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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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Last Sunday, Worriker on R5 asked for epitaphs for Blair. 10 minutes later he said they were flooding in and he started reading them out. They were nearly all negative. Worriker seemed rather uncomfy with this, and actually asked for ‘more positive ones’. I heard nothing more for the 30 mins or so I listened.
yes I heard the Bannister prog too. The comments all sounded planted by NuLab – and allowed thru by the Beeb.
A voice in the wilderness
Melanie Phillips: “Not for the first time, John Bolton has spoken the plain truth about the parlous danger to the free world and its ever more supine failure to confront it. He has told the Jerusalem Post that time is running out over Iran and yet the US administration remains in deep denial, so much so that it is actively helping the enemy:
Indeed. The realist lunatics have taken over the Washington asylum, siren voices are pushing for further appeasement of and ‘engagement’ with Iran and other Islamists, and President Bush appears to be paralysed. History will judge him not so much for the mistakes made in Iraq but for the much more fundamental failing—that he would not exercise the leadership required to back those in his administration who had courage and vision against those who preached defeatism and surrender. It’s always about character in the end — and in the end the consequences will now be so much more appalling
bbc news through a filter:
Fourteen held in raids by police
Armed Police Seize 14 Suspected Gangsters
The point was hh that if a black youth had been killed by white yobs it would have reported differently, probably as a racist murder and maybe as the main news item.
We don’t yet know the racial make-up of the two groups of boys involved. If one lot were white and the other black, and witnesses describe racial insults or threats, it’s reasonable to call it racist. Until we know this, it may not be reasonable.
However as we know some murders don’t fit the agenda, like the one going on in Blackpool at the moment involving child grooming and possible canablism.
I agree that that is a curious one. The early reporting of the trial appeared on the BBC and most of the national press. Yet if you put the victim’s name into Google News, you get only local coverage plus the Scottish Record. If the BBC is self-censoring so is everyone else.
It’s not clear from the local coverage why the trial has taken so long – even they are only reporting it patchily. From experience, I would guess that legal arguments have kept the jury out for a long while; such arguments cannot be reported.
The details which have appeared in local news do not move the story on very far, which might be why national editors have not followed up. I would expect the jury verdict to be covered everywhere, though…
bijan daneshmand | 27.06.07 – 8:12 pm |
Its impressive Meggo that even with all their skewing to fit their bias and inspite its endless propaganda the BBC still hasnt managed to shift peoples opinions around to their biased view points.
CBBC hasn’t been running long enough, obviously. Wait a few more years.
Blair named Middle East troubleshooter
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert also hailed Blair’s appointment, Israeli government spokeswoman Miri Eisin said.
“The prime minister regards Tony Blair as someone who is able to play a very important role (in the Middle East),” Eisin told AFP.
“He is delighted that Mr Blair continues to be involved in the affairs of the region. He believes that Mr Blair can have a favorable impact, in particular by helping the Palestinians develop solid governmental structures,” she said.
Hahahaha! helping develop solid governmental structures.
“If the BBC is self-censoring so is everyone else”.
I don’t care what everyone else is doing. I pay the bbc to report the facts not to censor the news.
BBC1 news at ten.
17 minutes of horse-shit about Blair-Brown-Cameron. And its still rolling.
Meanwhile on planet reality the M1 has been closed for 2 days and the rail system is paralysed.
Aaaaarrrgh !
Here’s a story about a ‘Briton’ being held in Pakistan:
A man describing himself as British has been held illegally and tortured in Pakistan since August, campaigners say.
The man, named as Rengzeib Ahmed, says he was interrogated by British and US security agents, according to the Defence of Human Rights group.
Defence of Human Rights has a chief co-ordinator called Khalid Khawaja who’s the main if not the only source for this story (him and ‘campaigners’).
In another BBC article ( ) Kalid Khawaja is described as ‘a human rights activist’, a campaigner and in general a swell guy.
Oh, there’s something the BBC forgot to tell its readers about this human rights idol and his close friends.,,787389,00.html
“Never worked for the BBC, as I keep saying…”
Oh its so difficult these days with these acronyms that you “right on folk” are so fond of:
BBC,CND,ALF,RAF,PLO,PLPF,IRA,INLA,KGB,NKVD…..sounds like “duckspeak” to me.The same old song,different singer.Lets hope ‘BBC’ goes the same way as these rest of those ‘eye catching’ names to the history books.
Rather like your token “effort” HH…..
Jack Hughes.
On the money me thinks and I’m flying into Bounemouth on Friday!!!
By that time I think you would have Sellafield going up in smoke.
BTW:We’ve have the same amount of rain over here-but we are able to cope.Just to venture an opinion but wouldn’t the amount of rubbish sitting in gutters and culverts (with the help of cheating street-cleaners and the two weekly collection) have anything to do with the amount of water on the streets of Sheffield…..
Oh its so difficult these days with these acronyms that you “right on folk” are so fond of:BBC,CND,ALF,RAF,PLO,PLPF,IRA,INLA,KGB,
NKVD…..sounds like “duckspeak” to me
Must be thicker than I thought. No idea what you mean…
“If the BBC is self-censoring so is everyone else”.
I don’t care what everyone else is doing. I pay the bbc to report the facts not to censor the news.
But the absence of any other national coverage suggests that it’s not censorship by the BBC…
From experience, I would guess that legal arguments have kept the jury out for a long while; such arguments cannot be reported.
… I would expect the jury verdict to be covered everywhere, though…
hillhunt | 27.06.07 – 8:51 pm |
Having denied he works or worked for the BBC or Hamas is illc*nt now saying he’s a lawyer… or heaven forbid, a journalist?
Cue lawyer jokes…
The latest from that story (not from the bbc)
Accused won’t give evidence at murder trial
“Saving Planet Earth
“Help!” Find out what Will Young, Edith Bowman and Fiona Bruce are doing to save the world’s endangered species.”
And what are they doing – going to Africa at our expense, not one of them have any experience in the subject = its just good for their egos.
Does anyone remember when experts in their field presented documentaries such as The Ascent of Man.
“I DO BELIEVE that my father thought that the Ascent of Man was the culmination of his life’s work. At the time, that was an unfashionable view to hold, to believe that TV might be a more important memorial than a book, however accessible, but the challenge to produce the rounded intellectual history of mankind was one to which he gave his whole life and it was the memorial he wished to be remembered by.”
Civilisation, A Personal View by Lord Clark
Now all we get are z-celebs who couldn’t string a coherent sentence together on an “intellectual” subject.
Documentaries have gone the same way as education – all trivia and no substance.
Seems like I am not the only one to notice this z-celd dumbing down of the BBC documentary.
“Paying lip service to the Reithian mission to inform, BBC chiefs are happy to commission serious programmes, so long as the script is reduced to words of two syllables and delivered by a cuddly star. Crack the atom on prime time by all means, but get Robbie Williams to show how it’s done.”
The dumbing down of Horizon has been particularly appalling.
Once it was a flagship pogramme at the cutting edge and one of the best on tv of whatever channel.
Now its degraded to programmes on bizarre theories, populist reality tv type subjects, speculations presented as facts and general dross.
Even beeboids have been heard declaiming its drop in standards.
I wont expect Gregory (BBC) to comment publicly as he is BBC science and its probably more than his jobs worth.
In fact the only defended will probably be hillhunt (ex BBC light programme), he’d defend absolutely anything, however disgraceful, as long as its BBC.
Charles buys a Scottish palace for £45 million:
These stately halls and chambers are among the most ornate and stunning in the land.
They contain one of the finest collections of furniture in the world.
Saved: Dumfries House and its treasures has been saved by the Prince of Wales
Scroll down for for Photos,
Disrespectful Ticket:
Traffic warden beaten half to death outside wake for soldier killed in Iraq.
Polish immigrants take £1bn out of the UK economy in the first three months:
Migrants with TB should be sent home, say Tories:
“Disrespectful Ticket:”
It’s got nothing to do with disrespect, and nothing to do with army – as the Telegraph slyly insinuates.
The guy who did it was a troublemaker who was part of the funeral party and had previously been arrested by RAF police at the repatriation.
He managed to upset both events and in the process put a man in critical condition.
Judging by SHUT YOUR MOUTH this morning, it seems that our American friends aren’t very happy with there British ‘allies’:
What fuels anti-Americanism?
The BBC for one.
Sammy Valenti, Houston, United States
Recommended by 422 people
You can also include the selective memory loss of those ‘clever’ British too Sammy.
Who says Mel Philips is a raving lunatic when she describes anti-Americanism as a corrosive influence polluting our thinking.
Keep talking it up BBC and chums-in the meantime the rest of the world can enjoy the benefits of US investment and tourism while your B ‘n’ B’s go half empty. I’ve also been hearing whispers on the mili-blogs that some pilots are less than happy in providing air support to hard pressed UK troops in Helmand just in case Al Beeb and chums call them ‘gung-ho clowns’ and ‘war criminals’.
I’ll be sure to spread the word about what Britain thinks of America…
“The dumbing down of Horizon has been particularly appalling.”
I entirely agree with you Baggie. Used to be one of my favourite programmes, but no more. Some of it is entertaining only because it is laughable. I get the feeling it has been vamped up to make it more appealing to foreign buyers. I think they go through old copies of science journals looking for stories that involve the possible death of millions of people, add some close ups of sinister looking documents, throw in some dramatic music et voila – science’s answer to “Neighbours”.
While I do not condone violence I regard the over zealous Traffic Warden as a symbol of what Britain has become “a thoroughly nasty place to live” with a Government that seems to enjoy inflicting difficulty and misery upon it`s people.
My local newspaper recently had an article reporting Traffic Wardens hanging around the local Doctors practice and giving out tickets to the unfortunate who parked outside the Surgery to see the Doctor (off street parking only for the Doctors) the nearest car park is some distance for any one who is ill Insolently the Doctors surgery has four receptionists and closes for lunch (great service?)
I travel extensively on the continent and I see far fewer of these Traffic Wardens perhaps they have a more live and let live culture?
More credibility for Hamas from the HBC – linked to their top headline about Gordon Brown’s new cabinet we have ‘Hamas criticises Blair envoy job’. So yet again prominence is given to their favourite terrorists – presenting the ‘peace process’ squarely from Hamas’s point of view.
“Having established that there are double standards in the reporting of racial crime (for want of a better phrase) you have to ask yourself the question – why do they have these double standards?”
They must do it because it benefits the BNP. The BNP runs around shouting “Look, you know and we know that crime was committed by a gang of black boys. There is a conspiracy to cover it up and the BBC are involved. Unless you vote BNP then you will all be murdered in your beds”.
Best to stick to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Lies of omission are grist to the mill for conspiracy theorists and extremists.
A guy had inserted his finger into an ant hill’s hole. what do you expect? – Ants bit him.
Alan Johnston’s tale is just like that. The difference is Alan is having a death-bite.
Ryan, you hit the nail so completely on the head. You highlight one of my greatest fears.
I detest the BNP as much as I detest Hamas, Al Qaeda, the Ku Klux Klan, the Socialist workers party, Respect etc. But it’s a common tactic of those (you know who you are) who defend the the BBC’s impartiality, by painting those who question its impartiality as raving right-wing lunatics. It makes for an easy straw-man argument.
The problem I have with bias is that, as you say, when people spot these incidents of bias, or omission, they then begin to mistrust everything else the BBC says. And, playing Devil’s advocate, why shouldn’t they? The BBC has lied to them.
Every incident adds to this feeling of mistrust, and there have been lots and lots of incidents.
As the BBC ceases to be trusted, people will turn to other untrustworthy, unsavoury or even lunatic sources of news. The extremists will be able to hold up examples and say, “look, they’re lying to you. It’s only us that tells you the REAL truth “.
Every time the BBC editors or presenters or journalists — in the cause of community relations, or not offending minorities, or cultural Marxism — leave out words like ‘black’, or ‘Moslem’ or ‘terrorist’, they give breathing space to the extremists.
Tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may. Only then do we have a chance.
THAT is TRUE impartiality.
More from Sayed Abu Bowen:
Look at the pic of Blair above the caption ‘Mr Blair is heading for a new role in the Middle East’.
Link, doh.
I detest the BNP as much as I detest Hamas, Al Qaeda, the Ku Klux Klan, the Socialist workers party, Respect etc
Stuck-Record | 28.06.07 – 11:19 am | #
So the BNP are as bad as Al Qaeda are they?
Get a life you fckin knob.
The BBC, its love for Hamas and Abu Bowen.
Mid-East diary: Blair’s new job
The Quartet of Russia, the United States, the United Nations and the European Union has found its new Middle East envoy: Tony Blair. Here are a few points for the former British prime minister to bear in mind as he begins his new role.
Yet again Abu Bowen posts such a biased report on the region that it beggars belief that this person can actually be the Middle East editor of the impartial BBC.
For a start his article is nothing but a character assassination of Tony Blair.
Impartial reporting? I don’t think so.
Abu starts off with bestowing upon the reader a list of 5 main points which Blair needs to address. Which if one looks at in detail will see is simple padding and all of those aims can be achieved by just one of them.
“Creating a sovereign Palestinian state, setting its borders and ending 40 years of Israeli military occupation”
But in padding out the article Abu gives the impression of Israeli intransigence.
(Note to Abu, the control of the main water aquifers under the West Bank was signed over to Israel at Oslo by the Pals as part of the peace accord)
But hey Abu at the BBC doesn’t stop there is playing the victim card for Hamas.
“And any envoy that comes to the Middle East to work on Palestinian “governance” will have to explain why the Quartet refused to deal with the government they elected, democratically, in January 2006.”
Lets see Abu maybe that would come under the remit, “We will continue to give you Aid money if you renounce violence” Simple really a fact you omit, but then why am I surprised at how a member of the BBC defending the rights of another org which can only exist by money it is given. (Just like the BBC) but demands to do as it pleases with that money.
But then in typical BBC pro Terrorist anti Israel and anybody who stands up for Israel mode Abu writes;
“Mr Blair does, of course, have a record on the Middle East. The Israelis think it is very positive. For them, he passed every test last summer, during their war with Lebanon. Some say Mr Blair’s closeness to the US will overshadow his neutrality
With the Americans, he made sure that Israel had diplomatic cover at the United Nations. Although it did not manage to achieve its declared war aims, Israel was given plenty of time in which to try.”
Why doesn’t the BBC simply write. “The Jews are evil, anybody who defends them are evil and the terrorists who launch attacks are freedom fighters fighting for a cause.”
At least then I wouldn’t have to digest the crap the BBC pads out its articles with. So much for John Major and the clear English policy he came up with.
The BBC, its love for Hamas and Abu Bowen.
How can Tony Blair ever do business with this bunch of terrorists who continue to murder Israelis and Palestinians ?
Hamas: “Blair cannot be man of peace in Mideast”
“Hamas denounced the Quartet’s decision to appoint former Prime Minister of Britain, Tony Blair, representative of the Quartet in the Middle East.
“Blair, who supported the American invasion to Iraq and Afghanistan, cannot be a man of peace. He will not work to protect the interests of the Palestinians, but will defend the Israeli occupation,” said Hamas spokesman. (AFP),7340,L-3418449,00.html
Jo | 28.06.07 – 12:02 pm |
So the BNP are as bad as Al Qaeda are they??
Get a life you fckin knob.
I don’t know why you think it’s okay to swear at me, but, hey, whatever floats your boat.
It may help, in the future, to actually read what people write, before you go frothing off at the mouth.
I didn’t say they were the same. I said “I detest Hamas, Al Qaeda, the Ku Klux Klan, the Socialist workers party, Respect etc.”
I said ‘I’ detest. I detest all fascist or totalitarian organisations. I would like to see the BNP, SWP, Hamas and many, many others, ground down into the dirt and destroyed. But I’d also like to see their arguments destroyed in open debate; their pernicious lies exposed.
I’ve spent many hours here debunking BBC bias, BECAUSE I’m all in favour of people making up their own minds — which if you had bothered to read what I wrote, you would have seen.
If you can’t follow the argument that I was making, you are just ammunition for Hill Hunt, and the other BBC apologists.
Moronic posts like yours, don’t help. They just foster the illusion that anyone who is against the BBC is a right wing nut case.
The Brutal Face of Islam
“Above all, western policymakers must earnestly ask themselves whether a religion that honors such brutality can successfully fit into modern societies where human rights, the rule of law and tolerance are held supreme.
It is becoming increasingly obvious that liberal civilization and traditional Islam are at odds in more ways than one.
The tradition of honor killings • which according to a BBC poll is supported by no less than ten percent of Britain’s Muslims • offers yet more striking evidence of Islam’s medieval mindset and raises further questions about its adaptability to the modern world”.
Further to pounce’s comments on Bowen’s piece.
The Israelis think it is very positive. For them, he passed every test last summer, during their war with Lebanon.
So for Bowen, Hezbollah is Lebanon.
The BBC just keeps falling over itself to give legitimacy to terrorist organisations.
will | 28.06.07 – 12:54 pm
I noticed that too.
It’s also worth noting that Bowen’s List Of Things To Do In Order To Achieve Peace does not include an end to terrorism, disarming of the various armed groups, or in fact any obligation on the “Palestinians” to do anything.
Bowen says:
If he wants to make a real mark in the Middle East, Mr Blair will need to get to grips with the big, politically radioactive issues.
If you make a list of just some of them, they look like enough diplomatic work for a lifetime:
* the future of Jerusalem;
* creating a sovereign Palestinian state, setting its borders and ending 40 years of Israeli military occupation;
* the control of the main water aquifers under the West Bank;
* a solution for Palestinian refugees;
* a solution for the settlements Israel has built on occupied land.
No matter what else goes right, there can be no peace between Israel and the Palestinians until those problems are solved in a way that both sides can accept.
Meanwhile back in the real world:
Terrorists deny Abbas’ disarm claims
‘No one asked us to turn in our weapons,’ say Martyrs Brigades leaders
Anyone noticing the lack of prominence on the BBC News website being given to Blair’s third questioning by the police. Might be considered a bit of an embarrassment for the incoming government, but the stories on Brown’s cabinet aren’t even mentioning it. Will be interesting to see what they do if it turns out he’s under caution.
“What fuels anti-Americanism?
The BBC for one.
Sammy Valenti, Houston, United States
Recommended by 422 people ”
The Wife and I took a recent trip to a European capital. On the train they provided BBC news with text headlines.
It was during the G8 summit and one headline stated simply: “The US rejects climate change policy at G8”. Or words to that effect.
I thought: “Yes, well, we don’t know what the policy was, who it was proposed by and what significance it may have, if any; this headline is likely to provoke rather than inform”.
Sadly my wife then said: “Damn the Americans, they just refuse to do anything about global warming”.
I suppose it fits with the BBC as only providing “half a story” which is often bandied around these parts.
Hmm! So al-beeb doesn’t employ Hamas members? What about Palestinian sympathisers like Alan Johnston? Any objective look at his ‘reports’ shows that he is an active campaigner for the imaginary land of Palestine. Perhaps when he is released, and I hope he will be in one piece, he will reflect on the treatment he had at the hands of his Arab friends.
Further to “Are you in Iraq ? Have you seen any troop movements ?”
Paul Adams just appeared on BBC1 News.
He tells us that the UK forces are to withdraw to the airport.
For security reasons this vunerable “retreat” (per PA)will only be announced after the event. But Adams kindly informs the terrorists that the exercise will take place over a weekend. So that gives the terrorists some time off mid-week to spend with their families.
Further to Bowen on Blair:
BBC Already Raises the Bar on Blair
Remarkably heavy response to HYS
What fuels anti-Americanism?
Since 25/6/07
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Stuck-Record | 28.06.07 – 12:36 pm | #
If you detest one group as much as another, then you hold them in the same light!
Or do you live in a world of right and wrong and nothing in between?
Idiots like you say you encourage people to make their own minds up but then say the only choice is A or Z (no B,C,D,E,F etc)
You ARE a knob.
Stuck-Record | 28.06.07 – 12:36 pm | #
So in your black and white world you detest these people equally?
If you do then you are a moron.
If you don’t then your post was the work of an imbecile.
Just as a matter of interest how many people out there in the real world know that there will be a postal strike by Royal Mail in the UK tomorrow?
Wouldn’t you think that the so called major provider of news in the UK would be informing its customers that the postman/woman won’t be knocking tomorrow?
Seen as how the Economist can send me an E-mail informing me that my hardcopy will be delayed due to the strike. I find it somewhat disgusting that while the BBC last gave reference to this strike on the 21st of June. Instead of informing the public about what will transpire tomorrow. They instead inform me about the new Cabinet. The Spice girls , how a jailed terrorist is appealing for the second time and how to sign a petition for a captured BBC reporter in Gaza. Apart from the first one which will effect me in the not to distant future, the others don’t, yet the postal tomorrow will.
But for some strange reason the BBC isn’t giving me any warnings other than the one 8 days ago.
Moron, knob, imbecile.
Simone Clarke is a low-level supporter of the BNP, who did not publicly declare her affiliation until outed by the Grauniad. Osama is a tad less retiring and a touch more influential.
Stuck-Record, no admirer of mine, makes a strong point when he says he detests all fascistic and totalitarian organisations. What’s not to like about that credo?
BNP paint themselves with the cloak of electoral respectability, but are driven by a divisive and racist agenda, which is heavily, if covertly, influenced by anti-semitism and Holocaust-denial. It’s not that long since its youth leader, Mark Collett, shot his mouth off to a Channel 4 reporter about his affection for Nazi Germany: “I’d never say this on camera, the Jews have been thrown out of every country including England. It’s not just persecution. There’s no smoke without fire.”
Their deeds are, it’s true, considerably less bloody than bin Laden’s, but their wellspring is something nasty, divisive and – ultimately – equally vicious.
pounce | 28.06.07 – 2:30 pm |
Postal strike – what postal strike? – they don’t want to disturb the chorus of approval for Gordo by mentioning industrial unrest. But they do report this:
Record profits at BBC Worldwide
More than 1.9 million Doctor Who DVDs have been sold worldwide
Strong overseas sales of shows such as Doctor Who and Planet Earth helped the BBC’s commercial arm, BBC Worldwide, to increase its profits by 24% last year.