Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may be moderated.
Ok somebody help me here.
Can somebody please inform me just what country the BBC is based in?
Tonights evening news spent at least 10 mins on Pakistan before moving onto the second story of the night. The fire that took the deaths of those 4 brave firemen.
Ok I’m all for world news. But so long on a country which the vast majority of British people don’t give a jot about. Pakistan isn’t the be all and end all of British affairs. So why the very serious reporting from Islamabad.
How about this for a maufactured news item?
We’re all happy to be taxed more to save the planet. It’s a BBC poll, and about as believable as the BBC telling us that it is loved so much that many of us would gladly pay double the current TV poll tax.
Isn’t there enough news out there for the BBC without them having to manufacture their own?
I do wish the BBC would stick to what it knows best- the manufacture of junk TV like Eastenders and Top Gear, not the manaufacture of news that fits its own worldview.
Pete, I don’t get all the hate for Top Gear. It’s the one show the slimes in the top BBC offices pretty much hate, and for that reason alone (and the fact that I really quite like it), it should be praised.
David | 05.11.07 – 11:37 am |
Yes, it’s about the only programme where the presenters are allowed to be as un-PC and ‘right-wing’ as they please without censure.
Well, except from the left wing hate mongers that pass for comedians on the BBC.
Top Gear is trash TV. I don’t hate it, nor do I watch it. The BBC does trash best. Dodgy polls about how much extra tax we want to pay cliamte change is trash news. Give me trash car programs any day.