Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may be moderated.
It seem’s there’s one global warming that the BBC is keen to keep unreported – the global warming to the idea that global warming is a crock of shite.
pounce | 20.12.07 – 10:02 pm |
You’ve got this one nailed absolutely right. I’m afraid that all Leftoid media have used New Orleans as a pretense with which to beat up on “rich white people”, not to mention Bush, who used mental telepathy to instruct the Democrat White Governor of Louisiana and Democrat Black Mayor of New Orleans to keep everyone in their homes, and prevent them from using hundreds of available school buses, and keep the National Guard away from saving non-rich non-whites.
If we had non-whites in New York living in such decrepit, unsafe, trash heaps as they’re whining about keeping in New Orleans, Al Sharpton and every other race hustler and Democrat would be screaming bloody murder about putting black folk in dangerously crap housing.
That doesn’t fit the narrative here, though, and the BBC is only too happy to jump on any half-baked opportunity to show how awful we are.
Has global warming stopped?
Meanwhile in the busy metropolis news continues to be made:
The London Evening Standard has been running, since midday, the story that Labour MP Kate Hoey has asked the police to investigate yet some more of Lee Jasper’s dodgy mates. Already other media are taking up the story. Except the BBC of course who at 3:30 still haven’t heard of it or didn’t think it was worth running even on the London page of the website. They also seem to be finding Gordon Brown’s disastrous poll showing of little interest.
Perhaps their concentrating on the BNP ballerina’s nuptuals?
Maybe I should get a job as a greengrocer – they’re not their.
(Hangs head in shame)
Link to video footage of the battle of Musa Qala a town “the British lost to the Taliban”
I liked the bit – “the Afghans were furious, that is no way to win hearts and minds”
If anyone gets to the end of the piece please let me know if anythig positive is said!
The BBC hating our lads since 1968
They also seem to be finding Gordon Brown’s disastrous poll showing of little interest.
Now if that was George Bush, you would know all about it. Curious that the worst poll rating for a British Prime Minister doesn’t merit a mention, yet the US President’s ratings are scrupulously analysed for the possibility of bad news.
Bias? you decide!
The above was me, as is this bit of bizarre Labour straw-clutching
Yet, despite the firestorm that engulfed Labour in recent months, we do not appear to have reached any tipping point in British politics so far.
So the “BROWN IN MELTDOWN AS TORY LEAD GROWS” and “Tories with their biggest lead for 15 years” stories are not yet a ‘tipping point’ ??
Has global warming stopped? We can expect warmer & wetter Winters scream the vegetable eating camp ones.
Hmm. Been frigging freezing where I am in Kent for the last 10 days and the USA has had the sort of snow it hasn’t had since the last ice age.
So what do you think?
Minus 12C here this morning in the French Alps (900 meters above sea level) and all local ski resorts buzzing.
Whilst in Johannesburg in the summer, dozens froze to death due to record cold winter (where was Orla Guerin?)
OK so we all know climate ain’t that localised local. Unless your the BBC reporting from a green ski resort last year, or somewhere obscure that is having a heatwave.
Andrew North gives his view of Iraq forgetting anything that might show things are better…. my comment to this effect not published and only ONE mild comment asking why he never even mentions the surge and the dramatic fall in violence!
BBC – lying toerags, this is what we are.
They know where I live:
To be honest, I don’t think it’s massively surprising the BBC is being a bit cautious about reporting serious allegations of dishonesty on the part of public officials given that the reporter is Andrew Gilligan.
Just noticed this silly article about the latest legal proceedings about Guantanamo, with statements of opinion and admissions of bias:
Clearly the BBC editor responsible for it takes the line of blinkered American leftoids that foreign nationals who were not captured in the US, never mind having even the slightest legal connection to US residency or anything, have the exact same legal rights as US citizens. They raise the same red herring that denying the right to habeas corpus to the detainees is a de facto denial of that same right to US citizens, which it isn’t. The article does not mention anything about the differences between the legal rights of non-citizens and citizens, between non-combatants and combatants, or anything else, presumably because those responsible don’t even understand any of it. They just blindly repeat propaganda and false statements.
As usual, the two detainees mentioned in the story are in Gitmo undeservedly. One of them, an Algerian, went to Bosnia during the civil war, for some unknown reason, and stayed on. I wonder why an Algerian went to Bosnia during a “civil war”? Maybe there was some little row involving Muslims? This “Algerian turned Bosnian”, whom the BBC define as a “charity worker”, was suspected of plotting to attack a US embassy, but was released and then – naughty, naughty – “grabbed by US agents and secretly flown” to Gitmo. Interesting choice of words to describe the action there: grabbed. This shows the writer’s opinion of the action.
The other detainee mentioned is yet another agnus innocens, a teacher from Kuwait this time, picked up in that well-known location that seems to be for Muslims what Tenerife or Spain is for British holiday makers – Pakistan. We’ll just assume he was there to teach in one of those charity schools, from which so many Guantanamo detainees seem to have been forcibly removed.
Now for the bias and falsehoods.
The article is meant to be an historical comparison of Edward Hyde, the first Earl of Clarendon’s actions in the 17th Century to the Bush Administration’s legal activities surrounding the prison at Guantanamo Bay. The article is in actual fact full of lies and bias.
The BBC article says that Clarendon was “himself impeached.” Firstly, this is false. Due to typical political pendulum swings, Clarendon eventually fell out of favor, and in June of 1667, he was threatened with impeachment. Not “himself impeached”. He chose exile in France. Secondly, why use the reflexive pronoun “himself”? Usually when one uses the passive voice with a reflexive pronoun in this way, it is meant to be considered in contrast to something else. So who else would be a candidate for impeachment? Not the King, obviously. No, in this case, it is most likely that when the Beeboid writes that the Earl of Clarendon “was himself impeached”, he or she is thinking about George W. Bush. Any Freudian will probably read this as evidence of the writer’s opinion that Bush could very well be impeached for his own actions regarding Guantanamo.
In fact, that is not the only lie in just this one sentence. The line implies that Clarendon was impeached and exiled because of his own version of Gitmo. Additionally, we are meant to believe that Clarendon set up these prisons to keep people away from the courts “and in particular from the right of habeas corpus.” Yet another example of ignorance from the BBC, as the Habeas Corpus Act was codified in 1679, two years after Clarendon was exiled to France. So he can’t have intentionally denied anyone of a right that didn’t exist.
In fact, Clarendon’s fall from grace was preceded by a couple of years of power-jostling and intrigue, and the main impetus for the threats of impeachment and calls for his resignation had to do with the dissolution of Parliament and Clarendon’s attempts to arrange for money to keep a standing army. Nothing whatsoever to do with secret prisons or habeas corpus or anything remotely connected to the legal machinations surrounding Guantanamo today.
In fact, when Clarendon did send a handful of people outside of the jurisdiction of English law, it was before or during 1662. A prime example being a General Lambert, busted as being part of the Rebellion, who was convicted in court. His life was spared – due to actions by Clarendon on his behalf – and he got imprisonment in Guernsey instead. He even wrote a letter to Clarendon thanking him for procuring such a degree of mercy.
The stories all over the Leftoid media and blogs are so much horseshit. Even if Clarendon did have people in prisons in Jersey and Guernsey, they were not secret, and had nothing whatsoever to do with impeachment or anything else. The very, very young person being paid very, very low wages is also very, very lazy. They’re just copying and pasting leftoid screeds, without bothering to check facts. Again. As usual.
Naturally, I wondered why the BBC chose to pick on Clarendon, who was actually a moderate and promoted religious and political tolerance (something anathema to the BBC), until I read this from WW Norton:
“His History of the Rebellion…was not only one of the earliest English histories to rise above the level of a chronicle; it served to formulate and crystallize the social philosophy soon to be know as Toryism“
The usual defense is that everyone else is saying this/not saying this, so there’s nothing wrong with the BBC saying this/not saying this. Stop lying and do your homework, and quit trying to poison my friend’s minds against me and my countrymen.
Anyone interested in reality can find it here:
or by, you know, looking in an encyclopedia. Or you can go see Clarendon’s picture in the National Portrait Gallery, thus doing more research than the Beeboids who produced this bit of leftoid garbage.
…thus doing more research than the Beeboids who produced this bit of leftoid garbage.
David Preiser (USA) | 21.12.07 – 6:10 pm
Incredible, isn’t it. BBC hacks are so blinded by their agenda they can’t even get simple facts straight.
Just before seven this morning on Five live this morning we got a report on what was the last day of the hajj from the BBC’s Muslim (listeners who know that that is a redundant adjective, don’t know it courtesy of the BBC – educate and inform -ha! ha!) reporter on the spot.
He mentioned that people had been sacrificing goats to celebrate eid al-adha and to show just how Jews, Christians and Muslims are all in one big happy Abrahamic religious family mentioned that this was to commemorate an event many listeners would be familiar with from the Old Testament. This was the incident where Abraham was going to sacrifice his son Ishmael when he got divine instruction to use a nearby goat in stead.
Given the fact that Muslims claim that the text of the Bible has been tampered with, forged or corrupted where it contradicts the version of events given in the Koran (or, in the case of Ishmael, by Koranic exegetes) many listeners could easily have taken this garbling of the Abraham and Isaac story as insulting to their beliefs.
As it was Nicky and Shelagh did not pick him up on it, possibly out of ignorance or inadvertence, or more likely because they take advantage of these pointless hajj bulletins to take a loo break or stretch their legs. I assume the the reporter was simply unfamiliar with the contents of the Bible, rather than knowingly pushing his Muslim version as the correct one, although you can never be sure with religious enthusiasts.
Personally, I find it rather irritating to have the slitting of the throats of large mammals, by amateur slaughtermen as a religious rite, treated as quite normal in our vibrantly diverse culture.
Did any of these on-the-spot reporters mention the chants of ‘Death to America, Death to Israel’ on the plains of Arafat the other day?
Dave T wrote:
“Andrew North gives his view of Iraq forgetting anything that might show things are better…. my comment to this effect not published and only ONE mild comment asking why he never even mentions the surge and the dramatic fall in violence!
BBC – lying toerags, this is what we are.”
Completely agree dave. I posted a comment under Andrew North’s story pointing out he had made no mention of the surge and how things had improved in Iraq. Naturally it has never appeared. The BBC is beyond reproach in my opinion, continually pedalling leftoid Gurdianista rubbish. Andrew North is nothing more than a moral coward, who probably wants nothing more than to see the US withdraw tomorrow from Iraq and then see the sectarian violence kick off again, just so he can blame all the deaths on the US – utterly pathetic – how on earth does he have a job as a reporter?
But I think the momentum is against the BBC now, and the licence fee will be a thing of the past in the near future. Us British are sick to death funding an organisation that hates Britain and its culture, promotes the most intolerant religion on the planet because of fear of reprisals (cowards), and peddles left wing garbage and tries to pass it of as the middle ground of British politics. The Whole Fairy Tale of New York fiasco this week on Radio 1 just showed how out of touch the BBC has become with the average fee payer. Time to disband and close this organisation down.
In comment to the above. Interesting that in the BBC’s “Ethical food” babble they don’t bother to mention how Halal meat is produced?
They happily send reporters off chasing the Japanese around the Pacific Ocean but 1.2 billion Muslims are allowed to kill animals in a way that if I did it I’d be charged with animal cruelty.
Any Beeboid like to explain when we can expect an undercover investigation into this please?
“To be honest, I don’t think it’s massively surprising the BBC is being a bit cautious about reporting serious allegations of dishonesty on the part of public officials given that the reporter is Andrew Gilligan.”
Hugh | 21.12.07 – 5:04 pm
I must confess that I had my doubts about Gilligan and they seemed borne out by the Hutton report. However disclosures since prove that Gilligan was pretty well on the money. The dossier was ‘sexed up’. On the basis of past form then, I have to listen to result of his current investigations with due regard. However the BBC seem to take a different view. It’s now 4 hours later and one of the few London stories that rate a mention is ‘pedicabs fail to stop licence bid’.Oh and ‘UK troops better equipped’ quoted from the eternally popular Mr Brown.
Hugh Sykes spoke of hopes for a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in From our own correspondent last week:
With growing wonderment I read of warm and pleasant time spent with an Israeli and then a Palestinian family. And the bulk of the article was devoted to the Jews. I couldn’t believe this was the BBC, and especially Sykes, who is no friend of Israel. I thought perhaps someone had tapped him on the shoulder and told him to ease up on the bias since it is becoming a bit too obvious. But something was bothering me so I reread the article. And then it struck me:
A psychologist who came to settle here from New York gave a sermon about Jacob and Esau, and the lesson that Jews should gather food, offer gifts and prepare for war.
Ah yes, those warlike Jews. Never mind that Jacob and Esau resolved their differences and war was avoided. That doesn’t fit the script.
On the dumbed-down “News at 7:57” on BBC1, the main item in the London section showed us clips of the crowds at the Qa’aba and informed us that security has been tightened up in Mecca. This is neither relevant to London, nor, in reality, “news” at all. Oddly, since this programme is supposed to deal with “London news”, there was no mention of allegations of corruption at the heart of the Mayor of London’s Labour administration which might be of greater concern to a majority of Londoners.
You are assuming that all halal meat is slaughtered without stunning, this is not the case, a considerable amount in this country is stunned, especially that which goes for export.
Too many people make the mistake of thinking that all muslims follow one rule where in fact there is considerable disagreement even within sects, and the issue of stunning is a cause of much argument. The problem is that the BBC seem to listen to, and allow comment from, the extreme end of the scale.
“The problem is that the BBC seem to listen to, and allow comment from, the extreme end of the scale.”
Yes. Most definitely yes.
The BBC, Pan Am Flight 103 and half a story.
BBC on this day reports on Lockerbie bombing.
1988: Jumbo jet crashes onto Lockerbie
A Pan Am jumbo jet with 258 passengers on board has crashed on to the town of Lockerbie near the Scottish borders. Initial reports indicate it crashed into a petrol station in the centre of the town, between Carlisle and Dumfries, and burst into a 300-foot fireball.
The above report is what I presume the is the initial BBC report of when this plane was blown out of the sky by a terrorist bomb. So lets go to the in context on the same page in which to allow the BBC to paint the bigger picture.
In Context
In total 259 people aboard the flight and 11 on the ground died in the crash which took place 38 minutes after take-off. The debris from the aircraft was scattered across 845 square miles and the impact reached 1.6 on the Richter scale. The subsequent police investigation was the biggest ever mounted in Scotland and became a murder inquiry when evidence of a bomb was found.
Even wiki informs the reader of what really happened to a higher degree than the BBC?
Pan Am Flight 103 was Pan American World Airways’ third daily scheduled transatlantic flight from London’s Heathrow International Airport to New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport. On December 21, 1988, the aircraft flying this route, a Boeing 747-121 registered N739PA and named Clipper Maid of the Seas, was destroyed by a bomb, and the remains landed in and around the town of Lockerbie, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland.
Strange how after 19 years the BBC still hasn’t got round to saying the plane was blown out of the sky or that it was a terrorist act. The very same news agency which as breaking news will hold the press for the arrest of terrorists, the release from prison of Terrorists and In Barbara Plett case the death of a terrorist. But report the truth over the murder of 270 people murdered in cold blood and the BBC calls it a crash.
The BBC, Pan Am Flight 103 and half a story.
Those interested in evidence of the BBC’s inability to change might want to grit their teeth and sit through 12 minutes of Director of News Helen Boaden answering some moderate to tough questions on Newswatch:
And Boaden was the one who defended Barbara Plett when she admitted crying over Arafat, saying Plett, “Unintentionally gave the impression of over-identifying with Yasser Arafat and his cause.”
My point is that all over the world animals are killed according to Muslim traditions and this is accepted. Yet because the Japanese like killing a few Whales for Whale meat ( a tradition) they are hounded.
Does anyone think if MUSLIMS hunted Whales Greenpeace and the BBC would be hounding them? Of course not.
BBC insults us with Fairytale of New York;jsessionid=P42WQYMTHWQNXQFIQMGSFF4AVCBQWIV0?xml=/opinion/2007/12/22/do2205.xml
Unbelievable the way Helen Boaden tried to defend those utterly pointless outside broadcasts.
pounce | 21.12.07 – 10:41 pm
I just read the article you’re describing and the version that came up on my computer made it clear that the plane was destroyed by a bomb.
True it didn’t say it was a terrorist group responsible. But that was because it pointed the finger at Libyan intelligence.
Two men accused of being Libyan intelligence agents were eventually charged with planting the bomb.
Abdelbaset ali Mohmed al-Megrahi was jailed for life in January 2001 following an 84-day trial under Scottish law, at Camp Zeist in Holland.
His alleged accomplice, Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah, was found not guilty.
In 2002 Al Megrahi’s appeal against conviction was rejected.
Boaden is an evil witch and so is Jenny Abramsky!
Anti-lovely-EU thing ‘fails’, BBC are delighted.
I rather think 10% turnout for this sort of thing isn’t half bad, considering only about 25% of people vote in local elections. And the article should put the demand for a referendum in a percentage figure (95%), but it doesn’t.
Didn’t Sir Denis Thatcher used to refer to the BBC as the British Bolshevik Corporation or something along those lines?
When I first heard that, many years ago, I thought it was sort of silly, but now I think I know exactly how he felt.
I wish Al Beebs reporters investigated the the global warming scam like this
Oh god, please, please, please let this have happened to crowds of breying hoo-ray Henry types from the Beeb:
The idea of a lot of snotty Beeboids grounded is a very warming feeling indeed.
The travel firm was based in Gloucester – the sort of white middle class area Beeboids live.
They arranged trips to Austria – exactly the place all of our telly taxes have despatched BBC employees too this time of year.
Well, if they don’t have their holidays cancelled may I be the first in wishing some broken necks and limbs on the ski slopes of Austria for as many BBC employees as possible.
Merry f****** xmas. I hope the new year will see a few more nails in their coffin.
I thought this had to be some kind of joke when I saw the headline
“Bible bashing dying out in Kansas ”
So I read it:
and it’s no joke – the BBC clearly see absolutely nothing wrong in deriding people as “bible bashers”.
As even wikipedia says:
“Bible thumper is a derisive term used to describe Christian fundamentalists”
Derisive indeed.
We are told that “Creationists, for instance, keep up a constant low-level guerrilla war in this state and, if that is insufficiently odd for you”
Hardly respectful, deriding those who believe in the Bible as engaged in ‘guerilla war’, and as ‘odd’.
For the ultimate in PC irony, the BBC attempts to tarnish the whole of America based on the antics of Fred Phelps (, who is a pariah figure in the US, and has only a few dozen followers, nearly all of them his own family, but can’t bring itself to actually print the words that they use.
So rather than ‘God hates fags’, which is what the group actually says, and even has a website saying (, they render it as “God hates gays”.
The BBC, as we saw with The Pogues earlier this week, can happily spend an entire article deriding Americans, but cannot even print the word ‘fags’.
Can you imagine the equivalent being printed about Saudi Arabia?
‘Mad Mullahs dying out’ (this is roughly as derisive).
nice choice of photo beeboids
“Bible bashing dying out in Kansas”
Sadly, Koran bashing is anything but dying out in large parts of the BBC-approved world.
Reg writes: “The travel firm was based in Gloucester – the sort of white middle class area Beeboids live.”
You’re mistaken there – Gloucester has one of the oldest established asian communities, as well as a large afro carribean community.
Beeboids are far more likely to live in the nearby wealthier, (and whiter) Cotswolds.
Lurker in a Burqua:
nice choice of photo beeboids…/uk/ 7157409.stm
“Tonight Matthew, I’m going to be Larry Grayson…”
Not content with;
-Hoodwinking vulnerable children
-Ripping off viewers with fake phone-ins
-Rearranging footage of the Queen in order to show her in a bad light
…..the BBC are now in the business of Censoring works of Art.
Having been forced to reverse the decision on the censoring of the Pogues song the loathsome BBC try here to justify the original Authoritarian decision…….
If I may paraphrase Pounce:
Crimes against Art, Lies and The BBC.
I’ve been looking for this story on BBC news online – can;t find it.
The Daily Telegraph reports that Labour has abandoned its policy of getting rid of mixed sex wards in hospitals.
Stories about new labour breaking promises must be such old hat now, that the BBC can’t even be bothered to report them.
Why doesn’t Justin Webb say something similar about “Koran Bashers”? Cos he knows what he’d get!
Check out his blog:
He comes out with a classic: “I am the product of a Quaker school so am incapable of lying.”
The great George Fox will be spinning in his grave.
Matthew, as you say, there are only about 12 members of the Phelps family, and even Louis Theroux found a lot to like about them. It’s funny, anyone trying to depict “homophobia” rolls out an image of this completely irrelevant group. Pretty desperate stuff.
Of course, “homophobia” is itself a pejorative term, yet it’s plastered all over the BBC like it was something real and universally accepted. I get the distinct impression that the BBC is a paid up arm of the gay rights movement.
After all, we have heard nothing about the rape trial of Nigel Wrench, yet plenty about the harassment trial of Andy Kershaw. Why would the lesser charge get the greater coverage and the greater charge get absolutely none at all?
Climate Change: A Senate minority report lists 400 reputable scientists who think the only melting ice we should really fear was in the cocktail glasses of attendees at the recent global warming conference in Bali.
In the wake of the Dec. 3-14 conference, where delegates worked to draft a successor to the failed Kyoto Protocol on global warming, Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., ranking member on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, has released a report that lists scientists who challenge both Al Gore’s assertion that the debate is over and the Bali conclusion that the planet is in imminent danger.
Many of the 400 scientists have taken part in the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, whose climate change reports tout consensus but which critics charge are heavily edited to support pre-defined conclusions.
Among the IPCC’s warming “deniers” is atmospheric scientist Hendrik Tennekes, former research director at the Netherlands’ Royal National Meteorological Institute.
“I find the Doomsday picture Al Gore is painting — a six-meter sea level rise, 15 times the IPCC number — entirely without merit,” he said. “I protest vigorously the idea that the climate reacts like a home heating system to a changed setting of the thermostat: Just turn the dial, and the desired temperature will soon be reached.”
Coming to a BBC article near you soon….honest….definitely soon. Any day now……without fail…..
“He comes out with a classic: “I am the product of a Quaker school so am incapable of lying.”
Gordon Brown is a son of the Manse and look where that got us.
“I am the product of a Quaker school so am incapable of lying.”
He’s not lying, merely rearranging the objective truth of the position he wishes to adopt for his articles….then again most normal people outwith the wishy washy liberal world of low morals and standards that apply to others but not to them would call it lying!
I was told by a business friend of mine, who is also an Imman, that the halah way of killing is to cut from the front of the throat first, leaving the spinal cord intact until last. The animal is said to kick out all the badness during this.
I believe terrorist beheadings are also carried out in this fashion.
Isnt Kosher slaughter exactly the same, can someone anlighten me?
Yes, the basic technical aspects of ritual slaughter is essentially the same in the laws of Kashrut and Halal. The ritual aspects are not quite the same, of course, and different animals are permitted or forbidden by each, but they both require a knife (official shape may differ) with no nicks or unevenness, and the throat is cut in one quick stroke with the intent of causing no pain or suffering to the animal, which must be healthy.
This is not surprising as the two religions have shared cultural and regional origins, and have much in common in certain areas.
A helpful, concise explanation of the rules and differences can be found here: