according to the Times.
Bear in mind that the trial is still continuing. Innocent until proven guilty, and all that. In any case the most damaging aspect of this story to the BBC is not the paintballing. The worst that happened there is that they were fooled. No, the most shocking thing is this:
Nasreen Suleaman, a researcher on the programme, told the court that Mr Hamid, 50, contacted her after the July 2005 attack and told her of his association with the bombers. But she said that she felt no obligation to contact the police with this information. Ms Suleaman said that she informed senior BBC managers but was not told to contact the police.
Yeah well, we’ve known this for a long time anyway. That’s why it’s called al-beeb and regarded as a 5th columnist by the armed forces.
In past conflicts, treason like this (assuming it turns out to be true) was punishable by execution. But I’d be happy to take the compromise of repealing of the TV license fee.
Nice to know that we’ve all been funding terrorists via the TV tax. Just how many dirty bombs can you get for 3.2 billion a year?
Treason? What ‘cha talkin’ ’bout?
It is my understanding that Tony Blair abolished the treason laws to enable the EU to annex Britain.
Oh and the BBC coined the term “Radical Impartiality” i.e. apology for mass murder.
This appalling scandal is indicative of the way in which BBC pseudo-liberal culture appeases radical Islam. I’m still searching in vain for any mention of the scandal on the BBC news website.
No alarm bells seem to have rung regarding why Hamid seemed to be ‘so up for it’, and worse no-one at the Beeb seemed to think it necessary to contact the police when they discovered he was linked to the huge 21/7 plot. Then we have this absurd rationale from Phil Rees:
“Phil Rees, who produced the show, told the court that he was impressed by Mr Hamid’s sense of humour while looking for someone to appear in the documentary. He said: “I think he had a comic touch and he represented a strand within British Muslims. I took it as more like a rather Steptoe and Son figure rather than seriously persuasive. I saw him as a kind of Cockney comic.” Mr Rees, who now works for the Arabic TV station al-Jazeera, gave Mr Hamid a signed copy of his book Dining With Terrorists.”
Why do all these Beeboids go and join al-Jazeera (Darren Jordan, David Frost, Rageh Omaar… )? I wonder how many leave for Fox News? Al-Jazeera is well known as a propaganda front for radical Islam, and as an apologist for terrorism, so much so that European Arabs have launched a campaign to end their broacasts:
Another example of how secular Arabs often have much more sense than the pseudo-liberal idiots who dominate at the BBC.
Why do all these Beeboids go and join al-Jazeera (Darren Jordan, David Frost, Rageh Omaar… )?
Because working for the BBC is the best practical experience you can get these days in whitewashing radical Islam (as this latest little act of sedition points out). Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if al-Qaeda sent some of their ‘noble freedom fighters’ to the BBC to get some training in the art of propaganda.
Also, Al-Jazeera is 60% funded by some Qatari Emir, so they’re – relative to their size – probably rolling in oil dollars, making the pay good.
The BBC ‘documentary’ at the heart of this scandal, ‘Don’t Panic, I’m Islamic’ can now be viewed over at LGF:
Remember that this was broadcast just a few days before the 7/7 mass murder. It is shocking.
We have Hamid filmed with his fellow suspects engaging in terror training activities, Asghar Bukhari of MPAC, who funded the Holocaust denier David Irving, Salma Yaqoob, who has proposed an Islamic republic of Great Britain, and another individual convicted of plotting jihad in Yemen. All are given free space to spout their views, including praise for bin Laden, without any balancing or opposing point of view.
It is a classic example of Beeboid Islamist apologetics, and demonstrates just how Britain was sleepwalking towards 7/7 and the subsequent plots, aided by the BBC.
i commented a long time age that Mi5 were saying they were concerned about being infiltrated by islamic radicals.
Therefore knowing how powerful the media is in today’s conflicts, it is a natural assumption that they will have tried to infiltrate the media.
My assesment is that they have done an excellent job of this at the BBC and consider it a major part of their global jihad.
I think that you’ve left out a fairly crucial “not” in your penultimate sentence.
Why is the BBC not reporting the “paintballing” trial today?
Not because the verdict hasn’t been given, as several other ongoing trials are reported.
I have to check other outlets to find out about this story.
But al-Beeb remains silent.
Beeboids – you’ve not heard the last of this story.
This reminds me of the time the subversive BBC called for info on troop movements in Iraq, and then came up with a pathetic excuse when found out:
If the Labour government had any backbone it would be investigating the BBC with a view to charging them with…well, whatever’s left to charge them with.
I take it you won’t be voting for (Gordon Brown’s) Labour, Bryan?
This appalling scandal is indicative of the way in which BBC pseudo-liberal culture “appeases” radical Islam. I’m still searching in vain for any mention of the scandal on the BBC news website.
Oh Matthew, Matthew, don’t you get it? The BBC are conciously in league with the Islamic “militants”, as “John Reith” admitted the other day when he waxed lyrical about the wonders of monotheism (by which he meant Islam, but it was so nebulous it was more monotheism in general).
You know I thought John Trenchard AKA “Archduke” was just bulling when he mentioned travelling to Arizona to learn about firearms, now I think I might join him.
I also heard that MI5 and MI6 are held in thrall to cultural marxism. Which means they would rather invent evidence to bomb Iraq “to fight terr” then adopt a discriminatory immigration policy.
“he represented a strand in British Muslims”
How right he is, oh god, how right he is.
The BBC ‘documentary’ at the heart of this scandal, ‘Don’t Panic, I’m Islamic’ can now be viewed over at LGF:…Im_Islamic& only
Remember that this was broadcast just a few days before the 7/7 mass murder. It is shocking.
I just viewed the whole thing – quite astonishing, even for the Beeb.
I particularly liked the ridicule heaped on the police and others who feared there might be an attack in the UK.
The BBC at its smug, shallow, ignorant worst.
Here’s a bio of the producer, Phil Rees which kind of puts the whole thing in perspective.
Working for Al Jazeera now of course.
Well come on JR – let’s have it.
Explain to us what a thoughtful balanced piece it was and how Rees is a journalist of the highest calibre doing his best to nudge us towards the glorious multicultural nirvana.
I know it’s unoriginal – but you really couldn’t make this up!
The Mail article is a bit more informative about what transpired in court:-
Mr Penny said: ‘Here was a man who told you that he knew those individuals who, as I understand it, were currently still at large for what on the face of it was the attempted bombings of the transport network a fortnight after it happened, and he was telling you he had some knowledge of them?
Ms Suleaman said: ‘I got the sense that he was already talking to the police.’ She added: ‘I referred it to my immediate boss at the BBC. I wasn’t told that there was an obligation.
‘I obviously had to report back to my immediate manager at the BBC. In fact it was referred above her as well.
‘It was such a big story. At one stage the head of news at the BBC was involved. No one at any stage said there was an obligation.‘
Miss Suleaman also told Mr Penny, that Hamid, who she dubbed ‘a documentary-maker’s dream’, was taken on a paintballing trip for the programme as a fun way of introducing him.
The court also heard from Ms Suleaman’s former colleague Phil Rees, who produced Don’t Panic, I’m Islamic. He told the court he was impressed by Hamid’s sense of humour.
Now JR, I’m sure you can tell us who was “Head of News” at that time.
I hope and pray some Beeboid collars are going to be felt over this.
I hope and pray some Beeboid collars are going to be felt over this.
If PC Plod refuses to feel any collars, might a private prosecution be worth it if like-minded individuals clubbed together to fund things? I’d certainly chip in.
“I hope and pray some Beeboid collars are going to be felt over this.”
Don’t count on it. Thanks to Cultural Marxism – Political Correctness – promoted by KGB indoctrinated university professors, the police no longer have the ability to make reasonable decisions.
We may as wel club together to send them a big cash reward for all that will happen to the BBC (nothing).
I cannot recommend strongly enough taking the time to watch the video of ‘Don’t panic..’ at the LGF site . There couldn’t be a more convincing instance of how the BBC has completely lost the plot regarding its attitude towards Islam and the Muslim community. The programme’s one virtue is that it unconsciously, but very forcibly, makes the point that cockney accents, a love of fish and chips and supporting MU are very superficial aspects of Britishness.
wally geeninker:
I cannot recommend strongly enough taking the time to watch the video of ‘Don’t panic..’ at the LGF site . There couldn’t be a more convincing instance of how the BBC has completely lost the plot regarding its attitude towards Islam and the Muslim community. The programme’s one virtue is that it unconsciously, but very forcibly, makes the point that cockney accents, a love of fish and chips and supporting MU are very superficial aspects of Britishness.
You are spot on: a reminder to readers of the LGF link
Don’t panic I’m Islamic
Apart from the various terror suspects featured, note that Asghar Bukhari, the founder of MPAC and a past supporter and funder of the Holocaust denier David Irving, is allowed to cite unchallenged a version of the Mohamed al Durah incident as the reason behind his radicalisation. By the time the film was produced the BBC would have known the mounting evidence that showed the incident to be fake.
There is no better case of the incendiary consequences of irresponsible media bias.
The scum have gone too far with this.
We need an organised campaign for action here!
Start by E mailing everyone you know with the links.
Then complain to Government and TV regulators.
Also some kind of public demo needs to be held.
Phase 1)
Raise awareness and mail the links to everyone you know and get them to forward it.
Wait out and keep posted for next phases.
Here the BBC show that they are not just a propaganda arm of islamic terrorism but have actually assisted and abbeted terrorist acts in the UK.
This is a new dimension of partisanship and i really cannot see any excuse for the government to do nothing about it.
As for the huge scandal of the Al durah case which is now gaining momentum in many countries, the BBC may not be able to ignore the facts for much longer. Such evidence will strike right at the heart of their partisanship for islamic extremism.
I can’t wait for the spin they will generate when France2 are forced to release the ALL Enderlin rushes, and they will be under Sarkosy who has had meetings already with Phillipe Karsenty.
Chirac is no longer here and able to sweep the whole sordid thing under the carpet.
PAC report here
Wonder if the BBC will open its books?
“Innocent until proven guilty”
In England and the Anglosphere only…
this is true.
In the EU under the code of law from the dictator tyrant Napoleon not true.
“All citizens are deemed firstly to be guilty until the citizen can prove otherwise to the Inquisitor.”
Funnily enough I don’t think we will see any of the multiple John Reiths on this thread 🙂 They tend to vanish at times like this but usually return after a few days.
I expect ‘JR’ is busy organising the BBC’s damage-limitation strategy. That’s what I’d be doing anyway!
‘In pictures: Mid-East nightlife’
Look at this photo-set on today’s BBC News webite and see if you can spot the subliminal message.
Free paintballing session to everyone who guesses correctly.
Now JR, I’m sure you can tell us who was “Head of News” at that time….
John Reith spins in his grave | Homepage | 06.12.07 – 12:29 am | #
Come on JR, you’re late this morning.
Who decided there was no need to alert the police? Would it have been Director of News Helen Boaden or Head of TV News our old friend “Power of Nightmares” Peter Horrocks – the poor man’s Michael Moore.
I’m not a criminal lawyer, but it seems to me there are two areas that need looking at here.
Firstly the straightforward one of funding terrorist training activities with cash.
Secondly the concealment of information later, about suspected terrorists, following the abortive attack on London.
Personally, I am filling out an MI5 information form and I think anyone who feels strongly about this should do the same:-
So, the man admits an association with terrorists and she doesn’t feel the need to call the police. Let me guess though – if he was a white bloke who had just made some slighting remark about Muslims, or any other ‘victim’ group, she’d have been on the phone to Plod within seconds.
It depends on what your definition of a crime is, really.
I can’t find it anywhere on the BBC’s website. Perhaps Mr Reith could help me?
Though I’m sure, we’ll get the “it’s not the BBC’s business to report on ongoing trials” defence trotted out.
I’m afraid the phrase “beggars belief” has been quite worn out in the past two weeks; what with the data disks and donor-gate scandals stretching both the gullibility of the general public and the BBC’s news-burying abilities. (Though I really must step forward to the defence of the Newsnight team, who have been doing a sterling job of hauling the government over the coals in the last two weeks — unlike the mainstream BBC news bulletins, the BBC website and the dreadful Toady programme).
But this one really does… beggar belief.
Your search – paintballing – did not match any documents.
Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable. Makes you want to paintball every smug, dishonest, disgusting, pampered BBC exec.
John Reid, your comments please.
Hello All. Just to post to say I’m happy to join in the discussion on this when the case is over. But posting under my own name as a BBC journalist I think I really have to wait until the end of the case.
Of course David, we mustn’t break the law, must we?
I also heard that MI5 and MI6 are held in thrall to cultural marxism. Which means they would rather invent evidence to bomb Iraq “to fight terr” then adopt a discriminatory immigration policy.
WoAD | Homepage | 05.12.07 – 10:33 pm | #
Don’t count on it. Thanks to Cultural Marxism – Political Correctness – promoted by KGB indoctrinated university professors, the police no longer have the ability to make reasonable decisions.
WoAD | Homepage | 06.12.07 – 1:35 am | #
Thanks for these gems on my lunch break. You’ve apparently got your tin foil helmet expertly fitted!
Ben you are a plank arnt you? If you cannot add to the debate, then shut your cake hole Eh?
FYI WoAD contributes a hell of lot more to this forum than you.
WoAD’s addition to the debate by way of the above insights into the British establishment are something which I couldn’t hope to top, so I’ll take my leave.
That’s very kind of you Cassandra.
“You’ve apparently got your tin foil helmet expertly fitted!”
Oh you think it’s a conspiracy?
Exiled Oxford academic Celia Green has described the Oxford ideological atmosphere as “effectively marxist” – this was in the 70s. Personally, I want to investigate the Oxford academics travel destinations upto the collapse of the Soviet Union. You see what I mean? What the KGB would do is butter up the useful idiots in academic institutions and then give them trips to see the wonderful Soviet Union. Of course during the whole trip they wouold be constantly intoxicated with Vodka (!) and shown only the model Soviet communities: presented as being representative of the Soviet Union as a whole. These deluded academics would then return to the West and promulgate the KGB propaganda and Political Correctness with renewed fervour.
These turned academics have trained generations of other academics and many, many students of these corrupted academics have gone on to hold positions in society of great power and importance.
All this has now born its bitter fruit in the BBCs apology and abetting of Islamic terrorism – driven by an ideology that has crippled their ability to make reasonable, empirically based decisions.
If we had the same strict social regulations against Communists and former Communists as we do against Nazis then half the political estalishment (probably more) would be out of a job and the country would actually be crippled for want of man power.
Perhaps Mr Reith is off organizing a game of Risk with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard 😉
“the police no longer have the ability to make reasonable decisions.”
As we saw with the Dispatches investigation.
Sickening. How long will ordinary Brits put up with the treasonous behavior of al-Beeb?
Re Woad
In the excellent “Koba the Dread”, Martin Amis addresses the love-in between the useful idiots of the Bristish academic establishment and communism. Good read. Amis continues to be on form:,,2221614,00.html
Amis disgusted me with his “Islamic states are less evolved than us”.
That view is barbaric. Much, much worse than criticising Islam as it gives you a licence to “civilize” those you deem to be “unevolved”.
Such as in the Iraq War for instance. A war for “Freedom and Democracy” as they are understood by the New-Cons. For they believe that people are products of society, and of course if you engineer a “good society”, you get “good people”.
It resembles Bolshevism.
Also, the Americans can’t leave Iraq because it would scuttle their dreams of a united humanity under America, just like the UN, and just like the Communist Party.. How ironic. Didn’t the NeoCon movement grow out of former Communists? How Ironic: People think the NeoCons are evil Capitalists. How ironic.
“Martin Amis last night fired another salvo in the war of words over Islam, condemning an “abject failure” by Muslims to vigorously denounce suicide bombings.”
This is because Martin Amis is still too PC, read indoctrinated, to admit that the transcendant tenets Islam are really and actually different from the West i.e. unevolveable, unreformable, unfriendly, and rival. But to admit this would repudiate the idle daydream of One Global United Humanity. Which is what I mean when I say that:
“MI5 and MI6 are held in thrall to cultural marxism. Which means they would rather invent evidence to bomb Iraq “to fight terr” then adopt a discriminatory immigration policy.”
Take the martyrdom video of Mohammed Sidique Khan where he describes his “defence” of the Muslim Ummah by doing to Britain what he feels the allies have doe to the Iraqi section of the Ummah. He is waging war according to the transcendant tenets of Islam. It’s not a case of perverted ideological tenets, not personal psychopathology.
David Gregory (BBC):
Hello All. Just to post to say I’m happy to join in the discussion on this when the case is over. But posting under my own name as a BBC journalist I think I really have to wait until the end of the case.
David Gregory (BBC) | 06.12.07 – 1:24 pm |
David, surely you might be able to comment on why BBC news did not report the trial – or at least Ms Suleaman’s evidence?
The BBC may have been advised not to comment on this story by their lawyers, in case a prosecution is forthcoming. If so, I very much doubt we have heard the last of this shocking incident.
Consider this corporation penentrated through and through and everything falls into place as I mentioned here a few years ago and nothing since has contradicted this view.
MattLondon: I think as a journalist reporting what’s going on is one thing. Commenting on what has happened and drawing further conclusions while the trial is underway is just something I’m not comfortable with.
But I just wanted to say I’m not in “hiding”, just waiting for the legal process to finish on this one.
“Sickening. How long will ordinary Brits put up with the treasonous behavior of al-Beeb?”
Unfortunately for as long as Al Beeb are controlling the news agenda and keeping the masses hypnotized by trash like “Eastenders.”
Every day I read these forums I can see an independent documentary film just BEGGING to be made about the BBCs partisanship with Islamic terrorists.
What “Supersize Me” did for McDonalds, what “The High Cost of Low Price” did for Wal-mart, needs to be exacted against the BBC.
Junk food that makes you ill and over zealous capatilism is nothing but obvious compared to the furtive terrorist funding and brazen Islamic promotional activites of the UKs biggest broadcaster.
Somebody please wake the masses from their slumber, as right now Al Beeb are doing their damndest to keep them anethatized.
Every day I read these forums I can see an independent documentary film just BEGGING to be made about the BBCs partisanship with Islamic terrorists.
How about organizing a demonstration in front of their main offices, demanding that the enablers of Islamic terrorists in the paintball case be fired? It’s long past the time for posting messages on blogs.