Please use this thread for BBC-related comments and analysis. Please keep comments on other threads to the topic at hand. N.B. this is not (and never has been) an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or use as a chat forum. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog. Please scroll down to find new topic-specific posts.
re: BBC Bias, Jacobs inability to show us positive stories on the BBC Iraq War page as a balance. Thousands untold, left out daily.
Stories our soldiers, Brits, Australian, Polish, Bulgarians, Romanians, etc., and most importantly Iraqis are engaged in to help rebuild a nation. A nation ravaged by a tyrant like Saddam for 35 years that instilled paranoia, fear, terror into all lives of Iraqi citizens and created sectarian hatred, of which, America is healing. Where he murdered innocents and moved in those loyal to him in regions to control the oil.
Multi-National Forces Iraq…
Updates against terrorist, plus Iraqi Army, Shia, Sunni, Kurds. Thousands of stories untold by the BBC, indeed in our own nation by most leftist media.
Reconstruction Reports:§ionid=5&id=32&Itemid=47&Itemid=47
Click August PDF, page three. See many projects military helps Iraqis that BBC fails to report.
Humanitarian Stories:
More Daily Stories:
Note on right; Freedom Facts:
“US Army Corps…” constructed 142 Primary Healthcare Centers at $132M. 73 Clinics completed, seeing 350 patients each – over 25,000 a day. The Iraqis had nothing under Saddam. Their children died of simple disease. The BBC does not report these facts.
Official Division/Brigade sites:
Cautious, accurate site of war, progress, failures, embeds of journalist on the ground:
History lesson from a brave woman… “1946… America losing Europe?”
MilBlogs, Soldiers on the ground…
Australian Col. Kilcullen, Small Wars Journal, Anatomy of Tribal Revolt:
Ramadi Runners(like any race):
Amir Taheri, free Iranian:
Sarkozy corrects Chiracs errors…
A new horizon in Iraq…
Iranian education…?
Free Iraqi views from ITM….
This is but a few editiorials, feet on ground, Iraqis, soldiers, official and unofficial sites that tell a much wider picture and story than the BBC of what is happening in Iraq today.
Why is the BBC not reporting the entire truth? Having been informed, what excuse for dereliction of duties? Damn the consequences to America, our military, our allies and most importantly, the freedom and future of Iraqis?
This never would occur on this level in the war against Hitler. That and bias against anything Bush, or it seems, possible racism of low expectations against an Arab country fighing for freedom against tyranny and facism.
If anyone’s looking for an antidote to this piece of tosh:
(Al-Beeb’s “report” on the Stop the Islamization of Europe protest in Brussels today.)
You can find it here:
Note that al-Beeb did not report the beatings/manhandling of peaceful protesters which are shown quite vividly in the video.
More pics you’ll never see on al-Beeb:
More at Gates of Vienna. Sorry I don’t know the British slang to describe what this man (a local Vlams Belang politician) is being subjected to, but the US description isn’t very delicate. We call it “cold-cocking”. (Apologies, mods.)
The E.U.’s assault against free speech on the streets of Brussels isn’t of concern to the Beeb’s hierarchy, but the Beeb’s spending is:
“The Beeb’s big guns go to war over budget cutbacks” (12 Sept.)
It’s Paxman v. Humphrys.
Those of you with a strong stomach may want to take a look at this show on BBC1 tonight (Weds) ..
Ramadan: She’s a Thoroughly Modern…
Wed 12 Sep, 11:15 pm – 11:45 pm 30mins
A surprising and light-hearted portrait of middle class life in modern Britain, seen through the eyes of four Muslim women. Haleh is a professor, Asia a cartoonist, Maryam a trainee solicitor and Fari a full time mum and qualified GP. Thoroughly British and thoroughly Muslim, these four women strive to meet the challenges posed by faith and British culture.
& I bet the they are worried about climate change as well 🙂
Sadly the poor Beeb is getting beyond parody these days.
Back on the subject of surveys, and how they get reported.
My missus and I just watched Breakfast News.
It seems that after an extensive period of research (48k in several years, I believe – which I merely note in passing comparison to the recent 24k global Iraq ‘Yankie Go Home’ survey) that if ‘you – as a woman on the pill – take it for less than 8 years it’s good for you… but more than that, well, you are ‘more likely to get cancer’.
And, er, that seemed to be that.
Now, we’ve been married 15 years and have twins. Barring the odd headache that seems to put her at almost twice the limit already, and she still is (to my loving eyes, at least) a spring chicken.
I’m sure, and very much hope, that there will be follow up context, explanation and discussion, but she’s gone off to work feeling a tad concerned.
Should she be?
Huge coverage of the Brussels march and police action here:
Ref. Brussels Stasi in action, please also see “Brussels Police smash up birthday party”
I note the Beeb version only shows Mr Vanhecke being “restrained” while upright by the police
BBC press release:
The Why Democracy? season is a huge multimedia event • exploring the state of democracy in the world today • with the BBC at its heart.
Beginning in October, the season will run globally on TV, radio and online, on over 40 broadcasters, in over 200 countries and territories • a potential audience of 300 million people.
Here’s a bit narration from the film about Bolivia:
“After Che was executed his body was tied to a helicopter and flown away like a modern Jesus Christ dying anew for humanity.”
The film dealing with America is about torture.
In the other direction to normal, but some more shoddy headlining.
“EU cuts 2007 Eurozone growth”
Refers to a cut in the EC predicted Eurozone growth (due to the subprime mortgages furore) rather than a shock exclusive that the EU itself is an impediment to growth. Phew.
“This never would occur on this level in the war against Hitler. That and bias against anything Bush, or it seems, possible racism of low expectations against an Arab country fighing for freedom against tyranny and facism.”
Unfortunately recent reports on Osama bin Laden suggest he has access to nuclear weapons and plans to use them. He also appears to believe that the US stands isolated in the War on Terror since the war in Iraq. Now I wonder how he got that idea? Been canvassing opinion on Islam in Glasgow? Or just listening to the BBC? I wonder just how isolated the US would be if bin Laden dropped a nuke on Washington? or Shepherds Bush perhaps?
A bit OT, but what are the chances of the BBC reporting the judgement laid down to the ‘shoe bomber’
No it hasn’t. Virology is expected at 3pm.
‘Haleh is a professor, Asia a cartoonist, Maryam a trainee solicitor and Fari a full time mum and qualified GP’
A cartoonist, a GP, and a solicitor, just the usual Muslim women on the streets.
Stop press: The Portuguese police want the Balen report as well as Kate McCann’s diary:
Just wanted to highlight another of Matt Frei’s incredible qualities. As well as a first rate journalist he apparently has the ability to foresee the future. Hence, during his commentary (BBC News last night) on the Patreus report, he was able to say “the next President…..presumably a Democrat….”.
What foresight that man has…or is it just wishful thinking. Either way, the comment was irrelevant to the context of his commentary and wholly unnecessary imho.
Ryan Stephenson: “I wonder just how isolated the US would be if bin Laden dropped a nuke on Washington?”
Going by the reaction to 9/11 I’d say the European elite would be full of sympathy – until the US made it clear it intended to retaliate. We are only popular when we are a victim.
“or Shepherds Bush perhaps?”
My guess is we’d be blamed for that too. I mean isn’t *everything* the US’s fault? 😀
Ryan Stephenson
The ‘Iraqis are not ready/capable of democracy’ sounds a very familiar note to those Americans old enough to remember Vietnam – just change the name of the country involved and you’ve got the exact same line as the Left followed 35 years ago. Just ignore all those ordinary Iraqis who risked their lives to vote in the first free election, only the extremists count. The Hard Left will settle for nothing less than abject defeat, humiliating flight, and a humanitarian disaster in Iraq – just like Vietnam.
Not to mention Mariella Frostrup being interviewed on BBC Breakfast TV 6.50am Monday morning about the plight of African famine victims (one would have thought they could have interviewed someone a little more qualified on the subject but there you go). Amidst her pleas for more aid/funding to the area she doesn’t miss the chance for a bit of New Labour PR with the corker “Of course we all know that Gordon Brown has already done an absolutely incredible job in this area…”.
Do we???? Of course we do, the wonderfully impartial Beeb is telling us so. Why the need to even mention him?????
The CBBC site said this on 9/11
The way America has got involved in conflicts in regions like the Middle East has made some people very angry, including a group called al-Qaeda – who are widely thought to have been behind the attacks.
In the past, al-Qaeda leaders have declared a holy war – called a jihad – against the US. As part of this jihad, al-Qaeda members believe attacking US targets is something they should do.
When the attacks happened in 2001, there were a number of US troops in a country called Saudi Arabia, and the leader of al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, said he wanted them to leave.
now giving an error 404.
Looks like El Beeb is doing an edit.
The BBC’s Nick Bryant, 3 September, ahead of the Apec meeting in Sydney:
Demonstrators have vowed to disrupt the summit, with large street protests planned throughout the week.
Sydney took the necessary law enforcement precautions and things passed off without major incident. Job well done? No, according to Nick Bryant it was “Overkill“:
In court this week, when they successfully persuaded a judge to re-route the largest protest march of the week, they argued 20,000 demonstrators would turn up. In the end, though, only about 5,000 showed up, taking part in an overwhelmingly peaceful protest.
Perhaps the police were able to “persuade” the judge with the help of a certain BBC report which stated that there would be “large street protests” by demonstrators vowing to “disrupt the summit”.
And why no reference to Howard’s YouTube appeal in the second article? After all, it could be argued that it was very successful.
Global Warming, the Great Lifesaver
Bjorn Lomborg says balmier weather could ward off millions of deaths.
When 2,000 people died from heat in the United Kingdom, it produced a public outcry that is still heard. However, the BBC recently ran a very quiet story telling us that deaths caused by cold weather in England and Wales for the past years have hovered around 25,000 each winter, casually adding that the winters of 1998•2000 saw about 47,000 cold deaths each year. The story then goes on to discuss how the government should make the cost of winter fuel economically bearable and how the majority of deaths are caused by strokes and heart attacks.
It is remarkable that a single heat-death episode of 35,000 from many countries can get everyone up in arms, whereas cold deaths of 25,000 to 50,000 a year in just a single country pass almost unnoticed. Of course, we want to help avoid another 2,000 dying from heat in the United Kingdom. But presumably we also want to avoid many more dying from cold.
Here’s a bit narration from the film about Bolivia:
“After Che was executed his body was tied to a helicopter and flown away like a modern Jesus Christ dying anew for humanity.”
Unlike Christ though, Che was personally responsible and admitted to the murder of women and children. Funny how the Beeb ALWAYS miss that bit out!
dave t | Homepage | 12.09.07 – 5:57 pm
I bet La Cabana won’t be mentioned anywhere in the ‘Why Democracy?’ season. Guantanamo on the other hand…
Re my earlier comment about Nick Bryant. “In the end, though, only about 5,000 showed up, taking part in an overwhelmingly peaceful protest.” Interesting choice of adverb. The BBC’s Sydney correspondent doth protest “overwhelmingly” too much, methinks.
Tuesday, 11 September 2007, 15:07 GMT 16:07 UK
Arrests at Brussels Islam protest
Police in the Belgian capital, Brussels, have arrested two far-right political leaders at a protest against the “Islamisation of Europe”.
I notice the BBC, an abnormal news organisation -doesn’t even mention that any MEPs were arrested or report Mario Borghezio’s arrest
“It doesn’t seem normal to me that on the 11th of September, in a European capital, a demonstration involving European parliamentarians, against fundamentalist Islamic terrorism, can be banned.”
What an excellent example of how incompetent the BBC is in reporting news! They are scared to report the truth!
johnj – your brussels article, yesterday it said it was “a protest against Islam”. Revisionista not picking it up tho.
Anyone found any reference by the BBC to the reported Israeli air strike on Syria Sept 6th? Various news agencies seem to be reporting it, Jerusalem Post amongst others.I expect the BBC is honing it’s prose ready to blast Israeli aggression.We better be prepared.
If the US had tested a very large bomb today, I feel sure that it would have been given very high prominence on al-Beeb’s online section.
The Russians have tested one, but there just doesn’t seem to be the same hue and cry.
Al-Beeb has reported it…
…but, the report seems to have fallen off the radar with no mention of it in the Europe section where all the other Russian/Putin stuff can be found.
Okay – so it’s passed it’s “sell by date” you might say. Trouble is, there are lots of older (than Wednesday, 12 September 2007, 12:29 GMT 13:29 UK) stories found there.
I wonder why the Russians seem to escape the same opprobrium that gets heaped upon the Americans?
Global Warming, the Great Lifesaver
Bjorn Lomborg says balmier weather could ward off millions of deaths.
Steve_Mac | 12.09.07 – 5:36 pm | #
I guess the inference is this is not one the BBC is likely to relay unless they really are exceptionally keen to share ‘all sides’. If they do, I for one would hope it is in context and presented with reasonable, if (personally) necessary balance. But certainly not a headline punt to stir up the wasps’ nests.
As with many issues, one quote and a link can lead to A view, but is perhaps not best considered in isolation. Which is why this site exists, or at least why I value it.
I don’t really want to get into a ’tis/tisnt’ exchange on global warming (unhelpful definition in my view), climate change (less subjective) or anthrowhatsit… oh heck, man-made CC (still heated, er, warmed). Or the best ways to react to what few can seem to agree on (especially politicians, at least enough to act rationally), but reading the piece two things stuck me:
1 – If it’s a trend, I’m guessing we may go through balmy and hit roasty toasty pretty quick. Not all of us can survive by sunbathing for a living. Or under water. Or…
2 – This all seems a bit centric on those parts of the world which do, admittedly, get cold. What about those that are already hot all the time? Maybe that’s covered elsewhere in the book.
But I do note: Bjorn Lomborg, the controversial Danish economist, believes that “global – that’s global – warming is real and man-made.”
General David Petraeus, in response to slanders, false accusations, responds kindly with thoughts of Rudyard Kipling and IF…
the rest follows….
and so, the BBC will not show today brave troops on foreign land patient for victory, merciful in medicine, giving in grace, loving thy enemy….
Medical care for infants and Moms…
Ingenuity, no complaints, solving problems for Iraqi healthcare…
Clothes, shoes, and smiles…
Surge working in Iraq and Washington, Democrats going hysterical…,CST-EDT-HUNT11.article
Over 75 al Qaeda in IRaq, terrorist, insurgents, criminals detained in two days…§ionid=1&id=4&Itemid=128
This is a trend going unreported in left media outlets as Iraqs turn in terrorist, volunteer for police and army, and neighborhood watch. Al Qaeda has little place left to hide as sanctuaries grow smaller and more tribal sheiks support IA and Coalition forces.
Arab League countries to forgive 70% of Iraqi debt…
Iraqs Economy grows 6% 2007…
“Evil American company” provides solar street lights to Iraqi city…
An Iraqi School leader…
“People didn’t trust the U.S. Soldiers at first, but now there is a bond,” Gahenyah said. “Now, we don’t want them to go.”
This kind of activity has been going on daily since America toppled Saddam and is reaping the benefits now of Iraqis turning against terrorist.
35 years taught to hate us and the west. It has taken 4 years to break down those lies. It will take still more, but America can do it, like it did in Japan, South Korea, Germany.
We just need good people to stand by us.
Did anyone catch French Foreign Affairs minister, Bernard Kouchner on Today this morning? Oh joy – it was just about the least BBC correct interview he could give. Humphrys kicked off with a typical bit of manipulative spin ‘quoting’ Kouchner saying Iraqi PM Maliki should resign (clearly aimed at being a divisive attack on Bush government). Kouchner bluntly said it was a distortion and he wanted to talk about the Iraqi people. Humphrys perservered with his Maliki agenda and eventually Kouchner rounded on him for ‘being obsessed with Maliki’ – he wanted to talk about the Iraqi people – how they could be helped and the recent UN resoution (not a resolution the BBC have given any noticeable coverage to). Humphrys then threw his toys out the pram and decided he wanted to change the subject with a question about Darfur. This was the prize moment – Kouchner slammed him saying he hadn’t come on to talk about Darfur and no he couldn’t ask a question about it. He wanted to talk about Iraq which was a very important issue. The anti war lobby managed to deflect discussion from helping Iraqi people. Not the most sophisticated approach, and I guess many pro Humphrys listeners will just sneer at Kouchner for being undiplomatic and crude. But sometimes crude is good – it sure cut through the usual Today prog manipulations and spin.
Today programme quiz:
Which of the following did Mantaquinn ask of her interviewee this morning?
a) How high is troop morale?
b) What is troop morale like?
c) How low is troop morale?
Answers on a postcard to Sinead Rocks, Newsround Editor, BBC
Today programme quiz (2):
Which of the following streets was Mantaquinn unable to read out:
a) Fleet Street (in London)
b) The Strand (in London)
c) Sauchiehall Street (outside London)
The BBC….intelligent speech…..
On the Today website, the schedule:
07:50 The Tory environment policy review group publishes it’s proposals today.
Love that crazy leftie rule-free grammar!
Pakistan troops battle militants
Last Updated: Thursday, 13 September 2007, 09:00 GMT 10:00 UK
That „M” word again, used eight times. That scouser Derek Hatton and Liverpool council have something to answer for-you don’t hear Neil Kinnock complaining anymore do you? Is there still a militant tendency in the Labour Party?
pro-Taleban militants
al-Qaeda militants
I wonder if the BBC journalists responsible for this atrocious style of writing actually sit in offices with Socialist Party posters on the walls?
I’m not sure if the story of the poster of Bush used as a dartboard is apocryphal, but one can almost imagine that a number of Beeboids have militant posters at home on their walls?
Just why can’t they say Terrorists?
BBC accused over ‘Nazi’ film
Oscar, thanks for that info….
Glad to see there are serious changes taking place under Sarkozy leadership.
A Brit, ex-patriot, maybe some of you’ve read about him. Hero, 9/11, drew up emergency plans, got thousands out, went back for more.
Americans are putting him up for Medal of Honor in a petition to the President in recogniztion of his acts on 9/11.
“Men of Cornwall stop your dreaming;
Can’t you see their spearpoints gleaming?
See their warriors’ pennants streaming
To this battlefield.
Men of Cornwall stand ye steady;
It cannot be ever said ye
for the battle were not ready;
Stand and never yield!”
Other news…
British forces redeployed from Basra, into Iran/Iraq border interdiction, action to prevent Iranian shipments of weapons smuggling, Shia extremist training re-entry and capture.
God Bless and protect them. Iranians have been encountered crossing the border in the past. Lets hope if they encounter this time, no surrender, no submission.
left off link reporting UK troop movements against Iranian proxy war….
Counterinsurgency success in Haswa by Bill Roggio, embedded with 2nd Brigade, 10th Mountain Div.
Bill is an excellent journalist, willing to shoot straight and criticized past military planning. He has been embedded in Iraq multiple times, putting his life on the line.
He does not use local Iraqi stringers, notorious for shoddy biased reporting. He does this himself and started his own public media site with help of donations from Americans who wanted unvarnished news on the ground.
Michael, I’m loathe to delete your recent comments since you’ve put some effort into them, but please try to respect our wish that comments here relate to the BBC (and that’s not just a case of slapping on a “The BBC haven’t reported this…” line at the beginning as others have tried before!). Thank you.
Guardian – Who’d win in a fight between Paxo and Humphrys? –
Why do I fear that, once the sniggers have died down, the only real loser will be the viewers? Again.
BBC accused over ‘Nazi’ film
Anonanon | 13.09.07 – 11:32 am | #
Talk about being disingenuous:
“A BBC spokesman said: “…that no footage was manipulated to exclude people and that German incidental music was used throughout the film.”
So, when images of the wedding were shown on BBC in which American music was originally played and the BBC instead have “dubbed over the German national anthem” that ISNT MANIPULATION!
I hope OFCOM tear the BBC apart- yet another nail in the coffin of the BBC. How much longer will the disreputable confidence-trickster journalist John Sweeney be employed by them? Did I hear somebody reply considerably longer than Kilroy Silk.
Not much chance to an end to the licence fee when the government are keen on keeping ownership of their second broadcasting organisation.
State ownership is essential for innovation it would seem.
Mr Purnell, the Culture Secretary, said that he believed Channel 4 should remain in the public sector.
He told the Broadcasting Press Guild: “I have never been in favour of privatising Channel 4. Ofcom’s public service broadcasting review will look at this. But as the market evolves with more and more channels, there is going to be more of a premium on impact and innovation.”
Swiss citizenship system ‘racist’….
….or so we are being told…
“It cites the case of a disabled man originally from Kosovo. Although fulfilling all the legal criteria, his application for citizenship was rejected by his community on the grounds that his disability made him a burden on taxpayers, and that he was Muslim.”
I’m wondering if there was a box on their ballot form saying “no, because he is Muslim”… or is this the BBC jumping to conclusions??? surely not!!
Anonymous | 12.09.07 – 11:52 pm |
I wonder why the Russians seem to escape the same opprobrium that gets heaped upon the Americans?
Could it be a throwback to the Soviet era and old habits dying hard perhaps?
Crikey, Thatch is in with Brownstuff.
Lady Thatcher in Downing St visit
Why is are the BBC linking to ‘Cool Earth’ on that page?
More BBC bias:
BBC accused over ‘Nazi’ film
“The BBC is facing new allegations over documentary editing following John Sweeney’s documentary Weekend ‘Nazis’.
Military re-enactor Nick Beardshaw claims the investigation into whether Second World War German army re-enactment groups are a “magnet for extremists” was misleadingly edited.
A segment in the October Films documentary covered Beardshaw and wife Michaela’s wedding. In it, Sweeney said: “My first impression is of a big fat Nazi wedding • later I was told I was wrong about that, apparently to the trained eye many of these uniforms are not Nazi.”
Beardshaw, who married wearing a German army doctor’s uniform, said American music was played during the wedding, but that the programme dubbed over the German national anthem.
He said that of 60 wedding guests only 20 were in German wartime army uniform • but that none of those in British or American military uniform were filmed.
Beardshaw said he was deeply upset by the way he was portrayed in the programme, and has complained to the BBC and Ofcom. He denies any link to neo-Nazis and any sympathy with Nazi ideaology.
A BBC spokesman said: “We make plain in the programme that the overwhelming majority of German re-enactors have no interest or sympathy with Nazi ideology.”
The spokesman said that no footage was manipulated to exclude people and that German incidental music was used throughout the film.”
Hi Guys, thanks for the comments about the Weekend Nazis film. I picked it up from Anonanon’s link earlier on and have already written most of a post about it – I haven’t published it yet because there’s a lot more to be done re. the BBC’s Newsround nonsense.
if i recall correctly Andrew , those BBC Newsround “guides” have been raised on here before – ages ago. i think maybe even a year or more.
but they were discussed on here ages ago. its jsut that Matt Drudge has noticed and the story spread like wildfire on the American blogs.
(and a good thing too…)
maybe you should feed Mr Drudge with links to the big stories you break on here – especially if they have an American angle.