According to employment law firm Peninsula, 233 million hours are lost every month as a result of employees “wasting time” on social networking.
The study – based on a survey of 3,500 UK companies – concluded that businesses need to take firm action on the use of social networks at work.
The Bivings Report: The BBC is invading Facebook:
As of this posting, the British Broadcasting Corporation facebook network has 14,726 members. For an imperfect comparison’s sake, I’ve checked the CNN network, and it only has a 311 members while the Turner Broadcasting (CNN’s group in the AOL TimeWarner empire) network has 1,843 members.
Back on June 6th, Richard Sambrook, the social media savvy and friendly Director of BBC Global News, wrote on his personal blog SacredFacts that “[t]here are over 10,000 members of the BBC group (for which you have to have a bbc email) alone. That’s about half the entire organsiation”. The BBC has invaded facebook!
All thanks to the unique way the BBC is funded. How heartwarming.
Just because a lot of BBC employees have facebook accounts doesn’t mean they’re on them at work.
It’s not enough to put the jigsaw-pieces next to each other, they have to vagyely fit.
Pejsek: “Just because a lot of BBC employees have facebook accounts doesn’t mean they’re on them at work.”
Did you read the Sambrook quote, the one that goes “for which you have to have a bbc email”? How many of them do you think signed up using their BBC email accounts from home? (and that’s leaving aside using it at work – which Sambrook doesn’t seem much worried about).
Well I guess it keeps the BBC staff away from editing Wikipedia or writing abusive commnets about George Bush.
Or posting snarky comments at B-BBC! Possibly that’s considered part of their job description, though.
i work for the BBC. I am on facebook most of the day as no one cares.