It’s been a long-established BBC tradition that where a foreign national commits crimes in the UK, his nationality and immigration status should be downplayed or ignored entirely in their news reporting.
Hence we see the Algerian illegal immigrant transformed into a man from ‘Shepherds Bush‘, the Moroccan drug dealer (obsessed with beheadings and al-Quaeda videos) who becomes a man ‘from Lisson Grove, north-west London‘ (with no notable habits), the Somali ‘of Small Heath, Birmingham’, the Nigerian nationals and illegal immigrants who become ‘South Londoners’ (see next paragraph for the links).
There’s one notable exception to this rule – if the foreign national is American the BBC goes to town on the story. Even if he’s a naturalised British citizen he’ll always be American to BBC news.
Yet BBC coverage of the latest UK terrorist attacks is going out of its way to emphasise the ‘non-Britishness’ of the attackers.
None of the suspects involved in the Glasgow attack and the foiled London car bombings are British in origin.
“British in origin” ? It’s the “in origin” bit that gets me. Only a year or two back a politician using language like that would be getting the John Humphrys treatment on the Today programme. Are they channelling Norman Tebbit here, or Nick Griffin ?
‘Terrorist’ suspects ‘not Scots’ : Mr MacAskill said the suspects were not “born or bred” here but had lived in Scotland for a “period of time”.
The BBC has learned those arrested are believed to be of varying Middle Eastern nationalities.
According to his father Jamil, he obtained a medical degree in Jordan in 2004 and came to the UK in the same year to gain a specialisation in neurology. Dr Abdulla is said to have qualified in Baghdad in 2004 and first registered as a doctor in the UK in 2006.
I don’t think it’s a bad thing if the BBC are straight with the licence payers when it comes to reporting the nationality and immigration status of alleged or convicted criminals. It’s just such a departure from previous practice. Have some major decisions been taken in editorial conference, or are they following the SNP “they’re not Scots” lead instinctively, like pilot fish keeping up with a shark ?
UPDATE – “the men, who are not believed to be of Scottish origin“
“Iraqi Bilal Abdullah will be taken to Paddington Green police station … Dr Mohammed Asha, 26, who was brought up in Jordan“
More likely that even the Beeb’s liberals can sense the increasingly truculent mood of the British public & the likelihood they’ll start dealing with the Muslim community in their own way & are therefore desperately pushing the line that ‘Look, these are outsiders! Definitely not British Muslims! Nothing to worry about from British Muslims!’
In fact the BBC has gone one better than asserting that “none of the involved … are British in Origin”
Which in and of itself is untrue as even the Guardian has had to admit.
British terrorists conspired in bombs plot – security officials,,2117165,00.html
But now the lunatic commentators at teh BBC are trying to convince us that the attackers were not Muslim.
If you have News24 on digital go to tonight’s newspaper review (Multiscreen) where you will find James Rampton (Daily Express/Independent Newspapers) BBC newspaper reviewer coming up with what Blair would call “loopy-loo” statements:
“who could have believed that they were doctors? …. no one could ever believe that they would do harm having sworn the hypocratic oath”
“jackie smith has aquitted herself exceptionally well, …. confidence and resolution, … British qualities, blah, blah, …”
Brown’s strong commonsense leadership is marked by the “abscence of usage of the term ‘war on terror, [Jackie Smith being told to only make reference to communities].
Then the crowning glory of a statement:
“I mean we dont neccessarily know that it was muslims who commited these acts.”
Interesting insight into Brown’s “new thinking” on War in Iraq
Avoid the link posted above. The contents contain an American of African Descent who quotes Noam Chomsky and blames the “terrorist acts” of the US and the UK for the recent (thankfully bungled) attempted mass murders in London and Glasgow by Islamo-fascists.
Definitely not as described on the packet. The “Anonymous” what posted the link above agrees with the real terrorists.
Dave, at head of the page, has it in one. NEVER credit the sneaky, agenda-led BBC with good sense – let alone, honesty!
Not quite. A “Jordanian” is a Palestinian with a Passport. As we now discover this “brilliant” neurosurgeon – who has only just qualified as a doctor in Jordan – is from Hebron. Obviously the Jordanians had no spec on him because he met Queen Noor and that must have been security screened.
The BBC can only be watched with an Internet link to check out the “experts” to see which Trotskyite group they belong to – the BBC believes in “situational experts” – on the lines of we’re interviewing you on subject terrorism then you are a “terrorism expert” even if we know you are actually a CND activist.
And a copy of the Daily Mail or Sun so you get the facts which the BBC is too shy to reveal……
The BBC is simply video for discos and elevator music – it is mood-music not factual reporting.
It is an over-bloated bureaucracy with a guaranteed income stream unknown to any corporation its size. I bet there is no other £3 billion corporation with a guaranteed income stream backed by criminal law…..True Socialism in action
ToMTom | 03.07.07 – 8:08 am:
It is an over-bloated bureaucracy with a guaranteed income stream unknown to any corporation its size. I bet there is no other £3 billion corporation with a guaranteed income stream backed by criminal law…..True Socialism in action
Quite so. And it’s not as if the BBC adheres to the solemn legal bindings of its Royal Charter either.
Australia detains terror suspect
“Dr Asha was described by family and university colleagues in Jordan as a ‘brilliant’ physician who had not been involved with extremist organisations.”
Doesn’t quite accord with the facts, does it? Are we not served up the same line every time? Who is in the greater denial, the BBC or the muslim community? Or, as I suspect, are they in it together?
“Not quite. A “Jordanian” is a Palestinian with a Passport. As we now discover this “brilliant” neurosurgeon – who has only just qualified as a doctor in Jordan – is from Hebron.”
Sound similar to those ‘brilliant’ journalist working for Al Beeb in Gaza……
Sorry my post was for TomTom
I think Dave has it about right.
Along with the habitual response of liberals the world over (which is to side with whoever is opposed to the West, however wicked or insane they may be) the BBC/Grauniad reflex is heavily influenced by fear of what ‘the mob’ might do.
But how will the NHS survive without these brilliant foreign doctors?
After all , we all know that , were it not for foreign workers and immigrants , the NHS would ‘collapse’ overnight , according to the MSM.
Laban, your theory still holds true in some cases.
The BBC’s version of the murder of Kiyan Price. “Hasan, 17, of Colindale, north London,”
The Daily Telegraph’s version.
“The killer was named yesterday as Hannad Hasan, 17, a Somalian refugee who had been in the year above Kiyan at the London Academy in Edgware, north-west London.
According to sources, Hasan was obsessed with Somalian gang culture in the UK and was trying to impress members of the notorious Thug Fam, who killed Pc Sharon Beshenivsky.”
its “roll out the Muslims” time from the bbc
Dr Asha, who was brought up in Jordan and worked as a junior doctor at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford, was arrested on the M6 in Cheshire on Saturday night along with a 27-year-old woman thought to be his wife.
“Brought up”?
Not a word about where he was born, what passport or nationality he holds. Al- Beeb doesn’t want us to know that he’s a “Palestinian”.
Gordon Brown has banned the word Islamic and war on terror instead the proper terms are Communities and criminal activities
So why is the Muslim Council of Britain holding a press conference?
More on the new NEWSSPEAK.
‘Islamist’ is the word for these terrorists – Denis MacShane
more bbc loving muslims
excuse me wheres my view on whats going on
that dennis macshane article is quite revealing.. note this sentence
“Inside the Foreign Office, I was ordered to negotiate with a representative of the Muslim Council of Britain a partial retraction of my statement.”
Inside the Foreign Office, I was ordered to negotiate
Jack Straw has a franchise in Blackburn that is dependent upon votes in Pakistan…….in his new job he can no doubt find new methods of persecuting those who do not engage in Doublethink
as a ‘brilliant’ physician who
Students who commit suicide when Finals turn up are always brilliant in our tabloid press – now our 26 year old Jordanian is suddenly a brilliant neurosurgeon at an age when any self-respecting-soon-to-be-unemployed British medical graduate is a House Officer or SHO…….I wish they would simply write brill instead of brilliant so we can see what they really want to say……
Nice picture of his wife though with the ninja costume, and I bet that beard came in a treat for boosting MRSA infections…….one question……how did these particular hospitals cluster so many Al-Qaeda graduates ?
and…did the University Lecturers think that by boycotting Israeli Universities British University Teaching Hospitals would not be importing Palestinian and Iraqi and saudi terrorists ?
Re: buzzdroid | 03.07.07 – 10:55 am |
Some British Muslims fear they may be branded as terrorists – in spite of the fact that none of the people arrested by detectives investigating the failed car bombings at Glasgow airport appears to be British.
So, if none of them appears to be British, what is it that links all those people arrested. Mmmmm. That’s a tough one. Will think about it.
Although I would very much like to believe that the BBC is having second thoughts, I don’t think this is the case. Their departure from customary whitewash comes to emphasize that the terrorists are not SCOTS. I’ll believe the Beeb has changed only when they do the same for England.
BBC News At One Headline: It is the NHS that links the 8 suspects together …”
Perhaps Brown should re-label “the War on Terror” to a “War on the NHS” or a “War on Communities” …
the word “War” is too provocative. So perhaps the effort should be re-labelled “Reassuring Communities”
So that we have via teh BBC Mohhamed Sarwar busy telling us … “inspite of the vehicle found in the Mosque carpark in Glagow, we should no believe that anyone in the mosque is connected to the “recent occurences”
these having been committed by “Non-British Foreigners” associated with “elements within Communities”
things are so much clearer when one uses the new MCB terminology and refocuses on Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Afganistan, Kashmir and our evil foreign policy.
and having young muslims rapping this to us on News at One … much better!
I could not resist this letter to the BBC.�
Re:BBC News At One Headline: It is the NHS that links the 8 suspects together …”
When will the BBC devote a page to British doctors? They can use this as a template.
Doctor voices on the bomb attacks
Some British doctors fear they may be branded as terrorists – in spite of the fact that none of the people arrested by detectives investigating the failed car bombings at Glasgow airport appears to be British.
I feel as if we are all living in some sort of parallel universe to the Beeboids.
“Terror suspects all linked to NHS”
Doh! Should read “Terror suspects all linked to ISLAM”
The BBC and it’s bias towards Islam and Muslims
So I sent a comment to HYS as follows:
DEBATE:How safe do you feel in the UK? SENT:03-Jul-2007 13:06
COMMENT:I feel very safe actually. But every single time there is a terrorist incident you seem to have a specific section for the ‘Muslim Community’ to give their views. What about the rest of the population? And if you want the views of Muslims then what about the views of Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs and all the other religions in this country etc. Or is it just institutionalised bias at the BBC in favour of this particular section of the community?
COMMENT STATUS:Awaiting moderation
Still awaiting moderation Don’t think it will make it. Do you?
Also sent this one regarding their question about what fuels anti-americanism.
DEBATE:What fuels anti-Americanism? SENT:26-Jun-2007 10:41
COMMENT:The BBC to a great extent with its anti-Western, anti-Israeli and pro-Islamic bias in its reporting. It’s left wing bias in it’s instutionalised bias.
COMMENT STATUS:Awaiting moderation
Awaiting moderation again since 26th June. Don’t think it will make it somehow.
“Terror suspects all linked to NHS”
What are the police going to do about it? Did the NHS ‘radicalise’ these doctors? Who’s next, nurses, patients?
I note the absence of any attempt by the usual apologists to turn up on this one: even those numpties acknowledge that the BBC has reached the point of being beyond any defence.
see this article:
No doubt you will be as annoyed as I by paragraph eleven:
“People from all walks of life are being pushed toward violence by the horrible situations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel and Palestine,” he said.
Riiight…It’s all about that nasty USA and UK, nothing to do with Islam at all….
Correction: “people from all walks of life are being pushed toward violence by the DANCING SLAGS…”
“It sends rather a chill down the spine to think that people’s values can be so perverted,” said Pauline Neville-Jones, former head of the Joint Intelligence Committee, which advises the British government.
errr. trouble is they arent perverted. they’re just reading the Koran.
Yes I listened with amazement as the beebers announced that the common link in all these terrorists was the NHS.
On BBC Radio Four’s Today programme this morning (0755 approx), the reformed Islamist extremist Hassan Butt patiently spelled out to presenter Jim Naughtie that Islamist terrorists carry out their acts of mass murder as an expression of religious faith and fervour. They do it, he said, ‘for the pleasure of God’. Far from being acts of despair, these terrible atrocities are acts of religious exultation.
big dave stil in the lead
Added: Saturday, 30 June, 2007, 11:06 GMT 12:06 UK
Simple answer to this, stop letting these people into the country.
Big Dave, CreWe
Recommended by 766 people
If we can get to 10 then I will email the list to the BBC editors blog.
1. NHS Doctor
2. Communitarian
3. Activist
4. Peacenik (As in adherent of RoP)
“Of course, if the greenies really wanted to win the battle of ideas they would have chosen a better spokesman than Al the Goracle. One wonders what the Boy-King to whom outdated green issues are sacred will make of this poll.”
Indeed – is it worth getting in touch with callmedave again. I did email him about this issue a few months ago and the reply could have been written by Alex Kirby exBBC “environmental specialist”
Newsnight gets 3 anti-Islamist muslims in for debates three nights in a row. Start of a new trend or cramming in “the balance” in the news desert that is the first week in July?
Al-BBC publishes more vile islamic propaganda in this article on their web news page..
“Militant Islam’s broad appeal
By Magdi Abdelhadi
BBC Arab affairs analyst
……..It is true that the appeal of political Islam – from the militant to the more moderate versions – is quite strong among the poor, because it promises a just and equitable society free from corruption and oppression.
The 19 young men behind the 9/11 attacks on Washington and New York six years ago were middle class university graduates or students.
Some believe that their ‘Islamic utopia’ is not only an answer to the problems of their own societies, but for the entire world
It is an idea that has an enormous appeal for the masses in Middle Eastern states lacking in freedom, social justice and the promise of a fulfilling existence.
It is particularly attractive for young idealists who want to make the world a better place.
While far-left groups during the 1960s and 70s (such as Bader-Meinhof in Germany and the Red Brigades in Italy) justified violence on the grounds they were battling an evil capitalist order, young Islamist militants feel justified in their jihad against what they see as an immoral and oppressive world order.
The lawyers, the engineers, the doctors and the students who once led the struggle for national liberation against colonial powers are again the standard-bearers of a movement that claims to have a cure for all the ills of their societies.
However, some Islamists are more ambitious and believe that their “Islamic utopia” is not only an answer to the problems of their own societies, but for the entire world, including the “decadent West”.
Ironically, their global ambition has become all the more visible because of the very global forces they wish to vanquish, including of course America’s global “war on terror”.
According to this Al-BBC muslim drone, Islam with it’s Sharia Law, beheadings, wife-beatings, honour-killings, suicide bombing and intolerance for any other religion is just another version of the hippy utopia that Western radicals wanted in the 60s.
Note too, the sting in the tail of the last paragraph that hints it’s all the fault of America with it’s “war on terror”.
Interesting too how the mass murderers of 9/11 are just “young men” to this Al-BBC hack – they’re not terrorists or killers – and see how the slaughter of over 3,000 innocent people is swept away with the bland “attacks on New York & Washington” comment. This distorted piece of garbage also runs this…
“It is an idea that has an enormous appeal for the masses in Middle Eastern states lacking in freedom, social justice and the promise of a fulfilling existence.”
Without pointing out that the very religion that makes those hell-holes so vile is Islam itself !!!
But the phrase…
“It is particularly attractive for young idealists who want to make the world a better place.”
is the killer. Would Al-BBC describe the ambitions of the Nazis with such a non-judgemental comment. Who do these “young idealists” (or as anyone outside Al-BBc would call them ..”murdering scum” ) think they are making the world a better place for ? Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Pagans, Aethiests, Hindus ? Al-BBC doesn’t go there , of course. And what would that “better place” be like for women and non-muslims and muslim apostates? Why doesn’t the “Arab Affairs analyst” tell us. This is disgusting pro-Jihadi propaganda from our national broadcaster – can they get any lower ????
Al-BBC – Supporting genocidal killers and islamofascism with YOUR money
And now Johnston (friend of the “Palestinians”) is free they’ll probably go into overdrive. Nice.
Do you have the URL of the above tripe, Terry?
Militant Islam’s broad appeal
This is from the BBC website:
‘Gunmen from the Palestinian Islamist Hamas movement overran Gaza last month, expelling their rivals from the Fatah faction.’
Note the ‘expelling’. No mention of the murders by throwing people off buildings or arbitrary shootings in cold blood.
‘Expelling’ my arse.
And now we are in for a pro-Hamas festival after the Alan Johnston charade.
A few days ago I heard on the BBC radio that an “assailant” was WHITE.
Previously, I had to see the newspaper pics to find any clue to race – usually in accompanying pictures. And that would be when they were shall we say “not white”.
Sounds like BBC racism in reverse.
Alan Douglas
Eupehemisms? ‘Plumber’ is used; ‘youths’; ‘young men’….more to follow, I’m sure. Why not ask our absent supporters of the BBC – they’ll know from the inside!
More on the so-called ‘Religion of Peace’
“I have myself been inside Lal Masjid many times and have on every trip there seen dozens of young men and women armed with pistols, shotguns, rifles and Kalashnikovs.
“This is not a surprising or an unexpected situation for many religious institutions in Pakistan.”
For a somewhat clearer analysis of the ‘controversial mosque’, check out Bill Roggio.
Alan Douglas:
A few days ago I heard on the BBC radio that an “assailant” was WHITE.
Previously, I had to see the newspaper pics to find any clue to race – usually in accompanying pictures. And that would be when they were shall we say “not white”.
Sounds like BBC racism in reverse.
It’s common for the BBC, and most other media, to report someone’s colour if there’s a police appeal for help….eg:
The main attacker is described as a slim black man in his 20s, who was 5ft 7ins tall.
He was wearing a three-quarter length leather coat and had a distinctive hair cut, which was shaved at the back and had some plaits on top.
With him was a slim white woman in her early 30s, also about 5ft 7ins tall, although she was wearing heels.
The main offender is described as a black man, about 18, 5ft 10in, of slim build with short black hair. He wore a red T-shirt.
The other two men were also black and of a similar age. One of the men wore a red baseball cap, said police.
There’s dozens of stories like this. Think about it: If the police are appealling for witnesses, it would waste everyone’s time if they were tipped off about suspicious black men, if they knew their suspect was white.
And vice, of course, versa….
It’s common for the BBC, and most other media, to report someone’s colour if there’s a police appeal for help…
Yes, this happens. But not always. Once I read a story about a vicious assault and robbery of an elderly person. The story included an explicit appeal for help in finding the suspects, but no description of them — only their clothes and a vehicle. It was clear from the article that they were seen. So I emailed the reporter to ask why. And she replied that she had included a description in her story, but an editor removed it.
People have noticed that race/ethnicity has been pretty much systematically expunged from crime stories. If you ask about this, most often you won’t get a reply. If you do, the most common explanation is that it is a matter of policy: race/ethnicity is not included unless the rest of the description is sufficiently detailed to allow a suspect to be ID’d. Clearly this is a rather subjective criteria.
A questions arises: Why have such a policy? Why not just publish the info, in all cases, when it is known? IMO the answer is clear: because if they did, even a very casual reader would get the (correct) idea that non-whites commit a hugely disproportionate share of violent crime. Which conflicts with the usual pumping of “diversity”.
You have to be extremely naive to believe otherwise.
Someone wrote a whole book about it.
A questions arises: Why have such a policy? Why not just publish the info, in all cases, when it is known?
Beecause it may not be relevant, any more than someone’s religion, education, parental status, hair colour or any number of other identifying details.
Most journalists would fight shy of stigmatising any racial or religious group because of the behaviour of individuals.
Can’t think of a reason why someone’s skin colour would be left out if the police wanted help finding them. Ask yourself what sense there would be inundating the police with calls about a black man if the guy they want is Chinese…
So hill*unt, are you suggesting that all the times the Beeb fail to report the colour of an assailant – which is MOST times – the police aren’t looking for help or witnesses?
The police are ALWAYS looking for witnesses, ALL the time, so your argument doesn’t wash.
It’s perfectly simple to work out the skin colour of any assailant on a BBC report. If it isn’t mentioned then it’s black.
I personally don’t have any faith in the BBC to be capable of the totalitarian management they would like, hence why descriptions often slip through.
Even I would like to think that there are SOME people at the BBC – maybe even ONE that isn’t motivated by the endless promotion of multi-culturalism and burying anything that could damage the image of their beloved ethnic icons. But EVERYONE at the BBC knows that the one thing you don’t do is report any instance of black racial hatred against whites, and reveal their ethnic identities.
Not even hill*unt with his relentless BBC sicophancy would be able to cull a report from the archives that proves otherwise.