Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may be moderated.
I don’t normally comment on MMGW because I don’t have the Sci-Cred to do so. Also, I rarely refer commenters to other news sources, least of all The Independent. However … 😉
Check out:
Ray of hope: Can the sun save us from global warming?
Some members of the Russian Academy of Sciences say we may be at the start of a period like that seen between 1790 and 1820, a minor decline in solar activity called the Dalton Minimum. They estimate that the Sun’s reduced activity may cause a global temperature drop of 1.5C by 2020. This is larger than most sensible predictions of man-made global warming over this period.
Expect a full report from the BBC, soon. (crickets chirp)
We know who ‘The Skimmer’ is talking about here:-
Skimmer at the Spectator Coffee House blog comments on the incestuous relationship of the producers and the Beeb of The Blair Years.–between-the-bbc-and-blair.thtml
Incidentally, did anyone apart from me noticed the barely suppressed glee/enthusiasm on the face of the female Beeboid (whose name I can never remember) as she trailed the opening news story about the hostages release on last night’s 10pm news?
Did anybody watch the news on BBC1 this morning prior to the cooking program.
Near the end they had this BBC DJ who has brought out a record along the lines “I want to die for Christmas” he said he brought out the record as a protest against how the record industry will only allow the Christmas hit record to be from the X-factor and how the British music industry is crap at the moment. They had for support a somewhat cuddly reporter from the independent (with dyed red hair) who starting bitching about media generated stars and Simon Cowell to which the Radio DJ gave a whoop of joy and high 5 her.. Which begs me to ask the question is why is the BBC promoting an anti Christmas record. (The DJ also said it was a protest against anti materialism) on the News and why do they employ a DJ who hasn’t heard of;
KT Tunstall (Ok her last album was crap)
Newton Faulkner
The Hoosiers
Amy Macdonald
Katie Melua (Ok she’s not exactly English but she did seek asylum here)
Scouting For Girls
The Fratellis
And my fave (also seen her in concert)
Nerina Pallot
Ok so I’ve delved only in newish acts, the old and bold are still there.
Sex Pistols
The Police
Led Zeppelin (Ok it’s a one off)
But the fact remains the British Music scene is still there. A bloody Radio One DJ should know that instead of making political protests and banning Cliff Richard.
(Also seen him in concert)
You forgot Radiohead. How very dare you.
Go and stand at the back of the class…
Cassandra | 08.12.07 – 7:44 am |
Dont they(BBC)realise that by pushing for these foriegners/terrorists to come here they will bring their evil beliefs with them AND the first thing they will do is hook up with extremists that are already in the UK?
I despair at the behaviour of the BBC in its support for Islamist extremists!
Maybe the Police want to follow them around for a bit to find out who the bad guys are?
I believe the Liverpool Nativity is following on from the really rather good (did you see it?) Manchester Passion. If it’s as good as that you will be pleasantly surprised. I’m also looking forward to the Easter story done by the people who made Bleak House.
I am sure that with the high production values for which the BBC is noted it will be well acted, politically correct and have nothing to do with the Christian message of Christmas, merely another vehicle to parade soapstars and other ‘celebrities’ in order to make money out of one of the most significant events in the Christian calendar.
It is notable that for a Christian Country the amount of broadcasting of serious Christianity on the BBC is derisory and when there is such broadcasting it is usually little more than an attempt to undermine or pour scorn on peoples beliefs.
This so-called nativity coming on top of the Jerry Springer broadcast decision merely confirms my view that if you want rany respect for your religious sensitivities from the BBC and its employees you better converty to Islam.
Fat Contractor:
“Maybe the Police want to follow them around for a bit to find out who the bad guys are?”
You mean like they did prior to the 7/7 bombings?
Yeah, let’s trust our beloved secret services and police force as the first line of defence – both of whom are at this moment on a recruiting drive for more muslim applicants to appease the mandatory liberal group-think of current political fashion.
Remember how many pro-commies succeeded in being recruited into MI5 during the cold war when the greatest perceived threat to this nation was…erm…communists.
I can’t think of a nations security forces I would trust more.
Just noticed this comment on the HYS on the Beeb site’s news story about people lacking knowledge of the Nativity. I post it here before it mysteriously vanishes:
Notice how this forum is fully moderated yet insults against the Christian faith are being freely posted by the HYS team. If this was about Islam none of these posts would appear. Well done HYS, you are doing your masters bidding admirably.
Rev John McNab, Dundee
Good for the Rev. But I wonder how that one slipped through? Some mistake, surely?
I see Jeremy Clarkson is not happy with the BBC.
The BBC have been using Clarkson’s Top Gear Polar Special as an example of accurate story telling (no faking) but Clarkson is upset that the BBC then stuck some small print on the film stating that “stunt drivers” had been used to drive the vehicles at times.
According to Clarkson, there was some pre filming done before Top Gear went to the north Pole but ALL the driving we see in the film is done by himself and James May (including the bit where May nearly sinks the 4X4)
Sorry no link as it’s Clarkson’s column in the Sun today and they don’t put it on their website.
Typical BBC.
Weekend women’s hour (propaganda)
“The feminisation of society”
On this piece, hear how right of centre writer Charlotte Leslie is taken to task by Beeboid Jenni Murray in a discussion hosted by Guardian and Independent on Sunday writer Yvonne Roberts.
…Or should that be the other way round? Well it didn’t matter as both Roberts and Murray got very uppity about someone (Leslie – call herself a sister does she?) who dares to question the idea that education is, well, a teensy-weensy bit feminised these days.
Leslie should have given a few more facts, such as the fact that over 80% of primary school teachers are women.
What was most marked was the ease with which the host (yes of course it was Murray) sided with Roberts and competed with her to show how misguided sister Leslie was.
Oh, and notice how readily Roberts tries to tar Leslie with the word “conservative” in the interview.
Abandon Ship
Yes, and I expect G.Greer’s unending appearances on the BBC to continue, given her latest propaganda, critical of Western societies only:
“Why we stay mute on Islamic sex apartheid” (Pamela Bone) –,25197,22882381-7583,00.html
I thought I’d just point out that the Beeb are to air a Christmas Nativity with Joseph as an illegal immigrant threatened with deportation
As others have pointed out, it doesn’t make any sense. The Holy Family were in Bethlehem to give their names to the Roman census taker. So how could they be illegal? They were following the law and they were right where they were supposed to be.
The culturally illiterate Gramscians who run Al-Beeb probably got the Nativity story mixed up with the Flight Into Egypt story, which would have fit their “immigrant” story much better. One silly old Bible story is as good as another, according to al-Beeb. Who cares if we get a few of the annoying little details wrong? I’m sure there will be numerous promotional plugs for Islam in this production — Mary will be in a burka, and the Three Kings will bring verses from the Koran instead of gold, frankensence and myrrh. I’m sure it’ll be lovely.
I was just listening to “wimmin sour” in the car (go on – you know you all do it).
Heard a perfect little BBC cameo.
Intro from Jenni/Martha/whichever:-
Charlotte Leslie from the right wing Bow Group (EVIL TOREEE!) think tank has written a paper sugggesting that boys are doing worse than girls because of the feminisation of our education system……….
Then a pre-emptive attempt to hole Charlotte’s theory below the waterline before she’s even spoken..
J/M/w :-
..however there is some recent evidence that the gap may now be reducing…
Charlotte then outlines her paper.
Feminist lady opposing Charlotte:-
Charlotte, you’re the prospective Conservative (EVIL TOREEE!) candidate for Bristol North aren’t you…..Boys do very badly in Bristol schools …so if you’re right, Bristol would be packed with feminists which it certainly is not….. Isn’t this just another concealed attack on feminism….
Yes Charlotte are’t you just pandering to the old anti-feminist agenda…….
I’m not really attacking feminism..
J/M/w plus FL all together, beginning to shriek:-
Of course you are!….
Switched off then – I only put radio 4 on ‘cos I can’t stand endless Saturday football.
Sorry about the crossed post!
You posted while I was still typing.
Ah well – great minds think.. and all that
That’s OK spinning one:
“Ah well – great minds think.. and all that”
Yes indeed, but idiot minds do as well, as evidenced by Murray and Roberts.
The BBC its adoration for Islamic terrorists and half the story.
Family welcomes Cuba camp release
The family of a British resident detained at Guantanamo Bay have said news of his imminent release has ended five years of misery and worry. But Omar Deghayes’s brother, Abubaker, said he would not celebrate properly until they had been reunited.
His brother told BBC News: “It’s been a terribly difficult five years of misery, worry and stress. “We had no idea from one day to the other what’s happening and no way of contacting Omar and no way of speaking to him. “I’m very grateful and thankful again to this country for bailing us out a second time – the first was when we arrived as refugees.” He also spoke of his concerns about how his brother, a trained lawyer, would get over five years of “torture and misery”.
So the BBC gets the family of so called innocent Omar to speak out against his detention.
Here are a few snippets about the older brother the BBC doesn’t inform you about;
Imam backs terror attack against Blair
A RADICAL Muslim who ousted a leading moderate cleric from his mosque on the south coast with a campaign of violence has said he believes Tony Blair is a “legitimate target” for terrorists. Abubaker Deghayes, who now runs the mosque in Brighton and whose brother Omar is a detainee at Guantanamo Bay, told an undercover reporter that he endorsed the views of George Galloway, the Respect MP, who said an attack on the prime minister by a suicide bomber could be morally justified. Deghayes said he prayed for Allah to support anyone who attacked Blair.
The Al-Quds mosque run by Deghayes has links with extremists, according to court testimony. David Courtailler, a convicted supporter of Al-Qaeda who is connected to a number of terrorists responsible for the Madrid bombings and 9/11, converted to Islam at the Brighton mosque days before travelling to Afghanistan. Courtailler, who was sentenced to four years in prison in 2004 for aiding terrorists, was given £1,000 by Omar Deghayes to travel to a jihad training camp in Afghanistan, according to records of his Paris trial.
The takeover of the mosque is similar to the coup executed at the Finsbury Park mosque in north London by Abu Hamza, the hook-handed cleric jailed last year for inciting murder, who drove out the trustees and imam using violence and slander so he could use the site to expound his extremist rhetoric.
Hamza also spent some time living at the Brighton mosque in the late 1980s. Rafique Miah, one of the trustees before the takeover, said: “Abubaker came in as a worshipper. Then he started to take over. When we told Abubaker, ‘This is England, we have to follow the law,’ he would say ‘British law under my foot’.”
The BBC its adoration for Islamic terrorists and half the story.
The BBC, the Taliban, civilian casualties and the real story.
Toll rises in Taleban town battle
Twelve insurgents and two children have died during an assault by Afghan and international forces on a Taleban-held town, the Afghan defence ministry says.
The twelve Taleban were killed during fighting, while the two children were killed when security forces clashed with Taleban travelling in a convoy with civilians, a spokesman for the Afghan defence ministry said.
The BBC very quick to defend its Islamic masters always points out the civilians who die when the terrorists are attacked as a way of saying NATO is somewhat cavalier and gungho when it comes to taking on Allahs best. What is strange is how the BBC doesn’t seem to report these little snippets found on the ISAFs web site.
Dutch ISAF Apache track insurgents in Afghanistan
The following short video clips demonstrate how insurgent extremists in Afghanistan deliberately blend with the civilian population by adopting civilian clothing and mixing with children.
The BBC, the Taliban, civilian casualties and the real story.
Good work uncovering more Islamist propaganda from the BBC. Pretty disgusting that they present Abubaker Deghayes as a human rights specialist – this gives his extremist position more credibility. When our elected representatives are shot and assassinated by these fanatics, the BBC ought to be put on trial.
Will no-one at the BBC (Reith, David Gregory) answer why the state should subsidise an organisation which acts as a propaganda arm for anti-British militants, and puts the lives of British citizens in danger?
I am beginning to suspect that the whole point of the BBC’s negrophilia, Islamophilia, homophilia etc is to whip up the right wing backlash necessary to allow it to self destruct.
So, for the moment folks, lighten up a bit and sit back and enjoy the unique experience that is BBC reporting. After all where else can you receive a news channel that runs a story on teenage pregnancy and only vox pops Caucasian girls in Brixton?(!)
Susan: “I’m sure there will be numerous promotional plugs for Islam in this production — Mary will be in a burka, and the Three Kings will bring verses from the Koran instead of gold, frankensence and myrrh. I’m sure it’ll be lovely.”
Well let’s hope someone puts it on YouTube otherwise you won’t see it will you, Susan?
No problem Dave, if it’s awful enough, it’ll show up on any number of Beeb-hating blogs. 🙂 I got a gander at “Don’t Panic, I’m Islamic” on LGF. Not that I could stomach sitting through it all, mind you.
People outside of the UK might also be able to watch BBC broadcasts online. Not the newsfeeds which anyone can get on their desktop or laptop (came with Vista, anyone can do that).
There are non-YouTube or bit-torrent ways to see BBC broadcasts online, as if one had Freeview.
It’s a shame you stopped watching “Don’t Panic, I’m Islamic” before the end – I think you must have missed the parts where they tell us, completely unchallenged, how 9/11 was an inside job, and the sympathetic interview with Abu Hamza’s student, convicted terrorist Shahid Butt, and the point where they all begin justifying suicide bombing? Remember that this was aired just a few days before the 7/7 terror attacks.
In 20 minutes of this shocking broadcast the BBC did more to demonstrate why they are such a danger to our nation and our national security than we could in 20 years.
Matthew (UK) So “Don’t panic…” was a warning about Islamism from the BBC? Now I really am confused.
Susan: So you can’t watch/listen to the BBC in the UK. And when something like “Don’t Panic…” appears online you don’t watch it all the way through. Erm, I realise this sounds harsh, but you’re not really posting from a position of knowledge are you?
Matthew (UK),
I thought it was an hour long. Is the LGF one the whole film or just a segment? Couldn’t watch it because for some reason I can’t download the Flash player. I’ll try to figure out another way to see it because its importance can’t be over-emphasized. The BBC really crossed the line here.
Erm, I realise this sounds harsh, but you’re not really posting from a position of knowledge are you?
David Gregory (BBC) | 08.12.07 – 10:22 pm
You really should stop digging yourself any deeper into this particular hole. You are talking to people who have been exposing BBC and other MSM bias since before the internet was conceived of. And because we turn off in disgust at times or can’t access the entire miserable output from outside Britain we suddenly have no right to comment on the bias?
Get a grip.
The BBC, the Taliban and how it defends their evil name.
Toll rises in Taleban town battle
Twelve insurgents and two children have died during an assault by Afghan and international forces on a Taleban-held town, the Afghan defence ministry say
466 words later right at the bottom of the article;
The Taleban would not comment on a report by the chief of Helmand police that they had hanged a 12-year-old boy accused of spying for the British.
The BBC has a habit of burying bad news about Islamic terrorists in any story which questions the actions of the ISAF troops. Any accidental deaths caused by ISAF but partically the Americans or Brits is given instant Headline status. Yet any murderous act committed by the Taliban is not only given a make over but very often buried in the midst of a larger story. Oh and as for the BBC’s version of the hanging of children here is how the people of China heard about that story;
Afghan police:Taliban hangs teenager boy for so-called “spying”
Taliban Hang Afghan Teenager Accused of Being a Spy
Daily Telegraph (England)
Taliban ‘hanged boy, 12, for being British spy’
But does the BBC report the news about its Taliban mentors…No!
The BBC, the Taliban and how it defends their evil name.
Still waiting for David G and Reithy to comment on the BBC’s version of the Nativity…..
chirp chirp….crickets, *tumbleweed rolling past*
pounce | 08.12.07 – 10:42 pm:
Brilliantly-perceptive, well-researched post. ‘Nuff said.
David Gregory:
Matthew (UK) So “Don’t panic…” was a warning about Islamism from the BBC? Now I really am confused.
I should have been clearer with the pronouns. The BBC unwittingly demonstrated (a) why they – the BBC – are such a danger to the nation, providing sympathetic propaganda for extremist views, and b) the way in which extreme views are endemic in the Muslim community. With the hindsight that 7/7 took place a few days later, this programme is an indictment of what happens when radical Islam is appeased by the media.
pounce: your evidence for the BBC’s selective reporting on the Taliban shows that the BBC has learned nothing from this episode.
. Erm, I realise this sounds harsh, but you’re not really posting from a position of knowledge are you?
I’m posting from a position of knowledge when it comes to Islam (and the Beeb’s many craven and absurd apologies for it!), though. Also when it comes to the Beeb’s numerous “knowledge lapses” of my own country’s political systems, culture, and history. On other subjects, you’re right, I’m not that knowledgeable, but then I don’t comment on those other subjects usually 🙂
I do like the “pictures from around the world” feature on the website though. I always look at that.
“I also realise that this will have absolutely no impact on the BBC unless I follow it up with the threat of possibly coming down to BBC HQ and threatening to cut off a few heads.”
Sorry Arthur,you can’t do that un-Christian.The best you can offer is to have yourself torn apart by wild animals outside Bush House in the hope that the BBC will learn by your example.Sadly,the BBC will simply regards it as a spiffing idea for a series
“Maybe the Police want to follow them around for a bit to find out who the bad guys are?”
Just in case any of them display Brazilian traits.
This morning R4’s religious programme looks at the BBC’s favourite religion:
Something Understood
The Path of the Convert
Guardian columnist Madeleine Bunting meets Yahya Birt, who converted to Islam as a student. What leads someone to convert to another faith? Why do some make the decision with joy and delight while others, like the famous Christian apologist CS Lewis, kick and struggle against it? Why are some converts so admired and others so hated?
But I wonder how soon they’ll be covering this sort of thing?
Muslim apostates threatened over Christianity
And of course the headline
“The Taleban would not comment on a report by the chief of Helmand police that they had hanged a 12-year-old boy accused of spying for the British.”, would leave many readers (as opposed to the other headlines quoted) beleiving such reports were mere rumour mongering by the ISA and to be discounted as ‘allied propaganda’.
Another example of the BBc’s poisonous use of words.
BRAVO once again -Pounce!
I had a laugh at failure of the ‘eco pressure groups’ to get people(rent a mob rabble)out on the streets to protest about climate change. Despite the promises to the IPCC/EU that GP/FoE/Etc would provide mass demonstrations around the world that would give an air of public demand for urgent action on global warming AND give credibility to the Bali conference!
But in the end hardly anyone turned up! The BBC were there at all the protest locations(with lots of reporters I suspect) and they tried their best to make it look impressive but you could tell it was all very much a damp squib, just like the Heathrow climate camp!
Now I realise just why the EU are bribing these pressure groups with so much money, they are buying ‘rent a mob rabble’ to give their stupid, idiotic views an air of popular support
Of course all the usual anti American scum were at the damp squib protests with their childish costumes and such. All they needed were a few US flags to burn Etc. The BBC reporters spared no efforts in telling us that the US is to blame for EVERYTHING.
I say, that President Chavez is a hoot.
I say, that President Chavez is a hoot.…cas/ 7134927.
Sounds like he’s turning into a bit of a Turkmenbashi. Will he rename January after his mother and insist on his picture in the corner of the screen on all TV channels?
But in the end hardly anyone turned up! The BBC were there at all the protest locations(with lots of reporters I suspect) and they tried their best to make it look impressive but you could tell it was all very much a damp squib, just like the Heathrow climate camp!
Cassandra | 09.12.07 – 6:36 am | #
Have you noticed there’s a dead giveaway when a much hyped demo doesn’t come up to the beeb’s expectations?
The crowd shots are always tight and close up.
Remember the long shots of the big anti war march showing hundreds of thousands streaming into Trafalgar Square?
Whe it’s a damp squib you get a close shot of twenty of the usual suspects – with the beeb helping to make them look like a crowd.
Reg Hammer | 08.12.07 – 3:32 pm |
I can’t think of a nations security forces I would trust more.
Well, quite. 🙁
There is a simple logic at work here. The police and MI5 are useless/corrupted/infiltrated/whatever and so are capable of making wrong decisions. We need a sarcasm smiley…
Just why are these people being allowed back anyway? What is the reason given? No one seems to agree whether they have the right to abode or not. If they do can the government actually legally stop them from returning here? For once I’m not being sarcastic, why are they being allowed back – conspiracy theories excepted?
Matthew (UK) | 08.12.07 – 10:03 pm |
“In 20 minutes of this shocking broadcast the BBC did more to demonstrate why they are such a danger to our nation and our national security than we could in 20 years.”
Spot on.
It amused me that this programme was billed , and I’m certain, was intended as show how muslims deal with “overwhelming” British prejudice and how we should not be worried about them in our society.
Whereas, in fact, the programme scared the billyo out of me about irrational Muslim attitudes.
1. At least two converts to Islam talked about how they understood the motivation of becoming a Islamic suicide bomber.
2. Another said Al Durah footage prompted him to be an Muslim activist.
(Thanks to France2 for that fake footage btw, that was a big help)
3. Several said 9/11 was not done by Muslims.
4. Convicted terrorist Shahid Butt
Director blasts ‘BBC ignorance’
Licence-payers are being treated as idiots in the chase for ratings, claims an award-winning documentary-maker after row over a mystery rejection letter
“dave t:
Still waiting for David G and Reithy to comment on the BBC’s version of the Nativity…..
chirp chirp….crickets, *tumbleweed rolling past*
dave t”
Sorry, Dave T I’ve already commented on it. Basically I’m looking forward to it. If it’s half as good as the Manchester Passion which was also on BBC Three then it will be great. I know plenty of people were worried about the Passion before it went out (Ordinary people? The Music of Madchester?! For the most important Christian festival?! *splutter* *splutter*) but it was really great.
Not that this might not turn out to be some horrific PC pro-Islamic misstep… but lets wait and see.
And as I said the BBC is doing the Easter story again on BBC One from the people who brought us the fantastic Bleak House. I can’t wait for that either.
Still I’m sure Sky or ITV will be doing plenty of prime time programmes celebrating Christianity for all those who never watch the Beeb.
David Gregory (BBC):
Still I’m sure Sky or ITV will be doing plenty of prime time programmes celebrating Christianity for all those who never watch the Beeb.
…but who are still taxed into paying for the Beeb, whether they watch it or not, eh?
Two black women set themselves alight in two European cities.
Why does the BBC not tell us?
And as I said the BBC is doing the Easter story again on BBC One from the people who brought us the fantastic Bleak House.
And from the same organisation that broadcast the obscene and blasphemous Jerry Springer – The Opera.