Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may be moderated.
Has anybody watched this seasons spooks??
After watching last season I thought it was as expected typically anti-america.
However this season has been awful. Every episode being constant unashamed propoganda aginst America.
Every episode. America being held up as the pinnacle of world evil.
Does anyone know who wrote the episodes?
more on Nigel Wrench…
The official BBC line as to why there is no mention anywhere in the BBC’s output of Nigel’s rape charge is that it is not newsworthy; that he is not a newsworthy enough character.
Yet the fact that he’s HIV positive (contracted through sodomising strangers, and still unrepentant) makes him a sufficient martyr to give him a podium and an interview about his “struggle”, and they make a big thing about the Sony award he won for homosexual broadcasting.
Yet, when he’s on a rape charge, he’s suddenly irrelevant. How very convenient.
Nigel Wrench is of course unsackable at the BBC because of his sexuality.
Something he said and was never reprimanded for at the BBC:
“The first guy I ever f***** without a condom gave me HIV.’ Since I’ve been HIV-positive, I’ve had ‘unsafe sex’ more times than I can remember, often with men whose names I could not tell you now.”
And pricks like this dictate routinely at us from the BBC.
Do you have a link for that Reg?
Since I’ve been HIV-positive, I’ve had ‘unsafe sex’ more times than I can remember, often with men whose names I could not tell you now.”
He’s more than a prick, he’s a murderer. You say al-Beeb allows this unprincipled loser free reign? Lord help the United Kingdom.
“The first guy I ever f***** without a condom gave me HIV.’ Since I’ve been HIV-positive, I’ve had ‘unsafe sex’ more times than I can remember, often with men whose names I could not tell you now.”
I read this first in Robin Aitkens book.
He did a piece in the Daily Mail which also mentions it.
Here is the link.
Climate-Change Love-in:
The Corp’s obsession with climate change reaches orgasmic new heights this morning with blanket doom-mongering coverage of the Bali scarefest.
On the website, environment correspondent Roger Black provides ‘analysis’ which contains not one iota of alternative opinion, and casts (surprise, surprise!) George Bush as the villain who won’t go along with the tide.
There’s nonsense galore about the billions needed for an ‘adaptation’ fund, and of course, Indonesia’s call for more money to protect forestry – without a single mention that one of the the biggest pressures on rainforests is now the EU’s insane targets to generate 20% of energy via biofuels based on palm oil.
It’s time our ‘leaders’ and the BBC read the Malleus Maleficarum (The Hammer of the Witches) – the 1520 Inquisition document by two anti-witch fanatics that defined the crime of ‘witchcraft’ and led to the judicial murder of thousands of innocent women. They would find many chilling parallels.
Robin | 12.12.07 – 7:56 am | #
Happy UK:
If you get intouch with me via email (, I can pass on advice about complaints to the BBC. It’s complex minefield-filled terrain, and, for various reasons, I would rather not pass on the details of my experiences on an open-access blog.
Another response on the BBC’s comment system which will not make it through the censorship blockade on realistic comments:
“There’s no end of idiot geo-engineering solutions to a problem that almost certainly does not exist. And we can be sure that the BBC’s Green Room will continue to showcase some of the worst possible of them, while the scientifically illiterate commenters demand that WE MUST DO SOMETHING RIGHT NOW, even including deeply racist suggestions about reducing human population which can only refer to the number of black and brown people having too many children.”
“Meanwhile back in the Real World in 2007, hurricanes globally have shown their lowest energy in the last 20+ years, Antarctic sea ice reached the largest extent since the satellite record began, and politicians rub their hands in glee at the opportunity to raise taxes and blame someone else.”
Ignoring what it cost in terms of money and (ugh) its carbon footprint, can someone, anyone, please explain the rationale behind the ludicrous Mr and Mrs Bin Laden
A narrator/writer/camerawoman, who sounded all of thirteen, and whose finished product went some way to suggesting she was, combined with a sad middle-aged woman with some sort of attention seeking disorder.
Complete and utter tripe and not even worthy of the ‘car crash TV’ label.
What on earth was the point?
I met the guy who wrote spooks a few years back and I was invited to the wrap party at The Irish Club on Eaton Sq. for the first series (which was good)
He was very pally with my then boss (ex Mi5) at a company called Diligence LLC, which specializes in intelligence gathering.
He did advise him originally on a few things, mainly terminology used and a few bits of tradecraft, nothing to deep.
The guy did seem OK and like I say the first series was fun to watch, but it has really, really lost its way, like many things at the Beeb I guess.
jeff | 11.12.07 – 5:38 pm | #
You are,as I see it,a brainwashed bbc apologist.You comment on the ‘easier’questions but totally ignore the more important points.
Are you aware that the majority of us are not as daft as you assume we are?
When it all kicks off,(and believe me it will do),lets hope it’s the dear old marxist bbc that goes first,along with its legions of leftie,’right on’robots.
If ever a comment deserved a moderation warning :-:
None of the minority BBC supporters here has an obligation to respond (as opposed to the BBC, itself) to criticism of the institution.
John Reith
Most such attacks feature white victims and BME (Black and ethnic minority) perps.
If the BBC were to report only the most serious, it would run to hundreds every week.
The most recent analysis shows that in 2004, 87,000 people from black or minority ethnic communities (BME) said they had been a victim of a racially motivated crime. In the same period, 92,000 white people said they had also fallen victim.
Focusing on violent racial attacks, 49,000 BME were victims. Among whites, the number was 77,000. A Of those that involved wounding 4,000 were BME. Among the white population it was 20,000…/uk/ 6128466.stm
John Reith | 11.12.07 – 6:09 pm | #
Fascinating statistics – I quite understand why the BBC doesn’t report every serious racial assault.
Another fascinating statistic: if you go to the BBC News website and do a search on “racial attack” you will find 7 or so pages listing news reports of racial attacks. I only scanned the first three pages (I’ve a life to live in the real world) but most were significantly less serious than the Stepney murder – and in the 24 instances where the race of the victim was identified only 4 victims were white.
I think questions remain about the BBC’s judgement.
ThinAndBritish | 11.12.07 – 3:47 pm | #
The BBC on those nasty racist Jews
No one seems to have commented on the photograph used to illustrate this story. Thumbsnap seems to be down so I will describe it.
Picture caption: Israeli Arabs complain they are treated differently to Israel’s Jews
A man and a boy of apparently Arab appearance are photographed. In the foreground are spent rifle shells (M-16? MK-47? ~ hard to tell) and what appears to a collection of salt shakers although are probably containers for bullets. It’s been a while since I fired a rifle and the Hebrew says ‘Cadur’, generally translated as bullet although it also means pill.
Are the BBC suggesting that Israelis go hunting for Arabs? Conduct exercises near this man’s home and don’t pick up rubbish afterwards? Attacked this man at battalion strength but he fortunately escaped?
I don’t have time at the moment to check out the AFP archives but I’m intrigued as to the original caption.
I turned on News 24 at 5 pm yesterday and saw the news about the Algerian bombing reported by Hugh Whatsisname. They immediately reported an email they had received from one Khaled in Algeria to say (guess what?) “This was not done by Muslims”. It was just so predictable and propagandistic. This sort of propaganda has no place in a news programme.
Hugh could have pointed out that Algeria is 99% Muslim, but what does one expect of the BBC?
BBC 10 o’clock news last night. A ‘good news’ story on the improving situation in Iraq (followed by an in-depth report on Newsnight), plus a piece on the return of The Royal Welsh
One of the most frequent charges levelled here is that the BBC is guilty of bias by omission – whether that be of facts or the coverage of stories. Are you just ignoring when evidence to the contrary is shown?
Of course I’m sure the reply will be that it has only been grudgingly done, no doubt complete with some ‘sneering’ that apparently only certain people can hear.
Only reference so far is that Mark Urban is accused of eating “humble pie”. Can’t win!
Are B-BBC omissions not equally illustrative of the biases here? This is a serious question. Obviously none of you have an obligation for impartiality.
Talking about ‘an obligation for impartiality’.
The BBC environmental chap whose name is something like Horrobin, and whom I believe is an English graduate, was on The Today Programme this a.m. Reporting from the Global Warming Bunfest at Bali (where no doubt he traveled to by biodegradable canoe).
He indulged in the BBC’s favourite sport – find an American, any American and whinge, whinge, and whinge again. Because as the BBC never tire of telling us (incorrectly) ‘America is the world’s biggest polluter’.
I don’t suppose there is any chance of him finding a Chinese delegate and whinge, whinge, and whinging again.
The man is awful and BBC ‘news’ is awful.
Its ‘partiality’ makes its ‘news’ a nonsense.
So that would be Roger Harrabin who did an interesting report yesterday showing how if you look at carbon emissions per capita the US drops right down the list and places like the Gulf States leap to the top?
Any idea of calcing carbon emissions per capita is a complete crock, designed to let China off the “biggest polluter” hook that Harrabin is not as keen on as he was when it was the US.
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Yes the same Archbishop Harrabin of the Chruch of Global Warming who this morning rejoiced over a repentant sinner!
Australia, under the Messianic leadership of Kevin Rudd has signed Kyoto whilst Lucifer Howard is cast into the outer darkness.
Rejoice anew! More good news from the BBC article:
“As well as signing up to the Kyoto Protocol, the new government is committed to withdrawing Australia’s combat troops from Iraq.”
The BBC, food glorious food and half a story.
How secure is your food supply?
The price of food is soaring. Some of the causes are climate change, population growth, rising transport costs and increasing demand for biofuels.
Global warming could cut worldwide income from agriculture 16 percent despite the potential for increased yields in some colder areas. There’s mounting pressure on poor countries to export food to the rich at a time when there are 854 million hungry people in the world.
The above is something the BBC is peddling on its HYS,I find it strange that the BBC wishes to promote this image that climate change is making food scarce. The reason I picked up on this, is because the main article in this week’s economist is on the very subject. According to the Economist this year has seen the largest cereal crop in history. I quote;
“According to the International Grains Council, a trade body based in London, this year’s total cereals crop will be 1.66 billion tonnes, the largest on record and 89m tonnes more than last year’s harvest, another bumper crop. That the biggest grain harvest the world has ever seen is not enough to forestall scarcity prices tells you that something fundamental is affecting the world’s demand for cereals.”
So what does the Economist have to say on the subject?
Two things, in fact. One is increasing wealth in China and India. This is stoking demand for meat in those countries, in turn boosting the demand for cereals to feed to animals. The use of grains for bread, tortillas and chapattis is linked to the growth of the world’s population. It has been flat for decades, reflecting the slowing of population growth. But demand for meat is tied to economic growth”
And the other?
”Because this change in diet has been slow and incremental, it cannot explain the dramatic price movements of the past year. The second change can: the rampant demand for ethanol as fuel for American cars. In 2000 around 15m tonnes of America’s maize crop was turned into ethanol; this year the quantity is likely to be around 85m tonnes. America is easily the world’s largest maize exporter—and it now uses more of its maize crop for ethanol than it sells abroad.”
In fact the article mentions Climate change once.
“By some measures, global warming could cut world farm output by as much as one-sixth by 2020.”
Which is strange as the reports says in could have an impact in the future and not now as the BBC promotes.
Here is the report.
The BBC, food glorious food and half a story.
David Gregory: “So that would be Roger Harrabin who did an interesting report yesterday showing how if you look at carbon emissions per capita the US drops right down the list and places like the Gulf States leap to the top?”
Oh for goodness sake! This isn’t reporting, it’s playing with numbers. The issue is whether there is man-made global warming… and, as evidence increases that any climate change is nothing to do with carbon emissions perhaps the Beeb would like to adjust their thinking into doing somethign other than merely repeating the untruths about MMGW.
And please don’t tell us that there has been an internal debate at the Beeb (and therefore okay to promote Gore’s twisted ideas), or that we must be careful what we interpret. The whole Global Warming Swindle has and will cost billions and do no good at al other than make governments wealthier via taxation. But then we might need an objective, balanced view instead of trying so hard to “prove” a series of inconvenient lies.
Climate change has been happening for zillions of years and, guess what, it will continue no matter how many journalists are flown to Bali or whatever pleasant place these public-funded fun-fests happen.
You know, I just realised why all this is going on: the Beeb loves extra taxation, so it can claim more money to squander. Of course the Harrabins love MMGW, and any big state intervention in our lives as they will benefit. Bigger wages, less responsibility… how sweet that must be to the Beeb
Given the BBC’s allegedly anti-american credentials, can you tell me why they missed this prime opportunity to blame the US?
Both Economist articles (see also ‘The end of cheap food’) make it clear that a major contributing factor is America’s “reckless ethanol subsidies”.
I’m sure you’ll tell me next that climate change beats america bashing in the group-think scale!
I note that Mr Harrabin has been elevated to the status of ‘analyst’
What qualification/experience does ne possess that warrnats this apparent status?
All he does is repackage MMGW propaganda
Watcher: Actually measing totals verses per capita seems to be an important issue in Bali. That’s why it was being reported.
I’m unclear on the link between increased Government taxation and my BBC salary going up though. As far as I can tell when tax goes up my salary goes down. 😉
David Gregory (BBC):
So that would be Roger Harrabin who did an interesting report yesterday showing how if you look at carbon emissions per capita the US drops right down the list and places like the Gulf States leap to the top?
David Gregory (BBC) | 12.12.07 – 12:02 pm | #
Well, I`ve listened to Harrabins “report’ and Joe is quite right to raise the points that he does.
David Gregory (BBC) has deployed the usual BBC smokescreen (you can witness this anytime Fran Unsworth gets caught with her pretty pants down).
Harrabin isolated The United States, highlighted the love & applause heaped upon the Australians and those well known enviromentalists The Indonesians.
Harrabin provided no context whatsoever for the position taken by The United States, made no mention of other significant polluters and it goes without saying that he made no mention of the views of those who believe that the entire Climate Change agenda is Communism reborn.
So what does one retain in memory from Harrabins magic trick?:
-Australia, good new government, applause.
-Indonesia, bash America, Applause.
-America, bad before, still bad.
The link is here
As the wonderful Pounce might say
“Smoke, Mirrors, editing and The BBC:
Lurker in a Burqua:
about the above link…
are you telling me all those bbc reporters were flown across the world to meet tose people and gain those amazing quotes..
Is this where our money is going.
Do you see what I see? The ‘M’ word – must be a mistake, first draft and all that…….
Muslim convert on terror charges
David Gregory: “Watcher: Actually measing (sic) totals verses per capita seems to be an important issue in Bali. That’s why it was being reported.”
I concede that a journalist, enjoying a few days in the sun and wondering what to send home by way of a justification for being out enjoying himself (or herself, for that matter) might scratch round and come up with “what the conference discusses when it’s not at the pool side party” and hey presto, it is the hot issue of dividing up a cake per capita.
Well, the crumbs falling off the table of the Big Staters having fun in the sun isn’t impressive. This isn’t rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic so much as getting interior designers in to bitch over the colour schemes.
Let’s go back to basics (quick, before the next ice age sets in and all those MMGW fans look even more silly): the Beeb has a duty to be objective, and not simply happily report the idiocies. Yes, per capita may be the big issue in Bali, but that is only to obscure the fact there is no “consensus” at all and allows them to ignore the real issues.
Is it really too hard for anyone at Gore Central to bring us a balanced view, or is it because you have made your minds up that MMGW is a “fact” and we don’t need to know anything more?
This vicious racially motivated attack in Stepney, is it the same one that was being discussed here a few weeks ago, or is this another machete wielding mob attack in London (it’s hard to keep track)?
As for the MMGW fest in Bali (lovely and warm there his time of year), I came across this article this morning which is interesting in itself, but more importantly links to some very interesting, recently published research (from actual climatologists, and not blow-hards with Zoology degrees who became climate experts for the lucre).
Oh, and another article you won’t find from our ‘friends’ at the Beeb; Bush popularity at 37%, while Congress languishes at 22%, according to this Gallop poll (moe: +/- 3%)
Watcher: Do you want me to go through all the global warming stuff again? I should just get an FAQ done every time it comes up.
Global Warming is real. It’s probably our fault. This is what science tells us. Without science we’re just a bunch of monkeys praying to the big ball of fire in the sky. IMHO.
I fully accept some amazing piece of research may one day turn this picture on its head. But then you could say that about any area of science (its an old philosophical problem, are there emeralds that might one day turn red?). But so far, it hasn’t appeared.
Please. Global warming on Mars. Reordering of hottest years. Thickening ice. These and others are not the pieces of evidence you seek *does Jedi hand wave* Google them first before throwing them around.
As for the irony of flying out three reporters to Bali to report on climate change… well yes, it’s a fair cop. But you don’t get far as a reporter sitting in an unheated shed with the lights off eating peanuts and trying not to burp.
(The reporters in the link I posted are all the various correspondents/stingers for that country so they were there aleady, and barring Roger not flown out specially)
Kick off a campaign by asking 1000 people to pledge on to donate a year’s licence fee to an organisation with the following objectives:-
Can Yanks donate? I have a feeling you’d clean up if we’re allowed into the game. . .not to mention the Israelis.
David Gregory (BBC):
Lurker in a Burqua:…629/ 7137123.stm
David Gregory (BBC) | 12.12.07 – 1:45 pm | #
I suppose that I`m to deduce from your link something like this:
“look! we cover all shades of opinion on climate change ergo we have no agenda, see!”
Heres the trouble, You have now tried twice to excuse Harrabins loathsome report by obfuscation. First you tried to excuse it by citing a different report (So that would be Roger Harrabin who did an interesting report yesterday ), then you tried to appear even handed with reference to this link all of which makes for me my original point about smoke & mirrors.
An oft used BBC response (excuse) is that balance is achieved “over a period of time” (I guess thats why you linked as you did), however NOTHING of what you have posted since Joe @ 11.35 am has done anything to address the points that he made in respect of Harrabins Trickery on Today, TODAY.
You have been into the BBC archive to find a multi-culti Vox Pop. The BBC always do this to show balance. Three Thousand articles pushing MMGW and one or two asking a few nut jobs in thier homes what they think about it all.
We are invited in your link to “get a glimpse of peoples Carbon Lives“, thereby cementing the proposition in the public mind that:
-Such a thing exists
-Its bad
-Something needs to be done about it.
The organization for which you are an apologist is loathed across the land, if you were not all so crippled by Islington mortgages you could be liberated from the veil of lies that you continue to perpetrate.
North Korea anyone?
Fascinating statistics – I quite understand why the BBC doesn’t report every serious racial assault. Another fascinating statistic: if you go to the BBC News website and do a search on “racial attack” you will find 7 or so pages listing news reports of racial attacks. I only scanned the first three pages (I’ve a life to live in the real world) but most were significantly less serious than the Stepney murder – and in the 24 instances where the race of the victim was identified only 4 victims were white.
I also did the same search, with similar results. Numerous pages o garden-variety attacks by whites against non-whites that appeared far less serious than the Stepney attack.
Yet according to Reith’s own stats, violent racial attacks by non-whites against whites in the UK are far more prevalent than the opposite. You would’t know that from reading al-Beeb though. I wonder why al-Beeb only reports white attacks on non-whites, and not the other way around? Could there be some sort of political agenda behind this policy?
The Beeb — having a political agenda? Perish the thought. They are above reproach.
For people who find that the BBC’s reporting of Algeria, and the Islamic jihad bombings in Algiers is somewhat lacking in understanding (not suprising since the BBC’s reporter on Algiers seem to be based in Cairo), they can usefully turn to the website:
This site states:
” We have reported more often than any other website on the development of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb in Algeria and north Africa..”
Suggest see:
“Terrorist Bombings in Algeria: Previous ‘Counterterrorism’ Blog Posts on Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb.”
In light of Martin’s post about flying people half way around the world to talk about global warming…
How about a Carbon Footprint for every BBC TV program?
Surely, the Beeb would jump at the chance – in the spirit of openess and to illustrate its green credentials?
Lurker in a Burqua: You see the thing is I posted that link because it was the nearest I could find on the Newsnight website to the actual report which was all about the point you raised. That America is not the worst polluted and indeed going per capita it drops right down the table.
These are all by Roger Harribin. He’s obviously aware of all these issues. If you can remember the time of the Today report I’ll have a listen and see what he said.
And I don’t live in Islington. And I don’t have a crippling mortgage.
Susan | 12.12.07 – 3:24 pm
I also did the same search, with similar results.
Normally I’d just believe you. But this time I did the Google search myself. Of ten stories that came up on the first page 3 weren’t relevant.
Among the remaining seven, were these five:
A reward for more than £13,000 is being offered to help catch a group of Asian youths suspected of injuring a war veteran in a racially-motivated attack.
A 13-year-old boy from Albania has been badly beaten in a racist attack, say police.
Police in Bedforshire are looking for a gang of about 20 mainly Asian youths between the ages of 15 and 20.
Community leaders in Bradford have appealed for calm after a gang of Asian youths attacked a vicar and tried to start a fire at his church.
Three white youths were assaulted by a group of between four and six Asian men in the Glodwick area of the town in the early hours of Saturday morning.
A man was left with a fractured skull after what police called a “racist attack” in Bradford.
Matthew Bergan, 32, was walking home with his two sons in the Lidget Green area of the city.
On Sunday West Yorkshire Police said two Asian men shouted racist abuse and hurled stones at him as he made his way through a cemetery.
Boaden wouldn’t allow any reports of black racist crimes against whites for the simple reason that she would be unable to ‘contextualise’ why the blacks behaved behaved in such a way.
‘Contextualise’ being Boaden speak for ‘excuse’.
And to go back to Susan’s original post. Wasn’t this an attempted murder? It is by its nature going to be less newsworthy than one of the many actual murders.
Nasty, but true.
John Reith:
Susan | 12.12.07 – 3:24 pm
“I also did the same search, with similar results.”
Normally I’d just believe you. But this time I did the Google search myself. Of ten stories that came up on the first page 3 weren’t relevant . . .
Try again JR, I’ve just done the search I originally did again – the one that Susan repeated – a search on the two words racial and attack on the BBC News Front Page. In my first search I went through the first three pages and looked at each story. Almost all related to attacks described as racial, few if any were as serious as the Stepney murder, and in 24 instances where the race/ethnic origin of victims was identified, only in four was it white. It doesn’t look significantly different now (I have the search page opens on the screen as I type this).
Perhaps you could specify the nature of the search YOU did?
David Gregory:
Two words. “Ross Parker.”
BBC never learn do they?
I used ‘racist’ not racial. I didn’t specify news front page. I included terms BlackORWhiteOR Asian.
“I used ‘racist’ not racial. I didn’t specify news front page. I included terms BlackORWhiteOR Asian.”
LOL at John Reith. He’s got shifting the goal posts down to an art form.
Vanites, John! Vanites!!
David Gregory (BBC):
And to go back to Susan’s original post. Wasn’t this an attempted murder? It is by its nature going to be less newsworthy than one of the many actual murders.
Factually you are right – they “felled him with a machete and . . rpeatedly punched and kicked him as he lay lay helpless on the ground” and “continued as Mr Payne’s sobbing girlfriend trid to shield him”. The attack shattered his skull, bone fragments penetrated his brain and he now has severe epilepsy – but, indeed, he’s not dead.
DG, do the search I did, look at the cases the BBC did report – and think what proportion of them actually represented violence less than what happened to Mr Payne. And think what that means about BBC reporting standards.
JOhn Reith. Since I am forced to pay your salary perhaps you’d be so kind as to tell me how much it is.
Given your anonymity, I can see no reason for you to be bashful about this.
John Reith:
I used ‘racist’ not racial. I didn’t specify news front page. I included terms BlackORWhiteOR Asian.
John Reith | 12.12.07 – 4:23 pm | #
But the police don’t monitor “racist” attacks, they monitor “racially motivated” ones, that’s why I did a simple search on “racial” and “attack”.
But what about a response to what I found in my search – or do I just join the chorus of those who see you as sidestepping every issue when in danger of getting pinnned down?
Oh – and I didn’t specify BBC News front page – that’s just where I did the search from. I assumed that I was searching the entire BBC site.
Dr R:
“JOhn Reith. Since I am forced to pay your salary perhaps you’d be so kind as to tell me how much it is.”
Undisputably he is a member of the £100K per annum elite club at the BBC.
With so much time on his hands he could hardly be anything else.
Reg Hammer
You know, I was thinking that very thing!