, BBC Views Online reported that Conservatives Mercer and Bercow to advise Brown.
Co-incidentally, of the seventeen paragraphs in an article about both politicians, BBC Views Online spent five paragraphs, in the middle of course, rehashing the ‘Mercer is a racist’ meme the BBC so gleefully promulgated back in March.
One line would have been enough of a reminder, if it was needed at all, given that the original I am not a racist, says sacked Tory article was linked to as a ‘See also’ anyway.
P.S. Patrick, you need to update the BBC’s photo of you – that ‘Chinny’ Hill look is awful. No wonder they picked it.
On 5 lite Peter Allen had a dig at Patrick Mercer about his sacking as well. Funny that they never ask Peter Mandelson about his “sackings” do they?
And notice on this link although the Beeb mention the loan Mandelson got from his buddy, no mention of being economical with the truth on his mortgage application is not mentioned. Why’s that then BBC?
“..The Guardian newspaper printed details from a book by Paul Routledge of a secret loan of £373,000 from his ministerial colleague Geoffrey Robinson.
The money was used to buy an expensive house in Notting Hill in London…”
They almost make it sound OK.
Here’s a more truthful account.
It’s really strange given that Mercer was one of the best COs in the Army in terms of pushing ethnic minorities in his unit forward for promotion. You’d think the BBC would love him for that yet somehow they use his willingness to see beyond colour and spot the potential of his men and future NCOs etc to slag him off.
That said I am disappointed in his decision to assist Gordon Brown who thanks to the way he cut the forces has been the indirect cause of many soldiers’ deaths due to the lack of armour etc. Not good.
Martin | 11.09.07 – 9:31 pm
Don’t forget that mandelson also completed his mortgage application form fraudulently, an offence for which plebs get sent to prison.