This August I’m sorry not to be in Edinburgh. Not because I’ll miss the Fringe. If I want left-wing propaganda masquerading as comedy I can always tune into Radio 4…
Sadly there’s much more than a grain of truth in Michael’s dig – far too often Radio 4 seems to be filled with the idiotic whining of unfunny class warriors like Mark Steel, Jeremy Hardie and so on – all spreading their prejudice while sucking on the telly-taxpayer teat. It almost makes Jonathan Woss’s £18 million for three years look like good value for our money…
Thank you to Biased BBC reader Arthur Dent for the tip.
Don’t leave out Marcus Brigstocke – nauseatingly predictable, unfunny and all over the BBC like a rash.
I think Jeremy Hardie (Hardy?) is quite funny, despite not liking his politics. Like many BBCers, life under his rule would be a totalitarian nightmare but he is still quite funny, in my opinion at least.
the idiotic whining of unfunny class warriors
Extend this too please to BBC2s “Mock the Week”. A very unfunny character named Russell Howard, for some reason sits regularly on the panel, and churns out pathetic leftish humour, and very many anti-Bush jokes.
His type of sixth-form humour fits in well with the Bush editing on Wiki.
The BBC overflows with a so called ” comedy mafia”- it’s probably quite unique in the world how this infantile leftism (and anti-Americanism) is churned out daily. More amazing still is how we are all expected to laugh at it.
Don’t leave out Marcus Brigstocke – nauseatingly predictable, unfunny and all over the BBC like a rash.
Umbongo | 15.08.07 – 10:28 am
I listened to a bit of him on the World Service a short time ago. He’s a typical brainwashed moral equivalencer – if I can coin such a phrase. He said something like “It would be nice to be able to oppose Israel’s assault on the Palestinians without being labelled anti-Israel.” The audience seemed to appreciate that, for obvious reasons. It was part of his attempt to draw parallels between Islam, Christianity and Judaism.
But the man is humourless, to put it in the politest possible way. And life-threatening conflict is a very serious subject. It takes real talent to squeeze humour out of it. He certainly doesn’t have it.
Jeremy Hardie may be funny, but he has stated on the radio that he wanted the death of all people who support the BNP. So presumably if he and his cronies got power we would see the immediate establishment of gulags and death camps.
It’s a mistake to think that just because someone is an anti-racist that they cannot be a nasty piece of work, capable of appalling actions, as the history of Communist countries should have taught us.
ermm.. jeremy hardy is about as funny as terminal cancer.
Sneering marxist scumbag that he is.
anon 10.49am.
when these people label themselves “anti-racist”, it generally means they are “pro-ethnic”, and equality is hardly their aim.
Jeremy Hardy may be an arch-leftie, but he is not above dipping his snout in the capitalist trough…
Variety Club Gastromonic Evening • 2005, After Dinner Speaker
Fire Brigade Union • 2005, After Dinner Caberet
Headline Money Awards • 2005, Host
Business in the Community Dinner- 2005, After Dinner Caberet
BIBA • 2005, After Dinner Caberet
Interactive Awards, Bafta • 2005, Host
Lighting Design Awards • 2005, Presenter
Motivation Awards • 2004, Host
Halifax Bank of Scotland • 2003, After Dinner Caberet
Knight Frank Partners Conference • 2003, After Dinner Caberet
Building Services Awards • 2003, Presenter
AIRMIC Annual Dinner • 2001, After Dinner Caberet
Cambridge Network 1st Annual Dinner • 2000, Speaker
KPMG • 2000, After Dinner Caberet
SOCITM Services • 2000, Speaker
London Effects & Animation Awards • 2000, Host Dinner • 2000, After Dinner Caberet
The Scottish Business Insider Deals & Dealsman Awards • 2000, After Dinner Caberet
Goldsman Sachs Dinner • 2000, After Dinner Caberet
Hays Montrose Summer Conference • 2000, Host and Compere
Perhaps he donated his KPMG, Goldsman Sachs and Knight Frank and Partners’ fees to some trendy, leftie cause?
Didn’t the BBC TV let Mark Steele do a series on “History” not long ago, when he has no academic or professional credentials to make this type of series, except that he is an old-school Trot. I only watched a small bit of it (that is all I could take!) he was ranting about the French Revolution, every lefty’s favourite bit of history, and saying how Simon Schama (much better qualified than Steele is incidentally) didn’t give it much of a mention. Of course Schama was doing a history of Britain! not sodding France, something that had passed that idiot Steele by completely. But of course, a nasty piece of Communist work like Steele just wanted to make a very weak left-wing point, never mind the facts.