wow, Bijan, how come the BBC never does research like that? Oh, I forgot. It’s like Nick Reynolds (BBC) said yesterday: They can’t cover everything.
btw I’m sorry to say I don’t think they’ll publish your question either.
The BBC clone wrote;
Possibly the one marked Miyannasheen.What was it I said about spellings translated across languages and alphabets?
So tell me how long did it take you to knock that example up on wiki. Seeing as that entry didn’t exist this morning? Oh by the way here is the UN map from June 2006 (that makes it a year older than that so called Wiki entry) have a butchers at the Region known as Kandarhar. Please be so kind as to pointout that district in which you use Wiki in which to try and prove me wrong.
Click to access Afghanistan_SECURITY_ACCESSIBILITY_MAP_20_JUN_06.pdf
Just to help you that little bit further, The BBC article points in the direction that this district borders onto Chora. According to that UN map the only two districts in Kandarhar province which border onto Chora are Nesh and Shah wali kot.
Once again i ask you to point out that district which according to wiki was formed in 2005. (The UN map was printed in 2006)
K | 19.06.07 – 3:36 pm:
the terrorists … sorry I meant insurgents …sorry again that was militants …oops activists …drat! try again, enthusiasts
btw I’m sorry to say I don’t think they’ll publish your question either.
OK fair enough … maybe pounce should ask him were myanishen district is in Afganistan …
he could even take a leaf out of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and call John Jalalabad Simpson …
or should that be … John “when I was in Jalalabad with the mortars coming down … blah, blah, blah” ……
as Alan Johnston calls him (scroll half way down)
It occurs to me that this may be a useful excercise. I’ll start with a few questions .. (lets keep it focused on the Middle East which is Jeremy’s area of responsibility) everyone feel free to add questions. When we get 10, i or anyone else can cut and paste and post to form below.
Questions For Jeremy
1. Jeremy where in Afganistan is myanishen district
2. Jeremy you characterise Gaza as a “big open prison” how many people left and entered Gaza in the 3 months starting 25 Nov 2005 at teh Rafah Crossing Point?
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/talki…int/ 6766939.stm
So tell me how long did it take you to knock that example up on wiki. Seeing as that entry didn’t exist this morning?
This is truly sad.
All you have to do is click on the history tab to discover that the wiki entry was posted in April 07 and hasn’t been altered since.
It’s tragic that you make a song and dance about a wild assumption that a place the BBC says the Taleban have taken could not exist.
You assume that only one possible spelling for that place could exist and – tah dah – the BBC must have made it up.
You ignore the fact that other respected agencies are running a near-identical story, and quoting pro-Nato sources – ISAF and the local police – in support of it.
You then wildly assert that the wiki page which demonstrates the place exists was made up by me, when the public record is easy to check.
Now you’re hunting around other corners of the web trying to find places that offer non-support to your theory that no such place can exist. The wiki entry says that Miyannasheen is a new district of Kandahar, created in 2005.It was in the northern part of Shah Wali Kot District…which appears on your counter-terrorism map (which is slightly out of date).
pounce, this is not analysis or even a reasonable challenge to the BBC world view.
It’s pathological behaviour, and ought to make you – and Biased BBC – wonder about how your motivation works. And whether your fellow bias-hounds or to have a quiet word about your behaviour.
Hillhunt is handing out lectures on behaviour.
I’ve heard it all now.
Hillhunt: pots, kettles, you know the rest.
Hillhunt is handing out lectures on behaviour.
Not on behaviour.
On the use of evidence.
A scarce commodity on Biased BBC, I know, but I do try my best to help…
With your flat-earth-like denial of any bias at al-Beeb, it’s a bit rich for you to hurl insults like ‘pathological’ at others.
Even if Pounce did get it wrong for once, all it proves is that he’s fallible. Whereas, the countless instances of bias indicated on this blog and elsewhere indicate both the BBC’s bias and your own implacable delusions about it.
And frankly, he doesn’t demand a direct debit with menaces unlike your friends at Auntie.
“Fatah and Hamas
The two groups began arguing last December about how to get on with the country of Israel.
Fatah wants to try to get more independence from Israel through peaceful talks.
But Hamas doesn’t want anything to do with Israel and is prepared to fight for what they want.”
Now what was it that Hamas wants again?
And frankly, he doesn’t demand a direct debit with menaces unlike your friends at Auntie.
Indeed. He does with out the direct debit, and goes straight for the menaces (see previous banned posting)
I should worry about it Pounce. The truth is that if this district actually exists there are only 13000 people living there. That makes it about the size of the village I grew up in. Its about 0.04% of the Afghan population.
So much for the “Resurgent Taleban” theory.
To be honest, I don’t think this is bias as such. I don’t think the BBC has anyone permanently stationed in Afghanistan. If you read the report it is all based on third-party conversations that could have taken place over the phone. I guess that is why they are flying John “Barber Shop” Simpson out there. To get some first-hand reports on a “Resurgent Taleban” that they have heard rumours about.
I don’t think the BBC News is biased as such. They are just stupid, incompetent, ill-informed and ignorant. The bias comes about because they believe the last thing the barber told them. Then they try to make it sound more exciting than it really is, as if NATO are on the brink of defeat. Look at that map of the area where the Taleban have supposedly taken a district – they have shown the whole of Kandahar province (1million people) but actually it is only 1% of that area.
BBC News: too stupid to see how they are being manipulated.
Bijan, many thanks for your illuminating posts on this subject, may I quote some of them in my blog?
BBC Clone wrote;
“Indeed. He does with out the direct debit, and goes straight for the menaces ”
It must be because of my Muslim Bloodline. I mean the BBC will have no problem defending my actions if I play “I am a victim card”
Yes, HillHunt, Pounce is really the problem here. Not Hamas, Al-Aqsa or any other of those plucky hobbyists the BBC shills for.
Bijan, many thanks for your illuminating posts on this subject, may I quote some of them in my blog?
not certain what you are referring to but sure take the whole lot …
The evidence that the BBC is biased rather than just incompetent is that all their “mistakes” and “omissions” fit the same narrative of a wicked US and Israel and a put-upon Islam. The chance of all these mistakes “happening to fit” the favoured narrative of the Guardian is about the same as all the oxygen downstairs collecting in the corner of your living room.
Canuck said:
But Hamas doesn’t want anything to do with Israel and is prepared to fight for what they want.”
Now what was it that Hamas wants again?
Totally, but I’m just as concerned at them trying to paint Fatah as the party of peace. Given that we’re still in the latest intifada. If one defines moderate as those who advocate dialogue over violence then there aren’t any moderate Palestinian parties or even Palestinians for that matter.
The BBC, Its love of Islam and Jeremy (Abu) Bowen.
Ask Jeremy Bowen
In the light of recent events in Gaza and the West Bank, the BBC’s Middle East editor will answer a selection of your questions over the next few days.
As always Abu Bowen can’t hold back on the vitriol when he has anything to report on the region. So the starter above states “ In the light of recent events in Gaza”
Anybody else find it strange that with that in mind, just why does the BBC publish a photo of a couple of IDF tanks and the following caption;
“Israeli tanks moving inside the Gaza Strip, at the Erez Crossing”
I thought the theme of the post was about the bitter in-fighting that the world has just witnessed. A bun-fight the Jews had no hand in. So why the Photo.
But I digress. My question to Abu Bowen is;
How long have you been a Muslim?”
The BBC, Its love of Islam and Jeremy (Abu) Bowen.
Not quite. The Guardian pays people like Andrew Murray of the Communist Party to write articles. I can’t imagine the Beeb stooping so low. They are stupid, but not that stupid.
Thing is, I go to Tel Aviv quite often on business. You always see plenty of journos and cameramen at Ben Gurion airport. Why the fascination with Israel? Because they can take some nice photos of rock throwing and explosions without being shot-at. It’s not that dangerous for them (unlike Burma, for instance). Now the thing is that the Israeli press is a free press and quite critical of its own government. And the Palestians are always critical of the Israeli government. So the BBC reporter is fed a generally critical view of Israeli action while he sits in the bar of the King David hotel in Jerusalem, safe in the knowledge that it is now the most secure hotel in Israel. The average BBC reporter has simply not got the wit to challenge the views he is given, and certainly not the bottle to got out and ask people. You might get kidnapped. So they make it all up. You look at those BBC mid-East reports again. They could easily be made up out of old rumours, Reuters factoids and prejudice.
Meanwhile the viewers (including me) are so bored with the whole thing that if the Israelis pushed the Palestinians into the sea we wouldn’t bat an eyelid. The stories just go in one ear and out the other. The saturation coverage is counter-productive. It de-sensitises the audience totally. So if they were trying to use left-wing bias to influence the audience then it has back-fired. The Israelis can do as they please as far as I am concerned. After 30 years of being fed this sad story I really don’t care how the running sore comes to an end.
The BBC, its hatred of Israel and half a story
Food convoy finally enters Gaza
The first food aid delivery for eight days has arrived in Gaza from Israel, following last week’s fighting
Hundreds of Palestinians are trapped at the crossing, trying to flee Gaza after the radical Islamist movement Hamas took over the impoverished coastal strip.
Eighty percent of Gazans are reliant on food and medical aid.
On Monday, a Palestinian was killed and a number of others were wounded in an exchange of gunfire at the crossing-point. Palestinian medics said Israeli troops had opened fire but the army said the fire came from a Palestinian gunman.
Yup the impartial BBC informs the world how the nasty jews at playing the racist card again by refusing entry in Israel of people who just want to escape well…Gaza.
And here is how the Islamic Al Jezzera reports on the same story;
A Palestinian man has been shot dead and 10 others wounded at the Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing point between Gaza and Israel, Al Jazeera said quoting Palestinian medical sources.The incident happened on Monday after the Israeli army fired live bullets and tear-gas shells at people waiting on the Palestinian side of the terminal in northern Gaza.Al Jazeera quoted the Israeli army as saying that armed men from the Palestinian side opened fire at the people in an attempt to force them to return them to Gaza.
At the terminal, about 500 Palestinians, many of them Fatah loyalists, have camped in a concrete tunnel, hoping to be allowed through the closed gates.On several occasions, armed men, some from Hamas and others from warring clans, have run into the tunnel and fired at the waiting passengers, only to be driven off by Israeli fire and tear gas, witnesses said.
Hamas fighters have erected a roadblock near the terminal to stop Gazans from reaching the crossing and to look for Fatah officials trying to escape.
I wonder why the BBC doesn’t mention the attacks by Hamas militants on the people camped inside that tunnel.
But one question I have to ask is. With over 80% of people of Gaza reliant on Aid does anybody work for a living there?
Yes thats its, they have been spreading “the Good Word” about Hamas ….
notice that Daniel Levy reffers to them as “couple of UK Defense Academy senior research associates” …
and not as William Seighart would have us believe as “founder of National Poetry Day, the Forward Poetry Prize, The Big Arts Week and Bedtime Reading Week …. or as Oliver McTernan puts about as “a former Catholic parish priest”
“I took a couple of UK Defense Academy senior research associates – William Sieghart and Oliver McTernan – around Washington last week. They have formed a not-for-profit – Forward Thinking – that is engaged in dialogue with the Hamas leadership, as well as right wingers in Israel and the Muslim community in the UK. … Their message – that Gaza is full of hungry, angry and armed young men – fertile recruitment ground for Al-Qaeda, and that Hamas is a political, conservative, grievance-based organization with whom one can reason, and that may be the best bullwark against Al-Qaeda – was taken very seriously in DC.
It’s funny but when I think of William Seighart why does this Irish “poet” come to mind? Could it be because of the controversy in 2001/2
and when I think of “Father” McTernan why does this Father come to mind?
I have written a letter to the editors at the BBC about their disgusting bit of lying to children. I have also sent a link of this disgusting bit of brainwashing to a handful of US bloggers who will – if they actually get around to reading my message – might react strongly to it and make a bit of noise.
I do notice, however, that you are entirely cool with a government-owned, funded by force of law, news organization with a pretense of impartiality instructing children that it is merely a US claim that Bin Laden was involved in the murder of nearly 3000 civilians in New York City, including 30 people from my own Manhattan neighborhood.
Do you believe any of the theories that the mass murder on September 11 was an inside job?
If not, you seem to recommend complacency instead. This tells me you don’t think it’s such a big deal, or that maybe that the conspiracy theorists are on to something.
You are part of the problem, not part of the solution. The solution is for enough people – internationally – to make enough noise that those behind this vileness are held to account.
This bit of child abuse is not the same as a biased report, or making fun of a US President. This is indoctrination in lies, by a government organ. Not perceived propaganda from Fox News, not meddling in an election in a foreign country by the Guardian, and not a Leftist sop on some BBC sitcom. This is far more sinister.
But you’re cool with it, right? Not enough time to do anything worthwhile? Not bovvered?
It occurs to me that this may be a useful excercise. I’ll start with a few questions .. (lets keep it focused on the Middle East which is Jeremy’s area of responsibility) everyone feel free to add questions. When we get 10, i or anyone else can cut and paste and post to form below.
Questions For Jeremy
1. Jeremy where in Afganistan is myanishen district (pounce)
2. Jeremy you characterise Gaza as a “big open prison” how many people left and entered Gaza in the 3 months starting 25 Nov 2005 at teh Rafah Crossing Point? (BD)
3. Jeremy How long have you been a Muslim (pounce)
4. Why has the BBC not covered Hamas the attack on Christians in Gaza(?)
5. Jeremy are you responsible for Mid East coverage on CBeebies? (HiH)
I’ve always been skeptical about Jeremy Bowen’s emotive and non-mentioning of the major-yet subtle-issues-behind-the-violence type reporting (causes of 1967 war, results of 1967 war, pan-Arabism, religious antipathy etc etc)
Anyone know about Jeremy Bowen’s apparent expertise on the Middle East? Is he there because his languid reporting contrasted with blood-letting is somewhat calming?
Q. Whats’ your qualifications for reporting on the Middle East Jeremy? Mine is a hellish 4 months of Baathism and bloody Araafat.
It occurs to me that this may be a useful excercise. I’ll start with a few questions .. (lets keep it focused on the Middle East which is Jeremy’s area of responsibility) everyone feel free to add questions. When we get 10, i or anyone else can cut and paste and post to form below.
Questions For Jeremy
1. Jeremy where in Afganistan is myanishen district (pounce)
2. Jeremy you characterise Gaza as a “big open prison” how many people left and entered Gaza in the 3 months starting 25 Nov 2005 at teh Rafah Crossing Point? (BD)
3. Jeremy How long have you been a Muslim (pounce)
4. Why has the BBC not covered Hamas the attack on Christians in Gaza(?)
5. Jeremy are you responsible for Mid East coverage on CBeebies? (HiH)
6.Jeremy your analysis of the 6 Day War was uniformed and uninformative. Whats’ your qualifications for reporting on the Middle East? (Seplucre)
Here are a couple for Bowen:
Since Israel made the “unilateral” pullout from Gaza that seems to have led to all this mess, why are people in Gaza still fighting against “occupation”?
Why isn’t anyone saying that Gaza should have been returned to it’s original owner – Egypt?
much better than what you can find out from the BBC …
Gaza Arms Trade
Interesting that while the Israeli Crossing is sending medical supplies and essentials …
teh EU Monitored Egyptian Crossing is beiung used by Hamas and priavet traders to flood Gaza with weapons …
still thats what happens when you have “the biggest open air prison in the world”
It occurs to me that this may be a useful excercise. I’ll start with a few questions .. (lets keep it focused on the Middle East which is Jeremy’s area of responsibility) everyone feel free to add questions. When we get 10, i or anyone else can cut and paste and post to form below.
Questions For Jeremy
1. Jeremy where in Afganistan is myanishen district (pounce)
2. Jeremy you characterise Gaza as a “big open prison” how do you explain the fact that in the following the end of Israeli occupation of Gaza 3 months starting 25 Nov 2005 100,000 Palestinians crossed the Rafah Crossing Point? (BD)
3. Jeremy How long have you been a Muslim (pounce)
4. Jeremy why has the BBC not covered the attack on Christians in Gaza by the Hamas since their takeover(?)
5. Jeremy are you responsible for Mid East coverage on CBeebies? Why is it so biased in favor of the Muslim viewpoint? (HiH)
6.Jeremy your analysis of the 6 Day War was uniformed and uninformative. Whats are your qualifications for reporting on the Middle East? (Seplucre)
7.Jeremy Israel made its “unilateral” pullout from Gaza that seems to have led to all this mess, do Gazans claim to still be fighting against “occupation”? (D Preiser)
6. Jeremy, Has the abduction of Alan Johnston forced you and the BBC team to be even more impartial than you normally are?
Damn. Make that 8. then.
It occurs to me that this may be a useful excercise. I’ll start with a few questions .. (lets keep it focused on the Middle East which is Jeremy’s area of responsibility) everyone feel free to add questions. When we get 10, i or anyone else can cut and paste and post to form below.
Questions For Jeremy
1. Jeremy where in Afganistan is myanishen district (pounce)
2. Jeremy you characterise Gaza as a “big open prison” how do you explain the fact that according to the EU Border Team Factsheet following the end of Israeli occupation of Gaza in the 3 months starting 25 Nov 2005 100,000 Palestinians crossed the Rafah Crossing Point – And this inspite of the constant attacks on the crossing by Gaza militants? (BD)
3. Jeremy How long have you been a Muslim (pounce)
4. Jeremy why has the BBC not covered the attack on Christians in Gaza by the Hamas since their takeover(?)
5. Jeremy are you responsible for Mid East coverage on CBeebies? Why is it so biased in favor of the Muslim viewpoint? (HiH)
6.Jeremy your analysis of the 6 Day War was uniformed and uninformative. What are your qualifications for reporting on the Middle East? (Seplucre)
7.Jeremy Israel made its “unilateral” pullout from Gaza which seems to have led to all this mess in 2005, why then do Gazans claim to still be fighting against “occupation”? (D Preiser)
8. Jeremy, Has the “abduction” of Alan Johnston forced you and the BBC team to be even more “impartial” than you normally are? (max)
Maybe we could send suggestions for a background image to accompany the discussion?
9. Jeremy, how long have you been ‘dry’ now – since May 23rd 2000 perhaps or maybe a little later.
Slightly off topic but related to Al-BBC’s whitewashing of the so-called “Religion of Peace”…I wonder why the daily murder of Buddhists by islamists in southern Thailand has received scant coverage from the Korporation ?
Farmers beheaded, teachers shot and burned, policeman blown up……..all part of the Jihad against Buddhists in Thailand but all virtually ignored by the leftist-islamofascist axis at Al-Beeb.
It occurs to me that this may be a useful excercise. I’ll start with a few questions .. (lets keep it focused on the Middle East which is Jeremy’s area of responsibility) everyone feel free to add questions. When we get 10, i or anyone else can cut and paste and post to form below.
Questions For Jeremy
1. Jeremy where in Afganistan is myanishen district (pounce)
2. Jeremy you characterise Gaza as a “big open prison” how do you explain the fact that according to the EU Border Team Factsheet following the end of Israeli occupation of Gaza in the 3 months starting 25 Nov 2005 100,000 Palestinians crossed the Rafah Crossing Point – And this inspite of the constant attacks on the crossing by Gaza militants? (BD)
3. Jeremy How long have you been a Muslim (pounce)
4. Jeremy why has the BBC not covered the attack on Christians in Gaza by the Hamas since their takeover(?)
5. Jeremy are you responsible for Mid East coverage on CBeebies? Why is it so biased in favor of the Muslim viewpoint? (HiH)
6.Jeremy your analysis of the 6 Day War was uniformed and uninformative. What are your qualifications for reporting on the Middle East? (Seplucre)
7.Jeremy Israel made its “unilateral” pullout from Gaza which seems to have led to all this mess in 2005, why then do Gazans claim to still be fighting against “occupation”? (D Preiser)
8. Jeremy, Has the “abduction” of Alan Johnston forced you and the BBC team to be even more “impartial” than you normally are? (max)
9. Jeremy, how long have you been ‘dry’ now – was it since May 23rd 2000 or a little later (DennisM).
The BBC, failed states and an invented story.
Iraq rises up failed states index
Iraq ranks as the world’s second most unstable country, according to an annual index of failed states. The report – compiled by the US Foreign Policy magazine and the US-based Fund for Peace think-tank – ranks nations according to their vulnerability.
The survey says that two of the countries at the forefront of the US war on terror – Iraq and Afghanistan – are also among the world’s 10 most vulnerable countries.
Map: The world according to the Failed States Index
So the BBC publishes a report which reports on the most failed states going.
In fact if you read the above then click on the Map link (via the BBC web site) they will show you this Map and chart of the Top ten failed states.
Or so you think.
Note the little disclaimer at the bottom of that chart;
*Countries not numbered in order of index rank*
I wonder why they rewrote that chart?
It occurs to me that this may be a useful excercise . Lets start with a few questions .. (focused on the Middle East which is Jeremy’s area of responsibility) everyone feel free to add questions. When we get 10, i or anyone else can cut and paste and post to form below.
Questions For Jeremy
1. Jeremy where in Afganistan is myanishen district (pounce)
2. Jeremy you characterise Gaza as a “big open prison” how do you explain the fact that according to the EU Border Team Factsheet following the end of Israeli occupation of Gaza in the 3 months starting 25 Nov 2005 100,000 Palestinians crossed the Rafah Crossing Point – And this inspite of the constant attacks on the crossing by Gaza militants? (BD)
3. Jeremy How long have you been a Muslim (pounce)
4. Jeremy why has the BBC not covered the attack on Christians in Gaza by the Hamas since their takeover(?)
5. Jeremy are you responsible for Mid East coverage on CBeebies? Why is it so biased in favor of the Muslim viewpoint? (HiH)
6.Jeremy your analysis of the 6 Day War was uniformed and uninformative. What are your qualifications for reporting on the Middle East? (Seplucre)
7.Jeremy Israel made its “unilateral” pullout from Gaza which seems to have led to all this mess in 2005, why then do Gazans claim to still be fighting against “occupation”? (D Preiser)
8. Jeremy, Has the “abduction” of Alan Johnston forced you and the BBC team to be even more “impartial” than you normally are? (max)
9. Jeremy, how long have you been ‘dry’ now – was it since May 23rd 2000 or a little later (DennisM).
10. Jeremy in Friday’s R4 Feedback when discussing Middle East coverage you said since Israel considers herself western-style democracy with free press etc it is judged by higher standards i.e. you do not deny that in relation to Israel your standards are different or – self-admittedly • that you employ double standards. (Dong)
OK thats it … I’ll email Jeremy Bowen and invite him to post his replies here … but dont hold your breath …
After posting the list here is the messagfe I got … so like I said dont hold your breath … personally I would be interested in an answer to question 9 by Dennis M
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