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David Gregory(BBC) said:
“I’ve explained in the past but it’s worth saying again, I’m Science & Environment Correspondent for the BBC in the Midlands. So I began posting on here to engage in a discussion about the BBC’s coverage of global warming.”
Can you explain then why we have so many references to Dr James Hansen across ViewsOnline (“the noted climate scientist”, “the renowned US space agency climate scientist”) but NOT his recent Y2K embarrassment, or his attempts to conceal the code used to make his climate predictions?
Surely there is room for reporting this issue for a non-biased, impartial news organisation that has a climate change portal?
Or is it that your colleague Paxman is right when he says that the “BBC’s coverage of the issue abandoned the pretence of impartiality long ago”?
David Gregory: “I’m Science & Environment Correspondent for the BBC in the Midlands”.
In other words, you have no more to do with the London newsroom, or the comedy commissioning editors, and so on, than Reith does.
Anonymous | 29.09.07 – 6:33 am
I’d hope the BBC also get round to mentioning Dr. Hansen’s connections to George Soros.
“In other words, you have no more to do with the London newsroom, or the comedy commissioning editors, and so on, than Reith does.
I don’t think I’ve ever said I had anything to do with Comedy Commissioning. But no, you are right. As a journalist I would have limited contact with that area.
As for the “London newsroom”. I have worked there. I have friends and colleagues there (even in Newsround!). And I still deal with them since I send my stuff to them pretty often. So I think I have something to contribute.
But sadly not about Comedy Commissioning. Do you have a script? I could find an email address for you to make a submission.
Anonymous (If you could pick a name it does make keeping track of discussions easier) I think that recent stuff about Hanson was really interesting. I know it was covered on 5Live and the Today programme.
Anonymous (If you could pick a name it does make keeping track of discussions easier) I think that recent stuff about Hanson was really interesting. I know it was covered on 5Live and the Today programme.
But on the Web? I can’t find any mention of Hansen’s recent difficulties anywhere on the BBC’s own climate change portal. That in itself is a disgrace. You just know that if it was a MMGW “denier” who suffered this embarrassment it would be all over ViewsOnline.