General BBC-related comment thread:

Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may be moderated.

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741 Responses to General BBC-related comment thread:

  1. Reg Hammer says:

    God Ben, you quoted all that just to answer none of it?

    Can I ammend my list for BBC qualification then.

    Ethnic minority
    Gay or lesbian
    Middle class women
    Middle class men
    University educated – (Mandatory)
    Cut and Paste Skills – (Mandatory)


  2. Arthur Dent says:

    At this time of goodwill to all men, it is probably worth reminding all those who post comments, to treat our resident beeboids with a bit of common courtesy. John Reith, David Gregory and Ben may represent an organisation with which some of us have fundamental disagreements and we should not hesitate to provide evidence of that disagreement, but stooping to the level of personal insults will drive away those who I at least would like to engage with


  3. Grimly Squeamish says:

    Arthus wrote: “John Reith, David Gregory and Ben may represent an organisation with which some of us have fundamental disagreements and we should not hesitate to provide evidence of that disagreement, but stooping to the level of personal insults will drive away those who I at least would like to engage with”

    I agree; at least they bother to come here and try to justify the telly tax as opposed to their bosses who merely spend it.


  4. Reg Hammer says:

    Arthur Dent:

    As I assume your last posting was aimed at myself, I think I will just throw in the towel and remove myself permanently from this forum.

    I don’t feel I was being any more insulting toward these Beeboids then they are insulting to us with their daily output of poisonous bilge.

    Personally, I think “debating with the BBC” here is a contradiction in terms. It’s akin to having the Jehovah’s Witness’ standing on your doorstep whilst you explain the improbability and unlikelihood of God. Facts, proof, rationale, logic are meaningless to them. As Bill Hick’s once said: “It’s like showing a dog a card trick.”

    The BBC no longer have a ‘belief’ that their liberal agenda is what’s good for the country – It’s a ‘conviction’. And you cannot alter a a conviction no matter how hard you try.

    Broadcasting House has become an almighty mosque broadcasting it’s prayers twenty-four seven. And unfortunately for us, it’s prayers are almost certain to come true.

    I’m sure many will disagree – but I believe that if the BBC continues with it’s unabated apologising, promoting and recruiting for ‘the religion of peace’ in 10 years time this country will be led blindfold into a new dark age. Islam will have an irreversible foothold on our laws, education and media.

    I’m sure ultimately anyone with a vested interest in their own future will leave this country for somewhere less polluted by such totalitarian ideology. But unfortunately, the BBC mindset is sure to follow. The moment the BBC hierachy find their own cosy all white, middle class privilidges being suspended at the expense of terrorists and the fantacially religious, they will jump ship like the rats they are.

    Unfortunately however, they will just be washed onto fresh shores free to preach their bigoted propaganda to whatever poor sods of an indigenious population are yet to experience the benefits of multi-cultural nirvana. Yes, look forward to BBC missionaries preaching from the “BBC Charter” at a shore near you soon.

    Well, good luck to everyone here and I wish you all well.

    To everyone at Al Beeb, I hope your future is a short lived, downslide into the abyss of history such as you deserve.


  5. Alan says:

    Two of my Hindu friends always tell me jokingly that BBC was taken by the Pakistanis — this article would seem to confirm it —

    From the tone of the article BBC doesn’t approve the election of the “controversial right-wing” BJP Narendra Modi who “has been accused of failing to protect Muslims in the riots, which claimed the lives of 1,000 people”.
    The claims are not proven, plus the violence was instigated by both sides, but somehow BBC never mentions the Islamic misdeeds.

    At this point it is safe to say that BBC these days has a very real pro-Muslim bias in all its reporting.


  6. David Gregory (BBC) says:

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all contributors at B-BBC.


  7. David S says:

    Not just the NHS, but university staff (faculty, admin…the lot) have to pay out of pocket for their respective Christmas parties, in my experience. Of course I’m not surprised that Ben would fail to see the…ah, inappropriateness of an organization throwing lavish parties for all staff and workers paid for entirely out of the tax payers pocket. Let’s just hope that the New Year brings an end to the BBC tax and all these talented(less) BBC workers can get out there in the private sector and show us all what they’re worth. And for those who want to make a difference now – stop paying the tax! Nothing says, “got off my tits you worthless scroungers” like refusing to pay!


  8. PeterUK says:

    For goodness sake Reg,don’t be so sensitive.It’s Christmas,kick Ben in the balls one more time before you go.


  9. Janet Kelly says:

    My TV license expired last month. My only new years resolution is to refuse payment to this disgusting organisation, no matter how many intimidating letters/visits by ‘enforcement officers’ i receive.
    Merry Christmas Al-BBC, with any luck you won’t exist for much longer.
    Doing my bit,
    Love and kisses,
    Janet Kelly


  10. Fran says:

    David Gregory

    Merry Christmas to you too – and to all the troopers who post and comment on this site both BBC and Critics.


  11. David S says:

    Janet – One thing to keep in mind. If anyone from TV Licensing (controlled solely by the BBC) arrives at your door (very unlikely), you are under no obligation whatsoever to talk to them at all. Nothing. Just close the door. The BBC’s storm troopers can’t take one step into your premise without either a)a search warrant (which can’t be secured without presenting hard, physical evidence of an infraction to a judge – which would be impossible without first entering the house); b) your invitation. You are under no obligation to confirm your name, the address of your premise…nothing. Just close the door.

    Merry Christmas!


  12. WoAD (UK) says:

    “How many succesful musicians, writers, film-makers and artists throughout history have attributed their ‘talent’s to their univeristy educations. ”

    Pasteur, Curie, Edward Jenner, Einstein, all made their discoverys outside academia. Curie, for instance, worked in a leaky she in her back garden, Pasteur (discoverer of bacteria) worked behind a boiler in an airshaft or something.

    Merry Christmas


  13. gaz says:

    They are very crafty though, first of all they try to confirm that you are who they have on their list, thats before they tell you who they are from.
    It is only when pressed will they tell you who they are from, before you give them your name.


  14. Martin says:

    Check this out


  15. amimissingsomething says:

    Reg Hammer | 24.12.07 – 11:24 am |

    Reg Hammer | 24.12.07 – 11:28 am |

    champagne socialists indeed

    were it not for the fact that the beeb actually results in the criminalization of some, this would be a joke.

    the next time reith, reynolds, greg or any other beeboid appears on here, s/he must be pevailed upon to justify this.

    i want to hear their explanation of why beeboid teat-suckers of public funds are entitled to this, at public expense, but not, say, teachers, nhs workers, public transport workers or any other similar – some of whom are at least arguably more necessary than anyone at the beeb.


  16. PeterUK says:

    “I do remember… the corridors of Broadcasting House were strewn with empty champagne bottles. I’ll always remember that”,
    Jane Garvey, BBC Five Live, May 10th, 2007, recalling May 2nd, 1997″


  17. Anthony says:

    Merry ‘Christian religion’ Christmas to Al-BBC!

    I’ve not payed your wages for 11 years! I also know (like more and more people) that the TV Licence is doomed. Sponge all you can… it will not last.

    The amount I’ve saved over the last 11 years is astronomical… and best of all I’ve not fallen for your NuLabour propaganda.



  18. Bryan says:

    Fascinating debate on World Have Your Say tonight. The BBC host posed the question of whether it was all Israel’s fault that Christians were suffering in Bethlehem or whether Palestinian Muslims were to blame. This is the BBC?

    The Christians, plus a really slick propagandist from Arab Media Watch (I think), put on an impressive show of unity and harmony with their Muslim brethren and, naturally, blamed Israel for all their ills. When it comes to bias presented as a reasonable stance, these guys are so good they could teach the BBC a thing or two.

    I had to wade through all that fertiliser before it got a bit more balanced with opposing points of view brought in through bloggers and callers, some quite forcefully pointing out the dismal state of Christians in the Muslim world.

    Dunno how long the link will be good for. Scroll down to “Latest Episodes”.


  19. dave t says:

    Dr Gregory – Merry Christmas etc to you too but perhaps by the New Year you might actually answer my various points about climate change and the people including your former Science Editor who are not wholly convinced and perhaps you could comment on the way some people seem to be making lots of money from so called climate change…


  20. Abandon Ship! says:

    A Happy Christmas to all at BBBC, and to all Beeboids lurking out there.


  21. Atlas shrugged says:

    Peter Uk

    I dont need to know things like that I dont work for MI5 or MI6 or The CIA. But I am sure they could all find someone that does know all they need to know within 10 seconds.

    Is that the best you can do?

    Have you ever heard of remote control?

    My advice if you cant keep an open mind, is to look at the evidence. there is simply so much available I could not possibly go into it all now.

    Perhaps this may help you gain control of your free mind, but somehow I doubt it.

    I take it that you like me think/KNOW that this CO2=MMGW agenda is a load of dangerous authoritarian socialist nonsense,right?

    The BBC however runs the scam on a daily basis, to the point of not even allowing any type of serious debate. The same dishonest agenda is propagated in every single national government and national and international news organization. Don’t you see any connection here?


  22. Alan says:

    Merry Xmas everyone!


  23. Anat (Israel) says:…/podcasts/whys/
    Bryan | 24.12.07 – 11:20 pm | #

    I listened to most of this podcast about Bethlehem, where locals mostly defend the ruling Muslim majority of their city and blame Israel.
    Without going into detail of this particular issue, I think there is a more fundamental issue here concerning free speech.

    I should think that for any interview to be meaningful, the journalist must inform the audience on the likelihood of it being freely given. Where free speech does not exist, there is no point in asking people in the street whether their official government line (in this case, blaming Israel) is correct or not, or whether it is perhaps the government itself that hurts them.

    If there is any Beeboid reading this, please note: If you want credence, tell us if the persons interviewed enjoy free speech. If they don’t, you cannot trust their testimony.
    In this particular case, the testimony of any exile now resident in a free country should weigh much more than those still at Bethlehem.

    For it is a well-known tendency of the persecuted • and I say this as a Jewess party to extensive collective memory in such matters • to appease those persecuting them with the hope that the storm would somehow pass them by. It hardly ever does.


  24. Bryan says:

    Anat (Israel) | 25.12.07 – 6:02 am

    That’s true. The current state of Christians in Muslim countries is somewhere between uneasy dhimmitude and Kristallnacht. Behtlehem’s Christians are highly unlikely to reveal just how close to Kristallnacht they feel their Muslim brothers have positioned themselves.


  25. Cassandra says:

    Those anti semite BBC leftists just cannot help themselves can they?
    BBC world are busy pushing the disgusting lie that the Israeli defence force is stopping Palestinian Christians from going to Bethlehem/Jerusalem!
    The world according to the scumbag BBC is a strange place that bears NO resemblence to reality.
    So here is the truth for any passing BBC propagandist to read.

    The Palestinian terrorist state of Gaza is stopping Gaza Christians from going to visit their churches outside Gaza and the Islamist militia are keeping the Christians almost as hostages, shut up in small ghettos with daily threats of violence. But the BBC scumbags are telling the world that the militias are protecting the Christian minority when in fact the armed terrorist militias have been the ones issuing the death threats Etc!
    The Christian minorities in Gaza and the West bank are being persecuted by the Islamists alone! It is the Islamists who are bullying and threatening the Christian minorities into silence and trying to make them flee with death threats Etc!
    The Israelis are ready and willing to help the Christians in the Palestinian areas wherever and whenever possible.
    At last many people are starting to see the truth that the BBC is a pro Islamist, anti semite, leftist and marxist organisation.

    Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all anti BEEBOIDS everywhere.

    God bless Israel and may she triumph against the Islamist evil.


  26. Alan says:


    Your appeal to BBC for fairness is, well, naive. I don’t think you fully understand what you are dealing with here. It will fall on deaf ears and hardened hearts.

    About the podcast:

    Firstly, a Palestinian Christian:
    a) Wants to preserve good relations with his future overlords, i.e. Muslim majority, just like Jews in Iran do (they would only open up in private conversations, and Israeli government would never endanger them by posting their testimonies for PR purposes — unlike Arab countries who keep Palestinians locked in refugee camps for 60 years, just to make Israel look bad)
    b) A Palestinian Christian doesn’t like Israelis, and also doesn’t care about what they think — because for all the talk about brutal occupation, there is a almost total freedom of speech — i.e. Israel is not arresting someone just for saying something wrong about Israel, and everyone knows it. On the other hand Hamas and Fatah are both known to arrest, torture and kill people for their attitudes.

    So if you were a Palestinian Christian what would you do?

    Second, BBC and the rest of Guardianistas, with their ideological single-mindedness of true believers are on a campaign to end what they see is the Israeli “apartheid” and they won’t let the complexities of reality get in the way of their idealized solution.

    They do it not only because they believe it is the right thing to do, but also because they can!
    In their minds, as opposed to virtually every other injustice on Earth, this one they want to feel they helped cure.
    Israel will leave most of the West Bank anyways, so our Guardianistas want part of the credit…

    For journalists, it is extremely empowering to think that they are actually making a difference — especially for typically passive-aggressive types that tend to flock to government subsidized corporations and (non-exact science departments of) universities.

    It is much more difficult to take on an order of magnitude more difficult and dangerous abuses in Darfur, Tibet, Chechnya, etc.
    (In Grozny, more people were killed in couple of weeks than on both sides in 60 years of Arab-Israeli conflict, but then — it would be really scary for a journalist to wonder Chechnya and dig for dirt on Russian troop behavior and abuses).

    And finally for all the conspiracies about Jewish power, Beeboids know that, what they are doing, they can do with total impunity.

    Notice that their reporting gets less biased the closer to home they are.
    They would never dream to be as biased about British troop behavior as they are about American. And, they would never dream to spew so much open hatred towards America as they do towards Israel.

    Some of them probably wish they could spew venom against the British government and Army, but they are much more careful there. So all the frustration and pent up righteous anger gets out on Israel.
    Israelis are a perfect target, if you think about it:

    1. Very few people around the world have met real Israelis or have been to Tel-Aviv beaches, so as long as BBC is not showing the good sides of Israel (and they are very careful not to), everyone can be made to think that Israel is filled only with racist religious zealots, a.k.a. Zionists.

    2. There are very few people in Britain that would defend Israel’s position (as opposed to 1.5 million Muslims who think Zionist eat little Palestinian children for breakfast, lunch and dinner, not to mention Passover), so there is virtual impunity.

    3. It is sooooooo damn easy — sitting in air conditioned hotels in Israel, with excellent medical care when needed, and fast Internet connections.

    I know BBC staff that have been stationed in Israel for years — for example, Simon Wilson (used to be producer for Israel or somesuch) and his family who are provided the best care by Israeli (Zionist!) doctors in West Jerusalem when needed (child birth, etc.) and live in a luxurious villa, all payed, of course, by British taxpayers.

    Compare that to Darfur, who can stay for years stationed in Darfur?

    (Beeboids, don’t run scared here, nobody will dream of posting detailed personal information on the internet or anywhere else for that matter, but you are constantly digging dirt on Israel, so if you know how to dis’ it you should know how to take it — btw, what is said here is nothing in comparison to your constant demonization of an entire nation – a nation that hasn’t had it exactly easy in the past, and a nation that constantly contributes disproportionately to its numbers to the humanity as a whole)

    4. And finally, BBC have a steady stream of dirt about Israel provided by Haaretz and the rest of the Israeli media and civil rights groups. And, no, I don’t think the Israeli media should stop being so open — but most people in various countries I have lived in (Western included) were not as eager to spill their guts in the open all the time (translation to English provided) like Israelis seem to do constantly.

    Beeboids don’t have to do any investigative work to pick 2-3 articles defaming Israel each day, like in the past few days on:

    Rampant racism is Israel, Cluster bombs, etc.

    They all appeared on Haaretz’s English site 3-6 hours before they appear at BBC (sometime attributed and sometimes not).

    BTW, I heard that the article on rampant racism (about a week ago) in Israel never appeared in the Hebrew version of Haaretz, only English?
    Don’t Israelis deserve to know from their own leading lefty newspaper in their own language that they are such racists!?
    (it appeared in some other media, but not in Haaretz Hebrew edition)

    Also today’s article about 18 year low in immigration to Israel strikes me as bizarre to say the least. Did BBC write about lows in immigration figures to Canada for example — or to UK for that matter? What is this obsession all about? This is beyond bias — it is OCD.

    BBC is a lost cause as far as Israel is concerned. For most Beeboids and Guardianistas, Israel’s creation was one of the biggest mistakes of the 20th century.

    That will never change.


  27. Alan says:


    Whoever you are, you must be really dumb, don’t you know that “anti-semite” is in the eyes of the pseudo-left these days a true badge of honor.

    If you want to wear it you follow these 4 easy steps:

    1: You state something bad about Israel that is so preposterous, exaggerated, defaming and out-of-touch with reality, that inevitably there will be someone who will think that it must stem from antisemitism.

    2: When someone so stunned by the pure hatred of Israel oozing from your statement accuses you of possible anti-semitism, you say that “Criticism of Israel is not Anti-Semitism”

    3: Instead of reviewing your statements and moderating them (like you would in any normal discussion, so you can get your point about big bad Israel across) you run around claiming to be victimized and persecuted by the Israel/Zionist Lobby* with false accusations of anti-semitism.

    4: Congratulations – you are a hero of the Left and a real fighter against the establishment (together with your comrades – Hamas and Hezbullah “freedom fighters”).

    *Israel/Zionist Lobby — Insinuate that it is omnipotent in its reach and power, but be careful – you must never call it “The Jewish Lobby”, that’s not PC, even though the implication (to the masses overhearing you) is crystal clear.

    If you are a government subsidized news giant and following the steps above, you are immediately considered “progressive” and doubleplusgood.

    Of course these modern heroes would never dare speak out against Islamists for fear of real persecution, fatwas and death threats.

    Nor, would they ever consider the fact that more Isrealis would listen to them and their (to a certain extent legitimate claims) if they weren’t so biased and preposterous.

    But, it is not really about the (real – not exaggerated) plight of the Palestinians, now is it?
    It is about the boys’ pissing contest of who is more progressive and outrageous.


  28. deegee says:

    Alan | 25.12.07 – 8:51 am
    They all appeared on Haaretz’s English site 3-6 hours before they appear at BBC (sometime attributed and sometimes not).

    Newspapers in Israel
    Maariv Hebrew
    circulation 160,000-270,000
    Yedioth Ahronoth Hebrew
    circulation 300,000-600,000
    Jerusalem Post English, French
    circulation 30,000
    Ha’aretz Hebrew, English
    circulation 65,000-75,000
    The English edition is subscribed to by 15,000 readers (though many more readers are only website visitors).

    I won’t claim that circulation is a necessary sign that a newspaper reflects public opinion but I believe that is often a reasonable assertion. The BBC quotes from Ha’aretz rather than Ma’ariv, Yedioth Aharanoth or the right-leaning Jerusalem Post for the same reason it quotes the Guardian or the Observer rather than the immensely larger Sun or Daily Mail.

    Firstly, Ha’aretz, left-wing, and self described elitist, reflects the world view of the BBC. Secondly, quoting from Hebrew papers requires more than cut-and-paste. BBC reporters never think it important to learn more of the language of the countries they live and work in, often for several years, than is needed to say, “Boy, bring me a gin and bitter lemon, chop-chop”.


  29. Alan says:


    “BBC reporters never think it important to learn more of the language of the countries they live and work in, often for several years, than is needed to say, “Boy, bring me a gin and bitter lemon, chop-chop”.

    I think you are right — I’ve witnessed a reporter like this shouting at the Airport of another country hated by the Left (this time in eastern europe).
    The girl at the info-kiosk just didn’t understand his accent and her English was decent, the acclaimed journalist started shouting at her how she should learn some English and what a primitive country it is. Real professionalism there…


  30. Anat (Israel) says:

    I wasn’t appealing for BBC fairness. What I meant was that they abuse the notion of free speech by giving uncritical voice to non-free speech. For a western media outlet with pretence to morality this is sheer hypocrisy.

    Otherwise, I entirely agree with you.
    May I add that on the subject of the 20 year low in immigration they were actually quoting some idiotic Israeli official, concluding that “the Diaspora had less reason to leave countries of origin, while Israel was losing its appeal.” Anyone can see that this could not be true. The numbers are low only in relation to the unusal surge in immigration in the 1990s following the demise of the Soviet Union. The Israeli official surely had his own reasons for saying so, such as obtaining more government funds. But the way it is quoted by the Beeb skews the matter in an entirely different direction.

    In fact, while current immigration is roughly back to pre-1990s norm, it is more significant in that many come from Britain and especially France, that is, supposedly free countries. This is surely something the BBC should have noted but I don’t expect they will.


  31. Bryan says:

    BBC reporters never think it important to learn more of the language of the countries they live and work in, often for several years, than is needed to say, “Boy, bring me a gin and bitter lemon, chop-chop”.
    deegee | 25.12.07 – 9:55 am

    Unless it’s Arabic or Farsi. I suppose there are a few BBC hacks who know a few more words than “Inshallah.” Since the BBC’s Review of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict of a few years back found that it is pro-Israel, I’m surprised that the BBC has never established a BBC Hebrew service, comparable to its services in Arabic and Farsi. I would have thought all those pro-Israel hacks would be pushing for this and queueing for courses to polish up their Hebrew.

    Alan | 25.12.07 – 8:51 am and 9:55 am

    Though I agree with much of what you say, you’ve got Anat and Cassandra wrong. It’s neither “naive” nor “dumb” to point out to the BBC where it is failing. Granted, the BBC almost totally reflects Islamist and leftist hatred towards Israel but there are pinpricks of light in the darkness. And at times constructive criticism pierces the BBC’s rhino hide.

    I don’t see the purpose of this site as simply to berate the BBC. To be fair, we should also be encouraging the BBC when it gets it right.


  32. Alan says:


    The facts about the immigration don’t really matter, I believe that a highly bizarre article “Immigration at its lowest”, for the BBC, at least, has the following agendas:

    1. Supposed to say what a “Shitty little country” Israel really is that even Jews won’t go there anymore – (the paraphrase is of a French Ambassador to Britain some years ago).

    2. Glee over the fact that Israel is losing something, anything.

    The 2nd one has to do with their careful obfuscation of the fact that Israel is an economic and tech wonderland. Contributing to the world in science and medicine more than 1.5 billion Muslims.

    From the Islamic world’s perspective this is a very important problem, having to do with selfconfidence.
    Islamic world, with largely patriarchal upbringing, cannot easily digest the fact that the West, let alone Israel is so much more successful and powerful.

    BBC either unconsciously, by over-identifying with Islamic world (like Jeremy Bowen) or consciously to appeal and penetrate into the Muslim world market, HAS to diminish Israel’s successes.

    Their Muslim target audience simply cannot take it.

    Islamic world insecurities are more than obvious these days (Danish Cartoons, fatwas, …)

    In the case it is conscious decision to try to penetrate the Muslim world, it might not be a matter of simple market economy and competition with Al-Jazeera. (although in the US, BBC programs are filled with commercials about Qatar and Dubai)

    They believe (maybe even with a nod from the Foreign Office), that they have to reach the Muslim world — a soft-handed approach against terrorism maybe (?)

    Of course Israel is the easiest to throw into the abyss in order to endear crowds in Pakistan and Qatar.

    Kind of a postmodern, media version of Czechoslovakia being thrown to appease Germany in 39′.

    But then again. It doesn’t really matter — Europe has already been exposed to such anti-Israel bashing over the years, that it is reaching saturation.
    They cannot make people hate Israel any more then they already do.


  33. Alan says:


    “I don’t see the purpose of this site as simply to berate the BBC. To be fair, we should also be encouraging the BBC when it gets it right.”

    I agree, sorry — After the last few days with the onslaught of Israel is against Christians in Bethlehem articles, I might have wondered off to the pit of despair 🙂

    How much more can you stir old hatreds before they boil over…

    I AM now talking about real antisemitism.
    Having the dubious pleasure to have grown up in Europe, I know how thin the layer of civility over there really is — probably everywhere.

    I wonder — Aren’t the same people, BBC, Guardian et. al. that are so afraid about democracy and ethics crumbling if a terrorist suspect is held several more days without trial, not afraid at all about civility crumbling and the outbursts of antisemitism?

    By exaggerating Israel’s crimes, and pumping biased news for years, the public starts believing Israel is the biggest evil in the world today
    (they already do, according to the polls — Israel rates worse than North Korea and Iran — source BBC, of course)

    When the much more level-headed government privy to other sources of real-world information, doesn’t act against this evil, wild conspiracy theories about Jewish power are bound to rise and fill the delta between the perception and reality of Israel.


  34. David says:

    This is supposed to be a montage of political events over the year. Instead, what you actually have is a recap of the positive events with regard to Labour, and the negative regarding the Conservatives. The Labour ones serve as a timeline of Brown’s succession, while pictures two and nine remind us of criticism Cameron faced. There’s no mention of the phenominal 900+ gains at the local elections, while Abrahams is casually mentioned, and without the resignations and scandals that followed being highlighted. No mention of discs, playing politics with soldiers’ lives, BNP slogans, or anything of that ilk.

    And now, to lunch 😉


  35. Ritter says:

    Impartial reporting BBC style

    Tory MP in homelessness ‘stunt’


  36. blankfrank says:

    Strange how the Beeb keep up their snidey, stealthy, corrosive drip of anti-Christian rhetoric, yet suddenly go all warm and fuzzy towards Christianity when some hapless cleric unintentionally (or otherwise) comes out with something that is congruent with Beeb groupthink:

    Would Dr. Williams have received the same lengthy piece had he (say) told people to beware of swallowing politically-motivated and unsubstantiated propaganda like MMGW?


  37. woodentop says:

    blankfrank – what, like the coverage they gave to the Pope speaking out on AGW? (ie none).


  38. PeterUK says:

    “I dont need to know things like that I dont work for MI5 or MI6 or The CIA. But I am sure they could all find someone that does know all they need to know within 10 seconds.”

    This has nothing to do with secret agents and everything to do with demolition.The laws of physics and rules of engineering still apply irrespective of your wild conspiracy theories. There is a lengthy process which has to be undertaken in the demolition of any large structure.I won’t reiterate the process,but structures like the Trade Towers would perhaps two or three years to plan and prepare.
    Yes you do need to know these things,whilst you might regard ignorance as your shield,it simply makes you look stupid.

    “Is that the best you can do?”

    You really do not understand do you?

    “Have you ever heard of remote control?”

    Yes of course,that is why miles of igniter cord is attached to the detonators,because when the charges go BANG! shit happens.

    “My advice if you cant keep an open mind, is to look at the evidence. there is simply so much available I could not possibly go into it all now.”

    That is a lengthy euphemism for you know shit.


  39. Anonymous says:

    Police say the attack has no connection with the Labour Club

    Derby Ward Labour Club


  40. Alan says:

    Is this what passes for War Zone reporting these days? For the past 10 days Turkish forces have been pounding
    Kurds. BBC idea of Breaking News is the statement from the Turkish army:

    “Turkish forces have killed hundreds of Kurdish rebels and struck more than 200 targets in northern Iraq in the past 10 days, the Turkish military has said.”

    I guess the hotels in Kurdistan are not comfortable enough, plus there is no wireless internet… let’s wait for the press release from the Turkish army.


  41. Anat (Israel) says:

    The Turkish army is not the IDF. No real interest.


  42. towcestarian says:

    Impartial reporting BBC style:

    Tory MP in homelessness ‘stunt'”

    I had a whinge about this and it has now changed to:

    “Tory MP in homelessness sleep-out.”

    The night-shift copy writers on the BBC news site tend to be raving pinkos and often have their work “corrected” when the day staff arrive and a few of the complaints are read.


  43. IntersetedParty says:

    Look, if a Tory MP does it, and has the honesty to say it’s a stunt, it will be called a Stunt. Fair enough.
    Although I do feel that if anyone else did this, it would then be called an Awareness Raising project.


  44. Susan says:

    Merry Christmas to all, (if it’s still legal to say that in the UK!)


  45. Qasim says:

    Happy Winterval everyone – this time of year should be for celebrating diversity and the joys of living in a thriving multi-faith society in Britain. The word ‘Christmas’ is rather divisive in my opinion.


  46. PeterUK says:

    “this time of year should be for celebrating diversity and the joys of living in a thriving multi-faith society in Britain.”

    The operative words being multi-faith.
    Live and let live Qasim.


  47. Allan@Oslo says:

    As the BBC reports Cardinal Cormac Murphy/O’Connor, Archbishop of Westminster:

    “Many of these people are trying, for perfectly good reasons, to enter Britain and they need to be welcomed.

    “I understand that immigration needs to be controlled. However, sometimes they must feel like Joseph when he returned to Bethlehem after exile in Egypt, simply excluded because they are outsiders.”

    The BBC only reports that which reflects its group-think. Here, Murphy-O’Connor utters unsubstantiated and self-contradicting leftist BS, duly quoted by the BBC.


  48. PeterUK says:

    “However, sometimes they must feel like Joseph when he returned to Bethlehem after exile in Egypt, simply excluded because they are outsiders.”

    Bu of course,if Joseph was exiled and simply returning the analogy is rather poor.
    If he is talking about Joseph and Mary they had to go to Bethlehem for the census.They weren’t excluded,there were no lodgings because of the numbers of people in Bethlehem for the census.There were probably more “outsiders” than there were residents.
    I wonder if that is what the Cardinal meant?


  49. Bryan says:

    Alan | 25.12.07 – 11:45 am,

    No problem. I find I have to force myself to give the BBC the benefit of the doubt as it continues with the endless lies and propaganda.


  50. dave t says:

    “Many of these people are trying, for perfectly good reasons, to enter Britain”

    But not MOST of them….MOST of them are coming for the free money and other benefits that members of the British armed Forces are not given!

    Why do these Cardinals/Archbishops waffle such rubbish? Then again I suppose we are lucky to have a break from the usual BBC rent a gob from the Muslim Council/Association/unelected bunch of clowns of Britain.

    Dear Santa: For my list next year can you please:

    1. Sack CormacOB and promote Mario Conti in Glasgow
    2. Sack Canterbury promote York
    3. Sack Cowardly Brown promote any bugger who will listen to the British People
    4. Let me win the lottery so I can emigrate to the South Pacific!

    Thank You.

    Dave t aged 49 1/2