is The Times report on last night’s latest developments in the BBC fakery scandal.
BBC Director General, (Bite-) Mark Thompson, writing on the BBC Editors Blog, Trust and values (worth a read just for the vitriol of the comments!), says:
The trawl did find four more cases of serious audience deception to go with the six we disclosed in July.
…which of course avoids the question of cases of deception that the BBC doesn’t regard as serious.
Note: Unfortunately I’m short of time today. There’s more I’d like to say on Thompson’s comments. Hopefully later.
Plenty of CBBC readers in the comments, I see. About one third of those complaining that the BBC don’t tell the truth are 9/11 conspiracy theorists.
One thing I’ve found over the years is that no matter what your position on a matter of public debate, there are bound to be people you’d rather weren’t on your side.
Sam Duncan | 21.09.07 – 6:04 pm |
Quite. No doubt these carefully moderated posts have been left in to undermine the real issue.