Please use this thread for BBC-related comments and analysis. Please keep comments on other threads to the topic at hand. N.B. this is not (and never has been) an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or use as a chat forum. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog. Please scroll down to find new topic-specific posts.
The BBC, religious persecution. And half a story.
Eritrean Christians tell of torture
An Eritrean refugee lies contorted on the ground. Balanced on his belly, his hands clutch his feet behind his back, bending his legs back almost double. Paulus is demonstrating a torture technique known colloquially as “the helicopter”. It is one he knows well. It was in this excruciating position, he claims, that soldiers left him tied up for 136 hours, in an attempt to force him to recant his faith. “They kept asking me to sign a document,” he recalls, “and agree to not participate in church activities or express my faith in any form. I was told I would be untied and released the minute I agreed to their requests.” Paulus is an evangelical Christian from Eritrea, one of an increasing number fleeing the tiny Red Sea state because of religious persecution.
So the above story. Can anybody please point out to silly little thick me just who are persecuting Christians in Eritrea?
Is it the US?
“Samuel, as well as Paulus, were repeatedly asked about their links with the US. Evangelical and Pentecostal churches are widely perceived by the Eritrean authorities as having originated in the States, even though many fund themselves.”
Or the Coptic church?
“In May this year, a new patriarch was installed with the support of some Eritrean bishops. But the new patriarch has not been accepted by the Coptic Church in Alexandria, Egypt.”
I mean I have a good idea just who is behind all this abuse. But from that BBC article I just can’t be sure…
The BBC, religious persecution. And half a story.
Mrs Harman? I think Jack Dromey might have something to say about that!
Al Beeb isn’t interested in Islamic
persecution of Christians; AT THIS VERY MOMENT, Al Beeb’s 4 is screening Part 3 of a eulogy to a 14th century Islamic traveller, Ibn Battouta.
The presenter, Tim Mackintosh-Smith ( who is in the Karen Armstrong/ Mary Poppins school of Islamic apologetics ) presents no criticisms of Islamic, jihad violent conquests over great swathes of Asia, Africa and Europe over 9 centuries. Mackintosh-Smith does not really even use Ibn Battouta’s own eye-witness accounts of Islamic jihad violence, such as this:
” One source that is still insufficently utilized, and which presents a very clear picture of the devastation perpetrated by the Turks in Asia Minor and of the evils endured by tne population at the time of the Turkish conquest, is the work of the Arab traveller, Ibn Battouta.”
From ‘Certain phases of the Conquest of the Balkan Peoples by the Turks’ contained in the book: ” The Legacy of Jihad ” Andrew G. Bostom (ed.).
[Thank you for the updated links for our sidebar. We will update them. The Moderator.]
Does anyone ever keep a log of just how many “Climate change” stories Goebels at the BBC pumps out every night on the 6pm news?
I’ve counted about 4 this week (two tonight one on lightbulbs and one one Bush and America)
It’s just unending. Do the leftie muppets in the media and BBC REALLY think getting rid of old style lighbulbs will save the planet?
Why does no one at the BBC ever mention the increased “Carbon Footprint” from the extra 3 million homes needed just to cover immigration alone over the next 10 years or so?
Re: Ritter | 27.09.07 – 5:03 pm
“Stir” Frei on ChimpyBu$hHitlerBurton:
I actually think that the link (currently) on the mainpage of ViewsOnline is worse: “Matt Frei on President Bush’s unexpected anger over Burma”
Unexpected? The only person who thinks that Bush’s anger over Burma would be unexpected is an out of touch, under qualified and poorly researched hack with an agenda.
Chimpy (and Mrs Chimpy also) has frequently drawn attention to the vile regime in Burma…
…Shame that the person funded by the telly tax-payer to bring us news about what is happening in the US is so biased, inadequate and third rate.
John Reith:
“You may have noticed that she also does loads of voice-overs for ads…..BBC presenters and freelances chiefly known for their association with BBC programmes are not allowed to do commercial voice-overs.”
Does that include Radio 1 presenters?
I’ve heard telly adverts over years voiced by Jo whiley, Annie Mac, Edith Bowman, Mark and Lard, Nemone Metaxas, Emma B and others while they were or are still at Radio 1. Adverts for music (no surprise really, save for the issue of associating directly with a particular artist) hair products, electrical goods, sweets and more besides.
Re: ChimpyBu$HitlerBurton and Burma
Does anyone here remember James Mawsdley? He was a human rights activist who spent over a year in jail in Burma for participating in pro-democracy protests.
Well, after his release a meeting between him and one of the people who campaigned for his freedom was screened. The campaigner was shocked to discover that Mawdsley was (takes a deep breath)…a TORY!
Oh the betrayal! How dare these right-wingers get themselves worked up about human rights violations!
This mindset is prevalent in the BBC as we see with their reporting of Bush’s unexpected anger.
“Sarah – do you have any links to stats/research on this? I feel a complaint to the BBC ‘facts’ dept coming on.
Ritter | 27.09.07 – 3:39 pm | ”…19/ china.usnews
Lookin4RealNews | 27.09.07 – 3:43 pm | #
Did you know that the UK may be under reporting its emissions under the Kyoto agreement?
Or that Canada’s emission record is worse than North America’s?
Or that the Kyoto agreement was not signed by the Clinton administration and not the Bush administration?
Think you can find any of that on the BBC?…- reporting.html
marc | Homepage | 28.09.07 – 8:02 am | #
I have posted a comment but it’s possible it gets held for moderation and may not appear.
The first two, key, links, to New Scientist and The Times, seem to be down. Anyone have the live ones?
The Today Programme:
Stourton tries to give Hazel Blears a hard time about the “promises” in Brown’s Conference speech:
ES: “I say old thing, what about all these bally promises that thingummyjig made the other day?”
HB: “Ha Ha Ha, what are you talking about? Let’s talk about the Tories blah blah blah”
Blears should have been eviscerated on this stuff, but let’s remember that she wsas representing the Blessed Gordon Brown.
Today again:
“08:45 As a new production of Glengarry Glen Ross opens in London we look at the history of negative portrayals of the business world on film and in the theatre.”
So who is present in the studio to discuss this? Why, three people, none of whom have anything to do with the business world. Indeed two of them live on a kind of poll tax that is paid to the BBC.
Just listen to this piece to see how awful the BBC can be in this area.
‘Delegate views: EU Referndum’
Considering that 120 Labour MP’s want a referendum (
and that the TUC want one.
I’m surprised that the BBC haven’t found anyone very pro-referendum in the delegates at the Labour conf.
I doubt the BBC would have disregarded any pro-referndum views just to keep the conference appearing united?
Of course the BBC fails to point out that the USA has some of the harshest sanctions in place against Burma, whilst the EU, China nd Russia have very little.
Perhaps something to do with the French by chance? (Total)
Notice the BBC don’t turn their fire on the EU?
Oh and where’s the EU’s common foregin policy the leftie BBC types bleat on about?
The Jeremy Vine Show Radio 2 27/9/07
I only listened to 2 articles on a show presented by someone other than Vine.
1. A debate on whether or not householders had the right to defend themselves. The Scumervent says householders can defend themselves but will be prosecuted if they ‘go too far’ – a le Tony Martin I suppose. The Tory position was questioned (its not far from the Labour one – just omits the prosecution of the householder) and almost fairly. I suspect Jeremy’s stand-in is not long for the post – he didn’t interupt the Tory nearly enough.
It was almost a fair discussion with a couple of people on who said that they had been prosecuted for ‘having a go’ despite the assurences by Jack Straw that they wouldn’t.
But the end taste was let the burglar/mugger have your goods and don’t fight back – you’ll be prosecuted if you do.
2. Al Gore’s inconvenient Truth
My faith in the BBC is restored! Some guy is challenging the Government in court over it’s use of this film in every school. They couldn’t get him for a debate with a Green Party spokesrabbit instead they got the wackiest person they could find.
This is BBC trick 47645. When you present an argumnt as balanced make sure you get a wacked out extremist to present the argument you want to rubbish. Seriously, I thought the guy was going to stroke he was getting so het up. And the poor love’s only argument was that the use of the word ‘Truth’ was prejudicial, not that the film is a crock of AGW from start to finish. Needless to say the spokesrabbit sounded sane next to him, quite an achievement.
Job done. Good old BBC 🙁
It’s nice to start the morning with a laugh, so I was pleased to deduce from the wording of one particular BBC headline today a mixture of incomprehension, irritation, petulance, and numb linguistic failure:
“Tories in local by-election win”
It hurts to much to say that Tories won a by-election in the midst of the beloved Brown-Bounce, so let’s just say there was a by-election win, and the Tories were in it.
Poor old Beeb. At least they give the last word to Political Correspondent Sean Curran, who says it’s “important to remember that people often voted differently at local elections compared with general elections.”
It’s important to remember that; there’s no need to panic folks! This result may mean nothing!
Full story here
Goodbye Jane: The The Editors blog would like your favourite moments in Jane Garvey’s 5live career.
Garvey’s memories of the day after Labour came to power sprang to mind.
Whatever happened to Iraq? Did peace break out there?
Since St Gordon came to power, the BBC have given him SUCH as easy ride it is unbelievable.
You could be fooled into believing that Gordon had nothiing to do with Iraq.
I can’t even remember the last time the BBC had any significant report from Iraq on it’s major news outlet.
But plenty on climate change.
BBC stealth edits Mariella Fostrup picture caption
Stealth Edit
A few days ago I asked why a “Friend of the Browns” was so often on Question Time etc but always introduced as “writer & broadcsater”.
I guess that now we know.
Thanks to Google Cache.
Thanks to Google Cache.
Lurker in a Burqua | 28.09.07 – 11:40 am | #
That’s awfully useful. Is there a quick two-liner on how to do it for an IT-dunce?
John Reith’s persistent argument : that Mariella Frostrop, and others, cannot possibly be left leaning because they own property, companies, and earn a lot of money, is simplistic and shows no understanding of what is happening in this country. If you are part of the elite in a socialist/marxist regime, you hypocritically don’t apply to yourself the ‘equality’ idealogy you are imposing on the population. Half the Cabinet are former official members of the Communist Party and most of the cabinet appear to own more property than the average person. I personally know wealthy people who own many properties, who declare, without a trace of irony or self-awareness that they are dedicated Marxists. Media and showbiz people are historically left leaning, regardless of their personal wealth, as they believe this somehow indicates to the masses that they have the moral high ground. The BBC is obviously stuffed with these types, and perhaps that is why, ‘John Reith’ you are oblivious, or pretend to be oblivous, to this hypocracy
File in the “Beeboid wanting it all ways Dept”:
“UK’s Afghan gains ‘may be lost’ ”
According to the BBC, what gains?
Anyond catch the ridiculous Roger Harrabin, the BBC’s curiously titled “Environment Consultant”on the ghastly Today Programme today?
Harrabin is perhaps the worst example of the eco-propagandist on the sinking BBC boat today and today’s “report” (ie polemic) was a gem. Bsically the inference from his rant was that it’s all America’s fault and if the saintly Europeans were in charge there would be no global warning problem. Roger (like all senior BBC scroungers) is always popping up all over the world to bash the Americans… his carbon footprint alone, I imagine, is roughly that of China’s… but of course, the saintly BBC is above all censure.
gharqad tree | 28.09.07 – 10:35 am |
guido noticed as well…
Last night the Tories took a seat off Labour in Sunderland, elsewhere in Dover there was a big double-digit percentage swing to Cameron, in marginals Labour lost votes. The Tories will also get a bounce from next week – despite the BBC trying desperately to develop a narrative of disillusionment and more defections – which should move the betting prices.
all google search results have a cached option (in blue next to similar pages)
Of course the BBC fails to point out that the USA has some of the harshest sanctions in place against Burma, whilst the EU, China nd Russia have very little.
Perhaps something to do with the French by chance? (Total)
Notice the BBC don’t turn their fire on the EU?
I believe Jeremy Paxman gave thorough going over of the French Foreign Minister on this very point on Newsnight this week.
Susan Franklin | 28.09.07 – 12:27 pm
John Reith’s persistent argument : that Mariella Frostrop, and others, cannot possibly be left leaning because they own property, companies, and earn a lot of money, is simplistic…
Well, it would be if it existed. But I have never advanced that argument.
Indeed, I have always assumed Mariella was a bit of a leftie. All I have said is that her political views, whatever they may be, are nothing to do with the BBC and say nothing about any imagined bias.
Half the Cabinet are former official members of the Communist Party….
Really? Name one…… (no, John Reid’s not in the Cabinet, have another go…..).
I personally know wealthy people who own many properties, who declare, without a trace of irony or self-awareness that they are dedicated Marxists.
We obviously move in quite different social circles. I have only ever encountered such people abroad • mostly in Italy or France. Perhaps you are mixing too much with Eurotrash.
The BBC is obviously stuffed with these types….
Nope. Can’t say I’ve come across one in 15 years. I expect this stereotype comes out of the same fertile flowerbed of your imagination that produced my non-existent ‘persistent argument’ about Sky TV’s Mariella noted above.
ON the BBC HYS today we had two seperate HYS on congestion charges, one for Cariff and one for Belfast, earlier this week we had two other HYS on should motorists stop driving their vehicles.
IS the BBC on some kind of anti-motorist rant this week?, or is it again a sign of the BBC allowing it’s climate change agenda to be subtly inserted into even the HYS area of it’s website?.
Abandon Ship:
UK’s Afghan gains may be lost…
Might be lost by the Afghan security forces.
So we aint nearly ready to quit then?
Despite recent BBC promises that it would show fewer repeats, The ‘Daily Telegraph’ reports today:
” BBC channels to show even more repeats.”
I am a little perplexed by the BBC’s report on last night’s by-election results.
“In several seats there was an apparent “swing” from Labour to the Tories – notably in Sunderland’s Washington East seat – which the Conservatives won from Labour – which saw a 3.7% swing.”
“But there were also several swings to Labour – the biggest of which was a 11.6% swing from the Conservatives in Dover District Council’s Aylsham ward.”
The Conservatives’ swing is a “swing” and it is only “apparent”; Labour has enjoyed swings, with no qualifiers and no scary quotation marks.
You kinda get the impression that the writer cannot quite believe the Tories have won a by-election. I mean, how can anyone not vote for Noo-and-Improved Labour now that new-boy Gordon Brown is prime minister?
Is Nick Assinder looking for a job in Brown’s propaganda machine, by the way?
He has, as they say, some ‘previous’ in the arslikhan department, having penned some quite ridiculously fawning pieces on Tony Blair. Maybe he should look to change jobs while the ‘Brown bounce’ lasts?
Yes Sproggett
And note the warning that voting in general elections can be different to local elections. But no warning that pollsters can get it wrong.
As John Reith and David Gregory seem to be the mouthpieces for the BBC on here, could you both explain why you seem to pick your arguments so very carefully? As a regular reader of the site, with no particular axe to grind politically (more an aversion to having to shell out for a licence fee!), I can’t help but notice how you completely avoid many of the issues of bias that are raised, while addressing others, at best, in a very petty fashion i.e. pulling contributors up for minute errors in detail without addressing the main issue that is raised, or even worse, commenting on grammatical and spelling errors! I’m sure more seasoned contributors than I can provide you with many examples of fights that you’ve ducked. I await your responses with interest and hopefully no spelling corrections from teacher!!!
More Kyoto lies from the BBC
“President George W Bush, who shortly after taking office in 2001 said he would not submit the Kyoto Protocol to Congress for ratification, has opposed mandatory cuts. ”
Last Updated: Thursday, 27 September 2007, 21:32 GMT 22:32 UK
THAT is a lie – I read it this morning at 0720hrs and it said something totally different – “US President George W Bush, who rejected the Kyoto Protocol in 2001, has opposed mandatory cuts,” and nothing about submitting to Congress which is also a fib. The Senate would not pass it under CLINTON and it lapsed before Bush even took over as Prez! More stealth editing from the BBC…..
John Reith | 28.09.07 – 2:13 pm |
Nope. Can’t say I’ve come across one in 15 years
How about Kirsty Walk or Muriel Grey – both ardent lefties, both company owners and both a damn sight richer than me, or you no doubt.
Conversely how many overtly Tory presenters/personalities are there at the BBC? I ask because usually when one is outed, by appearing at the Tory Conferance, or making a political comment, their shows are cancelled and they are subjected to endless abuse by the house comedians. And just in case you can’t think of any try Noel Edmonds (once flavour of the month until he appeared on the podium) or Paul Daniels – ditto. And as to poor old Kenny Everet he had to catch AIDS to stop the abuse.
Oh and didn’t Sir Jim’ll Fix It once spout off in favour of Maggie. Maybe that’s why he gets so much abuse. It can’t be because he’s a weird eccentric can it? After all there are plenty of them still at the BBC.
The only time a Tory gets a front page story is when he/she does (Pelling and wife’s alleged argument) or says something to cause problems for the Tory vote (Tebbit or Portillo). Otherwise never would be the answer to that one…
Then again:
Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 600 employees and has the following statistics?
29 have been accused of spouse abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad cheques
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
3 have done time for assault
71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
4 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
84 have been arrested for drink driving in the last year
Which organisation is this?
It’s the 635 members of the House of Commons, the same group that cranks out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line. “ (Oi! Who said the BBC!???)
And they sure as heck ain’t all Tories!
The “swing” for the Conservatives might be because they are quoting Caroline Spelman.
No similar input from a Labour representative so no quote marks around the self same word.
John Reith
I had a (really) good laugh at your response. My very British doctor, social worker, engineer friends would be taken aback at being called ‘eurotrash’ – if they knew what it meant.
I’m thinking either you don’t live in Britain, or you don’t get out much, if you’ve never met these well-off, earnest, marxist types. Have you worked at the BBC this past ten years?
As for the Cabinet, try Alan Johnson who joined the union of communications aligned with the communist party of Great Britain; Jack Straw who was Chairman of the socialist society when it merged with the communist society of Britain. I won’t comment on David Milliband, son of the noted Marxist academic, and his brother who condemned the encroachment of market forces into socialism.
Lurker in a Burqua | 28.09.07 – 11:40 am.
To be fair to the BBC they do describe her as a family friend fairly early on in the text of both versions.
I would dispute the very opening line though “Tony Blair may have flirted outrageously…”. With whom exactly, save for television cameras?
“Tony Blair may have flirted outrageously…”. and been walloped by Cherie on his return….
Ritter is right that it is odd to describe President Bush’s concerns about Burma as “odd.”
Much less odd is Matt Frei’s attribution of Burma’s economic basket case status to “four decades of cruel misrule by uniforms weighed down with medals.”
Although the BBC’s country profile of Burma mentions the Burmese Road to Socialism, in any actual news report or comment piece on the BBC you will always find the problems of the Burmese economy ascribed to “military rule” and never to socialism, state control, nationalisation and state price fixing (which are the actual causes of Burma’s economic problems.)
Indeed the BBC’s extreme reluctance to mention the connection between Burmese poverty, and state control of the Burmese economy, leads some innocents (as shown above in this thread) to imagine that Burma is a right wing authoriarian regime rather than a left wing authoritarian regime. (Like all other left wing authoritarian regimes, the people at the top steal from the kitty in spades, but that is normal.)
The bbc fettish for racism
Worth reporting
Area hit by racist graffiti again
Not a mention
Gang walk free after racist rampage
As John Reith and David Gregory seem to be the mouthpieces for the BBC on here, could you both explain why you seem to pick your arguments so very carefully? As a regular reader of the site, with no particular axe to grind politically (more an aversion to having to shell out for a licence fee!), I can’t help but notice how you completely avoid many of the issues of bias that are raised, while addressing others, at best, in a very petty fashion i.e. pulling contributors up for minute errors in detail without addressing the main issue that is raised, or even worse, commenting on grammatical and spelling errors! I’m sure more seasoned contributors than I can provide you with many examples of fights that you’ve ducked. I await your responses with interest and hopefully no spelling corrections from teacher!!!
Hello, and welcome to B-BBC! I’ve explained in the past but it’s worth saying again, I’m Science & Environment Correspondent for the BBC in the Midlands. So I began posting on here to engage in a discussion about the BBC’s coverage of global warming. Beyond that I try and contribute where I have personal knowledge of how decisions are made or the experience to explain what went on. And beyond that when I see someone post something that I know is mistaken then I chip in there too (so for example when posters were critising the BBC for accusing the US of being the world’s biggest polluter and not China, I pointed out the BBC had in fact just broadcast a report saying just that on the Six)
Obviously as a member of staff I don’t think it’s really fair to critisise other BBC staff members or BBC policy. That’s partly to do with the fact the BBC is my employer, and slightly a fuction of me being aware of where I’m posting.
I’m not paid to post. I try to do it in downtime or from home. I also try to be as polite as possible, which means rhetoric, name calling or flaming are not allowed, which I sometimes feel takes the edge off what I write, so I try to keep it brief (usually).
Anything about the Middle East I tend to ignore, because I simply don’t know enough and can’t offer anything useful.
For an interesting insight into what one BBC employee thought about B-BBC (and which I agree with on many points) check out
Hope that helps. Apologies for the length.
PS And of course I don’t read this blog 24/7 so may miss a point being raised. And I would NEVER pull someone up on their spelling as mine is rubbish too. It’s intersting you say that, though. I think that’s an example of a mindset about what BBC staff are like. That’s one reason to post here, because often we’re not.
The BBC, its hatred of Israel and half a story.
Israeli village brings hope for ‘lost’ youth
When Adam arrived at Yemin Orde Youth Village as a frightened and bewildered 17-year-old, in June 2006, it was the end of one long journey and the start of another. His odyssey began four years earlier when Janjaweed militiamen attacked his village in Darfur, Sudan, sending him fleeing for his life. Alone and separated from his family, Adam trekked from one village to another, eluding rebels, sleeping rough and spending time in jail, before escaping to Egypt. One night, in Sinai, he says, he saw the twinkling lights of Israel and simply walked across the border. He was arrested, jailed again, then sent to live on a kibbutz.
(What the BBC doesn’t tell you, is that Sudanese people in Egypt flock to Israel as the Jews treat them better than the fellow Islamic Egyptians. Nothing from the Beeb about how Sudanese refugees are persecuted or even Killed in Eygpt.. Yet the BBC take the time to inform us all that this poor refugee was arrested when he entered Israel. Which if the BBC took the time to mention is due to the fact that Sudan is still formally at war with Israel and that people from that country are forbidden to enter the country due to that war stance.)
Named after Orde Charles Wingate, the controversial British army officer who trained Jewish underground forces in the 1930s,
(Controversial how BBC, he asked permission from Gen Wavell (the commander of British forces in the Middle-East at the time) in which to use the jews themselves in which to combat Islamic terrorism led by Mufti Hajj Amin Al Husseini and he agreed. But hey I was taught (from an ex member) that he was instrumental in forming the Chindits who took the art of jungle warfare back to the Japanese. But the BBC instead refers to him as controversial maybe they should visit this memorial in London and read the following
Maybe the BBC could run a story about getting Trevor Philips to rewrite the above.
The BBC, its hatred of Israel and half a story.
The BBC were pushing their climate-change agenda again on the Six O’Clock News in an item on Blue Tongue Disease, and how it might now be endemic in the UK due to “Global Warming”. Their correspondent in a studio interview then said a cold winter might kill off the midges causing the disease, “But the Met Office are forecasting a mild winter” – the same Met Office that forecast a very hot summer this year like that in 2003. Time to get the woolies out then methinks. Do they ever learn?
Nice to see the Climate Change champions from the BBC reporting on the destruction of the Borneo Rain Forests directly in the name of those wonderful bio fuels the tree huggers love to claim are saving the planet. A report we’ll never ever see on BBC Breakfast Time.
Ah yes, yet another BBC 6 O’Clock Global Warming story.
They just don’t give up do they?
BBC fed youngsters AlQaeda propaganda claims ex-spy chief
Crikey! Dame Pauline Neville Jones doesn’t hold back on the Newsround debacle:
“Is the BBC really saying that if you’re ‘unhappy’ it’s quite normal behaviour to murder people? Is the BBC so naive as to take al Qaeda’s propaganda at face value? Or is there something more sinister at work here?”
“Al Qaeda make the manifestly false claim that America is part of an enormous Jewish-Christian conspiracy to dominate the world and kill Muslims […] How can we expect to win [the battle for hearts and minds] when our national broadcaster is parroting their line to our own children?”
One for you Andrew!
I’ve written up a lengthy article based on Dame Pauline’s quotes in the Mail – thank you for the link Anonymous.
I’ve also added an MP3 recording of Jane Garvey and Peter Allen to my recent post about Garvey leaving Five Live – please check it out.
And so to bed!