a number of longer posts that are in the pipeline, you might very well enjoy the delicious Beeboid satire on offer at the Secret Blog of a TV Controller (aged 33 and 3/4) – it does for Shepherd’s Bush what The Thick of It (post the awful Chris Langham) does for Westminster – very funny, hits the mark and has an air of insider authority about it. For example:
- No sense of humour
- Smells a bit
- Not in touch with Da Kids (unlike me)
- I can’t understand her when she speaks
- Wears too much green
- Does not like to polish off a bottle of Shiraz and do a couple of lines at Soho House on a friday night
- Way too posh to ‘connect’ with my viewers.
I’m not in the office today but watching with glee to see Fincham take it in the neck for his Queen cock-up. I was reliably informed via the GossipBerry that Fincham and Stephen Lambert were seen sitting outside Fifi’s office looking like two chastened schoolboys. Then later storming down the corridor (like Batman and Robin on the way to a crisis in Gotham) and very loudly verbally kicking three streaks of living piss out of the head of promos.
Lambert could be heard shouting things like “share price drop” and “not when I was at f***ing Modern Times we didn’t!” whilst Fincham just stood there scowling and clenching his fists.
Brilliant. Heads are going to f***ing roll on this one!
See, this is the danger with celebrity access docs these days. The subjects are so ‘twitchy’ about how we represent them. Rewind five years ago and you could f*** anyone over without a problem. Even the Queen.
Sounds just like the Beeboids we know and love. I wonder who’s going to commission it…
I think in the interests of accuracy it should be pointed out that this extremely funny blog is a satire of all things meejah, and not just the BBC.
I found this via the following story in the Guardian:,,2137348,00.html+%22Pramface+Mansion%22&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=2
It’s about “new BBC3 controller Danny Cohen”. “His detractors, most of whom have never met him, somehow believe he stands for the smug self-assurance and trendy Nathan Barleyisms of a generation of young producers and commissioners.”
The thing that brought me *there* was this:
“Building on the success of Baby Borrowers, the channel’s next big factual “event” will be Pramface Mansion, in which 10 single mothers and their offspring will live together for a month. “A big social experiment seeing whether living together can help them solve some of the problems in their lives,” he says.”
Pramface Mansion. The mind boggles. Still, the great thing about the licence fee is that it frees the BBC from commercial pressures, and allows the corporation to produce innovative, works of artistic and cultural significance, such as “The Great War” and “Our Friends in the North” etc in the past, and now Pramface Mansion.
Indeed Sarah-Jane – but is not the BBC itself a satire of all things meejah? 🙂
That said, it does seem to be quite keenly focused on the ways and means of the BBC, the DG, Fincham et al.
Jolly good stuff anyway. It really ought to be commissioned as a Thick of It for the BBC – but of course first we’d have to find a turkey that doesn’t mind voting for Christmas! 🙂
It’s clearly written by someone who knows what is going on, and with no taste for pathos. Good.
I suspect a combination of ‘informers’ from across the industry and a writer with a spurned pitch.
So many to choose from…