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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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Apologists for Muslim Violence:
” Whenever it comes to Muslims, commentators feel the need for obfuscation. It reaches absurd proportions in Britain, but America is certainly its sideshow.
Attacks on the West from the inside will not stop so long as liberal apologists continue to produce justifications for fundamentalist Muslims who confuse their right to enjoy the liberty of the West with a need to confiscate the rights of everyone else”.
Beeboids abhor torture (well, if it happens in Abu Graib [post-Saddam that is]) so I trust they will object to any torture inflicted upon Khattab al-Maqdisi even if there might be “side benefits”:
@ hillhunt
You’re a whiney liberal. What’s your very best argument for allowing Muslims to immigrate into the UK?
@ liberals generally:-
“Muslims are the vilest of animals.”
“Show mercy to one another, but be ruthless to Muslims”
“How perverse are Muslims!”
“Strike off the heads of Muslims, as well as their fingertips”
“Fight those Muslims who are near to you”
“Muslim mischief makers should be murdered or crucified”
I’m not inciting religious hatred here – no sirree. All but one of those quotes is actually from the Koran, with the word “Jew”, “Christian”, or “unbeliever” changed to “Muslim”.
Two fun quiz questions.
1/ Which one of those quotes did I make up?
2/ Why is it OK for Mohammed to say stuff like that, but when Nick Griffin does, he gets tried on criminal charges (twice)? They’re both prophets, after all (yes they are – he accurately predicted that any 9/11 type of episode in Britain would be perpetrated by somebody from Leeds or Bradford, which was bang on).
I’m a rightie because the Left is always wrong about the important stuff. Nuclear disarmament, monetarism, trade union reform, appeasing Hitler – you name it, the left got it wrong by 180 degrees. I sense they’re about to be utterly wrong again with both climate change and Islam. When can we look forward to this view being aired on al-BBC?
The amazing stupidity of the BBC –
all smokers are hideously white
Wonder when the BBC will add the number it to their Free Johnston microsite.
This is not a joke it’s the riduclous depths of the bizzare that the BBC has plunged us in with the Alan Johnston story. Lets stop with the stomach churning BBC weekly vigils, and worry about real hostages in Iran and other places.
Hamas subcontracted the kidnapping to the fictious Army of Islam (Jaish Al Islam) – just like they did with the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit and now they cant agree on a price to give him back.
Why can’t the FCO and BBC just come clean about this. Maybe because they are up to their neck in it with Hamas.
We already know that the BBC has an active Hamas terrorist on their books. Its not beyond the FCO to have more than a few of the same. Acolytes of the infamous Alistair Crooke no doubt.
Here is a picture of the handsome kidnappers – allegedly
The tall guy on the right is reportedly Momtaz Dagmush. I have no idea who is on the left or whose face was photoshopped out on the right side of the picture.
Here is a clue … its a person’s name … can you guess who was photoshopped?
A-l- J-hn-t-n
Its not too hard … send your answers in an SAE to Bush House c/o Army of Islam, Gaza City, PO box 109. Hamastan.
“Just because one group of religious fundamentalist fruitcakes are not currently trying to kill you, doesn’t mean that will always be the case.”
Evidence given for giving an equivalence of ‘islamists’ nad ‘born again christians’ – NIL
Beginners class logic grade of Towcestrian argument – F
Hung by your own ‘Towcestrian logic’:
-You Towcestrian are not currently trying to kill us.
-I declare you Towcestrian a ‘fruitcake’ just because I say so though I provide no evidence for past, present or future intentions and/or acts.
-I declare that at some point in the unspecified future you Towcestrian will try to kill us.
-Therefore you Towcestrian are an enemy to be attacked and quite rightly put alongside Al Qaeda and the Islamists.
Foxgoose | 02.07.07 – 11:53 am
Many congrats on your slideshow.
This detailed piece of work perfectly illustrates the issue that concerns all of us here and comprehensively refutes the impression our resident trolls try to create – that most people (apart from a few rightist head bangers like us) enjoy compulsory funding of liberal propaganda.
Thanks for that Foxgoose. I really appreciate it – though I hadn’t actually spent the many hundreds of hours acquiring and processing press articles on BBC bias just to receive plaudits. I did so in fact to enable me to make a compelling case that the BBC is indeed inherently biased – and, by so doing, defeat the argument often put forward by defenders of The Guardian’s “Cash for Questions” campaign of 1994-2000, who argued that the findings by my colleague Malcolm Keith-Hill and myself – that The Guardian had perverted the course of the official inquiry into the affair by lying and submitting forged documents – simply couldn’t be true, otherwise the famously impartial BBC would have aired them.
As Barbara Amiel once said with respect to the BBC’s reporting of Israel, I guess you could say that the BBC “gored my ox.”
Quiz answer.
“How perverse are Muslims!”
“Just because one group of religious fundamentalist fruitcakes are not currently trying to kill you, doesn’t mean that will always be the case.”
Stupid liberal ! Anything rather than admit that Islam is a totalitarian cult that is causing more violence and misery around the world then all the other “religions” and political systems put together.
Al-BBC usually love stories from Rueters – how come they haven’t run this one yet ?
“Australia a home for radical Islam: report
By Rob Taylor
CANBERRA (Reuters) – Australia has a bigger portion of Muslim youths at risk of turning to radical Islam than any other Western nation, with up to 3,000 in “ideological sleeper cells” in Sydney alone, a government-backed study said on Monday.
Between 2,000 and 3,000 youths, or about 1 percent of Sydney’s 200,000-strong Muslim population, had already been targeted by radical Islamic teachers, with some at risk of making the jump to militancy, the research said.
“The radical teaching base here is relatively stronger than you might expect it to be in the UK, the Middle East or the U.S.,” study author Mustapha Kara-Ali told Reuters.”
Oh, that’s right – it might portray muslims in a less than good light. Can’t have that can we, Al-BBC ?
Given that the BBC sucking up to Islamofacists isn’t reducing the threat of violence on our streets do you think they will stop it now? Or will they take the view the left normally takes “Oh, it isn’t working. We obviously aren’t trying hard enough. Must suck up some more….”
Our Gavin pleased to report someone saying what Gavin thinks
I’ve just returned from the United States where I have been researching
a documentary series for Radio Four called “The Clinton Years” to be
broadcast in August and September. Today’s Quote for the Day comes from
a former Clinton Cabinet member who started assessing George Bush’s
presidency. “But George Bush has changed,” I suggested to him. “For
example, now he seems to get Global Warming.” The former Clinton Cabinet
member started to laugh. “President Bush does NOT get Global Warming,”
he insisted. “In fact he doesn’t even get Evolution.”
from the Newnight e-mail
For Gavin not putting Kyoto for Congress non-ratification equals not getting global warming.
As to evolution, has Bush said anything?
Given that the BBC sucking up to Islamofacists isn’t reducing the threat of violence on our streets do you think they will stop it now? Or will they take the view the left normally takes “Oh, it isn’t working. We obviously aren’t trying hard enough. Must suck up some more….”
true but one could equally say “Given that the government/US declaring war on Islamofacists isn’t reducing the threat of violence on our streets do you think they will stop it now? Or will they take the view the interventionist right normally takes “Oh, it isn’t working. We obviously aren’t trying hard enough. Must spend a ton of money and attack some more….”
why don’t we save the cash spent on counter productive ill thought out neocon ideological rampages in places we’re not wanted and spend it on fighting the expensive legal battles required to crack down on the psychos at home
neocon ideological rampages
THFC | 02.07.07 – 6:10 pm |
why drag the activities of Iran into this?
The BBC, its silence for followers of the Koran and half a story
Boy guilty of footballer murder
A teenager has been convicted of murdering a schoolboy footballer by stabbing him in the heart. Kiyan Prince, 15, was killed by Hannad Hasan when he intervened in a mock fight outside the London Academy school in Edgware, north London, in May 2006.
And here is how the Guardian reports on that same story;
A teenager is facing a life term after being found guilty of murdering talented young footballer Kiyan Prince, 15.The 17-year-old was named as Somalian refugee Hannad Hasan, who had been a pupil in the year above Kiyan at the London Academy in Edgware, north-west London. Hasan, who had been excluded from school, stabbed Kiyan through the heart at the gates of the school.,,-6752221,00.html
I suppose that the BBC will soon be running an article on how all these poor refugees are stigmatised by what they behind in their own countries. Instead of reporting how the vast majority of knife crimes in the Uk are committed by these so called asylum seekers.
The BBC, its silence for followers of the Koran and half a story
Brown + snot:
You’re a whiney liberal. What’s your very best argument for allowing Muslims to immigrate into the UK?
As distinct from all the Catholics, Jews, Free Kirkers, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jehovah’s Doorknockers, Scientologists and Zoroastrians who can demonstrate legitimate right of entry?
BBC 1 TV News limply excuses blacking out the face of the arrested doctor, because “The police asked us to”
A picture of Mohammed Asha provided by his family during an interview with Reuters in Amman is seen July 2, 2007.
Someone didn’t tell Reuters, or they have a more open policy, so if you want to take a look at his mug go here –
Hillhunt it was who cast aspersions on “Sky at Night” presenter Patrick Moore recently.
Well at least Sir Patrick calls a star a star. Unlike auto-cue reader Natasha of BBC1 TV News who calls a 17 year old footballer recently murdered a football “star”.
What are we to make of it all? footballs in the sky? When BBC guidelines are so pedantic that they must refer to terrorists as militants they glibly use the loose glam language of the tabloids press in describing people as stars, or even supastars. My wife thinks I am a “star” but I don’t suppose the BBC agrees.
Channel 4 News have just shown his face tut tut
Filed under ‘other top stories’:
” iPhone creates stir on US launch”
Reckon someone owns shares in Apple?
Or is it purely ideological?
Jun. 29 – Several gadget makers could give the iPhone a run for its money.
Speakers: Jake Saunders, Vice President, ABI Research; Courtney Carlisle, spokesperson, Helio
Conway G. Gittens reports from New York.
The anti-iPhones
Alan briefly mentions this at the top of this thread, but is anyone watching the Channel 4 piece “The Last Days of Tony Blair”, being shown right now? The soon-to-be Special Envoy apparently says some things about Islamo-nutters that go against GroupThink.,,2115929,00.html
I don’t expect the BBC to do anything to promote a big feature on a non-BBC network, so I’m not surprised I don’t see a mention anywhere. Once the broadcast is over, though, I wonder if there will be any coverage of Blair’s comments regarding Islamists, or the inevitable outrage about them? Perhaps they’ll immediately run an article using this to show how he was a bad choice for contributing to peace in the Middle East.
Might be able to watch this one on line later.
What about this lovely header story?
Muslim voices on the bomb attacks.
“Some British Muslims fear they may be branded as terrorists – in spite of the fact that none of the people arrested by detectives investigating the failed car bombings at Glasgow airport appears to be British.”
The elephant yet again!
yes, precisely – “as distinct from etc etc”. I don’t care whether they can ‘demonstrate legitimate right of entry’ – they don’t attempt (& often succeed) in maiming, murdering and insulting UK citizens, unlike the muslims
I don’t care whether they can ‘demonstrate legitimate right of entry’ – they don’t attempt (& often succeed) in maiming, murdering and insulting UK citizens, unlike the muslims
What? All of them?
The Iraqi-trained doctor was named by police sources as Bilal
Abdulla, who worked at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in the Scottish
town of Paisley, and the Jordanian as Mohammed Asha. Asha’s wife
has also been arrested.
The BBC, who devote most of the coverage of the terrorist bombs
high lighting the Muslim Community fear of a backlash appear too
frightened to issue these facts. Well it is hardly the way to win
friends and influence people is
it? Especially if as an air traveller your Summer Holidays have
been messed up for the 2nd year running.
It also kicks into touch the naive BBC synopsis broadcast by Frank
Gardner that “Young British Muslims are being radicalised by..”
These good for nothings are not all that “young” may not be
“British” one qualified in Iraq and the other in Jordan.
hillhunt | 28.06.07 – 3:11 pm | #
You’re right about deeds, but the BNP, having previously had a nasty reputation as street-fighters and thugs
What, all of them?
Jo | 28.06.07 – 3:23 pm |
I don’t care whether they can ‘demonstrate legitimate right of entry’ – they don’t attempt (& often succeed) in maiming, murdering and insulting UK citizens, unlike the muslims
What? All of them?
hillhunt | 02.07.07 – 8:17 pm |
hillhunt.not one to practice what he preaches…..
To give Blair his due, he always recognised the dangers of Islamism, and the stupidity of anti-Americanism.
Hillhunt – you seek to have all religions treated with the same respect and/or contempt, but as with all ideologies, some are much worse than others, and Islam especially so – it really is far out on its own when it comes to getting its way. It very quickly resorts to violence.
Another one for the collection methinks….
The Beeb’s Bias
Britain’s public broadcaster is a major source of anti-American propaganda.
Sunday, July 1, 2007 12:01 a.m. EDT
I experienced a sense of vindication recently when I read that the BBC was about to publish a document admitting a pervasive liberal-left bias in its output. As this was the theme of my recent book, “Can We Trust the BBC?,” it seemed I would be able to indulge in a spectacular bout of I-told-you-so-ing. Alas, that brief, heady moment proved premature. For while the report is a careful piece of research, it pulls its punches when it comes to bias within its own News and Current Affairs department–where it matters most. Richard Tait, chairman of the BBC’s “Impartiality Steering Group,” point-blank denied that there is any bias in its news output. The Beeb has never been distinguished by a culture of robust self-criticism.
I know this from experience: Toward the end of my 25 years as a BBC reporter I began writing a series of internal memos, first to senior news executives and finally to the BBC’s Board of Governors, detailing an entrenched liberal-left bias that seriously undermined the BBC’s claim to be an impartial news provider. Referring to well-documented incidents, I posed several questions: Why did we keep hiring established left-wing pundits, but never any journalists with right-wing credentials? Why did we use “right wing” as a yah-boo term to mean “anything we don’t like”? Why did we never give U.S. actions the benefit of the doubt–in contrast to our strenuous efforts to be “fair” to Britain’s avowed enemies?
The reaction was a studied indifference from everyone up the command chain. In a way, the BBC’s attitude makes sense. The most important asset for any news organization is credibility. It is the mortal fear of “brand contamination” which in the past persuaded BBC executives to keep a lid on any discussion of the organization’s failure to live up to its obligations to fairness and impartiality.
The Beeb’s reaction to my own book was telling: Not a single BBC outlet has seen fit to interview me, even though the accusations it contains are serious, detailed and sober. As a publicly funded body, the BBC has a duty to engage with its critics, especially on the vitally important issue of impartiality and overall fairness. Until it does so, it will not be prudent to trust the BBC.
Read the full article here.
The Queen has been pleased to approve the following New Zealand Gallantry Awards:
Corporal Bill Henry APIATA (M181550) – Citation
“Lance Corporal (now Corporal) Apiata was, in 2004, part of a New Zealand Special Air Service (NZSAS) Troop on patrol in Afghanistan, which laid up in defensive formation for the night.
etc etc
Meanwhile top story on the BBC Asia-Pacific’s site is some bulk carrier finally being pulled off a beach where it grounded last week. Funny that. Nothing on the site at all about this award nor the others for NZ soldiers. Maybe it is because they also slotted lots of Taliban which rather screws the BBC line of failure in Afghanistan regardless of the real situation on the ground?
HH: what, all of them?
The Salman Rushdie fatwa
The Shoe bomber
July 7
July 21
The fertiliser plot
The gas canister plot
The cartoon would-be decapitators
The airline plot
The (failed) London carbombs
The fucked up Glasgow bomb
Muslims. All of them
Given that precisely the same rules regarding sub judice apply to the BBC as to anyone else, why is it that a full background to the suspects in this case can be found on the Daily Mail’s site, while the BBC’s report is a dog’s breakfast, with precious little information?
“Gen Bergner said Hezbollah’s Ali Moussa Dakdouk – who he said was captured in southern Iraq in March – was the liaison between Iran’s shadowy Quds Force and a breakaway Shia group.”
breakaway? Is this Shia group a hockey team?
Shouldn’t the General Medical Council be looking into the suitability of the doctors practising in this country?
I mean, Drs Bilal Abdulla and Mohammed Asha appear unable to get bombs to explode properly.
If they can’t follow simple build-a-bomb instructions from their al Qa’eda manual then how can we be confident that they could operate an MRI scanner, insert an IV drip, use an X-ray machine, etc, etc?
Newsnight – the ever-reliable voice of the liberal-Left:
‘Why do they hate us so much?’
BBC 1 News 10pm.. Oh it is expanded now, not just “Young British Muslims radicalised” but also “articulate Professionals as well”. Give over, what’s “articulate” about a foreign doctor?, my wife a former Nurse could never understand what they were saying half the time and had to translate what she could understand for the poor patients benefit.
The BBC profile may be expanding but whether you like it or not you can’t take Islam out of the equation.
Note to BBC Global Warm Mongering Department – 100 years ago –
1907 (July):
1. During the afternoon of the 22nd July, 1907, HEAVY THUNDERSTORMS occurred across a wide area of England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland. These caused extensive FLOODING in urban areas and severely DAMAGED standing crops in the countryside. In Watford (Hertfordshire), significant FLOODING occurred. This was caused by over 60 mm of RAIN falling in a couple of hours. In South Wales, at least 80 mm of RAIN was recorded from one location in Monmouthshire, together with a SEVERE HAILSTORM and associated LIGHTNING DAMAGE. The HAIL (possibly as large as ‘pigeons eggs’) completely blocked a river & stripped trees of bark and foliage and was still evident 10 days later (as ice). (Currie, TEC & others)
Muslims. All of them
Canary Wharf
The Grand Hotel, Brighton
Ross McWhirter
Airey Neave MP
Catholics. All of ’em.
Sorry indigenous, the results are in and 2,600 . . . er . . scientists, dependent on their governments for a job, have voted that it’s MMGW: end of discussion – at the BBC anyway.
Well I never, I just had to Troll-scroll past a silly-hilly post.
Glad to know that you still consider this blog to be dangerous enough to Al-Beeb to warrant your attention.
Scroll you later.
hillhunt.not one to practice what he preaches…..
Y-e-e-e-s. There is the teensiest difference between a religion and a political movement, don’t you think?
newsnight newspaper round up.
daily mirror has a picture of Dr Jihad on its front page tommorow – but the bbc shaded it out.
“Catholics. All of ’em.
hillhunt | 02.07.07 – 11:11 pm ”
errr. no. Irish , all of em.
no IRA bomb was ever done in the name of a Christian God. in fact, many of them were/are Marxists.
and anyway , we sent the SAS in to bump a fair number of them off. i dont see that happening with our Jihadist problem.
Hillhunt: Catholics. All of ’em.
The old false linkage thing again.
The IRA and its various sub groupings murdered people for the cause of Irish Republicanism not their religion.
Islamic terrorists murder for Islam however perverted their view of it is.
Irish/Catholics. Same point.
and anyway , we sent the SAS in to bump a fair number of them off. i dont see that happening with our Jihadist problem.
Really? What is the war on terror, last seen in Iraq and Afghanistan, if not sending our boys to bump a few of them off?
And just how effective was that, exactly, in bringing peace to Ireland?
Islamic terrorists murder for Islam however perverted their view of it is.
Islam as a political goal – the great caliphate – not as a religion, n’est-ce pas?
But don’t let that stop you smearing the name of umpteen million by the vices of a few….
buzzdroid writes:
It is. Exceedingly.
As I suggested earlier, The rules concerning sub judice seem to apply generally, so it is hard to see why the BBC feels the need to suppress images and, say, the Daily Mail does not.
It would be helpful to know why this is happening.
Incidentally, if this comment appears several times, it is because Haloscan is broken again.