Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may be moderated.
Chris, rightly or wrongly, I don’t think the Mail has ever shied away from labelling people as Muslims when they’ve felt the need.
I could go through and pick out a list of their articles if you’d like?
I chose conservative publications as I thought this would be wheeled out as the ‘logical’ conclusion, but obviously it’s not enough.
Sproggett | 27.11.07 – 10:05 am |
I disagree with you about Newsnight.
I heard both Newsnight and Toady. On both occassions the Chairman Labour’s NEC Dianne Hayter claimed that the Labour party did not get in contact with these party supporter who sent them £24,000, £36,000 , two lots of £80,000 and the rest. They simply checked up that they we UK residents on the voting register.
Does that not stink to you?
I mean if you are in receipt of large sums of money out of the blue would you not want to :
1. Make the donor aware of your appreciation ie say thanks
2. Make the donor feel valued
3. Pump them for more donations
There must a money raising team dedicated to this glad handing. They must have been awarned off.
Why did Newsnight and Toady not question on this simple line.
What is
Nice bit of drive by slander there. I offered a link to an email sent one week before the UN post at Khiam was hit, by a now deceased Cnd Maj. The Maj clearly indicates that Hez were using the UN post for cover, with the soldiers being used as human shields – I believe you’ll find this charge was also made by the Red Cross against Hezbollah. The Cnd soldier makes clear that the IDF were being forced to target positions close to the post, and that “this has not been deliberate targeting, but has rather been due to tactical necessity.” This was going on for at least a week before the fateful day, and the UN command did not act. Indeed, they seem to have done nothing. And this wasn’t the only post being used by Hezbollah for cover. The same was happening at Alma ash Shab, Tibnin Brashit and At Tiri. There certainly was a gross violation of the Geneva Convention that day (and throughout the war); by Hezbollah who used UN soldiers, and in other instances civilians, hospitals, schools…, as cover for their attacks on Israel.
Interesting point, for some reason the BBC doesn’t seem to have reported the eyewitness account by the Cnd soldier in any report from the time…I guess it didn’t/doesn’t really fit with the BBC narrative of the day, eh’ JR?
David S | 27.11.07 – 1:08 pm
No – the fact is that the Hezbollah presence has never been a matter of dispute.
For some reason you and Stephanie seem to want to imply it has.
On the BBC news on Friday the question was asked: “What should be the limits on free speech?” If that doesn’t sum-up the BBC’s attitude to the viewing public, I don’t know what does.
Mr John Reith writes;
“Filfar is the national liquor of Cyprus”
Actually as somebody who was posted to Cyprus, who has friends there and visits on a yearly basis. I can assure you that Filfar isn’t the national liquor of Cyprus. That accolade goes to Cyprus Brandy and the world famous ‘Brandy sour’.
Now I can vouch for the above having spent lots of money on the lash in Cyprus I can put my hand on my heart and say I have seen more Cyps drinking Keo Brandy than Filfar.
This is an interesting blog entry by Guido which I don’t believe has been out on the MSM …..
pounce | 27.11.07 – 1:17 pm
Quite right, pounce.
I meant liqueur.
The BBC, climate change and scare mongering.
Cyprus churches to pray for rain
The Orthodox Church of Cyprus has ordered priests to pray for rain to end one of the island’s worst droughts. Archbishop Chrysostomos II, the church head, urged priests to pray together on 2 December for rainfall to end a drought that had “blighted” the land. The archbishop said Cypriots were “justifiably anxious” over the threat to water supplies and agriculture. Lower-than-average rainfall over the last year has drained the reservoirs on which Cyprus relies heavily for water. Cyprus’ largest dam is expected to run dry if there is no heavy rainfall within the next month,
So according to that BBC news report the Cyps are praying for rain are they.
Which is strange as they pray for rain every year. Yes folks there is a water shortage on the Island year in year out and do you want to know the main reason?
Climate change? No
Not enough Dams? No
Poor pipe work? maybe
So what is the number one reason for a shortage of water? Tourism?
Strange how the Turkish North doesn’t have a Water shortage problem. But then they don’t receive a 5th of what the South gets in seasonal visitors.
Up to Oct this year (using Cyprus government figures) 2247592 visited the Island. Not bad for a Middle-Eastern Island with a population of 778700 (Again Cyprus government stats)
Add the 14+ golf courses which use around 1.5% of all the water that is available.
Mind you nothing in that article mentions the 2 desalination plants that Cyprus has, or the third that is going to get built.
Or the corrupt work practices which have stalled any improvements to the Islands water and sewage infrastructure. (Anybody use a toilet in Cyprus? How many have had to place their used toilet tissue in the small bin at the side) yes you can’t flush your toilet tissue down the drains.
Mind you not all is doom and gloom in Cyprus. Pity the BBC forgot to mention this news story from the 22nd of this month.
Water flowing into dams after long drought
Thursday, November 22, 2007
RAINFALL over the past few days has begun to flow into Cyprus’ parched dams, though water reserves continue to be critically low.The Limassol District Engineer of the Water Development Department, Nicodemos Nicodemou, said that Wednesday’s inflow to the Kourris Dam, the largest on the island, was the first that could be measured and reached 112,000 cubic metres.
The BBC, climate change and scare mongering.
“UK population may double by 2081”
Another piece of TABLOID BALONEY from the BBC. Sensationalist Drivel.
The Board of the BBC needs to remove these editors ! !
JR –
You say,
“Meanwhile, you and gharqad and (to a lesser extend David S) are cheerfully accusing Israel of a war crime it didn’t commit!”
But my comment, and the text I link to, make it abundantly clear that Israel DID NOT deliberately target the UN post…so how do you reckon that amounts to me accusing Israel of war crimes?
The BBC enjoys something better than free speech. It gets paid for what it says. Griffin and Irving can say what they like as far as I’m concerned, but I would not be happy if I was forced to pay for their words.
As long as we are forced to pay for what the BBC says the BBC should have the good manners not to comment or report on free speech matters.
Has anyone just heard Bowen on Radio 5? Breathtaking anti-Israel bias. He does an awful lot of talking to Palestinians. They want an apology from Israel. He seems to agree. Listen again (about 3.20 pm when its online). Keep a bucket handy.
A lot of British people see the Israel/Palestine issue in terms of innocent victims v brutal oppressors because they rely on the BBC for information. They may not be particularly interested in that subject but understandably feel considerable outrage at a perceived injustice.
Reporting only from the Palestinian viewpoint has effectively turned the very word Zionist into something unpleasant, synonymous with its near anagram, Nazi.
What really concerns me is the irresponsibility of deliberately putting out selective and out of context reports, heedless of the consequences. This relentless demonisation of Israel has spread its wings to taint us english Jews some of whose parents or grandparents were welcomed here and made to feel safe in their new country. But not now. Does your blinkered agenda blind you to the danger of what you are stirring up. Or is it intentional and if so why?
Like almost everyone else you say you are not anti-semitic and criticism of Israel is not criticism of Jews. It’s the Jewish state. But the next minute you seem to be saying that Katya Adler can’t be biased against Israel because she’s Jewish. Is it “Jewish equals pro Israel” but not “anti Israel equals anti Jew.” Which is it to be?
Supporting the Palestinian cause may not automatically make one anti semitic, but it does mean you are supporting those who are. Their hatred of Jews is the very reason why they won’t accept Israel, and is also the very reason why there is little hope for Annapolis.
Is the BBC quite simply ignorant of Jewish history, of the charters of Hamas and Fatah, of the 800,000 Jewish refugees driven from Arab countries? Is it aware of the implication for Israel of full right of return for Arabs and their stateless offspring amounting to over 4 million people who have been taught hatred of Jews since primary school? Is the BBC unconcerned by terrorism, suicide bombers, rocket attacks on Israel, of the fabricated ‘protocols of the elders of zion’ that the Arabs are so fond of, of the Al Dura hoax and all the other omissions and all aspects of the Palestinian cause that might dent the purity of their victimhood?
Or does the BBC know all these things very well yet disregards them because, having labelled them Right Wing, Zionist, or “Melanie Phillips, they can be dismissed with a casual “they would say that wouldn’t they,?” and put in the trash.
Every BBC report follows the same predictable format. At least two sympathetic Interviews with aggrieved Palestinians, usually ill or bereaved, followed by a snippet of Inaccurate history, then a brief Interview with fanatical settler or Impersonal Israeli spokesperson, and final summing up including obligatory implied or actual blaming of Israel.
Israel is an open and free society, so how hard would it be to get an interview with a Jew who was forced to leave everything behind in an Arab country, a bereaved Jew, an ordinary Israeli who wasn’t full of hate. Why don’t we see an Arab who IS full of hate, the contents of a Palestinian text book, an Israeli Arab, Arab patients being treated in an Israeli hospital or a million other things that would show the other side of the story.
Is there any likelihood that one day you will redress the balance or should we British Jews just get our coats?
Anyone reading bbc’s coverage of the french riots notice the use of the word “youths”?
Now, who could they be talking about?
What legnths will bbc go to in order to sugarcoat the islamic take over of europe that is under way right now? notice the blaming of unemployment for the actions while the “youths” themselves say they are in a war to rest control of France from the Kaffir
Paulinus | 27.11.07 – 3:33 pm |
Bowen was just singing the same aria to Matt Frei last night on the BBC Propaganda broadcast in the US. Trying to win hearts and minds, etc.
notice the blaming of unemployment for the actions while the “youths” themselves say they are in a war to rest control of France from the Kaffir
laosuwan | Homepage | 27.11.07 – 3:48 pm | #
Got some sourcing to go along with that claim?
The BBC, its adoration for Bin laden and half the story.
Bin Laden message ‘to be aired’
Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden is to address the people of Europe in a new message, according to the terror network’s media production arm.
The claim was made in an advertisement posted on an Islamic militant website on Monday, featuring Bin Laden’s image.
Roll up, roll up for the magical Hijab show which the BBC promotes as the News.
Here is what they left out from that Islamic militant website.
Terrorism: New Bin Laden video ‘must be posted to Western websites’
A new al-Qaeda video containing Osama Bin Laden’s latest message “must be posted to Western websites,” the terror network’s media arm as-Sahab has ordered cyber jihadists. “You must spread the new message from Sheikh Osama bin Laden in every way, especially via Western websites,” said As-Sahab, which produces al-Qaeda’s videos and audiotapes.
In a web message announcing the imminent posting of bin Laden’s new message, entitled “To the European people”, As-Sahab also gives instructions on how best to distribute the new video.”Any means of distributing the video should be used in order to get the truth across to them about their war which they are losing and reveal to them the reality which they ignore,” said As-Sahab.
The BBC, its adoration for Bin laden and half the story.
S.J., there are many people like me who totally agree with what you just said about the BBC’s treatment of the Jews and Israel. I am disgusted at this and this is the main reason that I keep well away from the BBC.
The Muslim word is relevent, but you would only be able to understand that if you really sat down and studied Islam. Even nominal Muslims who are drug dealers and criminals (we should not forget that Hizbullah is involved in the drug trade) can still be affected by Islamic supremacy preached to them from an early age, it colours all of their actions and attitudes at a base level and the BBC is never going to accept that.
Many of these North Africans and Muslim Africans hate the French and the French state and they want to destroy it, in one demo by young middle class French over schooling two years ago, a number of young French people were attacked savagely because they were French.
It is relevent to this, it is not about jobs and resources, it is purely about creating their own little territories where the French state can not go.
And I have also seen the Muslim attitude to the French up close and personal.
Al-Bowen on Al Dura!!?:
Why is the IDF continuing to kill children at such a frightening pace, and why doesn’t Israel take responsibility for this and compensate the families of those killed?
Israel is responsible for killing more than 850 Palestinian children and teenagers since Mohammed al-Dura was killed, including 92 in the past year alone. Last October… {Israel} killed 31 children in Gaza.
Al-Dura became a symbol because his killing was documented on videotape. All the other hundreds of children were killed without cameras present, so no one is interested in their fate. If there had been a camera in Bushara Barjis’ room in the Jenin refugee camp while she was studying for a pre-matriculation test, we would have a film showing an IDF sniper firing a bullet at her head. If there had been a photographer near Jamal Jabaji from the Askar camp, we would see soldiers emerging from an armored jeep and aiming their weapons at the head of a child who threw stones at them. But these children did not become symbols; there are no stamps bearing their portraits, no streets named after them and no songs composed for them as with al-Dura because they were not filmed at the time of their deaths.
Al-Dura became a symbol because every struggle needs a symbol, a shrine for the masses of dead and the anonymous heroes. The assumption that the IDF soldiers firing at Palestinians at the Netzarim junction killed the boy cradled in his father’s arms exactly seven years ago is the most reasonable one. As far as we can remember, there has been no other case in which Palestinians fired at the IDF and hit a Palestinian child.
Please forgive the small liberty I have taken here. The above are not the words of the excellent Jeremy Bowen but are taken from the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. No doubt you will tell me their author is another Israel-hating Jew. Trouble is • he’s Israeli. JR.
S.J. | 27.11.07 – 3:39 pm
SJ – good post. I couldn’t agree more. BBC news told me that Israel bulldozed down Palestinian houses indiscriminately with no explanation as to why. It wasn’t until I saw a Fox News report of yet another suicide bomber (i.e. mass murderer) that I understood why the Israelis would do this.
The report gave an explanation I had never heard from the Beeb. It had been the policy of the Israeli Government to knock down the houses of terrorists as a warning to others who may follow suit.
Potential terrorists are told by the cowards who persuade them that their families will be taken care of and well looked after if they go and blow themselves up on a crowded bus etc. So to the young man who has no job, who has been subject to anti-Semitic indoctrination since birth and lives in poverty (brought on by his leaders but told by them and the BBC it is Israel’s fault) the prospect of his family being supported might be incentive enough for him to contemplate committing such evil. The Israelis need a deterrent. They need wannabe terrorists to realise that far from their families being taken care of their family home will be destroyed if they go and commit mass murder.
The issue here is not Israel’s policy but the fact that Al-Beeb never thought it important to explain exactly why Israel bulldozes down Palestinian homes. To the average lazy undiscerning viewer (i.e. me) the BBC story runs like this:
Suicide Bomber = bad
Innocent Israelis killed = bad
Israel over-reaction = bad
Israel provocation and subjugation of poor old Palestinians = bad
This leads to suicide bombing
… Conclusion – Israel are to blame.
Ooooh John Reith has been doing a ‘stasi’ on my background has he? how very ‘KGB of you’ I am flattered that you think I am important enough for you to take the time to ‘investigate’ my background! What next? A visit by your TVL goons? Perhaps you wish to print my adress? Oh thats right, you already have! I happen to be in another part of the EU now, can you use BBC resources/time again to find my new location?
Perhaps your bosses would like to know if you are investigating your enemies on BBC time and if they know that you are using HYS for the same pupose?
Now I truly know how the BBC machine opperates!
Who is next?
I spoke of American-hating Americans in my definition of Israel-hating Jews. This is the same thing. The latest issue of Haaretz also features an article telling Israel to get used to a nuclear Iran. You know, the one that periodically reminds everyone of its intent to destroy Israel. Can’t get much more loathing than that.
When the author of the piece to which you link above balances out the report with an honest discussion of the reasons Palestinian children are killed by the IDF (and an honest definition of “children”), then I’ll listen.
“Many of these North Africans and Muslim Africans hate the French and the French state and they want to destroy it, in one demo by young middle class French over schooling two years ago, a number of young French people were attacked savagely because they were French.
It is relevent to this, it is not about jobs and resources, it is purely about creating their own little territories where the French state can not go.
And I have also seen the Muslim attitude to the French up close and personal.
David | Homepage | 27.11.07 – 4:52 pm | # ”
That’s still not evidence, that’s just your opinion. I could therefore also say that their grievance does indeed stem from unemployment, a situation which is exacerbated by a state system which doesn’t recognise minorities. Listen to cynical old me, of course an employer wouldn’t discriminate!
Keep up though, I’m sure your opinion alone will really lead to the accusation of BBC bias being taken seriously…
The BBC its hatred of America and half a story.
Iraq journalist’s family ‘killed’
An Iraqi journalist who lives in Jordan has said that 11 members of his family have been killed by Shia gunmen in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. Dia al-Kawwaz said his two sisters, their husbands, and seven children were shot at the family home on Sunday. The police in Baghdad have not confirmed the attack, but one officer told the BBC the killings had occurred. Mr Kawwaz edits a website that has been critical of the Iraqi government and the US military presence in Iraq.
He has lived outside Iraq for more than 20 years.
I mentioned this story the otherday about how the BBC uses smokes and mirrors to point a finger at the US.
Well here is something they forgot to mention about Dia al Kawwaz;
Agency: Journalist’s Relatives Killed
The Associated Press
BAGHDAD – Masked gunmen stormed the family home of a journalist who was associated with Saddam Hussein’s party and critical of the Iraqi government, killing 11 relatives as they ate breakfast in a neighbourhood known as a Shiite militia stronghold, colleagues said Monday
Reporters Without Borders, based in Paris, said al-Kawaz had recently received threats from the Badr Brigade, the militant arm of Iraq’s largest Shiite party the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council.Al-Kawaz, who declined to comment Monday, has rejected the U.S. occupation and accused majority-Shiite Iran of seeking to dominate the Iraqi government. The journalist is known as an advocate for Saddam’s banned Baath Party.
The BBC its hatred of America and half a story.
The BBC, Iran and Half a story.
Iranian court reopens Kazemi case
Iran’s Supreme Court has ordered a new investigation into the death of the Iranian-Canadian photojournalist, Zahra Kazemi, while in custody in 2003. Judiciary spokesman Ali Reza Jamshidi said the court had objected to the acquittal in 2004 of an intelligence agent accused of beating her to death. He said judges had “found some formal flaws” in previous investigations. Kazemi, 54, died in Tehran in July 2003 having received head injuries during more than three days of interrogation.
She was arrested on 23 June 2003 while taking photographs outside Evin prison in the north of the capital, but was never formally charged with any offence.
The BBC defends the mores of extreme Islam yet again in which to promulgate this vision that it is compatible if not superior to the edicts of western society.
Here are a few snippets the BBC doesn’t inform you about this poor woman:
1) Zahra Kazemi died in Iranian custody on July 11, 2003, almost three weeks after she was arrested for taking pictures outside a prison during a student protest in Tehran.
(strange how the BBC reports 3 days)
2) Two days later, Iran’s official news agency reported that Kazemi had died in hospital, after suffering a stroke while she was being interrogated.
(Anybody point out if the BBC reported this?)
3) On July 16, 2003, the story changed. Mohammad Ali Abtahi, Iran’s vice-president, conceded that Kazemi died as a result of being beaten.
(And the BBC still says head injuries)
4) In July 2004, Iran’s judiciary said the head injuries that killed Kazemi were the result of an “accident.”
Well the BBC stick by this one)
5) A former staff physician in Iran’s Defence Ministry. ‘Shahram Azam’ He said he examined Kazemi in hospital, four days after her arrest. Azam said Kazemi showed obvious signs of torture, including:
Evidence of a very brutal rape.
A skull fracture, two broken fingers, missing fingernails, a crushed big toe and a broken nose.
Severe abdominal bruising, swelling behind the head and a bruised shoulder.
Deep scratches on the neck and evidence of flogging on the legs.
(Yup the BBC and the usual cover up for the faithful)
and a little more info here;
The BBC, Iran and Half a story.
Ben, unemployment is an issue for all of France, but I have not seen the Gauls and Franks rioting like this.
Oh, why won’t those big mean Israelis stop murdering those poor, innocent, peaceful, innocent Palestinian children?
Some people call them ‘children’. That’s misleading. A more accurate description would be indocrinated, hate-filled underaged zombies.
Oh, and the Muhammed al-Dura incident. Is that the very same incident that many people think was a classic example of ‘Pallywood’? i.e. a staged event by the Palestinians to make the IDF look like murderers? Na, must be a different one…
I am a Palestinian • the descendant of refugees • now living in the UK and working as a doctor. Please permit me to offer some remarks about recent commentary here.
Poor boy | 27.11.07 – 5:04 pm
Do not get too enthusiastic about bulldozing. Collective punishments generally and bulldozing of homes without military necessity in particular are regarded as war crimes under international humanitarian law. The houses seldom belong to the alleged ‘terrorist’ anyway and usually house many innocents.
Anonymous | 27.11.07 – 4:53 pm
You raise an interesting conundrum at the heart of BBC bias considerations. Assuming the facts that Gideon Levy cites in his Ha’aretz article are accurate , why shouldn’t this article have been the work of Jeremy Bowen of the BBC? Now we all know the BBC would never publish such material because it is running scared of its reporters being denounced as anti-Israel or even, as we see today antiSemitic. What a puzzle • material that is printed freely in an Israeli newspaper would be called antiSemitic if it was on the BBC.
Katya Adler has several times in this thread been so denounced for failing to mention the expulsion of Jews from Arab countries when discussing Palestinian refugees.
What on earth have these expulsions to do with Palestinians?
The very last thing any Palestinian wanted in 1948-53 was the arrival of more homeless and dispossessed Jews in Palestine to take over our homes and land!
These expulsions were the doing of Morocco, Egypt and Iraq. So go look to them for restitution. The only association you make with Palestine is that all these countries are populated by ‘Arabs ‘ • a very broad term. To treat all Arabs as the same • and to punish Palestinian Arabs for the crimes of Moroccans is simply racism. Jews above all should understand this.
I just noticed yet another fine example of BBC bias on the BBC News Front Page. We have been instructed to ignore problems on the website, as it is run by only 130 people (many of them very, very young, and paid very, very low wages), but this is a video clip from BBC News, so it counts. And for extra fun it is by none other than Matt Frei, currently poisoning US minds with his propaganda show.
The video clip is titled “Gore feted at the White House”. Frei’s narration compares and contrasts the accomplishments of Bush and Gore since it all began. There is no question which side Frei is on. This is not professional behavior, and he should be censured, or fired.
I’ll link to the main page, and then an attempt to link to the actual clip is the second one (don’t know if it will work here):
It’s like a child doing a “compare and contrast” assignment on Satan and Santa Claus. The BBC wouldn’t even do a hatchet job like this to Robert Mugabe, never mind the democratically elected leader of any major nation. No excuse, BBC.
It seems that the BBC gets it wrong when it comes to Arab and Israeli opinion.
It is claimed by the BBC, that this fact alone, shows that the BBC must be doing it right, because both sides feel misrepresented.
This could in fact be utter hog wash.
Because logic should dictate the opposite view. Which is that the BBC gets it wrong with both sides, because it is just plain WRONG. It does in fact deliberately misrepresent both sides of all conflicts for a reason.
Which is that the BBC is deliberately being used to spread dissatisfaction among the peoples of the world. As a matter of conscious policy.
Because thats what the BBC is doing. And the people that control the BBC, are not stupid.
JR, do you really think that your lame lawyer’s game really scores you any points? Let’s go back to basics here.
The reporter made a point of telling us that certain UN staff feel contempt for Israel because of the destruction of a UN observer post during a war.
The reporter did NOT tell us that there was a reason that the post was in danger – that it had alerted the UN that it was being used as a cover by Hezbollah troops trying to murder civilians. You acknowledge all of this.
When commenters here point out the important omission, you explain that the contempt is deservedly (or at least understandably) aimed at Israel because Israel said it would stop firing at that location but did not do so.
So we try to point out that there would have been no fire in that location had it not been the source of rockets launched at Israel during a war. (You understand, this viewpoint is as valid as the UN’s – our complaint is that only the UN’s gets aired by the BBC). We point out that the UN made demands of Israel but did nothing to protect its own people. We note that the UN sent men to a warzone without the ability to protect themselves or prevent themselves being used as human shields for the murder of Israeli civilians. These are questions we reasonable licence-fee payers want to see your correspondents put to the UN, alongside the usual attacks on Israel. It’s called balance.
Then – oh the cunning of the man! what a great lawyer he would make! – he pounces, he springs his trap! He tells us we have all accused Israel of deliberately targeting the base because it was used as a human shield, which is a war crime! WE are accusing Israel – not him and not the BBC!! We must be stupid brainless fanatics!
Although… if you and the BBC truly believe that the targeting of the base was “an accident” for which Israel apologised (as it always does, usually before the facts are in) and therefore not a war crime, why was this VITALLY IMPORTANT qualification not mentioned when the BBC correspondent shared with us the UN’s contempt for Israel over the event? That’s the point, JR. That’s the bias! D’uh! As others have asked, are we to assume from the report that the UN has no contempt for the Hezbollah fanatics whose actions led directly to the death of the personnel? Or has the BBC not reported that contempt? Which is it JR? A or B?
Despite the pause in which you went away to research the incident, JR, you still completely and utterly miss the point. Yet again, the BBC fills the public discourse with anti-Israel views, supressing the other side of the story.
Unless you have that link for me – the one I asked for – the one in which your correspondant gives us the balance and impartiality we pay for by telling the story of the Israeli civilians being targeted for death by rockets launched by religious fanatics from a UN position? The contempt Israel has for the UN’s always anti-Israel positions? The way the UN have historically done nothing while their bases and ambulances have been used as terrorist props? I’m waiting…
And until I get it, please forgive me if I don’t feel exactly humbled or trapped by your really-not-so-impressive or cunning snare.
And on a personal note, JR – calling me an apologist for murder is quite an accusation. Quite a disgusting accusation. I used to have a respect for the way you came here and argued a case, despite usually (though not always) disagreeing with you. That respect no longer exists. You have crossed a line. Legally, as well as ethically. Let me remind you – demanding that the balanced and impartial BBC report Israel’s side of the story when reporting that the UN feels contempt for Israel in no way amounts to apology for murder. You should apologise.
Further to the Paris riots coverage on the BBC news website – the story at concludes by saying that ‘Mr Sarkozy was heavily criticised two years ago after he called for crime-ridden neighbourhoods to be “cleaned with a power hose” and described violent elements as “gangrene” and “rabble”.’
The BBC neglects to mention (as the New York Times did at the time) that “The government’s imposition of curfews has been widely popular here [in France], and when Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy called for the swift deportations [of foreign rioters], he was applauded in Parliament.”
The spinning continues…
Another striking example of the BBC’s idea of balance:
Sudan teddy insult teacher: Readers’ views
Only one non-muslim Brit’s POV? C’mon.
I can understand why they don’t have a normal HYS – they wouldn’t like the posts they get. And I could understand it if the page was just titled “Muslim Reader’s Views”, since at least that would be more accurate.
This story concerns a British teacher. What possible reason is there for the BBC to be so partisan on such a shocking news story? Do they really think this is somehow helping things? I despair.
Personally I agree with her being lashed.
If you live in anothe country, you must obey the law. Ignorance is no excuse. I just hope the BBC takes the same view when we’ve got Muslims demanding the beheading of people on our streets.
I gave up reading the above about a quarter of the way down.
A plea to the moderator; before I give up on this blog completely can we get it back onto ‘bias and the BBC’ and away from ‘John Reith’.
“The very last thing any Palestinian wanted in 1948-53 was the arrival of more homeless and dispossessed Jews in Palestine to take over our homes and land!”
At least you are fairly honest with your anti-Semitism.
You are a medic, enjoying the benefits that a free-market democracy entails. Aren’t you glad that whichever country received you didn’t hold the same hard-hearted attitude towards your refugee parents?
David Preiser, I saw that late last night on News 24. Not only is it hugely mocking of Bush “Bush put on a flight suit (like he’s ‘playing army’) and started two wars”, it also lies. Al Gore *did not* win an Oscar!
That last bit came out a bit garbled. What I meant was this:
Aren’t you glad that whichever country received your refugee parents didn’t hold the same hard-hearted attitude towards them?
That’s better.
The thing about John Reith is that he picks on any random comment that can’t stand up, then goes to town on it.
He NEVER answers points that he can’t answer without conceding.
He is a bully, a troll and quite tiresome.
Well, technically his film won the Oscar, but he was at the podium with the bauble in his meaty paw. Same with the Nobel. How interesting that the bodies which sanction both prizes have as much as acknowledged that the awards are basically anti-Bush statements. Much of the media, including the BBC, have reported on Gore’s “accolades” as consolation prizes for having lost the election. So it’s really out in the open.
To the BBC, a gesture against Bush is a gesture for World Peace. Too bad they don’t spend a fraction of this energy speaking out against L’il Kim in North Korea, or Ahmadimjihadi, or Chavez, or Mugabe, or al-Bashir.
Credit where credit’s due. Peter Allen savaged a Labour MP on 5 Live about the latest donations fiasco. Good to hear. If only they would do it more often to Labour MPs and supporters not just the opposition representatives.
“Paris rioters are criminals” cry the BBC. As usual it it twisting the facts.
The French PM was referring to those scumbags that were shooting AT the Police and firemen, his comment did not apply to all rioters.
Even the BBC’s own report mentions this buried away. However, a far better headline is achieved by lying.
Why can’t the BBC simply tell the facts straight?
I was interested to read your comments. I have a great deal of sympathy for the situation the Palestinians are in. Indeed it is absolutely tragic. But I cannot blame Israel for their plight. Those that fled in 1948 were advised by their leaders to get out of the area because of the impending attack on the newly formed Israel by the Arab nations. A great number did not leave. They became Israeli Arabs and they now enjoy some of the best living conditions of Arabs in any country. I understand that they control a good part of the transport and building industries. They have full democratic rights, education and medical care. And what happened to the ones that fled to the neighbouring Muslim countries? They were, and are, kept by their Muslim brothers in refugee camps. Each country seems to have acted in concert. Not even the children born in refugee camps are given national status and obviously these places have become, as intended, hotbeds of terrorism.
The Palestinians’ plight is appaling. It is not Israel, but Hamas, Hezbolla and the Islamist powers who are pulling the strings here, and callously using them as pawns in a larger game. Perhaps bulldozing of houses, whether justified or not may be heavy handed, but is the result of terrorist bombs, suicide bombings and rocket attacks on civilian populations which clearly cannot be ignored. There has to be some response, of course Israel has to be responsible for the safety of its own citizens. They built the hated wall, but what is the result? far fewer innocent people blown to pieces. Israel has to respond to attack from wherever it comes, because for them to lose means obliteration.
All of this problem, and the problem of the 800,000 Jews who were driven out of Muslim countries in 1948 should be a subject for the BBC, were it not so anti-Israel and incapable of impartial journalism. It is these fundamental historic issues which need to be explained to understand the present situation.
The Jewish refugees clearly came not just from Morocco. They also came from the Arab countries that were intent on destroying Israel. I understand that many of them were murdered before they could get out.
It seems that the Arab countries act together when they attack Israel and they act collectively when using the Palestinians as justification for doing so. It is not restitution that those Jews are asking for, just a recognition of their existence and their right to live within secure borders.
As usual blogs are far more informative on the French situation than the MSM, (especially the Beeb MSM). If anyone’s interested, Galliawatch seems to be posting regular updates, translated from French accounts:
Note that an ethnic French Catholic girl was murdered by a Turkish rapist the same day as the two “youths” in a stolen motorbike collided with the police car, costing them their lives and touching off the latest round of “youth” violence. Haven’t seen any ethnic French Catholics rioting about it. . .was the murder of this young woman reported by al-Beeb?
John Reith | 26.11.07 – 11:03 am
John Reith | 26.11.07 – 12:00 pm
John Reith | 26.11.07 – 2:20 pm
John Reith | 26.11.07 – 2:49 pm
John Reith | 26.11.07 – 3:17 pm
John Reith | 26.11.07 – 3:18 pm
John Reith | 26.11.07 – 3:22 pm
John Reith | 26.11.07 – 3:33 pm
John Reith | 26.11.07 – 3:41 pm
John Reith | 26.11.07 – 5:24 pm
John Reith | 26.11.07 – 11:02 pm
Christ JR, I hope the 26th of November was your day off!
What with all your postings and bouts of Googling in between, one would wonder how you manage to cram it all into your existing workload at Al Beeb.
I do find it particularly amusing that your quietest moments appeared after standing clocking off time.
Nice going.
The BBC defending China,hating America.
Chinese warship arrives in Japan
A Chinese warship has arrived in Japan for the first time since World War II.
Japan last received a port call from a Chinese naval vessel in 1934.
Earlier this month China embarrassed the US by refusing to allow one of its aircraft carriers and its battle group to dock in Hong Kong. The stopover had been planned for months and Chinese officials refused to explain the change of mind. Many of the crew’s family members had flown from the US for the Thanksgiving holiday visit and their plans were ruined.
As usual the BBC lies in which promote those who have the most appalling human rights going.
1) Err BBC WW2 was from 1939-1945
2) ‘Embarrassed’ isn’t exactly the adjective I would have used. How about ‘angry’ inconvenienced or even ‘perplexed and concerned’ which is what the C-C Pacific fleet actually said.
The fact that the Chinese (like most Orientals) play a lot on face value hasn’t been lost on me. To refer to them as embarrassing another confers great honour on them. By finishing the article with that a lot of holiday plans were ruined the BBC twists the knife yet again into the back of America while promoting the Chinese to worthy of official praise status.
The BBC defending China,hating America.
Reg Hammer | 28.11.07 – 5:31 am
Good heavens, Reg. 11 posts in one day -eh?
I don’t know how long you spend agonizing over the wording (not long, I’d guess!) but now I’ve got my eye in, I find I can knock off a B-BBC comment in, on average, 20 secs without links, a minute to a minute and a half with links. So your little list must have taken all of twenty five minutes ….let’s say half an hour to take account of haloscan screw-ups.
Leaves plenty of time for a full and active life.
Must rush……it’s nearly 9.00
David Preiser
I was interested to read that Al Gore has accepted the Nobel Prize, for which the ceremony is on the 10th December in Oslo.
He’d better set off now, because its a long walk. Oh, unless he is thinking of flying there, in yet another hilariously ironic attempt to save the planet.
As if he would have lifted one finger to save the earth if he was elected president.