Blogger Mick Hartley spots the contradiction in this BBC story.
(and it must just be one of those amazing coincidences that the Guardian is covering the same subject)
Blogger Mick Hartley spots the contradiction in this BBC story.
(and it must just be one of those amazing coincidences that the Guardian is covering the same subject)
It seems to me that the BBC crowd these days have not moved on much from their spiritual ancestors, the Fabians. All this gleeful talk of genetics reminds me strongly of the obsession with eugenics that afflicted the liked of Bernard Shaw, H G Wells and the Webbs. It seems to me that genetics as a science has a great deal to offer the world in terms of improvements in health and wellbeing. Using it as a social engineering tool is unhelpful to say the least.
I’m sure that the BBC feels that what it is doing is for the best, but one wonders how the staff at Broadcasting House would feel if an agency from a foreign country started genetically testing people in Islington and using the results to “raise issues” among the population in general.
Frankly it’s all rather distasteful and creepy.
I like Brazilian popular music but as a country it doesn’t sound like any kind of way-forward model (as the BBC & Grauniad articles seem to try to suggest) for anything other than strife.
Re the Guardian piece
Timothy Garton Ash has form in this area: somewhere in the Grauniad archive is an article he wrote after a visit to a Californian university whose substantially mixed race constituency’s physical variations moved him to flights worthy of an entymologist in a rain forest. “The Nazis would hate this!!” he exulted.
What about the Chinese and the Indians, the rest of Asia, including the Arab world and the East Europeans?
Or does he just mean the Western World?
Richard –
I believe noises were made a few years back to pressurise Japan into becoming ‘multi-cultural’ (ie allow mass immigration to transform the place) but the Oriental peoples have too much sense to go down that road.
Nobody complains about the lack of Chinese in Ghana, or of Inuit in Yemen – only that overwhelmingly White nations are an affront.
reimer @ 8.16pm
particularly ironic as Australia eneded its “White Australia” policy in 1973 partly because of pressure from Japan.
Tom –
Presumably the Japs were only too glad to help damage the competition in the long-term.
Slightly OT but the very interesting Guardian piece to which this item links has been closed to comment…
Is this normal for G threads that are more than a few days old? Is size an issue? Or subject matter?