on the BBC Editors Blog to recent criticism here and elsewhere of Andrew Marr’s “the election is off” interview of Gordon Brown last Saturday.
What Barney labels the ‘fourth charge’, that Marr and the BBC were used by Brown and co. as part of their spin operation, comes closest to my own view, that Marr and the BBC were used by the Brownies as the least painful (as distinct from painless) way of getting their bad news out – with the issue being that of Barney’s ‘first charge’, whether or not the BBC should have participated in such a journalistic ‘scoop’ or ‘abuse’ (depending on your point of view). Unsurprisingly Barney is in the ‘scoop’ camp.
There are a number of interesting comments worth reading, for and against, on Barney’s post too.
Thank you to Biased BBC reader Ritter for the link.
Jones & Marr should have taken one look at Marr on the podium with The Dear Leader in the bbc pioneers video, and realised that the whiskey and revolver in the library was the only option !
Never has a man’s credibility ( or his employers) been so destroyed.
backwoodsman | 11.10.07 – 4:52 pm |
Damnit, I had the rope in the conservatory!
I have never understood how the BBC allows people who openly belong to a party to be ‘political journalists’. And they complain about the Police investigating themselves …