The first train wreck is revealed by the ever vigilant (and ever wonderful) News Sniffer Revisionista as it catalogues eighteen versions, 0 to 17, of BBC Views Online’s original Queen walks out of photo session fabrication page.
Watch as the intial version is padded out with more so-called details, with a ‘Tantrums and tiaras‘ section being added, moving revision by revision to the inevitable train wreck at the end, with the mealy-mouthed Beeboids grovelling apologetically, spinning away to downplay the damage and pass the buck as they go!
Highlights include:
- Version 6– where the opening paragraphs:
The Queen is seen storming off after a run-in with photographer Annie Leibovitz during a BBC documentary.
Leibovitz tells the Queen she thinks her shot will look better without her crown but the Queen says: “I’m not changing anything” and walks off.
…suddenly become:
The BBC has apologised to the Queen after clips implied Her Majesty walked out of a photography session with Annie Leibovitz during a documentary.
“In this trailer there is a sequence that implies that the Queen left a sitting prematurely,” the BBC said.
“This was not the case and the actual sequence of events was mis-represented,” the statement added.
“The BBC would like to apologise to both the Queen and Annie Leibovitz for any upset this may have caused”.
- Version 7 – where the second paragraph is spun to accuse the Queen of having “an altercation with Leibovitz”– which is clearly not the case – another BBC fabrication.
- Version 8 – where the ‘altercation‘ spin is removed, and a dollop of new spin is added, including this gem:
The BBC said the clips for the trailer were “not intended to provide a full picture of what actually happened or of what will be shown in the final programme”.
Oh yeah, like we believe that!
- Version 17 – where another dollop of spin is applied as:
The BBC has apologised to the Queen for wrongly implying she walked out of a portrait session with photographer Annie Leibovitz during a documentary.
…is amended to become:
The BBC has apologised to the Queen for mistakenly showing footage that wrongly implied she walked out of a portrait session during a documentary.
…did you spot that addition? You’d think Peter Fincham would have known what pressing ‘Play’ would do in room full of journalists, wouldn’t you? There’s more:
The footage, revealed to the press on Wednesday, was not intended to be seen and was shown in error, the BBC said.
Ah yes, that chestnut – it was all a mistake – we edited the clips to switch them around and fabricated the Queen’s alleged storming out quite by accident – could happen to anyone, don’tcha know!
Courtesy of BBC Top Gear, here is our second train wreck – an apt metaphor for this week’s events, as we see the BBC’s remaining credibility stalled on a railway line, with the engine of public opinon approaching…
Oh dear Peter – ifthat clip’s accurate it looks like your car(eer) and the BBC’s reputation will need a bit more than a patch-up and a respray…
“You’d think Peter Fincham would have known what pressing ‘Play’ would do in room full of journalists, wouldn’t you?”
If he doesn’t then maybe he should have a word with CC Brunstrom at North Wales who naively thought he could trust the scumbag low lifes that call themselves journalists.
(i.e showing them m/cycle crash victims to emphasize the carnage on our roads…13 already this year)
Remember the Top Gear presenters crash while performing a pointless stunt? We never did get to find out how much the taxpayer had to pay for his initial stay in an NHS hospital, or how much the licence fee payer had to contribute to his subsequent private hospital treatment.